Digestorum libri
Ex libro XVI
Dig. 12,4,7Iulianus libro sexto decimo digestorum. Qui se debere pecuniam mulieri putabat, iussu eius dotis nomine promisit sponso et solvit: nuptiae deinde non intercesserunt: quaesitum est, utrum ipse potest repetere eam pecuniam qui dedisset, an mulier. Nerva, Atilicinus responderunt, quoniam putasset quidem debere pecuniam, sed exceptione doli mali tueri se potuisset, ipsum repetiturum. sed si, cum sciret se nihil mulieri debere, promississet, mulieris esse actionem, quoniam pecunia ad eam pertineret. si autem vere debitor fuisset et ante nuptias solvisset et nuptiae secutae non fuissent, ipse possit condicere, causa debiti integra mulieri ad hoc solum manente, ut ad nihil aliud debitor compellatur, nisi ut cedat ei condicticia actione. 1Fundus dotis nomine traditus, si nuptiae insecutae non fuerint, condictione repeti potest: fructus quoque condici poterunt. idem iuris est de ancilla et partu eius.
Julianus, Digest, Book XVI. Some one who thought that he owed a certain sum of money to a woman promised her betrothed, at her request, to pay it to him as dowry, and did so; and afterwards the marriage did not take place. The question arose whether the party who paid the money could recover it, or whether the woman could do so? Nerva and Atilicinus answered that since the party thought that he owed the money, and could have defended himself by an exception based on fraudulent intent, he himself could bring suit; but if he was aware that he did not owe the woman anything, and made the promise, the woman would have the right of action because the money would belong to her. If, however, he had been actually her debtor, and had paid the money before marriage, and the marriage did not take place; he can bring an action to recover the money, and no other right of the woman to payment of the debt would remain than that the debtor could be compelled to assign to her his right of action for recovery, and would be subject to no further liability. 1Where land is conveyed by way of dowry, and the marriage does not take place, it can be recovered by a personal action, and the crops also can be sued for. The same rule applies to a female slave and her children.
Dig. 23,1,11Iulianus libro sexto decimo digestorum. Sponsalia sicut nuptiae consensu contrahentium fiunt: et ideo sicut nuptiis, ita sponsalibus filiam familias consentire oportet:
Dig. 23,2,18Iulianus libro sexto decimo digestorum. Nuptiae inter easdem personas nisi volentibus parentibus renovatae iustae non habentur.
Dig. 23,3,44Iulianus libro sexto decimo digestorum. Si pater filiae nomine dotem promisisset et eam ante nuptias emancipasset, non resolvitur promissio: nam et cum ante nuptias pater moreretur, nihilo minus heredes eius ex promissione obligati manebunt. 1Quae debitorem filium familias habet, si patri eius ita dotem promiserit: ‘quod mihi debes vel quod mihi filius tuus debet, doti tibi erunt’, non obligatur, sed efficit, ut id, quod actione de peculio servari a patre poterat, in dote sit. Marcellus. Sive igitur cum filio post hac sive cum patre agere instituerit, exceptione pacti conventi summovebitur: actione autem de dote si experietur, consequetur quod in peculio fuisse apparuerit eo tempore quo dos promittebatur: utique si post nuptias promissa dos est. nam dote ante nuptias promissa eius temporis peculium aestimari debet, quo nuptiae fierent.
Julianus, Digest, Book XVI. If a father should promise a dowry for his daughter, and emancipates her before the marriage takes place, he will not be released from his promise; for even if the father should die before the celebration of the marriage, his heirs will still remain liable on account of his promise. 1Where a woman has a son under paternal control as her debtor, and she promises a dowry to his father as follows: “What you owe me, or what your son owes me, shall be yours as my dowry,” she is not bound; but the result will be that anything that she can recover from the father in an action De Peculio will be included in her dowry. Marcellus says that if, after this, she wishes to bring an action either against the son or the father, she will be barred by an exception on the ground of a contract entered into; but if she should bring an action on dowry, she can recover whatever was found to be in the peculium when the dowry was promised, and if it was promised after the marriage took place, the appraisement of the peculium must be made at the time that the nuptials were celebrated.
Dig. 23,3,46Iulianus libro sexto decimo digestorum. Quemadmodum invito domino servus stipulatus adquirit, ita, si dotem domini nomine sibi promitti patiatur, obligatio domino adquiritur. sed neque periculum dominus praestare debebit (si forte debitor mulieris dotem promiserit) neque culpam. traditione quoque rei dotalis in persona servi vel filii familias facta dos constituitur ita, ut neque periculum nec culpam dominus aut pater praestet. igitur hanc dotem periculo mulieris esse dico, quamdiu dominus vel pater ratam promissionem vel donationem habuerit: ideoque etiam manente matrimonio res quas tradiderit condictione repetituram, item incerti condictione consecuturam, ut promissione liberetur. 1Si debitori suo mulier nuptura ita dotem promississet: ‘quod mihi debes aut fundus Sempronianus doti tibi erit’, utrum mulier vellet, id in dote erit: et si quidem debitum maluisset dotis nomine apud virum remanere, potest ea exceptione se tueri adversus petentem fundum: quod si fundum dedisset, pecuniam marito condicet. 2Pater etiamsi falso existimans se filiae debitorem esse dotem promississet, obligabitur.
Julianus, Digest, Book XVI. Just as where a slave, having made a stipulation, acquires property for his master without the consent of the latter, so an obligation will be acquired for his master, if he permits a dowry to be promised in his master’s name. The latter, however, will not be responsible for any risk, or for negligence, if the debtor of the woman promises the dowry. A dowry is also constituted by the delivery of the dotal property to a slave or a son under paternal control, but neither the master nor the father will be liable either for risk or for negligence. Therefore, I say that this dowry will be at the risk of the woman, until either the master or the father ratifies the promise or donation; and therefore during the continuance of the marriage the property which was delivered can be recovered by a personal action. Moreover, it can be recovered by an action for an indeterminate amount, in order that the party may be released from his promise. 1If a woman, who is about to marry her debtor, promises him a dowry in the following words: “You shall have, as my dowry, what you owe me, or the Sempronian estate,” whichever of these the woman selects will be her dowry, and if she prefers that the debt shall remain in the hands of her husband, by way of dowry, she can protect herself by an exception against him if he brings an action for the estate. And if she gives the estate, she can collect the money due her from her husband. 2Where a father, erroneously thinking that he is indebted to his daughter, promises her a dowry, he will be liable.
Dig. 23,5,7Iulianus libro sexto decimo digestorum. Si maritus fundum Titii servientem dotali praedio adquisierit, servitus confunditur et hoc casu maritus litis aestimationem praestabit: quod si maritus solvendo non erit, utiles actiones adversus Titium mulieri ad restaurandam servitutem dantur. 1Sed cum uxor fundum cui praedia viri servitutem debebant in dotem dat, fundus ad maritum pervenit amissa servitute et ideo non potest videri per maritum ius fundi deterius factum. quid ergo est? officio de dote iudicantis continebitur, ut redintegrata servitute iubeat fundum mulieri vel heredi eius reddi.
Julianus, Digest, Book XVI. Where a husband acquires a tract of land that belongs to Titius, and which is subject to a servitude for the benefit of real estate subject to dowry, the servitude becomes confused. But if he returns the said land to Titius, without renewing the servitude, the husband will be to blame, and, in this instance, he must pay such damages as may be assessed by the court. Where, however, the husband is not solvent, prætorian actions will be granted against Titius in favor of the woman for the re-establishment of the servitude. 1When, however, a woman gives as her dowry land to which a tract belonging to her husband owes a servitude, it comes into the hands of the husband without the servitude; and therefore it cannot be held that the rights attaching to said land have become deteriorated through the act of the husband. What then should be done? It is the duty of the judge, who is to decide with reference to the dowry, to order the land to be returned to the woman, or to her heir, and the servitude to be re-established.
Dig. 24,3,30Iulianus libro sexto decimo digestorum. Nupta non impeditur, quo minus cum priore marito de dote experiatur. 1Quotiens culpa viri accidit, ne dos a socero aut a quolibet alio, qui mulieris nomine promiserat, exigeretur: si aut in matrimonio filia decesserit aut mater familias facta eum qui dotem repromiserat heredem instituerit, satis constat nihil amplius virum praestare debere, quam ut eos obligatione liberet.
Julianus, Digest, Book XVI. A woman who is married a second time is not prevented from instituting proceedings against her first husband for the recovery of her dowry. 1Whenever, through the fault of the husband, it happens that the dowry is not demanded from the father-in-law, or from anyone else who promised it in behalf of the wife; or where the daughter died during marriage, or where, having become the mother of a family, she appointed as heir the party who promised the dowry for her; it is well settled that the husband is not liable for anything more than to release them from the obligation.
Dig. 45,1,53Iulianus libro sexto decimo digestorum. Stipulationes commodissimum est ita componere, ut, quaecumque specialiter comprehendi possint, contineantur, doli autem clausula ad ea pertineat, quae in praesentia occurrere non possint et ad incertos casus pertinent.
Julianus, Digest, Book LXII. It is very convenient to draw up stipulations in such a way that they shall contain everything which can be expressly included in them, and so that also the clause having reference to fraud will apply to matters which cannot be recalled at the time, as well as to uncertain future events.