Digestorum libri
Ex libro XIX
Dig. 25,2,22Iulianus libro nono decimo digestorum. Si propter res amotas egero cum muliere et lis aestimata sit, an actio ei danda sit, si amiserit possessionem? movet me, quia dolo adquisiit possessionem. respondi: qui litis aestimationem suffert, emptoris loco habendus est. ideo si mulier, cum qua rerum amotarum actum est, aestimationem litis praestiterit, adversus vindicantem maritum vel heredem mariti exceptionem habet et, si amiserit possessionem, in rem actio ei danda est. 1Si mulier mortis causa res amoverit, deinde mortuus esset maritus, hereditatis petitione vel actione ad exhibendum consequi poterit heres id quod amotum est.
Julianus, Digest, Book XIX. If a man brings an action against his wife on the ground of property wrongfully appropriated by her, and the valuation of the same is made in court, and the amount is paid, will she be entitled to bring suit to recover possession of the property, if she has lost it? A difficulty arises here, because she obtained possession by fraud. I answered that where anyone pays the amount of the appraisement of the property in court, he should be considered to occupy the position of a purchaser. Therefore, if the woman, against whom an action has been brought on the ground of property wrongfully appropriated, pays the appraised value of the same in court, she will be entitled to an exception against the husband, or his heir, if either should bring suit to recover the said property; and if she has lost possession of the same, a real action should be granted her. 1Where a woman wrongfully appropriated property in anticipation of the death of her husband, and he then dies, the heir can recover whatever had been appropriated by an action for the estate, or by one for the production of property in court.
Dig. 25,3,2Iulianus libro nono decimo digestorum. in omnibus causis (quare et fratribus consanguineus erit):