Digestorum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 1,18,8Iulianus libro primo digestorum. Saepe audivi Caesarem nostrum dicentem hac rescriptione: ‘eum qui provinciae praeest adire potes’ non imponi necessitatem proconsuli vel legato eius vel praesidi provinciae suscipiendae cognitionis, sed eum aestimare debere, ipse cognoscere an iudicem dare debeat.
Julianus, Digest, Book I. I have often heard our Emperor say that where it is set forth in a Rescript that: “You can apply to him who presides over the province”, this does not place the Proconsul, or his Deputy, or the Governor of the province under the obligation of hearing the case; but he should consider whether he ought to hear it himself, or appoint a judge for that purpose.
Dig. 2,1,5Iulianus libro primo digestorum. More maiorum ita comparatum est, ut is demum iurisdictionem mandare possit, qui eam suo iure, non alieno beneficio habet:
Dig. 5,1,25Iulianus libro primo digestorum. Si legationis tempore quis servum vel aliam rem emerit aut ex alia causa possidere coeperit, non inique cogetur eius nomine iudicium accipere: aliter enim potestas dabitur legatis sub hac specie res alienas domum auferendi.
Julianus, Digest, Book I. Where a man, while on a mission, purchases a slave, or any other property, or, for any other reason comes into possession of the same, he is not unjustly required to join issue in a suit having reference to said property; otherwise, power will be given to envoys under this pretext to carry away to their own homes the property of others.
Dig. 5,1,27Iulianus libro primo digestorum. Quid enim prohibet legatum publico munere fungi et actorem custodiae causa in possessione rerum hereditariarum esse?
Dig. 13,6,19Iulianus libro primo digestorum. Ad eos, qui servandum aliquid conducunt aut utendum accipiunt, damnum iniuria ab alio datum non pertinere procul dubio est: qua enim cura aut diligentia consequi possumus, ne aliquis damnum nobis iniuria det?
Ad Dig. 13,6,19Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 264, Note 18.Julianus, Digest, Book I. There is no doubt that parties who agree to keep something safely, or receive it to be used, are not liable for unlawful damage committed by another; for how can we provide by either care or diligence against some one doing us wrongful injury?