Digestorum libri
Ex libro XVII
Dig. 23,4,13Iulianus libro septimo decimo digestorum. Item si non venierit, aestimatio praestari debebit.
Dig. 23,4,21Iulianus libro septimo decimo digestorum. Si mulier dotis causa promiserit certam summam et pro ea mancipia in dotem dederit ea condicione, ut periculo eius essent et si quid ex his natum esset ad eam pertineat, stari pacto convento oportebit: nam constat posse inter uxorem et virum conveniri, ut dos, quae in pecunia numerata esset, permutaretur et transferatur in corpora, cum mulieri prodest.
Julianus, Digest, Book XVII. Where a woman promises a certain sum of money, by way of dowry, and, instead of it, gives slaves under the condition that they shall be at her risk, and if any children are born to them they shall belong to her, the agreement must be carried out; for it is settled that a contract can be made between husband and wife setting forth that a dowry consisting of a sum of money may be changed and transferred to other property, if it will be advantageous to the woman.
Dig. 24,1,4Iulianus libro septimo decimo digestorum. Idemque est et si mortis causa traditurum mihi iusserim uxori tradere, nec referre, convaluerit donator an mortuus sit. neque existimandum est, si dixerimus valere donationem, non fieri me pauperiorem, quia sive convaluerit donator, condictione tenebor, sive mortuus fuerit, rem, quam habiturus eram, in bonis meis desinam propter donationem habere.
Julianus, Digest, Book XVII. The same rule applies if I should direct a person who is about to make a donation mortis causa, to me, to make it to my wife; nor does it make any difference whether the donor recovers, or dies. Nor should it be held that, if we say that this donation is valid, I would become any the poorer, because if the donor recovers, I will be liable to a personal action; but if he dies, I will cease to have the property which otherwise would have been included among my possessions, because of my having donated it.
Dig. 24,1,37Iulianus libro septimo decimo digestorum. Si mulier dolo fecerit, ne res exstaret sibi a marito donata, vel ad exhibendum vel damni iniuriae cum ea agi poterit, maxime si post divortium id commiserit.
Dig. 39,5,1Iulianus libro septimo decimo digestorum. Donationes complures sunt. dat aliquis ea mente, ut statim velit accipientis fieri nec ullo casu ad se reverti, et propter nullam aliam causam facit, quam ut liberalitatem et munificentiam exerceat: haec proprie donatio appellatur. dat aliquis, ut tunc demum accipientis fiat, cum aliquid secutum fuerit: non proprie donatio appellabitur, sed totum hoc donatio sub condicione est. item cum quis ea mente dat, ut statim quidem faciat accipientis, si tamen aliquid factum fuerit aut non fuerit, velit ad se reverti, non proprie donatio dicitur, sed totum hoc donatio est, quae sub condicione solvatur. qualis est mortis causa donatio. 1Igitur cum dicimus inter sponsum et sponsam donationem valere, propria appellatione utimur et factum demonstramus, quod ab eo proficiscitur, qui liberalitatis gratia aliquid dat, ut confestim faciat accipientis nec umquam ullo facto ad se reverti velit. cum vero dicimus, si hac mente donat sponsus sponsae, ut nuptiis non secutis res auferatur, posse repeti, non contrarium priori dicimus, sed concedimus inter eas personas fieri donationem eam, quae sub condicione solvatur.
Julianus, Digest, Book XVII. There are several kinds of donations. A person makes a donation with the understanding that the property will at once belong to the person who receives it, and will, under no circumstances, revert to himself, and he does this for no other reason than to display his liberality and munificence. This is what is properly called a donation. Another gives something with the understanding that it will only become the property of the person who receives it, if something else takes place. This is not properly styled a donation, for it is a conditional gift. Likewise, when anyone gives something with the intention that it will immediately become the property of the person who receives it, but if something either happens, or does not happen, he wishes it to be returned to him; this is not properly called a donation, but it is merely a gift, which is dependent upon a condition; as, for instance, a donation mortis causa. 1Therefore, when we may say that a donation between betrothed persons is valid, we use the term in its correct sense, and we understand by it anything given by a person who bestows it for the sake of liberality in order that it may immediately become the property of the one who receives it, and that, under no circumstances, he desires it to be returned to him. And when we say that a man gives a donation to his betrothed with the understanding that, if the marriage should not take place, the gift may be returned, we do not contradict what was previously stated, but we mean that a donation can be made between such persons, and may become void under a certain condition.
Dig. 39,5,14Iulianus libro septimo decimo digestorum. Qui alienum fundum donationis causa excolit, nullam retentionem propter impensas faciet, quia domini res ab eo iniectas continuo efficit.
Dig. 39,6,13Iulianus libro septimo decimo digestorum. Si alienam rem mortis causa donavero eaque usucapta fuerit, verus dominus eam condicere non potest, sed ego, si convaluero. 1Marcellus notat: in mortis causa donationibus etiam facti quaestiones sunt. nam et sic potest donari, ut omnimodo ex ea valetudine donatore mortuo res non reddatur: et ut reddatur, etiamsi prior ex eadem valetudine donator decesserit, si tamen mutata voluntate restitui sibi voluerit. sed et sic donari potest, ut non aliter reddatur, quam si prior ille qui acceperit decesserit. sic quoque potest donari mortis causa, ut nullo casu sit eius repetitio, id est nec si convaluerit quidem donator.
Julianus, Digest, Book XVII. If I give property belonging to another as a donation mortis causa, and it should afterwards be acquired by usucaption, the true owner cannot recover it, but I can do so, if I regain my health. 1Marcellus says that questions of fact may arise with reference to donations mortis causa, for the donation may be made in such a way that if the donor should die of his illness, it shall not be returned; or that it shall be returned if the donor, having changed his mind, desires it to be restored to him, even if he should die of the same illness. A donation of this kind can also be made subject to the provision that it shall not be returned unless the person who is to receive it dies first. A donation mortis causa can be made in such a way that the property shall not be returned in any event; that is to say, not even if the donor should recover his health.
Dig. 50,17,63Idem libro septimo decimo digestorum. Qui sine dolo malo ad iudicium provocat, non videtur moram facere.
Ad Dig. 50,17,63ROHGE, Bd. 15 (1875), Nr. 102, S. 363, 371: Feststellung des Zeitpunkts des Verzugs mit Rücksicht auf die subjective Auffassung des Säumigen über die Sachlage.The Same, Digest, Book XVII. Anyone who, without fraudulent intent, proceeds to trial, is not held to be in default of payment.