Ex posterioribus Labeonis libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 8,1,20Iavolenus libro quinto ex posterioribus Labeonis. Quotiens via aut aliquid ius fundi emeretur, cavendum putat esse Labeo per te non fieri, quo minus eo iure uti possit, quia nulla eiusmodi iuris vacua traditio esset. ego puto usum eius iuris pro traditione possessionis accipiendum esse ideoque et interdicta veluti possessoria constituta sunt.
Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book V. As often as a right of way or any other right attaching to land is purchased, Labeo is of the opinion that security should be given that nothing will be done by you to prevent the purchaser from availing himself of his right, because there can be no open delivery of a right of this description. I think that the use of such a right must be considered as equivalent to delivery of possession; and therefore interdicts corresponding to those relating to possession have been established.
Dig. 18,1,79Iavolenus libro quinto ex posterioribus Labeonis. Fundi partem dimidiam ea lege vendidisti, ut emptor alteram partem, quam retinebas, annis decem certa pecunia in annos singulos conductam habeat. Labeo et Trebatius negant posse ex vendito agi, ut id quod convenerit fiat. ego contra puto, si modo ideo vilius fundum vendidisti, ut haec tibi conductio praestaretur: nam hoc ipsum pretium fundi videretur, quod eo pacto venditus fuerat: eoque iure utimur.
Ad Dig. 18,1,79ROHGE, Bd. 11 (1874), Nr. 75, S. 227: Zahlung des Kaufgeldes nicht baar, sondern in Actien.Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book V. You sold half of a tract of land on condition that the purchaser would lease you the other half, which you reserved for the term of ten years at a certain rent, payable annually. Labeo and Trebatius deny that an action on sale can be brought, to compel the purchaser to comply with what he agreed to. I am of the contrary opinion, even if you sold the land at a very low price in order that this lease might be made to you; for this is held to be part of the price of the land, since it was sold under this agreement. This is the law at the present time.
Dig. 19,2,59Iavolenus libro quinto Labeonis posteriorum. Marcius domum faciendam a Flacco conduxerat: deinde operis parte effecta terrae motu concussum erat aedificium. Massurius Sabinus, si vi naturali, veluti terrae motu hoc acciderit, Flacci esse periculum.
Javolenus, On the Lost Works of Labeo, Book V. Marcius was employed to build a house by Flaccus. After the work was partly done the building was destroyed by an earthquake. Massurius Sabinus says that if the accident took place through some force of nature, as for instance, an earthquake, Flaccus must assume the risk.
Dig. 28,1,25Iavolenus libro quinto posteriorum Labeonis. Si is, qui testamentum faceret, heredibus primis nuncupatis, priusquam secundos exprimeret heredes, obmutuisset, magis coepisse eum testamentum facere quam fecisse Varus digestorum libro primo Servium respondisse scripsit: itaque primos heredes ex eo testamento non futuros. Labeo tum hoc verum esse existimat, si constaret voluisse plures eum, qui testamentum fecisset, heredes pronuntiare: ego nec Servium puto aliud sensisse.
Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book V. Where anyone who makes a will after having mentioned the first heirs loses the power of speech before he can mention the second ones, the better opinion is that he has begun to make a will rather than that he has made it; which view Verus stated, in the First Book of the Digest, was entertained by Servius; therefore the first heirs appointed cannot take under such a will. Hence Labeo thinks that this is correct, if it should be established that the testator who executed the will intended to appoint several heirs. I do not think that Servius intended anything else.
Dig. 33,2,42Idem libro quinto ex posterioribus Labeonis. In fructu id esse intellegitur, quod ad usum hominis inductum est: neque enim maturitas naturalis hic spectanda est, sed id tempus, quo magis colono dominove eum fructum tollere expedit. itaque cum olea immatura plus habeat reditus, quam si matura legatur, non potest videri, si immatura lecta est, in fructu non esse.
The Same, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book V. Among the crops of land is understood to be included everything which can be used by a man. For it is not necessary in this place to consider the time when they naturally mature, but the time when it is most advantageous for the tenant or the owner to gather them. Therefore, as olives which are not ripe are more valuable than they are after maturity, it cannot be held that they did not form part of the crops, where they are gathered before they are ripe.
Dig. 33,7,26Idem libro quinto ex posterioribus Labeonis. Dolia fictilia, item plumbea, quibus terra adgesta est, et in his viridiaria posita aedium esse Labeo Trebatius putant. ita id verum puto, si ita illigata sint aedibus, ut ibi perpetuo posita sint. 1Molas manuarias quidem suppellectilis, iumentarias autem instrumenti esse Ofilius ait. Labeo Cascellius Trebatius neutras suppellectilis, sed potius instrumenti putant esse, quod verum puto.
The Same, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book V. Earthenware, and leaden vessels in which earth is placed, and flowers planted in pots, Labeo and Trebatius think constitute a part of the house. I think this to be correct, if they are fastened to the house so as to always remain there. 1Ofilius says that hand-mills should be classed with household goods, but those moved by animal power are appurtenant to the land. Labeo, Cascellius, and Trebatius think that neither should be classed as household goods, but rather as appurtenances. I think that this is true.
Dig. 41,2,51Iavolenus libro quinto ex posterioribus Labeonis. Quarundam rerum animo possessionem apisci nos ait Labeo: veluti si acervum lignorum emero et eum venditor tollere me iusserit, simul atque custodiam posuissem, traditus mihi videtur. idem iuris esse vino vendito, cum universae amphorae vini simul essent. sed videamus, inquit, ne haec ipsa corporis traditio sit, quia nihil interest, utrum mihi an et cuilibet iusserim custodia tradatur. in eo puto hanc quaestionem consistere, an, etiamsi corpore acervus aut amphorae adprehensae non sunt, nihilo minus traditae videantur: nihil video interesse, utrum ipse acervum an mandato meo aliquis custodiat: utrubique animi quodam genere possessio erit aestimanda.
Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book V. Labeo says that we can acquire possession of certain things by intention; as, for instance, if I purchase a pile of wood, and the vendor directs me to remove it, it will be considered to have been transferred to me, as soon as I place a guard over it. The same rule applies to a sale of wine where all the jars are together. But, he says, let us see whether this is an actual delivery, because it makes no difference whether I order the custody of the property to be delivered to me, or to someone else. I think that the question in this case is, that even if the pile of wood or the jars have not been actually handled, they should, nevertheless, be considered to have been delivered. I do not see that it makes any difference whether I, myself, take charge of the pile of wood, or someone else does so by my direction. In both instances, whether or not possession was obtained must be determined by the character of the intention.