Ex posterioribus Labeonis libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 18,1,77Iavolenus libro quarto ex posterioribus Labeonis. In lege fundi vendundi lapidicinae in eo fundo ubique essent exceptae erant, et post multum temporis in eo fundo repertae erant lapidicinae. eas quoque venditoris esse Tubero respondit: Labeo referre quid actum sit: si non appareat, non videri eas lapidicinas esse exceptas: neminem enim nec vendere nec excipere quod non sit, et lapidicinas nullas esse, nisi quae apparent et caedantur: aliter interpretantibus totum fundum lapidicinarum fore, si forte toto eo sub terra esset lapis. hoc probo.
Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book IV. In a contract for the sale of land, the quarries on said land, wherever they might be, were reserved, and after a long time quarries were found on said land. Tubero gave it as his opinion that they belonged to the vendor; Labeo held that the intention should be considered, arid if this could not be ascertained, the said quarries could not be held to have been reserved, for no one would sell or reserve something which was not in existence, and no quarries are in existence unless they are visible and are worked. In case a different interpretation should be given, the entire tract would constitute a quarry if there should happen to be stone under all of it. I approve this opinion.
Dig. 28,8,11Iavolenus libro quarto ex posterioribus Labeonis. Qui filium libertinum habebat, heredem eum instituerat, deinde ita scripserat: ‘si mihi filius nullus erit, qui in suam tutelam veniat, tum dama servus liber esto’: is filius pupillus libertinus erat: quaerebatur, si dama liber esset. Trebatius negat, quia filii appellatione libertinus quoque contineretur: Labeo contra, quia eo loco verum filium accipi oportet. Trebatii sententiam probo, si tamen testatorem de hoc filio locutum esse apparet.
Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book IV. A former slave had a son who was a freedman, and whom he appointed his heir, and he then inserted into his will: “If I should have no son who will become his own master, then let Damas the slave be free”. The minor son of the testator had been emancipated. The question arose whether Damas should be free. Trebatius declares that he should not, because the term freedman is also included in the appellation of son. Labeo holds the contrary opinion, because in this instance a true son must be understood. I adopt the view of Trebatius, in case it should become evident that the testator had reference to the said son.
Dig. 40,1,26Iavolenus libro quarto ex posterioribus Labeonis. Servum furiosum omni genere manumissum ad libertatem perduci putat posse Labeo.
Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book IV. Labeo holds that a slave who is insane can be manumitted and obtain his freedom by every proceeding known to the law.
Dig. 40,7,39Iavolenus libro quarto ex posterioribus Labeonis. ‘Stichum Attio do lego et, si is ei nummos centum dederit, liber esto’. si servus ex testamento nummos Attio dedisset, eos repetere heredem non posse Labeo existimat, quia Attius eos a servo suo acceperit, non ab heredis servo. eum autem statuliberum esse Quintus Mucius, Gallus et ipse Labeo putant: Servius, Ofilius non esse. superiorem sententiam probo, ita tamen, ut is servus heredis, non legatarii sit, utpote cum legatum statulibertate tollatur. 1‘Stichus liber esto, quando aes alienum meum solutum creditoribusve meis satisfactum erit’. quamvis heres locuples extitisset, tamen non prius Stichum liberum futurum, quam creditores pecuniam aut satis accepissent aliove quo modo sibi cavissent, Labeo Ofilius responderunt. 2Si heres servo pecuniam ad negotiandum dedisset, statuliberum eam ipsam numerando liberari ex testamento non posse Labeo Trebatius responderunt, quia reddere eam magis quam dare videretur. ego puto, si peculiares nummi fuerunt, ex testamento eum liberum futurum. 3‘Dama servus cum heredi meo annorum septem operas solverit, liber esto’ et is servus intra septem annos in iudicio publico esset et septimus annus praeterisset, Servius ait eum non liberari debere, Labeo, et si postea solvisset annorum septem operas, liberum futurum: quod verum est. 4‘Si Stichus Attiae mille nummos dederit, liber esto’. Attia vivo testatore decessit: non posse Stichum liberum esse Labeo Ofilius responderunt: Trebatius, si ante testamentum factum Attia decessisset, idem: si postea, eum liberum futurum. Labeonis et Ofilii sententia rationem quidem habet, sed hoc iure utimur, ut is servus ex testamento liber sit. 5Si servus operas extraneo dare iussus esset, nullus nomine servi suas operas dando liberare servum potest: quod in pecunia aliter observatur, utpote cum extraneus pro eo servo dando pecuniam servum liberaret.
Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book IV. “I give and bequeath Stichus to Attius, and if he pays him a hundred sesterces, let him be free.” If the slave pays the sesterces to Attius under the terms of the will, Labeo holds that the heir cannot recover them, because Attius received them from his own slave, and not from the slave of the heir. Quintus Mucius, Gallus, and Labeo himself think that the slave should be considered conditionally free, and Servius and Ofilius think that he should not. I adopt the former opinion, that is to say, that the slave belongs to the heir and not to the legatee, just as if the legacy had been taken away by the grant of freedom. 1“Let Stichus be free, when my debts are paid, or my creditors are satisfied.” Even though the heir should be rich, Stichus will, nevertheless, not be free before the creditors have received their money, or their claims have been satisfied, or security has been furnished them in some other way; which is the opinion of Labeo and Ofilius. 2Labeo and Trebatius held that if the heir should give a slave money for the purpose of transacting business he cannot become free under the terms of the will, by paying this money, because he is considered rather to have returned it than to have paid it. I think, however, that if the money formed part of his peculium, he will become free under the testamentary provision. 3“Let my slave Damas be free, after he has given his services to my heir for seven years.” The slave was implicated in a capital crime during the seven years, and the last year having elapsed, Servius stated that he should not be liberated. Labeo, however, held that he would be free after having served his master for seven years. This opinion is correct. 4Ad Dig. 40,7,39,4Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 92, Note 8.“Let Stichus be free, if he pays a thousand sesterces to Attia.” Attia died during the lifetime of the testator. Labeo and Ofilius were of the opinion that Stichus could not become free. Trebatius agreed with them, if Attia died before the will was made; but if she died afterwards, he held that the slave would be free. The opinion of Labeo and Ofilius is reasonable, but it is our practice to consider the slave as free under the terms of the will. 5Where a slave is ordered to serve a stranger, no one can liberate him by furnishing his own labor in the name of the slave. The rule, however, is different where the payment of money is concerned; as, for instance, where a stranger liberates a slave by paying money in his behalf.