Digestorum libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 4,8,47Iulianus libro quarto digestorum. Si compromissum ita factum est, ut praesente utroque aut heredibus eorum arbiter sententiam dicat et alter ex litigatoribus decesserit pupillo herede relicto, non aliter videtur sententia dicta esse, nisi tutoris auctoritas interposita fuerit. 1Item si alter ex compromittentibus furere coeperit,
Julianus, Digest, Book IV. Where an agreement to arbitrate was in the following terms: “That the arbiter should make an award when both parties or their heirs were present”; and one of the litigants died, leaving a minor as his heir, it is held that the award will not be valid, unless the consent of the guardian is granted. 1The same rule will apply where one of the parties becomes insane;
Dig. 4,8,49Iulianus libro quarto digestorum. sed et interpellatur, quo minus sententiam dicat, quia nihil coram furioso fieri intellegitur. quod si furiosus curatorem habet vel habuerit adhuc litigio pendente, potest praesente curatore sententia dici. 1Arbiter adesse litigatores vel per nuntium vel epistulam iubere potest. 2Si ab altera dumtaxat parte heredis mentio comprehensa fuerit, compromissum solvetur morte cuiusque ex litigatoribus, sicut solveretur altero mortuo, si neutrius heredis persona compraehenderetur.
Julianus, Digest, Book IV. And he may even be ordered not to render one, because nothing can be legally done in the presence of an insane person. Where, however, the lunatic has a curator, or one is appointed while the case is pending, the award can be made in the presence of the curator. 1An arbiter can order the parties to appear either by a messenger, or by letter. 2Where mention is made of an heir only with reference to one of the parties, the arbitration will be abrogated by the death of either of the litigants; as would have been the case if no mention of the heir of either had been made.
Dig. 44,7,15Iulianus libro quarto digestorum. Qui cum herede egit, exceptione summotus est hac: ‘si non in ea causa tabulae testamenti sint, ut contra eas emancipato bonorum possessio dari possit’. emancipato omittente bonorum possessionem non inique postulabit creditor restitui sibi actionem adversus scriptum heredem: nam quamdiu bonorum possessio contra tabulas filio dari potest, heres quodammodo debitor non est.
Julianus, Digest, Book IV. A certain man who brought an action against an heir was barred by an exception on the ground that the will was about to be set aside for the reason that possession of the estate could be granted to an emancipated son. The said emancipated son having failed to demand possession of the estate, the creditor could very properly ask that his right of action against the appointed heir should be restored to him, for as long as the possession of the estate could be granted to the son contrary to the provisions of the will, the heir, to a certain extent, was not a debtor.