Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXXV
Dig. 2,14,55Iulianus libro trigensimo quinto digestorum. Si debitor sit fructuarius et paciscatur servus, in quo usum fructum habet, ne ab eo petatur: paciscendo meliorem condicionem eius facit. item si creditor esset fructuarius et pactus esset, ne peteret, servus autem fructuarius pacisceretur, ut peteret: beneficio pacti, quod servus interposuisset, utiliter ad petitionem admittetur.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXXV. Where a debtor has an usufruct in a slave, and the slave in whom he enjoys said usufruct makes an agreement that suit shall not be brought against the debtor, by doing so he improves the condition of the latter. Likewise, if a creditor possesses such an usufruct, and agrees not to bring suit, and the slave then agrees that the creditor may do so, the creditor, by virtue of the agreement made by the slave, can properly claim the right to bring an action.
Dig. 4,6,41Iulianus libro trigensimo quinto digestorum. Si quis Titio legaverit, si mortis suae tempore in Italia esset, aut in annos singulos, quod in Italia esset, et ei succursum fuerit, quia ob id, quod rei publicae causa afuit, exclusus fuerit a legato: fideicommissum ab eo relictum praestare cogitur. Marcellus notat: quis enim dubitabit salva legatorum et fideicommissorum causa militi restitui hereditatem, quam ob id perdidit, quod rei publicae causa afuit?
Julianus, Digest, Book XXXV. Where a person bequeathed a legacy to Titius, provided that, at the time of the testator’s death, the former should be in Italy, or he leaves it payable each year, as long as he remains in Italy; and the legatee obtains relief on the ground that he was excluded from the legacy because he was absent on public business, he is compelled to carry out any trust with which he was charged. Marcellus asks in a note, where an estate is restored to a soldier which he had lost because he was absent in the service of the State, whether any one can doubt that the right to legacies and trusts will not be impaired?
Dig. 7,1,34Iulianus libro trigensimo quinto digestorum. Quotiens duobus usus fructus legatur ita, ut alternis annis utantur fruantur, si quidem ita legatus fuerit ‘Titio et Maevio’, potest dici priori Titio, deinde Maevio legatum datum. si vero duo eiusdem nominis fuerint et ita scriptum fuerit ‘Titiis usum fructum alternis annis do’: nisi consenserint, uter eorum prior utatur, invicem sibi impedient. quod si Titius eo anno, quo frueretur, proprietatem accepisset, interim legatum non habebit, sed ad Maevium alternis annis usus fructus pertinebit: et si Titius proprietatem alienasset, habebit eum usum fructum, quia et si sub condicione usus fructus mihi legatus fuerit et interim proprietatem ab herede accepero, pendente autem condicione eandem alienavero, ad legatum admittar. 1Si colono tuo usum fructum fundi legaveris, usum fructum vindicabit et cum herede tuo aget ex conducto et consequetur, ut neque mercedes praestet et impensas, quas in culturam fecerat, recipiat. 2Universorum bonorum an singularum rerum usus fructus legetur, hactenus interesse puto, quod, si aedes incensae fuerint, usus fructus specialiter aedium legatus peti non potest, bonorum autem usu fructu legato areae usus fructus peti poterit: quoniam qui bonorum suorum usum fructum legat, non solum eorum, quae in specie sunt, sed et substantiae omnis usum fructum legare videtur: in substantia autem bonorum etiam area est.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXXV. Whenever an usufruct is bequeathed to two persons in such terms that “they are to use and enjoy the same during alternate years”; as if, for instance, the bequest had been made to “Titius and Mævius”; it can be said that it was made for the first year to Titius, and for the second to Mævius. Where, however, there are two parties of the same name, and the terms of the bequest are as follows: “I give the usufruct to the two Titii, for alternate years”; unless both of them agree which one shall have the use of it first, they will interfere with one another. But if Titius acquires the ownership during a year in which he enjoyed the usufruct, he will not have the bequest in the meantime, but the usufruct will belong to Mævius for alternate years; and if Titius alienates the property, he will still be entitled to his usufruct; because, even if the usufruct was bequeathed to me under some condition, and, in the meantime, I acquired the ownership from the heir but while the condition was still unfulfilled, I alienated the property, I should be permitted to obtain the legacy. 1If you bequeath the usufruct of a tract of land to your tenant, he can bring an action to recover said usufruct, and he can bring suit against your heir on the ground of the lease; by which means he will avoid paying rent, and will recover the expenses which he incurred by cultivating the land. 2With reference to the point whether the usufruct of an entire estate or that of certain articles is bequeathed, I think that it is applicable where, if a house is burned down, an action for the usufruct of it—if it be the object of a special bequest—cannot be brought; but where the usufruct of the entire property was left, an action for the usufruct of the ground will lie; since anyone who bequeaths the usufruct of his property is held to include not only that of things of a certain kind which are there, but also that of his entire possessions, and the ground on which the house stood is a part of these.
Dig. 7,2,4Iulianus libro trigensimo quinto digestorum. Si tibi proprietas fundi legata fuerit, mihi autem et Maevio et tibi eiusdem fundi usus fructus, habebimus ego et Maevius trientes in usu fructu, unus triens proprietate miscebitur. sive autem ego sive Maevius capite minuti fuerimus, triens inter te et alterutrum nostrum dividetur, ita ut semissem in usu fructu habeat is, qui ex nobis capite minutus non fuerat, ad te proprietas cum parte dimidia usus fructus pertineat:
Julianus, Digest, Book XXXV. Where the mere property in an estate is bequeathed to you, and the usufruct of the same estate to me and Mævius, you, Mævius, and I will each have a third part of the usufruct, and the other third part will be merged in the property. But if either I or Mævius should lose our civil rights, a third part will be divided between you and one or the other of us, so that the one who has not lost his civil rights will have half the usufruct, and the property along with the remaining half of the usufruct will belong to you.
Dig. 7,4,7Iulianus libro trigensimo quinto digestorum. nisi sublato aedificio usum fructum areae mihi cesserit, tempore scilicet quo usus fructus perit transacto.
Dig. 7,4,17Iulianus libro tricensimo quinto digestorum. Si tibi fundi usus fructus pure, proprietas autem sub condicione Titio legata fuerit, pendente condicione dominium proprietatis adquisieris, deinde condicio extiterit, pleno iure fundum Titius habebit neque interest, quod detracto usu fructu proprietas legata sit: enim dum proprietatem adquiris, ius omne legati usus fructus amisisti.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXXV. Where the usufruct of land is bequeathed to you absolutely, and the mere ownership of the same is bequeathed to Titius conditionally, while the condition is unfulfilled you acquire the mere right of ownership, and after the condition has been complied with, Titius will be entitled to the land without any restriction; and it makes no difference that the property was bequeathed after the usufruct had been reserved, because when you acquired it you lost all the right to the legacy of the usufruct.
Dig. 7,5,6Iulianus libro trigensimo quinto digestorum. Si tibi decem milia legata fuerint, mihi eorundem decem milium usus fructus, fient quidem tua tota decem milia: sed mihi quinque numerari debebunt ita, ut tibi caveam tempore mortis meae aut capitis deminutionis restitutum iri. nam et si fundus tibi legatus fuisset et mihi eiusdem fundi usus fructus, haberes tu quidem totius fundi proprietatem, sed partem cum usu fructu, partem sine usu fructu, et non heredi, sed tibi caverem boni viri arbitratu. 1Sed si duobus eorundem decem milium usus fructus legatus fuerit, quina milia accipient et invicem et heredi satisdabunt.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXXV. If ten thousand aurei are bequeathed to you and the usufruct of the same ten thousand to me, the entire ten thousand will belong to you; but five thousand must be paid to me on condition that I give security to you that, “At the time of my death or loss of civil rights, they will be delivered to you”; for, if a tract of land is devised to you, and the usufruct of the same land to me, you would, indeed, have the ownership of the entire tract, but you would have part of it together with the usufruct, and part of it without, and I should give security which would be approved by a good citizen to you and not to the heir. 1But where the usufruct of the same ten thousand aurei is bequeathed to two persons, they will each receive five thousand, and must give security to one another and also to the heir.
Dig. 7,6,4Idem libro trigensimo quinto digestorum. Fundus detracto usu fructu legatus est Titio et eiusdem fundi usus fructus Sempronio sub condicione: dixi interim cum proprietate usum fructum esse, licet placeat, cum detracto usu fructu fundus legatur, apud heredem usum fructum esse: quia pater familias cum detracto usu fructu fundum legat et alii usum fructum sub condicione, non hoc agit, ut apud heredem usus fructus remaneat.
The Same, Digest, Book XXXV. A tract of land was bequeathed to Titius, the usufruct having been reserved, and the usufruct of the same land was bequeathed to Sempronius, under a certain condition. I said that, in the meantime, the usufruct was united with the property, although it is settled that when land is bequeathed with reservation of the usufruct the usufruct remains with the heir, because when a testator bequeaths land with reservation of the usufruct, and the usufruct of the same to another under some condition, he does not do so intending that the usufruct shall remain with the heir.
Dig. 35,1,22Idem libro trigesimo quinto digestorum. Quotiens sub condicione mulieri legatur ‘si non nubserit’ et eiusdem fidei commissum sit, ut Titio restituat, si nubat, commode statuitur et si nubserit, legatum eam petere posse et non esse cogendam fideicommissum praestare.
The Same, Digest, Book XXXV. Whenever a bequest is made to a wife under the condition that she will not marry, and she is charged to deliver the property bequeathed to Titius if she should marry, it has been well established that if she marries she can claim the legacy, and will not be compelled to execute the trust.
Dig. 36,2,16Iulianus libro trigensimo quinto digestorum. Cum ita legatum est: ‘Stichum vel quod ex Pamphila natum erit heres meus dato’, non ante legati eius cedet, quam aliquid ex Pamphila natum fuerit aut certum fuerit nasci non posse. 1Cum servo legato, antequam hereditas eius qui legaverat adiretur, usus fructus ab alio legatus fuerit et prior hereditas eius, qui usum fructum legaverit, adita fuerit: nulla ratio est, cur diem legati cedere existimemus, antequam ea quoque hereditas, ex qua servus legatus erat, adeatur, cum neque in praesentia ullum emolumentum hereditati adquiratur et, si interim servus mortuus fuerit, legatum extinguatur. quare adita hereditate existimandum est usum fructum ad eum, cuius servus legatus esset, pertinere. 2Quod si servus, cui usus fructus legatus fuerit, ipse legatus non fuerit, dicendum est usum fructum ad hereditatem pertinere, eo quod dies eius ante aditam hereditatem non cesserit.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXXV. Where a legacy is bequeathed in the following terms, “Let my heir give Stichus, or any children born to Pamphila,” the legacy will not be payable before the day when Pamphila has a child, or at a time when it will be certain that a child will not be born to her. 1Where an usufruct is bequeathed by anyone to a slave, who was himself bequeathed by his master before the estate of the latter has been entered upon, and also before the estate of him who left the usufruct has been accepted, we think that there is no reason why the legacy should begin to take effect before the estate to which the slave who was bequeathed belonged is entered upon, as no advantage will at present accrue to the estate, and if in the meantime the slave should die, the legacy will be extinguished. Therefore, it must be held that as soon as the estate has been entered upon, the usufruct must be considered to belong to the person whose slave was bequeathed. 2If the slave to whom the usufruct was left should not himself have been bequeathed, it must be said that the usufruct will belong to the estate, because the time for it to take effect did not arrive before the estate was accepted.