Digestorum libri
Ex libro XLI
Dig. 8,4,14Iulianus libro quadragensimo primo digestorum. Iter nihil prohibet sic constitui, ut quis interdiu dumtaxat eat: quod fere circa praedia urbana etiam necessarium est.
Dig. 39,1,6Iulianus libro quadragensimo primo digestorum. et ideo neque exceptiones procuratoriae opponi ei debent nec satisdare cogendus est ratam rem dominum habiturum.
Dig. 39,1,13Iulianus libro quadragensimo primo digestorum. Cum procurator opus novum nuntiat et satisdat rem ratam dominum habiturum et remissio in domini personam confertur: 1si dominus opus novum nuntiaverit intra diem, quae stipulatione ex operis novi nuntiatione interposita comprehensa esset, committitur stipulatio: si praeterita ea die dominus nuntiaret, non committitur. nam et ipsi domino, cum semel nuntiaverit, non permittitur iterum nuntiare, quamdiu stipulatio ex operis novi nuntiatione teneret. 2Si in remissione a patre eius, qui opus novum nuntiaverat, procurator interveniat, id agere praetorem oportet, ne falsus procurator absenti noceat, cum sit indignum quolibet interveniente beneficium praetoris amitti.
Julianus, Digest, Book XLI. When an agent serves notice for a discontinuance of a new work, and gives security that his principal will ratify his act, withdrawal is also granted in the name of the owner. 1If the owner serves notice for the discontinuance of a new work within a certain time, which is included in the stipulation made with reference to the notice, the stipulation will become operative; if he should serve the notice after the time has expired it will not become operative. For, after the owner has served notice once, he is not permitted to do so a second time, as long as the stipulation entered into with reference to the notice to discontinue the new work holds. 2Where an agent appears with reference to withdrawal, on the part of him who served notice for the discontinuance of a new work, the Prætor should make an investigation to prevent a false agent from prejudicing the rights of the absent party, as it would be intolerable if the benefit granted by the Prætor should be lost by the intervention of anyone else whomsoever.
Dig. 43,20,4Iulianus libro quadragensimo primo digestorum. Lucio Titio ex fonte meo ut aquam duceret, cessi: quaesitum est, an et Maevio cedere possim, ut per eundem aquae ductum aquam ducat: et si putaveris posse cedi per eundem aquae ductum duobus, quemadmodum uti debeant. respondit: sicut iter actus via pluribus cedi vel simul vel separatim potest, ita aquae ducendae ius recte cedetur. sed si inter eos, quibus aqua cessa est, non convenit, quemadmodum utantur, non erit iniquum utile iudicium reddi, sicut inter eos, ad quos usus fructus pertinet, utile communi dividundo iudicium reddi plerisque placuit.
Ad Dig. 43,20,4Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 449, Note 1.Julianus, Digest, Book XLI. I granted to Lucius Titius the privilege of conducting water from my spring. The question arose whether I could grant to Mævius the right to conduct water by the same aqueduct. If you think that this action can be granted to two persons to conduct it by the same aqueduct, how ought they to avail themselves of the right? The answer was that as a right of way can be granted to several persons conjointly, or separately; so, in like manner, the right to conduct water can legally be granted to them. If the parties do not agree among themselves, in what way shall they make use of it? It will not be inequitable to grant them a prætorian action, just as many authorities have decided that a suit of this kind can be granted in partition to several persons who are entitled to the enjoyment of an usufruct.