Digestorum libri
Ex libro XXV
Dig. 18,4,19Idem libro vicesimo quinto digestorum. Multum interest, sub condicione aliqua obligatio veneat an, cum ipsa obligatio sub condicione sit, pure veneat. priore casu deficiente condicione nullam esse venditionem, posteriore statim venditionem consistere: nam si Titius tibi decem sub condicione debeat et ego abs te nomen eius emam, confestim ex empto vendito agere potero, ut acceptum ei facias.
The Same, Digest, Book XXV. It makes a great deal of difference whether a claim is sold under some condition, or whether the obligation is incurred under a condition and the sale is absolute. In the first instance, if the condition is not fulfilled, the sale is void; in the second, the sale is made as soon as contracted; for, if Titius owes you ten aurei under some condition, and I purchase his note from you, I can immediately bring an action on sale to compel you to release him.
Dig. 35,1,106Iulianus libro vicesimo quinto digestorum. Hoc genus legati ‘si Titio non nubserit’ perinde habendum est, ac si post mortem Titii legatum fuisset, et ideo nec Muciana satisdatione interposita capere legatum potest. sed et alii nubendo nihilo minus legatum consequitur.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXV. When a legacy is bequeathed under the condition, “If she should not marry Titius,” it must be considered just as if it had been bequeathed after the death of Titius; and therefore the legatee will be entitled to it without furnishing the Mucian bond. The woman will have a right to the legacy, even if she should marry someone else.
Dig. 38,2,20Iulianus libro vicensimo quinto digestorum. Libertus sub condicione iurisiurandi, quam praetor remittere solet, patronum instituit heredem: non puto dubitandum, quin a bonorum possessione submoveatur: verum est enim eum heredem factum. 1Si Titio legatum fuisset eiusque fidei commissum, ut patrono restitueret, denegatur legatorum actio Titio, si patrono pro debita parte a scripto herede fuerit satisfactum. 2Libertus patronum et extraneum coniunctim ex parte dimidia heredem scripsit: quadrans, ex quo institutus erat patronus, totus ipsi imputari debebit, residuum ex debita sibi parte omnibus heredibus pro portione cuiusque aufert. 3Idem servari conveniet in legato, quod patrono coniunctim et Titio datum fuerit, ut pars legati in portionem debitam patrono imputetur, ex reliqua parte tantum Titio detrahatur, quantum ab herede, pro rata portione. 4Si libertinus filium emancipatum sub condicione heredem instituerit et deficiente condicione substitutus adierit, quaero, utrum patrono adversus substitutum in partem debitam praetor an emancipato filio in totam hereditatem succurrere debeat. respondi, cum pater filium sub condicione primo gradu heredem instituit, si deficiente condicione, sub qua filius heres institutus est, ad secundum gradum hereditas pertinet vel adhuc pendente condicione filius decesserit, patrono partis debitae bonorum possessionem adversus substitutum competere. idemque est et si filius vel non petierit bonorum possessionem tempore exclusus vel repudiaverit. si vero deficiente condicione hereditas ad filium pertineat, emancipatum potius tuebitur praetor adversus substitutum. existimo autem, quotiens sub condicione heres filius scribitur, alias necessariam esse exheredationem a substitutis, alias supervacuam: nam si id genus condicionis fuerit, quae in potestate filii esset, veluti ‘cum testamentum fecerit’, puto etiam omissa condicione filium locum substitutis facere: si vero condicio non fuerit in potestate filii, veluti ‘si Titius consul factus fuerit’, tunc substitutus non admittitur, nisi filius ab eo nominatim exheredatus fuerit. 5Si libertus filium emancipatum heredem instituerit eiusque fidei commiserit, ut totam hereditatem Sempronio restitueret, et filius, cum suspectam sibi hereditatem diceret, iussu praetoris adierit eam et Sempronio restituerit: non inique patrono bonorum possessio partis debitae dabitur, perinde ac si non filius, sed is cui hereditas restituta est liberto heres exstitisset. 6Item cum filius hereditatem liberti patris omiserit et coheres eius totius hereditatis onus susceperit, danda erit patrono bonorum possessio. utroque enim casu non filio, sed extraneo pars eripitur.
Julianus, Digest, Book XXV. A freedman appointed his patron his heir, under the condition of his being sworn (which condition the Prætor is accustomed to remit), and I do not think that there is any doubt that the patron will be excluded from prætorian possession of the estate, as it is true that he has been appointed heir. 1Where a legacy was left to Titius, and he was charged to transfer it to his patron, an action to recover the legacy should be denied to Titius, if the amount to which the patron is legally entitled has been paid to him by the appointed heir. 2A freedman appointed his patron and a stranger joint heirs to half of his estate. The fourth to which the patron was appointed heir should, all of it, be credited to him on his legal share, and the remainder which is due on said share should be deducted pro rata from the shares of all the other heirs. 3The same rule should be observed with reference to a legacy bequeathed to the patron and Titius conjointly; so that a part of the legacy may be credited upon the share due to the patron, and as much should be deducted from the share of Titius, proportionally, as that which ought to be deducted from the portion of the heir. 4Where a freedman appoints his emancipated son his heir under a certain condition, and the condition having failed, his substitute enters upon the estate, I ask whether the Prætor should give the patron possession of the share to which he was entitled against the substitute, or whether he should come to the relief of the emancipated son with reference to the entire estate. The answer was that, as the father had appointed his son his heir in the first degree conditionally, and the condition under which he was appointed had failed to be fulfilled, the estate will belong to the second degree; or if the son should die while the condition is still pending, the patron will acquire possession of the estate to the amount to which he was entitled by law, as against the substitute. The same rule will apply where the son does not obtain possession of the estate through having been excluded by lapse of time, or because of his rejecting it. Therefore, if the condition should fail to be fulfilled, the estate will belong to the son, and the Prætor will, in preference, protect the emancipated son against the substitute. Moreover, I think whenever a son is appointed an heir conditionally, that, in some instances, disinheritance is necessary with reference to the substitution, and in others it is superfluous. For if the condition should be of such a nature that it is in the power of the son to comply with it; for instance, if it was that he should make a will, I hold that if the condition was not fulfilled, the son must give way to the substitute. If, however, the condition was such that it was not in the power of the son to comply with it, for instance, if it was that Titius should become Consul, then the substitute ought not to be admitted to the succession, unless the son had been specifically disinherited. 5If a freedman should appoint his emancipated son his heir, and charge him to deliver the entire estate to Sempronius, and the son should allege that he suspected the estate of being insolvent, but should enter upon the same by order of the Prætor and transfer it to Sempronius, possession of the share of the estate to which he was entitled will, very properly, be granted to the patron, just as if not the son, but he to whom the estate was transferred, had been the heir of the freedman. 6Moreover, if the son should reject the inheritance of his father’s freedman, and his co-heir should assume all the burdens of the estate, prætorian possession must be granted to the patron; for, in either event, the share of the latter is not taken from that of the son, but from that of the stranger.