Ex posterioribus Labeonis libri
Ex libro II
Dig. 29,2,64Iavolenus libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Servus duorum heres institutus et adire iussus si alterius domini iussu adierit, deinde manumissus fuerit, poterit ipse adeundo ex parte dimidia heres esse,
Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. The slave of two masters was appointed an heir and ordered to enter upon the estate; if he did so, by the order of one of them, and then was manumitted, he could himself become the heir of half the said estate by entering upon the same.
Dig. 32,100Iavolenus libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. ‘Heres meus damnas esto Lucio Titio Stichum servum meum reddere’ vel ita: ‘illum servum meum illi reddito’. Cascellius ait deberi neque id Labeo improbat, quia qui reddere iubetur, simul et dare iubetur. 1Duae statuae marmoreae cuidam nominatim, item omne marmor erat legatum: nullam statuam marmoream praeter duas Cascellius putat deberi: Ofilius Trebatius contra. Labeo Cascellii sententiam probat, quod verum puto, quia duas statuas legando potest videri non putasse in marmore se statuas legare. 2‘Uxori meae vestem, mundum muliebrem, ornamenta omnia, aurum argentum quod eius causa factum paratumque esset omne do lego’. Trebatius haec verba ‘quod eius causa factum paratumque est’, ad aurum et argentum dumtaxat referri putat, Proculus ad omnia, quod et verum est. 3Cui Corinthia vasa legata essent, ἐν βάσεις quoque eorum vasorum collocandorum causa paratas deberi Trebatius respondit. Labeo autem id non probat, si eas βάσεις testator numero vasorum habuit. Proculus vero recte ait, si aeneae quidem sint, non autem Corinthiae, non deberi. 4Cui testudinea legata essent, ei lectos testudineos pedibus inargentatos deberi Labeo Trebatius responderunt, quod verum est.
Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. “I charge my heir to deliver my slave, Stichus, to Lucius Titius,” or “Let him deliver my slave to him.” Cascellius says that, under a clause of this kind, the slave must be delivered; and Labeo approves his opinion, because where anyone is ordered to deliver anything, he is at the same time ordered to give it. 1A legacy of two marble statues, as well as all the marble in the possession of the testator was specifically bequeathed to a certain individual. Cascellius thinks that no other marble statue, except the two mentioned, is due. Ofilius and Trebatius are of the contrary opinion. Labeo adopts the conclusion of Cascellius, which I believe to be correct, because by leaving two statues, it can be held that the testator did not intend to leave any more when he bequeathed the marble. 2“I give and bequeath to my wife her clothing, jewels, and all gold and silver plate, which I have had made for her, or intended for her use.” Trebatius thinks that the words, “Which I have had made for her or intended for her use,” only refer to the gold and silver plate. Proculus holds that they refer to everything mentioned, and this opinion is correct. 3In a case where Corinthian vases were bequeathed to a certain person, Trebatius was of the opinion that the pedestals made to support them were due, as part of the legacy. Labeo, however, does not adopt this opinion, if the testator considered the said pedestals as vases. But Proculus very properly says that if the vases were not of Corinthian brass, they could be claimed by the legatee. 4Where articles made of tortoise-shell are bequeathed, Labeo and Trebatius are of the opinion that beds inlaid with tortoise-shell, whose feet are covered with silver, are due, which is correct.
Dig. 33,2,30Iavolenus libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Cui usus fructus legatus esset, donec ei totius dotis satisfieret, cum ei heres pro sua parte satis dedisset, quamvis reliqui satis non darent, tamen pro ea parte usum fructum desinere habere mulierem ait Labeo: idem fieri et si per mulierem mora fieret, quo minus satis acciperet. 1Colono suo dominus usum fructum fundi, quem is colebat, legaverat: agat colonus cum herede ita, ut iudex cogat heredem ex locationis actione eum liberare.
Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. Where an usufruct is bequeathed to a woman until her dowry has been entirely paid, and one of the heirs gives her security for his share of the estate but the others do not; Labeo says that the woman will cease to enjoy the usufruct to the extent of said share. The same will take place where the woman is in default in accepting the security. 1An owner left to his tenant the usufruct of certain land which he cultivated. The tenant will have a right of action against the heir, in order that the judge may compel the latter to release him from liability under his contract.
Dig. 33,2,41Iavolenus libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Cum ita legatum esset: ‘fructus annuos fundi Corneliani Publio Maevio do lego’, perinde putat accipiendum esse Labeo, ac si usus fructus fundi similiter esset legatus, quia haec mens fuisse testatoris videatur.
Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. When a bequest is made as follows, “I give and bequeath to Publius Mævius all the annual crops of the Cornelian Estate,” Labeo thinks this should be understood to be the same as if the usufruct of the land had been left, because this seems to have been the intention of the testator.
Dig. 33,6,7Iavolenus libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Quidam heredem damnaverat dare uxori suae vinum oleum frumentum acetum mella salsamenta. Trebatius aiebat ex singulis rebus non amplius deberi, quam quantum heres mulieri dare voluisset, quoniam non adiectum esset, quantum ex quaque re daretur. Ofilius Cascellius Tubero omne, quantum pater familias reliquisset, legatum putant: Labeo id probat idque verum est. 1‘Lucio Titio tritici modios centum, qui singuli pondo centum pendeant, heres dato’. Ofilius nihil legatum esse, quod et Labeo probat, quoniam eiusmodi triticum in rerum natura non esset: quod verum puto.
Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. A certain individual charged his heir to give to his wife wine, oil, grain, vinegar, honey, and salt-fish. Trebatius said that the heir was not obliged to deliver any more of each article to the woman than he desired, since it was not stated how much of each article was to be given. Ofilius, Cascellius, and Tubero think that the entire amount of the said articles which the testator left was included in the legacy. Labeo approves of this, and it is correct. 1“Let my heir deliver to Lucius Titius a hundred measures of wheat, each of which shall weigh a hundred pounds.” Ofilius holds that nothing is bequeathed, and Labeo agrees with him, as wheat of this kind does not exist; which opinion I think to be true.
Dig. 33,7,4Iavolenus libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Cum quidam duos fundos iunctos haberet et ex altero boves, cum opus fecissent, in alterum reverterentur, utrumque fundum cum instrumento legaverat. Labeo Trebatius boves ei fundo cessuros putant, ubi opus fecissent, non ubi manere consuevissent: Cascellius contra. Labeonis sententiam probo.
Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. A certain testator had two adjoining tracts of land, and the oxen used on one tract, after the work there was completed, were then removed to the other. He bequeathed both tracts, with all the equipment. Labeo and Trebatius think that the oxen ought to belong to the land where they worked, and not where they were accustomed to remain. Cascellius holds the contrary opinion. I adopt the view of Labeo.
Dig. 33,7,25Iavolenus libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Fundi instrumento legato id pecus cedere putabat Tubero, quod is fundus sustinere potuisset: Labeo contra. quid enim fiet, inquit, si, cum mille oves fundus sustinere potuisset, duo milia ovium in eo fundo fuerint? quas oves potissimum legato cessuras existimabimus? nec quaerendum esse, quid debuisset parari pecoris instrumenti fundi causa, sed quid paratum esset: non enim ex numero aut multitudine legata aestimandum esse. Labeonis sententiam probo. 1Quidam cum in fundo figlinas haberet, figulorum opera maiore parte anni ad opus rusticum utebatur, deinde eius fundi instrumentum legaverat. Labeo Trebatius non videri figulos in instrumento fundi esse. 2Item cum instrumentum omne legatum esset excepto pecore, pastores oviliones, ovilia quoque legato contineri Ofilius non recte putat.
Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. When the equipment of a tract of land is devised, Tubero thinks that all the cattle which the land can support are included in the devise. Labeo is of the contrary opinion, for he says if, when the land could support a thousand sheep, two thousand were kept there, how many of them should we decide ought to be included in the devise? No inquiry should be made as to how many sheep the testator ought to have had there for the purpose of constituting the number to be included in the devise, but how many he actually had on the land; for the estimate should not be made from the number or the amount that was left. I concur in the opinion of Labeo. 1A certain individual, who had potteries on his land, employed the services of his potters for the greater portion of the year in farm labor, and afterwards devised the land with its equipment. Labeo and Trebatius think that the potters should not be included in the equipment of the land. 2Where all the equipment of a tract of land was left with the exception of the cattle, Ofilius improperly holds that the shepherds and the sheep are included in the bequest.
Dig. 34,2,39Iavolenus libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Si uxori mundus muliebris legatus esset, ea tantummodo deberi Ofilius Labeo responderunt, quae ex his tradita utendi causa uxori viro fuissent: aliter enim interpretantibus summam fore captionem, si vascularius aut faber argentarius uxori ita legasset. 1Cum ita legatum esset: ‘argentum, quod domo mea erit cum moriar’, Ofilius nec quod depositum a se nec quod commodatum reliquisset argentum legatum videri respondit. idem Cascellius de commodato. Labeo, quod depositum esset, ita deberi, si praesentis custodiae causa, non perpetuae veluti thensauro depositum esset, quia illa verba ‘quod domo mea erit’ sic accipi debere ‘esse solebat’: et hoc probo. 2Ateius Servium respondisse scribit, cui argentum, quod in Tusculano fundo cum moreretur habuisset, legatum esset, et quod antequam moreretur ex urbe in Tusculanum iussu testatoris translatum esset, deberi: contra fore, si iniussu translatum esset.
Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. Where toilet articles intended for women are bequeathed to a wife, Ofilius and Labeo gave it as their opinion that she will only be entitled to such as have been given to her by her husband for her own use. If this should be interpreted otherwise, great harm would result when a goldsmith or a silversmith makes such a bequest to his wife. 1Where a legacy was bequeathed as follows, “I leave to So-and-So the silver which may be found in my house at the time of my death,” Ofilius holds that silver deposited with the testator or loaned to him, ought not to be included. Cascellius is of the same opinion with reference to silver that was loaned. Labeo thinks that what was deposited with him will be due to the legatee, if it was left with him forever as treasure, and not merely for temporary safe-keeping; because the words, “Which may be found in my house at the time of my death,” should be understood to mean that which was ordinarily there. I approve of this opinion. 2Attius says Servius held that where a testator left a certain person the silver “which he might have on his Tuscan estate when he died;” that also was included in the legacy, which, before the testator’s death, had, by his direction, been taken from the city to the Tuscan estate. The case, however, would be different if it had been removed without his order.
Dig. 34,3,17Iavolenus libro secundo Labeonis posteriorum. reliqua quoque: in iudicio locationis venire.
Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. Any balance due on the lease is also included in the legacy.
Dig. 35,1,40Idem libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Quibus diebus vicinus tuus te via publica, cum ad parendum condicioni ire velles, ire prohibuerit nec per te staret, quo minus agendo ob calumnias eum summoveas, hi dies condicioni non imputabuntur. 1Quidam ita legaverat: ‘si Publius Cornelius impensam, quam in fundum Seianum feci, heredi meo dederit, tum heres meus Publio Cornelio fundum Seianum dato’. Cascellius aiebat etiam pretium fundi dari debere, Ofilius impensae verbo negat pretium significari, sed eos dumtaxat sumptus, quos in eum posteaquam emptus esset fecit. idem Cinna scribit adiecto eo, quod non deductis fructibus impensarum ratio haberi debeat: et hoc magis verum puto. 2Quidam Titio centum legaverat, deinde infra ita iusserat: ‘quas pecunias cuique legavi, eas heres meus, si mater mea moritur, dato’: mortuo patre familias Titius vixerat et viva matre familias decesserat. mortua matre heredibus Titii legatum deberi Ofilius respondit, quoniam non sub condicione esset legatum, sed ante legatum pure, deinde dies solvendi adiecta. videamus, inquit Labeo, ne id falsum sit, quia nihil intersit, utrum ita scribatur: ‘quas pecunias cuique legavi, eas heres meus, si mater mea moritur, dato’ an ita: ‘nisi mater mea moritur, ne dato’: utrubique enim sub condicione vel datum vel ademptum esse legatum. Labeonis responsum probo. 3Dominus servo aureos quinqueaaDie Großausgabe fügt eius ein. legaverat: ‘heres meus Sticho servo meo, quem testamento liberum esse iussi, aureos quinque, quos in tabulis debeo, dato’. nihil servo legatum esse Namusa Servium respondisse scribit, quia dominus servo nihil debere potuisset: ego puto secundum mentem testatoris naturale magis quam civile debitum spectandum esse, et eo iure utimur. 4Qui dotalem fundum nullum habebat, ita legaverat: ‘fundum Cornelianum, quem illa mihi doti dedit, ei heres dato’. Labeo Ofilius Trebatius responderunt fundum nihilo minus legatum esse, quia, cum fundus Cornelianus in rerum natura sit, demonstratio falsa legatum non peremit. 5Thermus minor quorum arbitratu monumentum sibi fieri vellet testamento scribserat, deinde ita legaverat: ‘Luciis Publiis Corneliis ad monumentum meum aedificandum mille heres meus dato’. Trebatius respondit pro eabbDie Großausgabe liest eo statt ea. habendum ac si ita legatum esset, si satisdedissent se ita id monumentum ex ea pecunia facturos. Labeo Trebatii sententiam probat, quia haec mens testantis fuisset, ut ea pecunia in monumentum consumeretur: idem et ego et Proculus probamus.
The Same, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. If your neighbor should, upon certain days, hinder you from using a highway when you wish to travel upon it in order to comply with a condition, and you are not to blame for not bringing an action against him to prevent him from doing this, these days shall not be included in the time imposed by the condition. 1A certain man made a bequest as follows, “If Publius Cornelius should pay my heir for the expense which I have incurred with reference to the Seian Estate, then let my heir deliver the Seian Estate to Publius Cornelius.” Cascellius said that the legatee ought also to pay to the heir the price of the land. Ofilius denies that the price is included in the term “expenses,” but that only those expenses are meant which the party paid out of the land after it had been purchased. Cinna holds the same opinion, and adds that an account of the expenses must be taken without deducting the profits. I think that this is the better opinion. 2A testator bequeathed a hundred aurei to Titius, and afterwards made the following provision in his will, “Let my heir give the sums of money which I have bequeathed, if my mother should die.” Titius survived the testator, and died during the life of the mother. Ofilius gave it as his opinion that, after the death of the mother, the heirs of Titius were entitled to the legacy, as it had not been left under a condition, but had been bequeathed absolutely in the first place, and the time of its payment had been added afterwards. Labeo says, “Let us see if this opinion is not false,” because it makes no difference whether a bequest is made as follows, “Let my heir pay to my legatee the money which I have bequeathed to him, if my mother should die,” or, in these terms, “Let him not pay the money, unless my mother should die,” for, in either instance, the legacy is given or taken away under a condition. I approve the opinion of Labeo. 3A master bequeathed five aurei to his slave, as follows: “Let my heir pay to my slave Stichus, whom I have ordered to be free by my will, the five aurei which I owe him on account.” Namusa says that Servius gave it as his opinion that the bequest of the slave was void, because a master cannot be indebted to his slave. I think that, according to the intention of the testator, the debt should rather be considered a natural than a civil one, and this is the present practice. 4A husband, who had received no dotal land, made the following testamentary disposition, “Let my heir give to my wife the Cornelian Estate, which she gave to me as her dowry,” Labeo, Ofilius, and Trebatius held that the devise of the land was, nevertheless, binding, because as the Cornelian Estate actually existed, the false designation did not affect the devise. 5Thermus Junior mentioned in his will the names of certain persons by whose advice he desired a monument to be erected to himself, and then made the following bequest, “Let my heir pay to Lucius, Publius, and Cornelius a thousand aurei for the purpose of erecting my monument.” Trebatius gave it as his opinion that this is just the same as if the bequest had been made on condition that the party should give security for the erection of the monument with the said money. Labeo concurs in the opinion of Trebatius, because it was the intention of the testator that the sum should be used for the erection of a monument. Both Proculus and myself approve this opinion.
Dig. 50,16,242Iavolenus libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Malum navis esse partem, artemonem autem non esse Labeo ait, quia pleraeque naves sine malo inutiles essent, ideoque pars navis habetur: artemo autem magis adiectamento quam pars navis est. 1Inter ‘proiectum’ et ‘immissum’ hoc interesse ait Labeo, quod proiectum esset id quod ita proveheretur ut nusquam requiesceret, qualia maeniana et suggrundae essent: immissum autem, quod ita fieret, ut aliquo loco requiesceret, veluti tigna trabes quae immitteretur. 2Plumbum, quod tegulis poneretur, aedificii esse ait Labeo: sed id, quod hypaethri tegendi causa poneretur, contra esse. 3‘Viduam’ non solum eam, quae aliquando nupta fuisset, sed eam quoque mulierem, quae virum non habuisset, appellari ait Labeo: quia vidua sic dicta est quasi vecors, vesanus, qui sine corde aut sanitate esset: similiter viduam dictam esse sine duitate. 4Straturam loci alicuius ex tabulis factis, quae aestate tollerentur et hieme ponerentur, aedium esse ait Labeo, quoniam perpetui usus paratae essent: neque ad rem pertinere, quod interim tollerentur.
Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. Labeo says that a mast forms part of a ship, but that small sails do not, because many ships would be useless without masts, and therefore they are considered as belonging to ships; sails, however, are held to be rather an addition to than parts of a vessel. 1Labeo says that a difference exists between what projects over, and what is inserted into anything as a projection, is put forward in such a way that it does not have a support, as for instance, balconies and roofs; and whatever is inserted into a building rests upon something, for example, joists and beams. 2Labeo says that where lead is used instead of tile to cover a house, it forms part of it; but that where it is used for the purpose of covering an open gallery it does not. 3Labeo says that a widow is not only a woman who has been married at some time, but also one who has not had a husband; for the term is also applied to a person who is idiotic or insane, and the word also means without the union of two persons. 4Labeo also says, that a building composed of boards erected for the purpose of protecting any place during the winter, and which is removed in the summer, is a house; as it is designed for perpetual use, although it is not attached to the soil, for the reason that it is removed for a part of the time.