Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXXIX
Dig. 12,6,33Idem libro trigensimo nono digestorum. Si in area tua aedificassem et tu aedes possideres, condictio locum non habebit, quia nullum negotium inter nos contraheretur: nam is, qui non debitam pecuniam solverit, hoc ipso aliquid negotii gerit: cum autem aedificium in area sua ab alio positum dominus occupat, nullum negotium contrahit. sed et si is, qui in aliena area aedificasset, ipse possessionem tradidisset, condictionem non habebit, quia nihil accipientis faceret, sed suam rem dominus habere incipiat. et ideo constat, si quis, cum existimaret se heredem esse, insulam hereditariam fulsisset, nullo alio modo quam per retentionem impensas servare posse.
The Same, Digest, Book XXXIX. If I build on your unoccupied land, and you obtain possession of it afterwards, there will be no ground for an action for recovery, because no business contract was made between us; for he who pays money which is not due, by this act transacts business to a certain extent, but when the owner of land takes possession of a building erected thereon by another, no business transaction takes place; for, in fact, even if a person who built upon the land of another should himself deliver possession, he would not have a right of action for recovery, because he would not, in any respect, have transferred the property to him who received it, as the owner would merely have obtained possession of what was already his. Therefore it is established that if the party who thought himself to be an heir should prop up a house which was part of the estate, he could be reimbursed for his expenses in no other way than by retaining the property.
Dig. 29,7,3Idem libro trigensimo nono digestorum. Si quis cum testamentum nullum habebat, codicillis fideicommissa hoc modo dedit: ‘quisquis mihi heres erit bonorumve possessor, eius fidei committo’, fideicommissa praestari debent, quia pater familias, qui testamenti factionem habet et codicillos faceret, perinde haberi debet, ac si omnes heredes eius essent, ad quos legitima eius hereditas vel bonorum possessio perventura esset. 1Sed et si post codicillos factos natus quis esset proximus adgnatus vel suus heres, fideicommissum praestari debebit: intellegitur enim is quoque heres scriptus et ideo non perinde habendus est ac si rupisset hos codicillos. 2Testamento facto etiamsi codicilli in eo confirmati non essent, vires tamen ex eo capient. denique si ex testamento hereditas adita non fuisset, fideicommissum ex huiusmodi codicillis nullius momenti erit.
The Same, Digest, Book XXXIX. Where anyone who has not made a will establishes a trust, by means of a codicil, as follows: “Whoever shall be my heir, or the prætorian possessor of my estate, I leave to him as trustee,” the sums left under the trust must be paid, because the head of the household who had the power to make a will, and made a codicil, is in the same position as if all those were his heirs into whose hands the estate will come either through descent or through possession under Prætorian Law. 1Where a child is born after the execution of a codicil, and it is the next of kin, or the direct heir, it will not be obliged to pay any sums left in trust, for it is also understood to be the appointed heir, and therefore it should not be considered as having broken the codicil. 2Where a will has been made, even if a codicil should not be confirmed by it, the codicil will, nevertheless, obtain all its force and effect from the will. Again, if the estate is not entered upon by virtue of the will, a trust created by a codicil of this kind will be of no validity whatever.
Dig. 30,60Iulianus libro trigesimo nono digestorum. Quod si nulla retentione facta domum tradidisset, incerti condictio ei competet, quasi plus debito solverit.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXXIX. If the heir should have delivered the house without retaining anything, an action for the recovery of an indeterminate amount should lie in his favor, just as if he had paid more than he owed.
Dig. 30,92Iulianus libro trigesimo nono digestorum. Si fundum per fideicommissum relictum unus ex heredibus, excusso pretio secundum reditum eius fundi, mercatus sit propter aes alienum hereditarium praesente et adsignante eo, cui fideicommissum debebatur, placet non fundum, sed pretium eius restitui deberi. Marcellus notat: si fundum restituere malit heres, audiendum existimo. 1Iulianus. Si Titio pecunia legata fuerit et eius fidei commissum, ut alienum servum manumitteret, nec dominus eum vendere velit, nihilo minus legatum capiet, quia per eum non stat, quominus fideicommissum praestet: nam et si mortuus fuisset servus, a legato non summoveretur. 2Sicuti conceditur unicuique ab eo, ad quem legitima eius hereditas vel bonorum possessio perventura est, fideicommissum dare, ita et ab eo, ad quem impuberis filii legitima hereditas vel bonorum possessio perventura est, fideicommissa recte dabuntur.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXXIX. Where one of several heirs purchases a tract of land which has been left in trust, the price having been determined by the income from said land on account of the debts due from the estate; the party entitled to the land under the terms of the trust, being present, and consenting, it is settled that not the land itself, but the value of the same should be delivered. Marcellus states in a note, “If the heir should prefer to deliver the land, I think that he should be heard.” 1Julianus: Where money is bequeathed to Titius, and he is charged by a trust to manumit a slave belonging to another, and the master of said slave is unwilling to sell him; he will, nevertheless, be entitled to his legacy, because it was not his fault that the property bequeathed by the trust was not delivered. For if the slave should die, he will not be deprived of his legacy. 2Just as it is conceded that a trust can be imposed upon anyone who is entitled to an estate as the lawful heir, or to prætorian possession of it, so he who, by law, has a right to the estate of a boy under the age of puberty, or to prætorian possession of the same, can be legally charged with a trust.
Dig. 30,94Iulianus libro trigesimo nono digestorum. Plane si filium impuberem exheredaverit, fideicommissum legitimus heres praestare cogendus non erit, nisi idem et patri heres fuerit. 1Qui rogatus erat hereditatem, ex qua servus eius heres institutus erat, restituere, cum alii servum vendidisset, quaesitum est, an hereditatem restituere cogendus est is, ad quem hereditas ex emptione servi heredis scripti pervenerit. dixi conpellendum esse ad fideicommissum restituendum eum, qui servum suum heredem scriptum vendidit, cum pretium hereditatis, quam restituere rogatus est, habeat. is autem, ad quem hereditas ex emptione servi heredis scripti pervenerit, ex causa cogendus erit fideicommissum praestare, id est si dominus servi heredis scripti solvendo non erit. 2Si cui Stichus aut dama legatus esset electione legatario data et fidei eius commissum esset, ut Stichum alteri praestaret: si damam vindicare maluerit, nihilo minus Stichum ex causa fideicommissi praestare debebit. sive enim pluris est dama, compellendus est Stichum redimere, sive minoris, aeque Stichum iuste dare cogetur, cum per eum steterit, quo minus ex testamento haberet quod fideicommissum fuerit. 3Qui testamento manumittitur et neque legatum neque hereditatem capit, fideicommissum praestare cogendus non est, ac ne is quidem, qui servum legatum rogatus fuerit manumittere: is enim demum pecuniam ex causa fideicommissi praestare cogendus est, qui aliquid eiusdem generis vel similis ex testamento consequitur.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXXIX. It is clear that if a father should disinherit his son while under the age of puberty, the heir-at-law cannot be compelled to discharge the trust, unless he was also the heir of the father. 1Where a master was asked to deliver to another person an estate to which his own slave had been appointed heir, and he sold the slave; the question arose whether he into whose hands the estate came through the purchase of the slave, that was appointed heir, can be compelled to surrender it. I said that a person who sold his own slave that had been appointed heir could be compelled to discharge the trust, as he had received the price of the estate which he was asked to surrender. He, however, into whose hands the estate came through the purchase of the slave that had been appointed heir, can, after investigation, be forced to discharge the trust; that is to say, in case the original master of the slave was not solvent. 2Where Stichus, or Damas, was bequeathed to someone, and the legatee was given his choice, and he was charged to deliver Stichus to someone else; and although he may have preferred to demand Damas he will, nevertheless, be required to deliver Stichus, in accordance with the terms of the trust. Even if Damas is of greater value, he will be compelled to furnish Stichus; or if he is of less value, he will also legally be required to deliver him; since it was his fault that he did not, in accordance with the terms of the will, obtain the slave who was the object of the trust. 3Where a slave is manumitted by will, and does not receive either a legacy or the estate, he cannot be compelled to discharge a trust. Neither can he do so who is requested to manumit a slave that was bequeathed to him; for a person can only be compelled to pay money by virtue of a trust who receives something of the same kind, or similar to it, by the will.
Dig. 30,96Iulianus libro trigesimo nono digestorum. Quidam testamento vel codicillis ita legavit: ‘Aureos quadringentos Pamphilae dari volo ita ut infra scriptum est: ab Iulio actore aureos tot et in castris quos habeo tot et in numerato quos habeo tot’: post multos annos eadem voluntate manente decessit, cum omnes summae in alios usus translatae essent: quaero, an debeatur fideicommissum. respondi: vero similius est patrem familias demonstrare potius heredibus voluisse, unde aureos quadringentos sine incommodo rei familiaris contrahere possint, quam condicionem fideicommisso iniecisse, quod initio pure datum esset, et ideo quadringenti Pamphilae debebuntur. 1Quotiens lege Iulia bona vacantia ad fiscum pertinent, et legata et fideicommissa praestantur, quae praestare cogeretur heres a quo relicta erant. 2Si tibi servus legatus fuerit et petitum a te, ut Titio aliquid praestares usque ad pretium servi, deinde servus decesserit, nihil fideicommissi nomine praestare cogendus eris. 3Si scriptus ex parte heres rogatus sit praecipere pecuniam et eis quibus testamento legatum erat distribuere, id quod sub condicione legatum est tunc praecipere debebit, cum condicio exstiterit: interim aut ei aut his quibus legatum est satisdari oportet. 4Cui statuliber pecuniam dare iussus est, is rogari potest, ut eandem pecuniam alicui restituat: nam cum possit testator codicillis pure libertatem dare et hoc modo condicionem exstinguere, cur non etiam per fideicommissum eandem pecuniam adimendi potestatem habeat?
Julianus, Digest, Book XXXIX. A certain individual made the following bequest in his will, or codicil: “I desire forty aurei to be paid to Pamphila, as is hereinafter stated; so many of which are due to me from Julius; and so many which I have invested in camp equipage; and so many which I have in cash.” The testator died several years afterwards being still of the same mind, but all the sums which he mentioned had been employed for other purposes. I ask whether the trust must be discharged. I answered that it was very probable that the testator had intended rather to point out to his heirs where they could readily obtain forty aurei, without interfering with the remainder of his estate, than to have inserted a condition in a trust which in the beginning had been absolute; and therefore that Pamphila was entitled to the forty aurei. 1Whenever property without an owner reverts to the Treasury under the Julian Law, the legacies and trusts which the heir, to whom they were left, was compelled to pay and discharge, must be paid and discharged by the Treasury. 2If a slave is bequeathed to you, and you are requested “To deliver to Titius property equal to the value of the slave,” and then the slave should die, you will not be compelled to deliver anything by reason of the trust. 3Where an heir appointed for a certain share of an estate is charged, as follows: “Take a certain sum as a preferred legacy, and distribute it among those who have received legacies by the will,” he must take in this manner what was conditionally bequeathed, after the condition has been complied with, and, in the meantime, he will be required to give security either to the heir, or to the parties to whom the conditional legacies have been left. 4Where a slave, who is to be free under a certain condition, is ordered to pay money to someone, he who is entitled to it can be requested to deliver the said money to another party. For, as the testator can grant freedom to his slave absolutely, by means of a codicil, and in this way dispose of the condition, why should he not have the power to take away the same money by means of a trust?
Dig. 34,3,12Idem libro trigesimo nono digestorum. Lucius Titius cum Erotem actorem haberet, codicillis ita cavit: ‘Erotem liberum esse volo: quem rationes reddere volo eius temporis, quod erit post novissimam meam subscriptionem’. postea vivus Erotem manumisit in eodem actu habuit rationesque subscripsit usque in eum diem, qui fuit ante paucissimos dies quam moreretur. heredes Lucii Titii dicunt quasdam summas et servum adhuc Erotem et postea liberum accepisse neque in eas rationes, quae a Lucio Titio subscriptae sunt, intulisse: quaero, an heredes ab Erote nihil exigere debent eius temporis, quo Lucius Titius subscripsit. respondi Erotem ex ea causa quae proponeretur liberationem petere non posse, nisi et hoc specialiter ei remissum est.
The Same, Digest, Book XXXIX. Lucius Titius, who employed Eros as his agent, made the following provision in his codicil, “I desire Eros to be free, and I wish him to render an account of all that he has done, during the time subsequent to my last signature.” He, afterwards, while still living, manumitted Eros, and, at the same time, the slave rendered his accounts, and the testator signed them up to that date, which was only a few days before he died. The heirs of Lucius Titius alleged that Eros had received certain sums of money, both while he was still a slave and after he became free, and did not include these in the accounts which were signed by Lucius Titius. I ask whether the heirs can collect anything from Eros for the time preceding the last signature of Lucius Titius. I answered that, according to the facts stated, Eros cannot demand his freedom, unless the sums referred to had been specifically remitted to him.
Dig. 36,1,24Iulianus libro trigensimo nono digestorum. Quotiens pater familias unum vel duos heredes coheredibus suis restituere hereditatem iubet, intellegitur easdem partes in fideicommissis facere, quas in hereditate distribuenda fecerit. sed si iubeantur hi, quibus fideicommissum datur, pecuniam numerare atque ita fideicommissa recipere, ex quantitate pecuniae, quam dare iubentur, voluntas colligenda est patris familias. nam si ex disparibus partibus heredes scripti aequas partes dare iubentur, propius est, ut viriles recipere debeant: si vero summa pecuniae dandae congruit portionibus, hereditarias portiones accipere debebunt.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXXIX. Whenever a testator orders one or two heirs to transfer his estate to their co-heirs, he is understood to have made the same division with reference to the trust which he made in the distribution of the estate. If, however, those who are charged with the execution of the trust are directed to pay a certain sum of money to the person from whom they are to receive the benefit of the trust, the intention of the testator must be ascertained from the amount of money which the parties are ordered to pay. For where heirs are appointed to unequal shares of an estate, and are directed to pay equal sums, the better opinion is, that they should receive equal amounts under the trust. But if the sum of money to be paid corresponds with the shares to which they are entitled, they shall receive proportional amounts under the trust.
Dig. 36,1,26Iulianus libro trigensimo nono digestorum. Quidam ita testamento scripserat: ‘a te, heres, peto fideique tuae committo, ut quidquid ex hereditate mea ad te pervenerit, filio meo prima quaque die aut, si prius quid ei acciderit, matri eius des reddas’. quaeritur, cum antequam adeatur hereditas puer decesserit, an fideicommissum matri debeatur. respondi, si puer, antequam dies fideicommissi cedat, decessisset, fideicommissum translatum esse ad matrem, postea autem quam dies fideicommissi cessitaaDie Großausgabe liest cedit statt cessit. si decesserit, ad heredem pueri fideicommissum pertinere. sed an ea voluntas fuit patris familias, ut, si ante restitutum fideicommissum puer decessisset, matri potius quam heredibus praestaretur, praetor aestimabit ex persona matris et ex persona heredis pueri. Marcellus: sed testatoris voluntati congruum est, quandocumque puer decesserit, sive antequam dies fideicommissi cedit sive postea, ad matrem transferri fideicommissum, si non iam puer hoc acceperit, eoque iure utimur. 1Si servo herede scripto dominus rogatus est eidem servo restituere hereditatem, cum liber esset, utile fideicommissum est. 2Si quis filium suum ex asse heredem instituit et codicillis, quos post mortem filii aperiri iussit, fidei eius commisit, ut, si sine liberis decesserit, hereditatem suam sorori suae restitueret, et filius cum sciret, quod in codicillis scriptum esset, Stichum servum hereditarium testamento suo liberum esse iussit: heredes filii pretium eius servi sorori defuncti praestare debent libertate favore sui servata. hoc amplius et si ignorasset filius codicillos a patre factos, nihilo minus heredes eius pretium praestare debebunt, ne factum cuiusquam alteri damnum adferat. 3Sed et si servus iste a Sempronio heres institutus sit eamque hereditatem, posteaquam ex testamento fratris ad libertatem pervenerat, adierit, hereditatis quoque aestimationem heredes fratris sorori eius praestare debent, quia, si manumissus non esset, iussu mulieris adire eam potuisset. si vero vivente filio Sempronius decesserit, hereditas in causa fideicommissi non deduceretur: quippe ab ipso filio adire iussus hereditatem ei adquireret.
Julianus, Digest, Book IX. A certain person made the following provision in his will: “My heir, I ask and charge you to transfer to my son whatever comes into your hands out of my estate, upon the first day; or if anything should happen to him before that time, I request you to deliver it to his mother.” The question arises if the boy should die before the estate is entered upon, whether his mother would be entitled to the benefit of the trust. I answered that if the boy should die before the time arrived for the execution of the trust, it would be transferred to his mother; but if he should die after the day for its execution arrived, the heir of the boy would be entitled to the benefit of the trust. But, in order to ascertain the intention of the testator, namely, whether if the boy should die before the delivery of the property under the trust, it would be transferred to the mother rather than to the heirs, the Prætor must take into consideration the person of the mother as well as that of the heir of the boy. Marcellus: It is, however, more in conformity with the will of the testator to hold that whenever the boy dies, whether he dies before the day for the execution of the trust, or afterwards, the trust will be transferred to his mother, if he should not already have received it. This is the rule which we now make use of. 1Where a slave is appointed heir, and his master is charged to deliver the estate to the slave when he shall become free, the trust is valid. 2When anyone appoints his son heir to his entire estate, and, by a codicil which he directed to be opened after the death of his son, he charges him to transfer his estate to his sister if he should die without issue, and the son, being aware of the contents of the codicil, directed by his will that the slave Stichus, who belonged to the estate of his father, should be free, the heirs of the son must pay the value of the slave to the sister of the deceased, for his freedom cannot be lost by means of a favor. Moreover, even if the son should not be aware that his father had made a codicil, his heirs will, nevertheless, be obliged to pay the value of the slave, in order that the act of one may not injure another. 3Ad Dig. 36,1,26,3Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 647, Note 11.If, however, this slave was appointed an heir by Sempronius, and after he had obtained his freedom, entered upon the same estate by the will of the brother, the heirs of the latter must also pay his sister the appraised value of the estate; because if the slave had not been manumitted, he could enter upon the estate by order of the woman. But if Sempronius should die during the lifetime of the son, deduction of the estate on account of the trust shall be made, since the slave, having been ordered to accept the estate by the son himself, will acquire it.