Digestorum libri
Ex libro XII
Dig. 10,3,25Idem libro duodecimo digestorum. Si Stichus communis meus et tuus servus habuerit Pamphilum vicarium aureorum decem et mecum actum de peculio fuerit condemnatusque decem praestitero: quamvis postea Pamphilus decesserit, nihilo minus actione communi dividundo vel pro socio quinque milia praestare debebis, quia te hoc aere alieno liberavi. longe magis consequar, si Stichus post mortem Pamphili alium vicarium adquisierat.
The Same, Digest, Book XII. Where Stichus, a slave owned by you and me in common, has himself a sub-slave named Pamphilus, who is worth ten aurei, and an action De peculio is brought against me, and, having lost it, I pay ten aurei; then, even though Pamphilus should die afterwards, you will, nevertheless, be compelled to pay me five aurei in an action in partition or in one on partnership, because I have released you from a debt of that amount. Much more ought I to be entitled to recover this amount, if Stichus, after the death of Pamphilus, should acquire another sub-slave.
Dig. 14,4,12Iulianus libro duodecimo digestorum. Alius dumtaxat de peculio, alius tributoria servi nomine cum domino agit: quaesitum est, an deducere dominus de peculio debeat, quod tributoria agenti praestaturus sit. respondit: tributoria actione tunc demum agi potest, cum dominus in distribuendo pretio mercis edicto praetoris non satisfecit, id est cum maiorem partem debiti sui deduxit quam creditoribus tribuit, veluti si, cum in merce triginta fuissent, in quam ipse quidem quindecim crediderat, duo autem extranei triginta, tota quindecim deduxerit, et creditoribus reliqua quindecim dederit, cum deberet sola decem deducere, extraneis dena tribuere. cum igitur hoc fecit, nec intellegendus est servum a se liberasse eo, quod quinque adhuc nomine eius tributoria actione praestaturus sit: quare si agi de peculio coeperit, cum forte extra mercem peculium esset, quinque tamquam adhuc creditor servi deducere debebit.
Julianus, Digest, Book XII. One man brings a suit against the master on account of the slave, only on the peculium, another institutes proceedings under the Tributorian Action; the question arises whether the master ought to deduct from the peculium what he will have to make good to the plaintiff in the Tributorian Action? The answer is that proceedings can be instituted under the Tributorian Action only where the master, in distributing the value of the merchandise, did not comply with the terms of the Prætor’s Edict; that is, when he has deducted a greater part of his own debt than he has apportioned among the creditors; as, for instance, where the merchandise was worth thirty aurei of which he himself had lent fifteen, and two other creditors had lent thirty, he deducted the entire fifteen, and gave the creditors the remaining fifteen, when he should only have deducted ten, and have given each of the creditors ten. Therefore, when he has acted in this way, it is not to be understood that he has released the slave from liability to him, for the reason that he still must pay five aurei on his account in the Tributorian Action. Wherefore, if he institutes proceedings with reference to the peculium, (if by chance there should be other peculium than that invested in the business) he has a right to deduct five aurei as being still a creditor of the slave.
Dig. 14,6,14Iulianus libro duodecimo digestorum. Filium habeo et ex eo nepotem: nepoti meo creditum est iussu patris eius: quaesitum est, an contra senatus consultum fieret. dixi, etiamsi verbis senatus consulti filii continerentur, tamen et in persona nepotis idem servari debere: iussum autem huius patris non efficere, quo minus contra senatus consultum creditum existimaretur, cum ipse in ea causa esset, ut pecuniam mutuam invito patre suo accipere non possit.
Julianus, Digest, Book XII. I have a son, and a grandson by him; a loan was made to my grandson under the direction of his father, the question arose whether this was done in violation of the Decree of the Senate? I stated that even though sons are included in the terms of the Decree of the Senate, still, the same rule should be observed also in the case of a grandson; but the direction of his father will not prevent the loan of the money from being considered as made in violation of the Decree of the Senate, as he himself is in such a position that he cannot borrow money if his father is unwilling.
Dig. 15,1,12Iulianus libro duodecimo digestorum. quia hoc casu etiam cum eo agi potest, penes quem peculium non est.
Dig. 15,1,14Iulianus libro duodecimo digestorum. Item cum testamento praesenti die servus liber esse iussus est, cum omnibus heredibus de peculio agendum est nec quisquam eorum amplius deducet quam quod ipsi debeatur. 1Item cum servus vivo domino mortuus est, deinde dominus intra annum plures heredes reliquit, et de peculio actio et deductionis ius scinditur.
Julianus, Digest, Book XII. Moreover, where it is directed by a will that a slave shall immediately become free, suit on the peculium should be brought against all the heirs, and none of them can deduct more than is due to himself. 1Again, where the slave died during the lifetime of his master, and the master then died within the year, leaving several heirs, both the action on the peculium and the right of deduction are divided.
Dig. 15,1,16Iulianus libro duodecimo digestorum. Quis ergo casus est, quo peculium servi communis ad alterum ex dominis solum pertineat? in primis si quis servi partem dimidiam vendiderit nec peculium ei concesserit: deinde si quis servo communi pecuniam vel res aliquas ea mente dederit, ut proprietatem earum retineret, administrationem autem servo concederet. Marcellus notat: est etiam ille casus, si alter ademerit: vel si omni quidem modo concesserit dominus sed in nominibus erit concessio.
Julianus, Digest, Book XII. What then would be the case where the peculium of a common slave belongs to one of his masters alone? In the first place, if any one sells a half share in a slave, and grants him no peculium, and then, if any one gives money or property of any description to a slave owned in common, in such a way as to retain the ownership of said property, but to grant the slave the management of the same; Marcellus says in a note that this is an instance where one owner has taken away the peculium, or where an owner has actually granted one, but the grant is applicable to the obligations of his debtors.
Dig. 15,1,28Iulianus libro duodecimo digestorum. Quare et si socio neque heres neque bonorum possessor exstitisset, eatenus damnari debet is cum quo actum fuerit, quatenus peculium apud eum erit et quantum ex bonis consequi potest.
Ad Dig. 15,1,28Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 482, Note 16.Julianus, Digest, Book XI. Wherefore, if no one has become the heir or possessor of the estate of the partner, he against whom the action was brought should have judgment rendered against him for the amount of whatever peculium he may be entitled to in addition to as much as he can obtain out of the estate.
Dig. 15,1,37Iulianus libro duodecimo digestorum. Si creditor filii tui heredem te instituerit et tu hereditatem eius vendideris, illa parte stipulationis ‘quanta pecunia ex hereditate ad te pervenerit’ teneberis de peculio. 1Si servo tuo permiseris vicarium emere aureis octo, ille decem emerit et tibi scripserit se octo emisse tuque ei permiseris eos octo ex tua pecunia solvere et is decem solverit, hoc nomine duos aureos tantum vindicabis, sed hi venditori praestabuntur dumtaxat de peculio servi. 2Servum communem, quem cum Titio habebam, vendidi Sempronio: quaesitum est, si de peculio cum Titio aut cum Sempronio ageretur, an eius peculii, quod apud me esset, ratio haberi deberet. dixi, si cum Sempronio ageretur, numquam rationem eius peculii, quod apud me esset, haberi debere, quia is nullam adversus me actionem haberet, per quam id quod praestitisset consequi posset. sed et si cum Titio post annum quam vendidissem ageretur, similiter non esse computandum peculium quod apud me est, quia iam mecum agi de peculio non posset. sin autem intra annum ageretur, tunc quoque habendam huius peculii rationem, postquam placuit alienato homine permittendum creditori et cum venditore et cum emptore agere. 3Si actum sit de peculio cum eo qui usum fructum in servo habet et minus consecutus sit creditor, non est iniquum, ut ex universo eius peculio, sive apud fructuarium sive apud proprietarium erit, rem consequatur. nihil interest, operas suas conduxerit servus a fructuario an pecuniam mutuam ab eo acceperit. dari itaque debebit actio ei adversus dominum proprietatis deducto eo, quod servus peculii nomine apud fructuarium habet.
Julianus, Digest, Book XII. If a creditor of your son appoints you his heir, and you sell the estate, you will be liable for the peculium under this clause of the stipulation, namely: “Whatever sum of money derived from the estate that shall come into your hands.” 1If you permit your slave to purchase a sub-slave for eight aurei, and he purchases him for ten, and writes to you that he has bought him for eight, and you allow him to pay eight out of your money, and he pays ten, you can recover only two aurei on this ground, and these will be made good to the vendor only to the amount of the peculium of the slave. 2Ad Dig. 15,1,37,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 484, Note 21.I sold to Titius a slave which I held in common either with him or with Sempronius. Before an action De peculio was brought against me because of said slave, the question arose whether, in a suit on the peculium against Titius or against Sempronius, an account should be taken of the peculium which was in my hands? I stated that, if the action was brought against Sempronius, under no circumstances, should an account be taken of the peculium in my hands, because he would have no right of action against me by which he could recover what he had paid. Moreover, if an action should be brought against Titius more than a year after I have made the sale, in like manner, the peculium in my hands should not be considered, for an action De peculio cannot now be brought against me. If, however, the action is brought within the year, then an account ought also to be taken of this peculium, for it is established that where the slave has been alienated, the creditor should be permitted to proceed against both the vendor and the purchaser. 3Where an action on the peculium has been brought against a party who has an usufruct in the slave, and the creditor has recovered less than the amount due to him, it is not unjust that he should obtain what he is entitled to out of the entire peculium, whether this is in the hands of the usufructuary or of the owner. It makes no difference whether the slave has hired his own services from the usufructuary, or has borrowed money from him. Therefore, an action should be granted him against the owner of the property, and that should be deducted which the slave has, as peculium, with reference to the usufructuary.
Dig. 16,1,14Iulianus libro duodecimo digestorum. Si mulier contra senatus consultum intercesserit, aequum est non solum in veterem debitorem, sed et in fideiussores eius actionem restitui: nam cum mulieris persona subtrahatur creditori propter senatus consultum, integra causa pristina restituenda est.
Julianus, Digest, Book XII. Where a woman has become surety for another in violation of the Decree of the Senate, it is but just that the action should be restored for the benefit of the creditor not only against the original debtor, but also against his sureties; for when the responsibility of the woman was taken away from the creditor on account of the Decree of the Senate, the former cause of action should be restored unimpaired.
Dig. 35,2,83Iulianus libro duodecimo digestorum. Si creditor filii tui heredem te instituerit et legis Falcidiae rationem ponas, peculii quantitas, quod aditae hereditatis tempore fuisset, in quadrantem tibi imputabitur.
Ad Dig. 35,2,83Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 652, Note 8.Julianus, Digest, Book XII. If the creditor of your son should appoint you his heir, and you should desire to obtain the portion due to you under the Falcidian Law, the amount of the peculium which existed at the time that the estate was entered upon shall be included in your fourth.
Dig. 46,1,11Iulianus libro duodecimo digestorum. Qui contra senatus consultum filio familias crediderit, mortuo eo fideiussorem a patre accipere non potest, quia neque civilem neque honorariam adversus patrem actionem habet nec est ulla hereditas, cuius nomine fideiussores obligari possent.
Julianus, Digest, Book XII. Where anyone has lent money to a son under paternal control in violation of the Decree of the Senate, and the son is dead, he cannot take a surety from his father, because he is entitled to no action, either civil or prætorian, against his father, and there is no estate for which sureties can become liable.