Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXX
Dig. 28,5,7Iulianus libro trigesimo digestorum. Si servus communis sub condicione heres institutus vivo testatore libertatem consecutus sit, etiam pendente condicione testamentariae libertatis adire hereditatem potest. 1Item sive testator eum alienaverit sive heres post mortem testatoris, iussu domini hereditatem adibit.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXX. When a slave held in common is appointed an heir under some condition, and obtains his freedom during the lifetime of the testator, he can enter upon the estate while the condition under which he is to obtain freedom by the will, is still pending. 1Again, he will be entitled to the estate by the order of his master, even if the testator had alienated him during his lifetime, or the heir has done so after the death of the testator.
Dig. 28,5,16Iulianus libro trigesimo digestorum. nam Tertium et instituti et substituti personam sustinere, in tres partes institutum videri, in sex substitutum.
Dig. 28,5,22Iulianus libro trigesimo digestorum. et expleta quidem condicione liber heresque erit, quocumque loco libertas data fuerit: deficiente autem condicione perinde habetur, ac si libertas sine hereditate data fuerit.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXX. The condition having been fulfilled, the slave will become free and an heir; no matter in what part of the will freedom has been conferred upon him. Where, however, the condition has not been fulfilled, it is considered that freedom has been bestowed upon him without the estate.
Dig. 28,5,38Idem libro trigesimo digestorum. Qui filio impuberi exheredato Pamphilum legat, eundem post mortem filii ex parte heredem instituere eodem modo potest, quo is, qui servum Sempronio legatum, eundem post mortem Sempronii ex parte heredem instituit. 1Servus testamento heres pure scriptus, liber autem iussus esse, si intra kalendas Decembres decem dedisset, si codicillis pure libertatem acceperit, intra kalendas quidem neque liber neque heres erit, nisi decem dederit: si intra kalendas non dederit, liber ex codicillis erit. 2Si quis servum suum liberum sub condicione, heredem pure scripsisset eumque vendidisset pendente condicione, iussu emptoris servus adire hereditatem potest, quia et constitit institutio et est qui ius imperandi habet. 3Quod si post defectam condicionem alienatus fuisset, non potest iussu emptoris hereditatem adire, quia eo tempore ad eum pervenisset, quo iam extincta institutio inutilis fuerat. 4Igitur cum servus sub condicione liber esse iubetur et legatum pure accepit, si pendente condicione manumissus vel alienatus fuerat, legatum habebit aut domino adquiret, quamvis mortis tempore condicio libertatis extincta fuerit: si vero post defectum condicionis manumissus aut alienatus fuerit, legatum ad irritum recidit. 5Cum venditor servum ante traditionem ab emptore pro parte heredem scriptum adire iubet, restituere coheredi servi necesse habet, quia lucrum facere eius servi iure quem vendidit non debet. plane non totum quod adquisierit restituet, sed pro ea dumtaxat parte, qua servus coheredem habuerit,
The Same, Digest, Book XXX. Where a testator bequeathed a slave named Pamphilus to his disinherited son, a minor, he can appoint the said slave heir to a portion of his estate in the same way, after the death of his son, just as anyone who bequeaths a slave to Sempronius, can appoint the said slave heir to a portion of his estate, after the death of Sempronius. 1When a slave is unconditionally appointed heir by a will, but is not directed to be free unless he pays ten aurei before the Kalends of December, and he subsequently obtains his freedom absolutely by a codicil, he will neither be free nor an heir, unless he pays the ten aurei before the Kalends of December; but if he should not do so, he will become free by reason of the codicil. 2If a testator should absolutely appoint a slave to be his heir, but should grant him his freedom under a condition and sell him while the condition was pending, the slave can enter upon the estate by order of his purchaser, because the appointment is valid, and the purchaser has a right to give the slave the order. 3When the slave has been alienated, after failure to comply with the condition has occurred, he cannot enter upon the estate by order of the purchaser, because at the time when he passed into the hands of the latter the appointment, having become void, was of no effect. 4Therefore, where a slave is directed to become free under a certain condition, and receives a legacy absolutely, and, while the condition is pending, he is either manumitted or alienated, he will be entitled to the legacy, or will obtain it for his master, even though, at the time of the death of the testator, the condition upon which his condition depended had not been fulfilled. If, however, he had been manumitted or alienated after the failure to comply with the condition had taken place, the legacy will become invalid. 5Where a vendor orders a slave, who has been appointed heir to a portion of the estate of the purchaser before his delivery to the latter, to accept the bequest, he will be required to return what he has received to the co-heir of the slave, because he should not profit by the right of the slave whom he sold. It is evident that he is not required to return everything which he received, but only the proportionate share which the slave had in common with his co-heir.
Dig. 28,5,41Iulianus libro trigesimo digestorum. Si pater familias Titium, quem ingenuum esse credebat, heredem scripserit eique, si heres non esset, Sempronium substituerit, deinde Titius, quia servus fuerat, iussu domini adierit hereditatem: potest dici Sempronium in partem hereditatis admitti. nam qui scit aliquem servum esse et eum heredem scribit et ita substituit: ‘si Stichus heres non erit, Sempronius heres esto’, intellegitur tale quod dicere: ‘si Stichus neque ipse heres erit neque alium fecerit’. at qui eum, quem liberum putat esse, heredem scripserit, hoc sermone ‘si heres non erit’ nihil aliud intellegitur significare, quam si hereditatem vel sibi non adquisierit vel mutata condicione alium heredem non fecerit, quae adiectio ad eos pertinet, qui patres familias heredes scripti postea in servitutem deducti fuerint. igitur in hoc casu semisses fient ita, ut alter semis inter eum, qui dominus instituti heredis fuerit, et substitutum aequis portionibus dividatur:
Ad Dig. 28,5,41Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 548, Note 16.Julianus, Digest, Book XXX. The head of a family appointed Titius, whom he supposed to be freeborn, his heir, and substituted Sempronius for him, if he should not be his heir; and when Titius, being a slave, entered upon the estate by order of his master, it can be held that Sempronius should be admitted to a share of the estate; because where a man knowing someone to be a slave, appoints him his heir, giving him a substitute, as follows: “If Stichus should not be my heir, let Sempronius be my heir,” it is understood that he means to say that if Stichus should not be the heir he cannot transfer the possession to anyone else. But where anyone appoints as his heir a person whom he thinks to be free, in these terms, namely, “If he should not be my heir,” he is considered to intend nothing more than that if he should acquire the estate for himself, or his condition should be changed, he cannot appoint another his heir. This addition has reference to those who are appointed heirs of the head of the family, and are afterwards reduced to slavery; therefore, in this instance, the estate will be divided into two parts, of which one-half will go to him who was the master of the slave appointed heir, and the other half to the substitute.
Dig. 28,6,19Iulianus libro trigesimo digestorum. Idem est et si post mortem legatarii servus substitutus sit.
Dig. 28,6,27Idem libro trigesimo digestorum. Si Titius coheredi suo substitutus fuerit, deinde ei Sempronius, verius puto in utramque partem Sempronium substitutum esse.
Dig. 28,7,13Iulianus libro trigesimo digestorum. Ei qui ita hereditatem vel legatum accepit ‘si decem dederit’ neque hereditas neque legatum aliter adquiri potest, quam si post impletam condicionem id egerit scriptus heres vel legatarius, per quod hereditas aut legatum adquiri solet.
Ad Dig. 28,7,13Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 643, Note 2.Julianus, Digest, Book XXX. Where anyone receives an estate or a legacy under the condition, “If he should pay ten aurei”, neither the estate nor the legacy can be acquired by him, unless, after having fulfilled the condition, he, either as heir or legatee, complies with the legal formalities by means of which an estate or a legacy is ordinarily obtained.
Dig. 29,2,43Iulianus libro trigesimo digestorum. Heres per servum hereditarium eiusdem hereditatis partem vel id, quod eiusdem hereditatis sit, adquirere non potest.