Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXVIII
Dig. 38,13,1Iulianus libro vicensimo octavo digestorum. Servo meo herede instituto dolo feci, ne testamentum mutaretur, eumque postea manumisi: quaesitum est, an actiones ei denegandae essent. respondi: hic casus verbis edicti non continetur. sed aequum est, si dominus dolo fecerit, ne testamentum mutaretur, quo servus eius heres scriptus erat, quamvis manumissus adierit hereditatem, ei denegari, cum etiam emancipato filio denegetur, si pater dolo fecerit, ne testamentum mutaretur.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXVIII. If my slave was appointed an heir, and I fraudulently prevented the testator from changing his will, and I afterwards manumitted the slave, the question arises whether actions to recover the estate should be refused to him. I answered, that this case is not included in the terms of the Edict; it is, however, but just, if the master was guilty of fraud, to prevent the will by which a slave was appointed heir from being changed; and he, even though he was manumitted, should accept the estate, the actions should be denied him, as an action is denied an emancipated son, where his father has committed fraud in order to prevent the testator from changing his will.
Dig. 38,15,4Iulianus libro vicensimo octavo digestorum. Si coheredi tuo substitutus fuisses et bonorum possessionem acceperis, quandoque coheres tuus constituerit nolle petere bonorum possessionem, tibi data tota intellegitur, coheres tuus amplius petendae bonorum possessionis facultatem non habebit. 1Filius non solum si tamquam filius, sed et si tamquam adgnatus vel tamquam cognatus ad bonorum possessionem vocatur, annuum spatium habet: sicuti pater, qui filium manumisisset, quamvis ut manumissor bonorum possessionem accipiat, tamen ad bonorum possessionem accipiendam annuum spatium habet.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXVIII. If you have been substituted for your co-heir, and you obtain possession of an estate, and your co-heir determines not to demand possession of the same, the entire possession will be understood to be given to you, and your co-heir will not even have the power of afterwards claiming possession. 1A son is entitled to the term of one year in which to demand possession, not only where he does so as a son, but where he demands it as an agnate, or a cognate; just as where a father manumits his son, and although he may demand possession of the estate, as having been manumitted, still, he will be entitled to a term of a year in which to do so.