Ex posterioribus Labeonis libri
Ex libro VIII
Dig. 26,2,33Iavolenus libro octavo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Tutoribus ita datis: ‘Lucium Titium tutorem do. si is non vivit, tum Gaium Plautium tutorem do’ Titius vixerat et tutelam gesserat, deinde mortuus erat. Trebatius negat ad Plautium pertinere tutelam, Labeo contra, Proculus quod Labeo. ego Trebatii sententiam probo, quia illa verba ad mortis tempus referuntur.
Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book VIII. Certain guardians were appointed as follows: “I appoint Lucius Titius guardian, and if he should not be living, I then appoint Gaius Plautius”. Titius lived and administered the guardianship, and afterwards died. Trebatius denies that the guardianship belongs to Plautius; Labeo holds the opposite opinion, and Proculus agrees with him; but I have adopted the opinion of Trebatius because the words of the testator have reference to the time of death.