Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXVII
Dig. 1,3,15Iulianus libro XXVII digestorum. In his, quae contra rationem iuris constituta sunt, non possumus sequi regulam iuris.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXVII. In those instances where anything has been established contrary to the principles of the law, we cannot follow this rule of law.
Dig. 29,1,20Iulianus libro vicesimo septimo digestorum. Tribunus militum si intra dies certos, quam successor eius in castra venerat, manens in castris codicillos fecerit et ibi decesserit, quoniam desinit militis loco haberi, postquam successor eius in castra venit, ideo communi iure civium Romanorum codicilli eius aestimandi sunt. 1Cum aliquis facto testamento militare coeperit, id quoque testamentum, quod ante quam militare coeperit fecerat, aliquo casu intellegitur militiae tempore factum, veluti si tabulas inciderit et legerit testamentum ac rursus suo signo signaverit, amplius si et aliquid interleverit perduxerit adiecerit emendaverit: quod si nihil bonorum inciderit, testamentum eius ad privilegia militum non pertinebit.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXVII. A military tribune made a codicil while in camp, after his successor arrived, and then died. As he ceased to occupy the position of a soldier after his successor had arrived in the camp, his codicil must be considered as having been executed under the common law governing Roman citizens. 1Where anyone, after executing a will, enters the military service, this will is also considered that of a soldier, under certain circumstances; as, for instance, if he opened the will and read it, and sealed it a second time with his seal; and still more so, if he erased part of it, defaced it, or made any additions to, or corrections in it. If, however, none of these things took place, his will will not enjoy any of the privileges attaching to the testament of a soldier.
Dig. 29,4,21Iulianus libro vicesimo septimo digestorum. Si filius meus a matre sua heres scriptus fuerit et ego testamenti causa omissa bonorum possessionem eiusdem filii nomine petiero, actio legatorum in me dari debebit non secus ac si ipse heres scriptus omissa causa testamenti bonorum possessionem ab intestato accepissem.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXVII. If my son should be appointed heir by his mother, and I, having relinquished my testamentary rights, demand possession of the estate in the name of my said son, an action in favor of the legatees should be granted against me, just as if I myself had been appointed the heir, and, having relinquished my rights under the will, had obtained possession of the property of the estate on the ground of intestacy.
Dig. 38,2,23Iulianus libro vicensimo septimo digestorum. Si libertus praeterito patrono extraneum instituerit heredem et patronus, antequam contra tabulas bonorum possessionem petierit, in adoptionem se dederit, deinde scriptus omiserit hereditatem: patronus totorum bonorum liberti possessionem ut legitimus petere potest. 1Si libertus intestato decesserit relictis patroni filio et ex altero filio duobus nepotibus, nepotes non admittentur, quamdiu filius esset, quia proximum quemque ad hereditatem liberti vocari manifestum est. 2Si autem ex duobus patronis alter unum filium, alter duos reliquisset, dixi viriles inter eos partes fieri.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXVII. If a freedman should pass over his patron in his will and appoint a foreign heir, and his patron should give himself in adoption before demanding prætorian possession in opposition to the terms of the will, and the appointed heir should reject the estate, the patron can, then, as heir at law, demand possession of the entire estate of the freedman. 1If a freedman should die intestate, and his patron should have a son and two grandsons by another son, the grandsons shall not be admitted to the succession of the freedman, as long as there is a son, because it is evident that the person who is in the nearest degree is the one who is called to the succession of the freedman. 2Moreover, if the freedman had two patrons, one of whom left a son and the other left two, I stated that the estate should be equally divided between them.
Dig. 38,6,2Iulianus libro vicensimo septimo digestorum. Emancipatus praeteritus si contra tabulas bonorum possessionem non acceperit et scripti heredes adierint hereditatem, sua culpa amittit paternam hereditatem: nam quamvis secundum tabulas bonorum possessio petita non fuerit, non tamen eum praetor tuetur, ut bonorum possessionem accipiat unde liberi. nam et patronum praeteritum, si non petat contra tabulas bonorum possessionem, ex illa parte edicti, unde legitimi vocantur, non solet tueri praetor adversus scriptos heredes.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXVII. Where an emancipated son, who was passed over, does not demand prætorian possession of the estate contrary to the provisions of the will, and the appointed heirs enter upon the estate, he will lose his father’s estate by his own fault, for although prætorian possession in accordance with the provisions of the will may not have been demanded, the Prætor still will not protect him so as to enable him to obtain prætorian possession as a descendant. The Prætor is not accustomed to protect a patron who has been passed over in the will against the appointed heirs, if he does not demand prætorian possession of the estate contrary to the provisions of the will, under that Section of the Edict which refers to heirs at law.
Dig. 38,7,1Iulianus libro vicensimo septimo digestorum. Haec verba edicti ‘tum quem ei heredem esse oporteret, si intestatus mortuus esset’ παρατατικῶς et cum quodam temporis spatio accipiuntur: non ad mortis testatoris tempus referuntur, sed ad id, quo bonorum possessio peteretur. et ideo legitimum heredem, si capite deminutus esset, ab hac bonorum possessione summoveri palam est.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXVII. The following terms of the Edict, “If he who should have been the heir of the testator dies intestate,” must be taken in their broadest sense, and understood to have reference to a certain period of time, not to the date of the testator’s death, but to that when prætorian possession of his estate is demanded. Hence, if the heir-at-law has lost his civil rights, it is clear that he can be barred from obtaining this kind of prætorian possession of the estate.
Dig. 38,7,4Iulianus libro vicensimo septimo digestorum. Si ex duobus fratribus alter decesserit testamento iure facto, dein deliberante herede alter quoque intestato decesserit et scriptus heres omiserit hereditatem, patruus legitimam hereditatem habebit: nam haec bonorum possessio ‘tum quem heredem esse oportet’ ad id tempus refertur, quo primum ab intestato bonorum possessio peti potuisset.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXVII. If one of two brothers should die after having made a will in accordance with law, and then, while his heir was deliberating with reference to accepting the estate, the other brother should die intestate, and the appointed heir should reject the inheritance, the paternal uncle of the brothers will be entitled to it as heir at law; for that kind of prætorian possession which refers to him “who should be the heir” has reference to the time when the possession of an estate can first be claimed on the ground of intestacy.
Dig. 38,8,3Iulianus libro vicensimo septimo digestorum. Capitis deminutione peremuntur cognationes, quae per adoptionem adquisitae sunt. igitur si post mortem verbi gratia fratris adoptivi intra centensimum diem adoptivus frater capite deminutus fuerit, bonorum possessionem accipere non poterit, quae proximitatis nomine fratris defertur: praetorem enim non solum mortis tempus, sed etiam id, quo bonorum possessio petitur, intueri palam est.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXVII. Rights of cognation acquired by adoption are extinguished by the loss of civil rights. Therefore, for example, if within a hundred days after the death of his adopted brother, an adopted son loses his civil rights, he cannot obtain prætorian possession of the estate of his brother, which would otherwise pass to him as being the next of kin. For it is clear that not only the time of the death, but also the time when possession of the estate was demanded, should be taken into consideration by the Prætor.
Dig. 39,6,15Idem libro vicensimo septimo digestorum. Marcellus notat: cum testamento relinquendi, cui velint, adepti sint filii familias milites liberam facultatem, credi potest ea etiam remissa, quae donationes mortis causa fieri prohibent. Paulus notat: hoc et constitutum est et ad exemplum legatorum mortis causa donationes revocatae sunt.
The Same, Digest, Book XXVII. Marcellus says that where sons under paternal control, who are serving in the army, have obtained the unrestricted right to dispose of their property by will to anyone whom they may select, it may be held that they are also released from the observance of the ordinary formalities required in the case of donations mortis causa. Paulus says, with reference to this, that it is established by the Imperial Constitutions that donations mortis causa can be revoked in the same way as legacies.