Digestorum libri
Ex libro XVIII
Dig. 12,1,20Idem libro octavo decimo digestorum. Si tibi pecuniam donassem, ut tu mihi eandem crederes, an credita fieret? dixi in huiusmodi propositionibus non propriis verbis nos uti, nam talem contractum neque donationem esse neque pecuniam creditam: donationem non esse, quia non ea mente pecunia daretur, ut omnimodo penes accipientem maneret: creditam non esse, quia exsolvendi causa magis daretur, quam alterius obligandi. igitur si is, qui pecuniam hac condicione accepit, ut mihi in creditum daret, acceptam dederit, non fore creditam: magis enim meum accepisse intellegi debeo. sed haec intellegenda sunt propter suptilitatem verborum: benignius tamen est utrumque valere.
The Same, Digest, Book XVIII. Where I give you money in order that you may lend me the same money, is a loan made? I said in reply that, in instances of this kind, we do not use correct words, as such a contract is neither a donation nor a loan; it is not a donation, because the money is not given with the intention that it shall remain absolutely in the hands of the receiver; and it is not a loan because it is paid rather for the purpose of avoiding a debt than of making another party liable. Therefore, if a party who received money from me under the condition that he should lend it to me, and he does pay me the money which he receives, this will not be a loan, for I shall rather be considered to have received what already belonged to me. It must be understood in this way in order that the strict signification of the terms may be preserved; however the more liberal construction is that both transactions are valid.
Dig. 23,3,47Idem libro octavo decimo digestorum. Si servo in dotem ante nuptias dato donatum aliquid vel legatum ante nuptias fuisset, ampliatur dos, sicut ex fructibus fundi, qui ante nuptias traditus est.
The Same, Digest, Book XVIII. Where a slave bestowed by way of dowry before marriage has any property which was given or bequeathed to him previously, the dowry will be increased in the same manner as in the case of the crops of a tract of land delivered before marriage.
Dig. 23,4,18Iulianus libro octavo decimo digestorum. Licet manente matrimonio non possit inter virum et uxorem conveniri, ut longiore dos reddatur, post divortium tamen si iusta causa conventionis fuerit, custodiri id pactum debet.
Julianus, Digest, Book XVIII. Although, during the continuance of the marriage, the husband and wife may be unable to agree to defer the restoration of the dowry for a longer time than is authorized by law; still, after a divorce, if there was good reason for the agreement, it should be kept.
Dig. 24,3,31Idem libro octavo decimo digestorum. Si marito publico iudicio damnato pars aliqua bonorum eius publicetur, fiscus creditoribus eius satisfacere necesse habet: inter quos uxor quoque est. 1Si pater, cum ducenta filiae suae nomine dotis gratia promississet, pactus fuerit, ne amplius quam centum a se peterentur, et soluto matrimonio egerit, centum, de quibus convenit ne peterentur, nec intelleguntur dotis esse. quod si mortuo patre cum herede eius maritus agere coeperit, ista quoque pecunia in dote erit. 2Si voluntate filiae procurator a patre datus litem de dote contestatus fuerit et re secundum eum iudicata pater decesserit, iudicati actionem filiae potius quam heredibus patris dari oportebit. 3Cum patri dos data esset et ei filius ex aliqua parte heres sub condicione institutus fuerit et pendente condicione coheredes eius dotem pro sua portione mulieri solverint: hoc minus filius ex dote praestare debebit, quoniam nullam actionem eius pecuniae reciperandae gratia adversus coheredes habet. 4Si fundum dotalem recepisset mulier non habita ratione fructuum pro portione anni, quo nupta non fuisset, nihilo minus de dote agere potest, quia minorem dotem recepisset: hoc enim ad dotis augmentum pertinet, quemadmodum si partum ancillarum non recepisset, aut legata vel hereditates, quae post divortium per servos dotales adquisitae marito fuissent.
The Same, Digest, Book XVIII. If the husband has been convicted of a criminal offence, and a part of his property is confiscated, the Treasury must pay his creditors, among whom his wife is included. 1Where a father, having promised two hundred aurei to his daughter as a dowry, agreed that no more than a hundred should be demanded of her, and the marriage having been dissolved, he brings suit for the hundred aurei, concerning which the agreement was made that they should not be claimed, they are not understood to form part of the dowry. Where, however, after the death of the father, the husband brings an action against his heir, this sum will also be included in the dowry. 2If an agent appointed by the father should bring an action for the dowry with the consent of the daughter, and the father should die after a judgment has been obtained, the right of action to enforce the judgment will vest to the daughter rather than in the heirs of the father. 3Where the dowry has been given to the father, and one of the sons of the latter has been appointed heir to a certain portion of his estate under a condition, and while the condition is pending his co-heirs pay the dowry to the woman in proportion to their respective shares, the said son will be released from liability for payment of his part of the dowry, as he will not be entitled to an action against his co-heirs for the recovery of his share of the money. 4Where a woman receives a tract of land as her dowry, but no account of the crops have been taken in proportion to the time during the year when she was not married, she can, nevertheless, bring the action, because she received by way of dowry less than she was entitled to, for this has reference to an increase of dowry; just as if she had not received the offspring of slaves, or any legacies or inheritances, which had been acquired by her husband through dotal slaves after a divorce had taken place.
Dig. 35,2,85Idem libro octavo decimo digestorum. Si dos socero data est et solus filius heres patri exstitisset, dotem confestim in computatione hereditatis et Falcidiae ratione in aere alieno deducet: aliter enim videbitur indotatam uxorem habere. quod si filius extraneum coheredem habeat, ipse quidem semper pro qua parte patri heres erit dotem in aere alieno deducet, et coheres eius, antequam dos a filio praecipiatur.
The Same, Digest, Book XVIII. Where a dowry has been given to the father of the husband, and the son alone is heir to his father, the dowry will, in the first place, be included in calculating the amount of the estate and the Falcidian portion, and will be deducted as a debt; otherwise, it would appear that the wife had no dowry. If, however, the son should have a foreign co-heir, he can always deduct as a debt of the estate that part of the dowry which he will inherit from his father, and his co-heir can also do so, before the dowry has been received by the son.
Dig. 39,6,14Iulianus libro octavo decimo digestorum. Si mortis causa donatus fundus est et in eum impensae necessariae atque utiles factae sint, fundum vindicantes doli mali exceptione summoventur, nisi pretium earum restituant.
Julianus, Digest, Book XVIII. Where a tract of land is donated mortis causa, and necessary and useful expenses are incurred with reference to it, parties bringing an action to recover the land can be barred by an exception on the ground of fraud, unless they reimburse the donee for the said expenses.