Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXVI
Dig. 29,2,41Iulianus libro vicesimo sexto digestorum. Filius, qui se paterna hereditate abstinuit, si exheredati fratris hereditati se immiscuerit et pro herede gesserit, poterit ex substitutione hereditatem optinere.
Dig. 38,2,11Iulianus libro vicensimo sexto digestorum. Quod si pater meus a patre suo sit exheredatus, ego neque a patre meo neque ab avo, mortuo quidem patre et adversus avitos et adversus paternos libertos ius habebo, vivente patre, quamdiu in potestate eius ero, non petam contra tabulas avitorum libertorum bonorum possessionem, emancipatus non summovebor.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXVI. If, however, my father was disinherited by his father, and I have been disinherited neither by my father nor my grandfather, and my grandfather should die, I will be entitled to the rights over the freedmen of both my grandfather and my father. But I cannot, during the lifetime of my father and as long as I remain under his control, demand prætorian possession of the estates of the freedmen of my grandfather; but if I have been emancipated, I will not be prevented from doing so.
Dig. 38,2,13Iulianus libro vicensimo sexto digestorum. Filius patroni exheredatus, quamvis nepos ex eo heres scriptus fuerit, bonorum possessionem contra tabulas paternorum libertorum accipere non potest: licet enim necessarius existat patri suo, non per semetipsum, sed per alium ad hereditatem admittitur. et certe constat: si emancipatus filius exheredatus fuerit et servus eius heres scriptus, etsi iusserit servo hereditatem adire et ita patri suo heres extiterit, non habebit contra tabulas paternorum libertorum bonorum possessionem.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXVI. The disinherited son of a patron, even though his own son has been appointed heir by the latter, cannot obtain prætorian possession of the estates of his father’s freedmen in opposition to the terms of the will; for although he may be the necessary heir of his father, he is not admitted to the succession by himself, but through another. And it has been positively decided that if an emancipated son is disinherited and his slave is appointed the heir, and he orders his slave to enter upon the estate, and in this way he becomes the heir of his father, he will not be entitled to prætorian possession of the estates of the freedmen of his father, contrary to the provisions of the will.
Dig. 38,2,21Idem libro vicensimo sexto digestorum. Ex tribus patronis uno cessante bonorum possessionem petere duo aequas partes habebunt.
Dig. 38,5,6Iulianus libro vicensimo sexto digestorum. Si libertus, cum fraudare patronum vellet, filio familias contra senatus consultum pecuniam crediderit, non erit inhibenda actio Faviana, quia libertus donasse magis in hunc casum intellegendus est in fraudem patroni quam contra senatus consultum credidisse.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXVI. Where a freedman, with the intention of defrauding his patron, and in violation of the Decree of the Senate, lends money to a son under paternal control, the Favian Action will not be granted him; because, in this instance, the freedman should be understood to have rather donated the property for the purpose of defrauding his patron than to have left the money in violation of the Decree of the Senate.
Dig. 38,5,8Iulianus libro vicensimo sexto digestorum. Sed si minori quam viginti quinque annis natu filio familias crediderit, causa cognita ei succurri debet.