Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932) Lab.
Iav. Ex posterioribus Labeonis lib.Iavoleni Ex posterioribus Labeonis libri

Ex posterioribus Labeonis libri


Ex libro I

Dig. 21,1,53Iavolenus libro primo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Qui tertiana aut quartana febri aut podagra vexarentur quive comitialem morbum haberent, ne quidem his diebus, quibus morbus vacaret, recte sani dicentur.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book I. Where a slave has tertian or quartan fever, or gout or epilepsy, he it not held to be legally sound, even on days when he is free from these diseases.

Dig. 28,6,39Iavolenus libro primo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Cum ex filio quis duos nepotes impuberes habebat, sed alterum eorum in potestate, alterum non, et vellet utrumque ex aequis partibus heredem habere et, si quis ex his impubes decessisset, ad alterum partem eius transferre: ex consilio Labeonis Ofilii Cascellii Trebatii eum quem in potestate habebat solum heredem fecit et ab eo alteri dimidiam partem hereditatis, cum in suam tutelam venisset, legavit: quod si is, qui in potestate sua esset, impubes decessisset, alterum heredem ei substituit. 1Filio impuberi in singulas causas alium et alium heredem substituere possumus, veluti ut alius, si sibi nullus filius fuerit, et alius, si filius fuerit et impubes mortuus fuerit, heres sit. 2Quidam quattuor heredes fecerat et omnibus heredibus praeter unum substituerat: unus ille, cui non erat quisquam substitutus, et ex ceteris alter vivo patre familias decesserant. patrem, cui nemo erat substitutus, ad substitutum quoque pertinere Ofilius Cascellius responderunt, quorum sententia vera est.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book I. A man had, by his son, two grandsons who were under puberty, one of whom was under his control, and the other was not. He wished them to inherit equal portions of his estate, and provided that, if either of them died before reaching the age of puberty, his share should be transferred to the other; and in compliance with the advice of Labeo, Ofilius, Cascellius, and Trebatius, he appointed as his sole heir the grandson who was under his control, and charged him with the delivery of half of his estate to his other grandson when he arrived at puberty, and substituted the other heir for the one who was under his control, if the latter should die before reaching that age. 1We can substitute two heirs under different conditions for a son under the age of puberty; for instance, one of them can be substituted if the son should have no children, and another child should be born and die before reaching the age of puberty. 2A certain testator appointed four heirs, and substituted others for all of them except one, and the one for whom no substitute had been appointed, as well as one of the others, died during the lifetime of the father. Ofilius and Cascellius held that the share of the one for whom no one had been substituted also belonged to the substitute of the deceased heir; which opinion is correct.

Dig. 29,2,60Iavolenus libro primo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Filium emancipatum pater solum heredem instituit et, si is heres non esset, servum liberum et heredem esse iusserat: filius, tamquam pater demens fuisset, bonorum possessionem ab intestato petit et ita hereditatem possedit. Labeo ait, si probaretur sana mente pater testamentum fecisse, filium ex testamento patri heredem esse. hoc falsum puto: nam filius emancipatus cum hereditatem testamento datam ad se pertinere noluit, continuo ea ad substitutum heredem transit nec potest videri pro herede gessisse, qui, ut hereditatem omitteret, ex alia parte edicti possessionem bonorum petat. Paulus: et Proculus Labeonis sententiam improbat et in Iavoleni sententia est.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book I. A father appointed his emancipated son his sole heir, and ordered that, if he should not become his heir, his slave should be free and be his heir. The son demanded prætorian possession of his father’s estate on the ground of intestacy, alleging that he was insane, and in this way obtained possession of it. Labeo says that if his father should be proved to have been of sound mind when he made his will, the son will be his heir by virtue of the will. I think that this opinion is incorrect, for where an emancipated son declines to accept an estate given to him by will, it immediately passes to the substituted heir; nor can he be held to have acted in the capacity of heir who demands prætorian possession under another section of the Edict, in order to avoid taking advantage of his rights under the will. Paulus: “Proculus disapproves of the opinion of Labeo, and adopts that of Javolenus.”

Dig. 29,2,62Iavolenus libro primo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Antistius Labeo ait, si ita institutus sit ‘si iuraverit, heres esto’, quamvis iuraverit, non tamen eum statim heredem futurum, antequam pro herede aliquid gesserit, quia iurando voluntatem magis suam declarasse videatur. ego puto satis eum pro herede gessisse, si ut heres iuraverit: Proculus idem, eoque iure utimur. 1Si servus heres institutus post iussum domini, antequam adiret, alienatus esset, novum iussum posterioris domini, non iussum prioris exigitur.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book I. Antistius Labeo says that if an heir is appointed as follows: “Let him be my heir, if he will make oath”, he will, nevertheless, not become the heir at once, even though he should be sworn before he performs some act in that capacity; because by taking the oath he is held merely to have disclosed his intention. I think, however, that he has acted in the capacity of heir if he has taken the oath as such. Proculus entertains the same opinion, and this is our practice. 1Where a slave is appointed an heir, and is alienated after having been ordered by his master to accept the estate, before he does so, a new order by his second master, and not that of his old one, is required.

Dig. 35,1,39Iavolenus libro primo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Quae condicio ad genus personarum, non ad certas et notas personas pertineat, cum existimamus totius esse testamenti et ad omnes heredes institutos pertinere: at quae condicio ad certas personas accommodata fuerit, eam referre debemus ad eum dumtaxat gradum, quo hae personae institutae fuerunt. 1Cum ita in testamento scriptum erat ‘ut aliquid in foro fiat’ neque adscriptum erat in quo foro, Labeo ait, si non appareat, quid mortuus senserit, in eius municipii foro faciendum, in quo is qui testamentum fecerit domicilium habuerit: quam sententiam ego quoque probo.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book I. Where a condition has reference to a certain class of persons, and not to individuals who are well known, we think that it relates to the entire will, and to all the heirs who have been appointed; but where the condition only has reference to certain individuals, we should consider it as relating only to that degree in which the said parties have been appointed heirs. 1Where a clause was inserted in a will providing that a “building may be erected in the Forum,” and it is not stated in what Forum, Labeo says that if it does not appear what the intention of the deceased was, the building should be erected in the Forum of the town in which the party who made the will resided. I also approve this opinion.

Dig. 50,16,217Iavolenus libro primo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Inter illam condicionem ‘cum fari potuerit’ et ‘postquam fari potuerit’ multum interest: nam posteriorem scripturam uberiorem esse constat, ‘cum fari potuerit’ artiorem et id tantummodo tempus significari, quo primum fari possit. 1Item ita data condicione ‘illud facito in diebus’, si nihil praeterea fuisset adiectum, in biduo condicionem impleri oportet.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book I. There is a great difference between the conditions, “When he will be able to speak,” and “After he shall have been able to speak,” for it is established that the latter has a broader signification than the former, which only has reference to the time when the person can speak for the first time. 1Likewise, when a condition is stated as follows, “Do this in so many days,” if nothing more should be added, the condition must be complied with within two days.

Ex libro II

Dig. 29,2,64Iavolenus libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Servus duorum heres institutus et adire iussus si alterius domini iussu adierit, deinde manumissus fuerit, poterit ipse adeundo ex parte dimidia heres esse,

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. The slave of two masters was appointed an heir and ordered to enter upon the estate; if he did so, by the order of one of them, and then was manumitted, he could himself become the heir of half the said estate by entering upon the same.

Dig. 32,100Iavolenus libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. ‘Heres meus damnas esto Lucio Titio Stichum servum meum reddere’ vel ita: ‘illum servum meum illi reddito’. Cascellius ait deberi neque id Labeo improbat, quia qui reddere iubetur, simul et dare iubetur. 1Duae statuae marmoreae cuidam nominatim, item omne marmor erat legatum: nullam statuam marmoream praeter duas Cascellius putat deberi: Ofilius Trebatius contra. Labeo Cascellii sententiam probat, quod verum puto, quia duas statuas legando potest videri non putasse in marmore se statuas legare. 2‘Uxori meae vestem, mundum muliebrem, ornamenta omnia, aurum argentum quod eius causa factum paratumque esset omne do lego’. Trebatius haec verba ‘quod eius causa factum paratumque est’, ad aurum et argentum dumtaxat referri putat, Proculus ad omnia, quod et verum est. 3Cui Corinthia vasa legata essent, ἐν βάσεις quoque eorum vasorum collocandorum causa paratas deberi Trebatius respondit. Labeo autem id non probat, si eas βάσεις testator numero vasorum habuit. Proculus vero recte ait, si aeneae quidem sint, non autem Corinthiae, non deberi. 4Cui testudinea legata essent, ei lectos testudineos pedibus inargentatos deberi Labeo Trebatius responderunt, quod verum est.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. “I charge my heir to deliver my slave, Stichus, to Lucius Titius,” or “Let him deliver my slave to him.” Cascellius says that, under a clause of this kind, the slave must be delivered; and Labeo approves his opinion, because where anyone is ordered to deliver anything, he is at the same time ordered to give it. 1A legacy of two marble statues, as well as all the marble in the possession of the testator was specifically bequeathed to a certain individual. Cascellius thinks that no other marble statue, except the two mentioned, is due. Ofilius and Trebatius are of the contrary opinion. Labeo adopts the conclusion of Cascellius, which I believe to be correct, because by leaving two statues, it can be held that the testator did not intend to leave any more when he bequeathed the marble. 2“I give and bequeath to my wife her clothing, jewels, and all gold and silver plate, which I have had made for her, or intended for her use.” Trebatius thinks that the words, “Which I have had made for her or intended for her use,” only refer to the gold and silver plate. Proculus holds that they refer to everything mentioned, and this opinion is correct. 3In a case where Corinthian vases were bequeathed to a certain person, Trebatius was of the opinion that the pedestals made to support them were due, as part of the legacy. Labeo, however, does not adopt this opinion, if the testator considered the said pedestals as vases. But Proculus very properly says that if the vases were not of Corinthian brass, they could be claimed by the legatee. 4Where articles made of tortoise-shell are bequeathed, Labeo and Trebatius are of the opinion that beds inlaid with tortoise-shell, whose feet are covered with silver, are due, which is correct.

Dig. 33,2,30Iavolenus libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Cui usus fructus legatus esset, donec ei totius dotis satisfieret, cum ei heres pro sua parte satis dedisset, quamvis reliqui satis non darent, tamen pro ea parte usum fructum desinere habere mulierem ait Labeo: idem fieri et si per mulierem mora fieret, quo minus satis acciperet. 1Colono suo dominus usum fructum fundi, quem is colebat, legaverat: agat colonus cum herede ita, ut iudex cogat heredem ex locationis actione eum liberare.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. Where an usufruct is bequeathed to a woman until her dowry has been entirely paid, and one of the heirs gives her security for his share of the estate but the others do not; Labeo says that the woman will cease to enjoy the usufruct to the extent of said share. The same will take place where the woman is in default in accepting the security. 1An owner left to his tenant the usufruct of certain land which he cultivated. The tenant will have a right of action against the heir, in order that the judge may compel the latter to release him from liability under his contract.

Dig. 33,2,41Iavolenus libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Cum ita legatum esset: ‘fructus annuos fundi Corneliani Publio Maevio do lego’, perinde putat accipiendum esse Labeo, ac si usus fructus fundi similiter esset legatus, quia haec mens fuisse testatoris videatur.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. When a bequest is made as follows, “I give and bequeath to Publius Mævius all the annual crops of the Cornelian Estate,” Labeo thinks this should be understood to be the same as if the usufruct of the land had been left, because this seems to have been the intention of the testator.

Dig. 33,6,7Iavolenus libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Quidam heredem damnaverat dare uxori suae vinum oleum frumentum acetum mella salsamenta. Trebatius aiebat ex singulis rebus non amplius deberi, quam quantum heres mulieri dare voluisset, quoniam non adiectum esset, quantum ex quaque re daretur. Ofilius Cascellius Tubero omne, quantum pater familias reliquisset, legatum putant: Labeo id probat idque verum est. 1‘Lucio Titio tritici modios centum, qui singuli pondo centum pendeant, heres dato’. Ofilius nihil legatum esse, quod et Labeo probat, quoniam eiusmodi triticum in rerum natura non esset: quod verum puto.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. A certain individual charged his heir to give to his wife wine, oil, grain, vinegar, honey, and salt-fish. Trebatius said that the heir was not obliged to deliver any more of each article to the woman than he desired, since it was not stated how much of each article was to be given. Ofilius, Cascellius, and Tubero think that the entire amount of the said articles which the testator left was included in the legacy. Labeo approves of this, and it is correct. 1“Let my heir deliver to Lucius Titius a hundred measures of wheat, each of which shall weigh a hundred pounds.” Ofilius holds that nothing is bequeathed, and Labeo agrees with him, as wheat of this kind does not exist; which opinion I think to be true.

Dig. 33,7,4Iavolenus libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Cum quidam duos fundos iunctos haberet et ex altero boves, cum opus fecissent, in alterum reverterentur, utrumque fundum cum instrumento legaverat. Labeo Trebatius boves ei fundo cessuros putant, ubi opus fecissent, non ubi manere consuevissent: Cascellius contra. Labeonis sententiam probo.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. A certain testator had two adjoining tracts of land, and the oxen used on one tract, after the work there was completed, were then removed to the other. He bequeathed both tracts, with all the equipment. Labeo and Trebatius think that the oxen ought to belong to the land where they worked, and not where they were accustomed to remain. Cascellius holds the contrary opinion. I adopt the view of Labeo.

Dig. 33,7,25Iavolenus libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Fundi instrumento legato id pecus cedere putabat Tubero, quod is fundus sustinere potuisset: Labeo contra. quid enim fiet, inquit, si, cum mille oves fundus sustinere potuisset, duo milia ovium in eo fundo fuerint? quas oves potissimum legato cessuras existimabimus? nec quaerendum esse, quid debuisset parari pecoris instrumenti fundi causa, sed quid paratum esset: non enim ex numero aut multitudine legata aestimandum esse. Labeonis sententiam probo. 1Quidam cum in fundo figlinas haberet, figulorum opera maiore parte anni ad opus rusticum utebatur, deinde eius fundi instrumentum legaverat. Labeo Trebatius non videri figulos in instrumento fundi esse. 2Item cum instrumentum omne legatum esset excepto pecore, pastores oviliones, ovilia quoque legato contineri Ofilius non recte putat.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. When the equipment of a tract of land is devised, Tubero thinks that all the cattle which the land can support are included in the devise. Labeo is of the contrary opinion, for he says if, when the land could support a thousand sheep, two thousand were kept there, how many of them should we decide ought to be included in the devise? No inquiry should be made as to how many sheep the testator ought to have had there for the purpose of constituting the number to be included in the devise, but how many he actually had on the land; for the estimate should not be made from the number or the amount that was left. I concur in the opinion of Labeo. 1A certain individual, who had potteries on his land, employed the services of his potters for the greater portion of the year in farm labor, and afterwards devised the land with its equipment. Labeo and Trebatius think that the potters should not be included in the equipment of the land. 2Where all the equipment of a tract of land was left with the exception of the cattle, Ofilius improperly holds that the shepherds and the sheep are included in the bequest.

Dig. 34,2,39Iavolenus libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Si uxori mundus muliebris legatus esset, ea tantummodo deberi Ofilius Labeo responderunt, quae ex his tradita utendi causa uxori viro fuissent: aliter enim interpretantibus summam fore captionem, si vascularius aut faber argentarius uxori ita legasset. 1Cum ita legatum esset: ‘argentum, quod domo mea erit cum moriar’, Ofilius nec quod depositum a se nec quod commodatum reliquisset argentum legatum videri respondit. idem Cascellius de commodato. Labeo, quod depositum esset, ita deberi, si praesentis custodiae causa, non perpetuae veluti thensauro depositum esset, quia illa verba ‘quod domo mea erit’ sic accipi debere ‘esse solebat’: et hoc probo. 2Ateius Servium respondisse scribit, cui argentum, quod in Tusculano fundo cum moreretur habuisset, legatum esset, et quod antequam moreretur ex urbe in Tusculanum iussu testatoris translatum esset, deberi: contra fore, si iniussu translatum esset.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. Where toilet articles intended for women are bequeathed to a wife, Ofilius and Labeo gave it as their opinion that she will only be entitled to such as have been given to her by her husband for her own use. If this should be interpreted otherwise, great harm would result when a goldsmith or a silversmith makes such a bequest to his wife. 1Where a legacy was bequeathed as follows, “I leave to So-and-So the silver which may be found in my house at the time of my death,” Ofilius holds that silver deposited with the testator or loaned to him, ought not to be included. Cascellius is of the same opinion with reference to silver that was loaned. Labeo thinks that what was deposited with him will be due to the legatee, if it was left with him forever as treasure, and not merely for temporary safe-keeping; because the words, “Which may be found in my house at the time of my death,” should be understood to mean that which was ordinarily there. I approve of this opinion. 2Attius says Servius held that where a testator left a certain person the silver “which he might have on his Tuscan estate when he died;” that also was included in the legacy, which, before the testator’s death, had, by his direction, been taken from the city to the Tuscan estate. The case, however, would be different if it had been removed without his order.

Dig. 34,3,17Iavolenus libro secundo Labeonis posteriorum. reliqua quoque: in iudicio locationis venire.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. Any balance due on the lease is also included in the legacy.

Dig. 35,1,40Idem libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Quibus diebus vicinus tuus te via publica, cum ad parendum condicioni ire velles, ire prohibuerit nec per te staret, quo minus agendo ob calumnias eum summoveas, hi dies condicioni non imputabuntur. 1Quidam ita legaverat: ‘si Publius Cornelius impensam, quam in fundum Seianum feci, heredi meo dederit, tum heres meus Publio Cornelio fundum Seianum dato’. Cascellius aiebat etiam pretium fundi dari debere, Ofilius impensae verbo negat pretium significari, sed eos dumtaxat sumptus, quos in eum posteaquam emptus esset fecit. idem Cinna scribit adiecto eo, quod non deductis fructibus impensarum ratio haberi debeat: et hoc magis verum puto. 2Quidam Titio centum legaverat, deinde infra ita iusserat: ‘quas pecunias cuique legavi, eas heres meus, si mater mea moritur, dato’: mortuo patre familias Titius vixerat et viva matre familias decesserat. mortua matre heredibus Titii legatum deberi Ofilius respondit, quoniam non sub condicione esset legatum, sed ante legatum pure, deinde dies solvendi adiecta. videamus, inquit Labeo, ne id falsum sit, quia nihil intersit, utrum ita scribatur: ‘quas pecunias cuique legavi, eas heres meus, si mater mea moritur, dato’ an ita: ‘nisi mater mea moritur, ne dato’: utrubique enim sub condicione vel datum vel ademptum esse legatum. Labeonis responsum probo. 3Dominus servo aureos quinqueaaDie Großausgabe fügt eius ein. legaverat: ‘heres meus Sticho servo meo, quem testamento liberum esse iussi, aureos quinque, quos in tabulis debeo, dato’. nihil servo legatum esse Namusa Servium respondisse scribit, quia dominus servo nihil debere potuisset: ego puto secundum mentem testatoris naturale magis quam civile debitum spectandum esse, et eo iure utimur. 4Qui dotalem fundum nullum habebat, ita legaverat: ‘fundum Cornelianum, quem illa mihi doti dedit, ei heres dato’. Labeo Ofilius Trebatius responderunt fundum nihilo minus legatum esse, quia, cum fundus Cornelianus in rerum natura sit, demonstratio falsa legatum non peremit. 5Thermus minor quorum arbitratu monumentum sibi fieri vellet testamento scribserat, deinde ita legaverat: ‘Luciis Publiis Corneliis ad monumentum meum aedificandum mille heres meus dato’. Trebatius respondit pro eabbDie Großausgabe liest eo statt ea. habendum ac si ita legatum esset, si satisdedissent se ita id monumentum ex ea pecunia facturos. Labeo Trebatii sententiam probat, quia haec mens testantis fuisset, ut ea pecunia in monumentum consumeretur: idem et ego et Proculus probamus.

The Same, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. If your neighbor should, upon certain days, hinder you from using a highway when you wish to travel upon it in order to comply with a condition, and you are not to blame for not bringing an action against him to prevent him from doing this, these days shall not be included in the time imposed by the condition. 1A certain man made a bequest as follows, “If Publius Cornelius should pay my heir for the expense which I have incurred with reference to the Seian Estate, then let my heir deliver the Seian Estate to Publius Cornelius.” Cascellius said that the legatee ought also to pay to the heir the price of the land. Ofilius denies that the price is included in the term “expenses,” but that only those expenses are meant which the party paid out of the land after it had been purchased. Cinna holds the same opinion, and adds that an account of the expenses must be taken without deducting the profits. I think that this is the better opinion. 2A testator bequeathed a hundred aurei to Titius, and afterwards made the following provision in his will, “Let my heir give the sums of money which I have bequeathed, if my mother should die.” Titius survived the testator, and died during the life of the mother. Ofilius gave it as his opinion that, after the death of the mother, the heirs of Titius were entitled to the legacy, as it had not been left under a condition, but had been bequeathed absolutely in the first place, and the time of its payment had been added afterwards. Labeo says, “Let us see if this opinion is not false,” because it makes no difference whether a bequest is made as follows, “Let my heir pay to my legatee the money which I have bequeathed to him, if my mother should die,” or, in these terms, “Let him not pay the money, unless my mother should die,” for, in either instance, the legacy is given or taken away under a condition. I approve the opinion of Labeo. 3A master bequeathed five aurei to his slave, as follows: “Let my heir pay to my slave Stichus, whom I have ordered to be free by my will, the five aurei which I owe him on account.” Namusa says that Servius gave it as his opinion that the bequest of the slave was void, because a master cannot be indebted to his slave. I think that, according to the intention of the testator, the debt should rather be considered a natural than a civil one, and this is the present practice. 4A husband, who had received no dotal land, made the following testamentary disposition, “Let my heir give to my wife the Cornelian Estate, which she gave to me as her dowry,” Labeo, Ofilius, and Trebatius held that the devise of the land was, nevertheless, binding, because as the Cornelian Estate actually existed, the false designation did not affect the devise. 5Thermus Junior mentioned in his will the names of certain persons by whose advice he desired a monument to be erected to himself, and then made the following bequest, “Let my heir pay to Lucius, Publius, and Cornelius a thousand aurei for the purpose of erecting my monument.” Trebatius gave it as his opinion that this is just the same as if the bequest had been made on condition that the party should give security for the erection of the monument with the said money. Labeo concurs in the opinion of Trebatius, because it was the intention of the testator that the sum should be used for the erection of a monument. Both Proculus and myself approve this opinion.

Dig. 50,16,242Iavolenus libro secundo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Malum navis esse partem, artemonem autem non esse Labeo ait, quia pleraeque naves sine malo inutiles essent, ideoque pars navis habetur: artemo autem magis adiectamento quam pars navis est. 1Inter ‘proiectum’ et ‘immissum’ hoc interesse ait Labeo, quod proiectum esset id quod ita proveheretur ut nusquam requiesceret, qualia maeniana et suggrundae essent: immissum autem, quod ita fieret, ut aliquo loco requiesceret, veluti tigna trabes quae immitteretur. 2Plumbum, quod tegulis poneretur, aedificii esse ait Labeo: sed id, quod hypaethri tegendi causa poneretur, contra esse. 3‘Viduam’ non solum eam, quae aliquando nupta fuisset, sed eam quoque mulierem, quae virum non habuisset, appellari ait Labeo: quia vidua sic dicta est quasi vecors, vesanus, qui sine corde aut sanitate esset: similiter viduam dictam esse sine duitate. 4Straturam loci alicuius ex tabulis factis, quae aestate tollerentur et hieme ponerentur, aedium esse ait Labeo, quoniam perpetui usus paratae essent: neque ad rem pertinere, quod interim tollerentur.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. Labeo says that a mast forms part of a ship, but that small sails do not, because many ships would be useless without masts, and therefore they are considered as belonging to ships; sails, however, are held to be rather an addition to than parts of a vessel. 1Labeo says that a difference exists between what projects over, and what is inserted into anything as a projection, is put forward in such a way that it does not have a support, as for instance, balconies and roofs; and whatever is inserted into a building rests upon something, for example, joists and beams. 2Labeo says that where lead is used instead of tile to cover a house, it forms part of it; but that where it is used for the purpose of covering an open gallery it does not. 3Labeo says that a widow is not only a woman who has been married at some time, but also one who has not had a husband; for the term is also applied to a person who is idiotic or insane, and the word also means without the union of two persons. 4Labeo also says, that a building composed of boards erected for the purpose of protecting any place during the winter, and which is removed in the summer, is a house; as it is designed for perpetual use, although it is not attached to the soil, for the reason that it is removed for a part of the time.

Ex libro III

Dig. 7,4,24Iavolenus libro tertio ex posterioribus Labeonis. Cum usum fructum horti haberem, flumen hortum occupavit, deinde ab eo recessit: ius quoque usus fructus restitutum esse Labeoni videtur, quia id solum perpetuo eiusdem iuris mansisset. ita id verum puto, si flumen inundatione hortum occupavit: nam si alveo mutato inde manare coeperit, amitti usum fructum existimo, cum is locus alvei publicus esse coeperit, neque in pristinum statum restitui posse. 1Idem iuris in itinere et actu custodiendum esse ait Labeo: de quibus rebus ego idem quod in usu fructu sentio. 2Labeo. nec si summa terra sublata ex fundo meo et alia regesta esset, idcirco meum solum esse desinit, non magis quam stercorato agro.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book III. If I have the usufruct of a garden, and a river covers it and then recedes; it is the opinion of Labeo that the usufruct is also restored, because the soil always remained in the same legal condition. I think that this is true only where the river covered the garden by reason of an inundation; for if its bed was changed and it flowed in that direction, I think that the usufruct is lost, as the ground of the former bed becomes public property, and cannot be restored to its former state. 1Labeo states that the same rule of law should be observed with reference to a right of way and a road; but I am of the same opinion with reference to these things as I am with reference to the usufruct. 2Labeo says that even if the surface of the ground is removed from my field and replaced with other soil, the land does not, for this reason, cease to be mine, any more than if the field were covered with manure.

Dig. 22,1,49Iavolenus libro tertio ex posterioribus Labeonis. Fructus rei est vel pignori dare licere.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book II. The power of giving property in pledge is a product of the same.

Dig. 33,10,10Iavolenus libro tertio ex posterioribus Labeonis. Qui vestem omnem et res plurium generum supellectilis expenso ferre solitus erat, is uxori supellectilem legaverat. recte negabant vestem legato cessuram Labeo Ofilius Cascellius, quia non posset videri vestis appellatione supellectilis contineri.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book III. A certain man who was accustomed to set down in his expense account all his clothing, as well as articles of different kinds, as “furniture,” bequeathed his household goods to his wife. Labeo, Ofilius, and Cascellius very properly deny that the clothing was embraced in the legacy, because it cannot be said that clothing is classed as furniture.

Dig. 34,5,28Iavolenus libro tertio ex posterioribus Labeonis. Qui habebat Flaccum fullonem et Philonicum pistorem, uxori Flaccum pistorem legaverat: qui eorum et num uterque deberetur? placuit primo eum legatum esse, quem testator legare sensisset. quod si non appareret, primum inspiciendum esse, an nomina servorum dominus nota habuisset: quod si habuisset, eum deberi, qui nominatus esset, tametsi in artificio erratum esset. sin autem ignota nomina servorum essent, pistorem legatum videri perinde ac si nomen ei adiectum non esset.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book III. A certain individual that owned the slave Flaccus, who was a fuller, and Philonicus, who was a baker, left to his wife the baker Flaccus; and the question arose which of the slaves was due, and whether both of them were not included in the legacy. It was held, in the first place, that that slave was bequeathed whom the testator intended should form part of the legacy. If this could not be ascertained, an investigation should then be made to learn whether the master knew the names of his slaves. If this was the case, the slave would then be due whom he mentioned by name, even if he had made a mistake with reference to his trade. Where, however, the names of the slaves were unknown to him, the baker should be considered to be the subject of the legacy, just as if his name had not been mentioned.

Dig. 50,17,72Iavolenus libro tertio ex posterioribus Labeonis. Fructus rei est vel pignori dare licere.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book III. The profits of any kind of property can be given in pledge.

Ex libro IV

Dig. 18,1,77Iavolenus libro quarto ex posterioribus Labeonis. In lege fundi vendundi lapidicinae in eo fundo ubique essent exceptae erant, et post multum temporis in eo fundo repertae erant lapidicinae. eas quoque venditoris esse Tubero respondit: Labeo referre quid actum sit: si non appareat, non videri eas lapidicinas esse exceptas: neminem enim nec vendere nec excipere quod non sit, et lapidicinas nullas esse, nisi quae apparent et caedantur: aliter interpretantibus totum fundum lapidicinarum fore, si forte toto eo sub terra esset lapis. hoc probo.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book IV. In a contract for the sale of land, the quarries on said land, wherever they might be, were reserved, and after a long time quarries were found on said land. Tubero gave it as his opinion that they belonged to the vendor; Labeo held that the intention should be considered, arid if this could not be ascertained, the said quarries could not be held to have been reserved, for no one would sell or reserve something which was not in existence, and no quarries are in existence unless they are visible and are worked. In case a different interpretation should be given, the entire tract would constitute a quarry if there should happen to be stone under all of it. I approve this opinion.

Dig. 28,8,11Iavolenus libro quarto ex posterioribus Labeonis. Qui filium libertinum habebat, heredem eum instituerat, deinde ita scripserat: ‘si mihi filius nullus erit, qui in suam tutelam veniat, tum dama servus liber esto’: is filius pupillus libertinus erat: quaerebatur, si dama liber esset. Trebatius negat, quia filii appellatione libertinus quoque contineretur: Labeo contra, quia eo loco verum filium accipi oportet. Trebatii sententiam probo, si tamen testatorem de hoc filio locutum esse apparet.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book IV. A former slave had a son who was a freedman, and whom he appointed his heir, and he then inserted into his will: “If I should have no son who will become his own master, then let Damas the slave be free”. The minor son of the testator had been emancipated. The question arose whether Damas should be free. Trebatius declares that he should not, because the term freedman is also included in the appellation of son. Labeo holds the contrary opinion, because in this instance a true son must be understood. I adopt the view of Trebatius, in case it should become evident that the testator had reference to the said son.

Dig. 40,1,26Iavolenus libro quarto ex posterioribus Labeonis. Servum furiosum omni genere manumissum ad libertatem perduci putat posse Labeo.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book IV. Labeo holds that a slave who is insane can be manumitted and obtain his freedom by every proceeding known to the law.

Dig. 40,7,39Iavolenus libro quarto ex posterioribus Labeonis. ‘Stichum Attio do lego et, si is ei nummos centum dederit, liber esto’. si servus ex testamento nummos Attio dedisset, eos repetere heredem non posse Labeo existimat, quia Attius eos a servo suo acceperit, non ab heredis servo. eum autem statuliberum esse Quintus Mucius, Gallus et ipse Labeo putant: Servius, Ofilius non esse. superiorem sententiam probo, ita tamen, ut is servus heredis, non legatarii sit, utpote cum legatum statulibertate tollatur. 1‘Stichus liber esto, quando aes alienum meum solutum creditoribusve meis satisfactum erit’. quamvis heres locuples extitisset, tamen non prius Stichum liberum futurum, quam creditores pecuniam aut satis accepissent aliove quo modo sibi cavissent, Labeo Ofilius responderunt. 2Si heres servo pecuniam ad negotiandum dedisset, statuliberum eam ipsam numerando liberari ex testamento non posse Labeo Trebatius responderunt, quia reddere eam magis quam dare videretur. ego puto, si peculiares nummi fuerunt, ex testamento eum liberum futurum. 3‘Dama servus cum heredi meo annorum septem operas solverit, liber esto’ et is servus intra septem annos in iudicio publico esset et septimus annus praeterisset, Servius ait eum non liberari debere, Labeo, et si postea solvisset annorum septem operas, liberum futurum: quod verum est. 4‘Si Stichus Attiae mille nummos dederit, liber esto’. Attia vivo testatore decessit: non posse Stichum liberum esse Labeo Ofilius responderunt: Trebatius, si ante testamentum factum Attia decessisset, idem: si postea, eum liberum futurum. Labeonis et Ofilii sententia rationem quidem habet, sed hoc iure utimur, ut is servus ex testamento liber sit. 5Si servus operas extraneo dare iussus esset, nullus nomine servi suas operas dando liberare servum potest: quod in pecunia aliter observatur, utpote cum extraneus pro eo servo dando pecuniam servum liberaret.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book IV. “I give and bequeath Stichus to Attius, and if he pays him a hundred sesterces, let him be free.” If the slave pays the sesterces to Attius under the terms of the will, Labeo holds that the heir cannot recover them, because Attius received them from his own slave, and not from the slave of the heir. Quintus Mucius, Gallus, and Labeo himself think that the slave should be considered conditionally free, and Servius and Ofilius think that he should not. I adopt the former opinion, that is to say, that the slave belongs to the heir and not to the legatee, just as if the legacy had been taken away by the grant of freedom. 1“Let Stichus be free, when my debts are paid, or my creditors are satisfied.” Even though the heir should be rich, Stichus will, nevertheless, not be free before the creditors have received their money, or their claims have been satisfied, or security has been furnished them in some other way; which is the opinion of Labeo and Ofilius. 2Labeo and Trebatius held that if the heir should give a slave money for the purpose of transacting business he cannot become free under the terms of the will, by paying this money, because he is considered rather to have returned it than to have paid it. I think, however, that if the money formed part of his peculium, he will become free under the testamentary provision. 3“Let my slave Damas be free, after he has given his services to my heir for seven years.” The slave was implicated in a capital crime during the seven years, and the last year having elapsed, Servius stated that he should not be liberated. Labeo, however, held that he would be free after having served his master for seven years. This opinion is correct. 4Ad Dig. 40,7,39,4Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 92, Note 8.“Let Stichus be free, if he pays a thousand sesterces to Attia.” Attia died during the lifetime of the testator. Labeo and Ofilius were of the opinion that Stichus could not become free. Trebatius agreed with them, if Attia died before the will was made; but if she died afterwards, he held that the slave would be free. The opinion of Labeo and Ofilius is reasonable, but it is our practice to consider the slave as free under the terms of the will. 5Where a slave is ordered to serve a stranger, no one can liberate him by furnishing his own labor in the name of the slave. The rule, however, is different where the payment of money is concerned; as, for instance, where a stranger liberates a slave by paying money in his behalf.

Ex libro V

Dig. 8,1,20Iavolenus libro quinto ex posterioribus Labeonis. Quotiens via aut aliquid ius fundi emeretur, cavendum putat esse Labeo per te non fieri, quo minus eo iure uti possit, quia nulla eiusmodi iuris vacua traditio esset. ego puto usum eius iuris pro traditione possessionis accipiendum esse ideoque et interdicta veluti possessoria constituta sunt.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book V. As often as a right of way or any other right attaching to land is purchased, Labeo is of the opinion that security should be given that nothing will be done by you to prevent the purchaser from availing himself of his right, because there can be no open delivery of a right of this description. I think that the use of such a right must be considered as equivalent to delivery of possession; and therefore interdicts corresponding to those relating to possession have been established.

Dig. 18,1,79Iavolenus libro quinto ex posterioribus Labeonis. Fundi partem dimidiam ea lege vendidisti, ut emptor alteram partem, quam retinebas, annis decem certa pecunia in annos singulos conductam habeat. Labeo et Trebatius negant posse ex vendito agi, ut id quod convenerit fiat. ego contra puto, si modo ideo vilius fundum vendidisti, ut haec tibi conductio praestaretur: nam hoc ipsum pretium fundi videretur, quod eo pacto venditus fuerat: eoque iure utimur.

Ad Dig. 18,1,79ROHGE, Bd. 11 (1874), Nr. 75, S. 227: Zahlung des Kaufgeldes nicht baar, sondern in Actien.Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book V. You sold half of a tract of land on condition that the purchaser would lease you the other half, which you reserved for the term of ten years at a certain rent, payable annually. Labeo and Trebatius deny that an action on sale can be brought, to compel the purchaser to comply with what he agreed to. I am of the contrary opinion, even if you sold the land at a very low price in order that this lease might be made to you; for this is held to be part of the price of the land, since it was sold under this agreement. This is the law at the present time.

Dig. 19,2,59Iavolenus libro quinto Labeonis posteriorum. Marcius domum faciendam a Flacco conduxerat: deinde operis parte effecta terrae motu concussum erat aedificium. Massurius Sabinus, si vi naturali, veluti terrae motu hoc acciderit, Flacci esse periculum.

Javolenus, On the Lost Works of Labeo, Book V. Marcius was employed to build a house by Flaccus. After the work was partly done the building was destroyed by an earthquake. Massurius Sabinus says that if the accident took place through some force of nature, as for instance, an earthquake, Flaccus must assume the risk.

Dig. 28,1,25Iavolenus libro quinto posteriorum Labeonis. Si is, qui testamentum faceret, heredibus primis nuncupatis, priusquam secundos exprimeret heredes, obmutuisset, magis coepisse eum testamentum facere quam fecisse Varus digestorum libro primo Servium respondisse scripsit: itaque primos heredes ex eo testamento non futuros. Labeo tum hoc verum esse existimat, si constaret voluisse plures eum, qui testamentum fecisset, heredes pronuntiare: ego nec Servium puto aliud sensisse.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book V. Where anyone who makes a will after having mentioned the first heirs loses the power of speech before he can mention the second ones, the better opinion is that he has begun to make a will rather than that he has made it; which view Verus stated, in the First Book of the Digest, was entertained by Servius; therefore the first heirs appointed cannot take under such a will. Hence Labeo thinks that this is correct, if it should be established that the testator who executed the will intended to appoint several heirs. I do not think that Servius intended anything else.

Dig. 33,2,42Idem libro quinto ex posterioribus Labeonis. In fructu id esse intellegitur, quod ad usum hominis inductum est: neque enim maturitas naturalis hic spectanda est, sed id tempus, quo magis colono dominove eum fructum tollere expedit. itaque cum olea immatura plus habeat reditus, quam si matura legatur, non potest videri, si immatura lecta est, in fructu non esse.

The Same, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book V. Among the crops of land is understood to be included everything which can be used by a man. For it is not necessary in this place to consider the time when they naturally mature, but the time when it is most advantageous for the tenant or the owner to gather them. Therefore, as olives which are not ripe are more valuable than they are after maturity, it cannot be held that they did not form part of the crops, where they are gathered before they are ripe.

Dig. 33,7,26Idem libro quinto ex posterioribus Labeonis. Dolia fictilia, item plumbea, quibus terra adgesta est, et in his viridiaria posita aedium esse Labeo Trebatius putant. ita id verum puto, si ita illigata sint aedibus, ut ibi perpetuo posita sint. 1Molas manuarias quidem suppellectilis, iumentarias autem instrumenti esse Ofilius ait. Labeo Cascellius Trebatius neutras suppellectilis, sed potius instrumenti putant esse, quod verum puto.

The Same, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book V. Earthenware, and leaden vessels in which earth is placed, and flowers planted in pots, Labeo and Trebatius think constitute a part of the house. I think this to be correct, if they are fastened to the house so as to always remain there. 1Ofilius says that hand-mills should be classed with household goods, but those moved by animal power are appurtenant to the land. Labeo, Cascellius, and Trebatius think that neither should be classed as household goods, but rather as appurtenances. I think that this is true.

Dig. 41,2,51Iavolenus libro quinto ex posterioribus Labeonis. Quarundam rerum animo possessionem apisci nos ait Labeo: veluti si acervum lignorum emero et eum venditor tollere me iusserit, simul atque custodiam posuissem, traditus mihi videtur. idem iuris esse vino vendito, cum universae amphorae vini simul essent. sed videamus, inquit, ne haec ipsa corporis traditio sit, quia nihil interest, utrum mihi an et cuilibet iusserim custodia tradatur. in eo puto hanc quaestionem consistere, an, etiamsi corpore acervus aut amphorae adprehensae non sunt, nihilo minus traditae videantur: nihil video interesse, utrum ipse acervum an mandato meo aliquis custodiat: utrubique animi quodam genere possessio erit aestimanda.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book V. Labeo says that we can acquire possession of certain things by intention; as, for instance, if I purchase a pile of wood, and the vendor directs me to remove it, it will be considered to have been transferred to me, as soon as I place a guard over it. The same rule applies to a sale of wine where all the jars are together. But, he says, let us see whether this is an actual delivery, because it makes no difference whether I order the custody of the property to be delivered to me, or to someone else. I think that the question in this case is, that even if the pile of wood or the jars have not been actually handled, they should, nevertheless, be considered to have been delivered. I do not see that it makes any difference whether I, myself, take charge of the pile of wood, or someone else does so by my direction. In both instances, whether or not possession was obtained must be determined by the character of the intention.

Ex libro VI

Dig. 9,2,57Iavolenus libro sexto ex posterioribus Labeonis. Equum tibi commodavi: in eo tu cum equitares et una complures equitarent, unus ex his irruit in equum teque deiecit et eo casu crura equi fracta sunt. Labeo negat tecum ullam actionem esse, sed si equitis culpa factum esset, cum equite: sane non cum equi domino agi posse. verum puto.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book VI. I lent you a horse and while you were riding it several others were riding with you, and one of them ran against your horse and threw you off, and the legs of your horse were broken in consequence of the accident. Labeo states that no action can be brought against you, but if the accident took place through the negligence of the rider he can be sued, but suit cannot be brought against the owners of the horse; and I think this is correct.

Dig. 23,3,80Iavolenus libro sexto ex posterioribus Labeonis. Si debitor mulieris dotem sponso promiserit, posse mulierem ante nuptias a debitore eam pecuniam petere neque eo nomine postea debitorem viro obligatum futurum ait Labeo. falsum est, quia ea promissio in pendenti esset, donec obligatio in ea causa est.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book VI. If the debtor of a woman should promise a dowry to her betrothed, the woman can bring an action for the money against her debtor before the marriage; and Labeo says that the debtor will not be liable to the husband upon this ground afterwards. This opinion is incorrect, because the promise is in suspense as long as the obligation remains in this condition.

Dig. 23,3,83Iavolenus libro sexto posteriorum Labeonis. Si debitor mulieris dotem sponso promiserit, non posse mulierem ante nuptias a debitore eam pecuniam petere, quia ea promissio in pendenti esset, donec obligatio in ea causa est.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book VI. If the debtor of a woman should promise her betrothed a dowry, she cannot collect the money from her debtor before the marriage, because the promise is in suspense as long as the obligation remains in this condition.

Dig. 23,4,32Iavolenus libro sexto ex posterioribus Labeonis. Uxor viro fundum aestimatum centum in dotem dederat, deinde cum viro pactum conventum fecerat, ut divortio facto eodem pretio uxori vir fundum restitueret: postea volente uxore vir eum fundum ducentorum vendiderat, et divortium erat factum. Labeo putat viro potestatem fieri debere, utrum velit ducenta vel fundum reddere, neque ei pactum conventum remitti oportere. idcirco puto hoc Labeonem respondisse, quoniam voluntate mulieris fundus veniit: alioquin omnimodo fundus erat restituendus. 1Si pater filiae nomine certam pecuniam in dotem promiserat et pactus est, ne invitus eam solveret: nihil ab eo exigendum puto, quia id, quod pacto convento ne invitus exigeretur convenerit, in dotis causam esse non videretur.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book VI. A wife gave to her husband, by way of dowry, land appraised at a hundred aurei, and then made an agreement with him to return the land to her at the same price in case of a divorce. The husband afterwards sold the said land for two hundred aurei, with the consent of his wife, and then a divorce took place. Labeo thinks that the husband should have the privilege of paying her two hundred aurei, or of returning the land, whichever he may choose; and that the obligation arising from the agreement should not be released. I think that Labeo gave this opinion because the land had been sold with the consent of the woman, otherwise it should, by all means, be returned. 1If a father promises a certain sum of money as a dowry for his daughter, and it is agreed that he shall not be compelled to pay it against his consent, I think that nothing can be collected from him; because the clause contained in the contract which stated that he could not be compelled to pay it, should be held to refer to the dowry.

Dig. 23,5,18Iavolenus libro sexto ex posterioribus Labeonis. Vir in fundo dotali lapidicinas marmoreas aperuerat: divortio facto quaeritur, marmor quod caesum neque exportatum esset cuius esset et impensam in lapidicinas factam mulier an vir praestare deberet. Labeo marmor viri esse ait: ceterum viro negat quidquam praestandum esse a muliere, quia nec necessaria ea impensa esset et fundus deterior esset factus. ego non tantum necessarias, sed etiam utiles impensas praestandas a muliere existimo nec puto fundum deteriorem esse, si tales sunt lapidicinae, in quibus lapis crescere possit. 1Si per mulierem mora fieret, quo minus aestimationem partis fundi viro solveret et fundum reciperet, cum hoc pactum erat: fructus interim perceptos ad virum pertinere ait Labeo. puto potius pro portione fructus virum habiturum, reliquos mulieri restituturum: quo iure utimur.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book VI. A husband opened marble quarries on dotal land. A divorce having taken place, the question arose to whom the marble which had been taken out but which had not yet been removed, belonged; and whether the wife or the husband should bear the expense incurred in working the quarries. Labeo said the marble belonged to the husband, but he denied that anything should be paid to him by the wife, because the expense was not necessary, and the land had been rendered less valuable. I think that not only necessary expenses but also those that are useful should be paid by the wife, and I do not believe that the land was decreased in value, if the quarries were of such a kind that the quantity of stone in them would, in time, be increased. 1If the wife should be in default, where an agreement was made that she should receive the land after paying the appraised value of part of the same to her husband; Labeo says that any profits collected in the meantime belong to the latter. I think that the better opinion is that the husband should be entitled to a proportionate share of the profits, and that the remainder should be refunded to the woman; which is the law at present.

Dig. 24,1,64Iavolenus libro sexto ex posterioribus Labeonis. Vir mulieri divortio facto quaedam idcirco dederat, ut ad se reverteretur: mulier reversa erat, deinde divortium fecerat. Labeo: Trebatius inter Terentiam et Maecenatem respondit si verum divortium fuisset, ratam esse donationem, si simulatum, contra. sed verum est, quod Proculus et Caecilius putant, tunc verum esse divortium et valere donationem divortii causa factam, si aliae nuptiae insecutae sunt aut tam longo tempore vidua fuisset, ut dubium non foret alterum esse matrimonium: alias nec donationem ullius esse momenti futuram.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book VI. A man gave something to his wife after a divorce had taken place, to induce her to return to him; and the woman, having returned, afterwards obtained a divorce. Labeo and Trebatius gave it as their opinion in a case which arose between Terentia and Mæcenas, that if the divorce was genuine, the donation would be valid, but if it was simulated, it would be void. However, what Proculus and Cæcilius hold is true, namely, that a divorce is genuine, and a donation made on account of it is valid, where another marriage follows, or the woman remains for so long a time unmarried that there is no doubt of a dissolution of the marriage, otherwise the donation will be of no force or effect.

Dig. 24,3,66Iavolenus libro sexto ex posterioribus Labeonis. In his rebus, quas praeter numeratam pecuniam doti vir habet, dolum malum et culpam eum praestare oportere Servius ait. ea sententia Publii Mucii est: nam is in Licinnia Gracchi uxore statuit, quod res dotales in ea seditione qua Gracchus occisus erat, perissent, ait, quia Gracchi culpa ea seditio facta esset, Licinniae praestari oportere. 1Servis uxoris vir nummos in vestiarium dederat, quo parato deinde intra annum divortium intercesserat. placuit Labeoni Trebatio, qualia vestimenta post divortium essent, talia viro reddi: idem iuris futurum fuisset, si ipsa vestimenta vir emisset et servis dedisset: quod si vestimenta non redderentur, tum virum pretium in dote compensaturum. 2Filia familias divortio facto dotem patri reddi iusserat: deinde parte dotis persoluta pater decesserat. reliquam partem, si nec delegata nec promissa novandi animo patri fuisset, mulieri solvi debere Labeo Trebatius putant, idque verum est. 3Mancipia in dotem aestimata accepisti: pactum conventum deinde factum est, ut divortio facto tantidem aestimata redderes nec de partu dotalium ancillarum mentio facta est. manebit, inquit Labeo, partus tuus, quia is pro periculo mancipiorum penes te esse deberet. 4Mulier, quae centum dotis apud virum habebat, divortio facto ducenta a viro errante stipulata erat. Labeo putat, quanta dos fuisset, tantam deberi, sive prudens mulier plus esset stipulata sive imprudens: Labeonis sententiam probo. 5Uxor divortio facto partem dotis receperat, partem apud virum reliquerat, deinde alii nupserat et iterum vidua facta ad priorem virum redierat, cui centum decem doti dederat neque eius pecuniae, quae reliqua ex priore dote erat, mentionem fecerat. divortio facto reliquum ex priore dote iisdem diebus virum redditurum ait Labeo, quibus reddidisset, si superius divortium inter eos factum non esset, quoniam prioris dotis causa in sequentem dotis obligationem esset translata: et hoc verum puto. 6Si vir socero iniussu uxoris manente matrimonio dotem acceptam fecisset, etiamsi id propter egestatem soceri factum esset, viri tamen periculum futurum ait Labeo, et hoc verum est. 7Si quis pro muliere dotem viro promisit, deinde herede muliere relicta decesserit, qua ex parte mulier ei heres esset, pro ea parte dotis periculum, quod viri fuisset, ad mulierem pertinere ait Labeo, quia nec melius aequius esset, quod exigere vir ab uxore non potuisset, ob id ex detrimento viri mulierem locupletari: et hoc verum puto.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book VI. Servius says that the husband is responsible for fraud and negligence with reference to all the property belonging to the dowry, which he has received, excepting money. This is also the opinion of Publius Mucius, for he decided in the case of Licinnia, the wife of Gracchus, whose dotal property had been lost in the sedition in which Gracchus was killed; as he held that the property should be restored to Licinnia, for the reason that Gracchus was to blame for the sedition. 1A husband gave money to his wife’s slave for the purchase of clothing, and this having been procured, a divorce took place within a year. It was held by Labeo and Trebatius that the clothing should be returned to the husband in the condition in which it was after the divorce. The rule of law would be the same if the husband had purchased the clothing and given it to the slave. If, however, the clothing should not be returned, the price of it can be set off by the husband against the dowry. 2A father ordered his daughter, who was under his control, to return her dowry to her father-in-law, a divorce having taken place; and after a part of the dowry had been paid, the father died. Labeo and Trebatius think that the remainder, if it had not been delegated or promised to be renewed to the father-in-law, should be paid to her; and this is correct. 3You received, by way of dowry, certain slaves whose value had been appraised, and an agreement was then entered into that, in case of a divorce, you should return slaves of equal value, but no mention was made of the offspring of female slaves forming part of the dowry. Labeo says that this offspring will belong to you, because it should be yours on account of the risk of losing the slaves which you are obliged to assume. 4A woman had a hundred aurei in the hands of her husband, as dowry, and a divorce having taken place, she stipulated through a mistake of her husband that he should be liable to her for two hundred. Labeo thinks that her husband will only be responsible for the dowry, whether the woman stipulated for the amount honestly or dishonestly. I adopt this opinion. 5A wife, after her divorce, received part of her dowry, and left part in the hands of her husband, and afterwards married another man, and then, having become a widow, she returned to her first husband, to whom she gave a hundred aurei, by way of dowry, without mentioning the money which remained out of the former dowry. If another divorce should occur, Labeo says that the husband will be compelled to return the remainder of the first dowry, under the same terms that he would have returned it if the first divorce had not taken place between them, as the remainder of the former dowry was transferred to the obligation of the second one. This I think to be correct. 6When a husband, without the order of his wife, during marriage, releases his father-in-law from the dowry which he had promised, Labeo says that this will be at the risk of the husband, even though it was done on account of the poverty of the father-in-law. This is true. 7Where anyone promises a dowry to a husband in behalf of his wife, and then, after having appointed the woman his heir, dies, Labeo says that the woman must assume the risk of that part of the dowry for which the husband was liable, for the reason that it would not be just for her to be enriched at the expense of her husband, and to hold him responsible for what he could not have exacted from her. I think that this is correct.

Ex libro VIII

Dig. 26,2,33Iavolenus libro octavo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Tutoribus ita datis: ‘Lucium Titium tutorem do. si is non vivit, tum Gaium Plautium tutorem do’ Titius vixerat et tutelam gesserat, deinde mortuus erat. Trebatius negat ad Plautium pertinere tutelam, Labeo contra, Proculus quod Labeo. ego Trebatii sententiam probo, quia illa verba ad mortis tempus referuntur.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book VIII. Certain guardians were appointed as follows: “I appoint Lucius Titius guardian, and if he should not be living, I then appoint Gaius Plautius”. Titius lived and administered the guardianship, and afterwards died. Trebatius denies that the guardianship belongs to Plautius; Labeo holds the opposite opinion, and Proculus agrees with him; but I have adopted the opinion of Trebatius because the words of the testator have reference to the time of death.

Ex libro IX

Dig. 19,2,57Iavolenus libro nono ex posterioribus Labeonis. Qui domum habebat, aream iniunctam ei domui vicino proximo locaverat: is vicinus cum aedificaret in suo, terram in eam aream amplius quam fundamenta caementicia locatoris erant congessit, et ea terra adsiduis pluviis inundata, ita parieti eius qui locaverat umore praestituto madefacto, aedificia corruerunt. Labeo ex locato tantummodo actionem esse ait, quia non ipsa congestio, sed umor ex ea congestione postea damno fuerit, damni autem iniuriae actio ob ea ipsa sit, per quae, non extrinsecus alia causa oblata, damno quis adfectus est: hoc probo.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book IX. A man who owned a house leased an empty space adjoining the same to his next neighbor. The said neighbor, while building upon his own ground, threw the dirt for the excavation upon the said vacant space, and heaped it up higher than the stone foundation of the lessor; and the earth, having become wet by constant rains, weakened the wall of the lessor with moisture to such an extent that the building collapsed. Labeo says that only an action on lease will lie, because it was not the heaping up of the earth itself, but the moisture arising therefrom that subsequently caused the injury, but that an action on the ground of unlawful damage will only lie where the damage has not been produced by some outside cause. I approve this opinion.

Dig. 47,2,91Iavolenus libro nono ex posterioribus Labeonis. Fullo actione locati de domino liberatus est: negat eum furti recte acturum Labeo. item si furti egisset, priusquam ex locato cum eo ageretur et, antequam de furto iudicaretur, locati actione liberatus esset, et fur ab eo absolvi debet. quod si nihil eorum ante accidisset, furem ei condemnari oportere. haec idcirco, quoniam furti eatenus habet actionem, quatenus eius interest. 1Nemo opem aut consilium alii praestare potest, qui ipse furti faciendi consilium capere non potest.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book IX. A fuller was released from liability to the owner in an action on hiring. Labeo denies that an action for theft will lie. Again, if he should bring an action for theft before the action for hiring was brought against him, and before judgment had been rendered with reference to the thief he should be released by the action on hiring, and the thief ought also to be discharged so far as he is concerned. If nothing of this kind previously occurred, judgment should be rendered against the thief in favor of the fuller, and this is the case because he has a right to the action for theft only to the extent of his interest. 1No one can give aid and advice to another who himself has no intention of committing a theft.

Dig. 47,10,44Iavolenus libro nono ex posterioribus Labeonis. Si inferiorum dominus aedium superioris vicini fumigandi causa fumum faceret, aut si superior vicinus in inferiores aedes quid aut proiecerit aut infuderit, negat Labeo iniuriarum agi posse: quod falsum puto, si tamen iniuriae faciendae causa inmittitur.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book IX. If the owner of a lower house causes smoke to affect the building of his neighbor above him, or if a neighbor occupying a higher house throws or pours anything upon that of another, which is situated below, Labeo says that an action for injury cannot be brought. I think that this is not true provided it was thrown down upon the neighbor’s premises for the purpose of injuring him.

Dig. 49,15,27Iavolenus libro nono ex posterioribus Labeonis. Latrones tibi servum eripuerant: postea is servus ad Germanos pervenerat: inde in bello victis Germanis servus venierat. negant posse usucapi eum ab emptore Labeo Ofilius Trebatius, quia verum esset eum subreptum esse, nec quod hostium fuisset aut postliminio redisset, ei rei impedimento esse.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book IX. Robbers stole your slave from you, and afterwards the said slave fell into the hands of the Germans, and then, the Germans having been defeated in battle, the slave was sold. Labeo, Ofilius, and Trebatius deny that the slave can be acquired through usucaption by the purchaser, because it was true that he had been stolen, and although he belonged to the enemy, and returned with the right of postliminium, this would be an obstacle.

Ex libro X

Dig. 33,10,11Idem libro decimo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Vasa aenea salientis aquae posita, item si quid aliud magis deliciarum quam usus causa paratum esset, non esse supellectilis Labeo Trebatius putant. murrea autem vasa et vitrea, quae ad usum, edendi et bibendi causa, parata essent, in supellectili dicuntur esse.

The Same, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book X. Labeo and Trebatus think that brass vases placed under jets of water, and also other articles designed for pleasure rather than for use, are not included among household goods. Vessels of iridescent glass and of crystal, which are to be used for drinking purposes, it is said, should be classed as household goods.

Dig. 46,1,46Iavolenus libro decimo ex posterioribus Labeonis. Cum lex venditionibus occurrere voluerit, fideiussor quoque liberatur, eo magis quod per eiusmodi actionem ad reum pervenitur.

Javolenus, On the Last Works of Labeo, Book X. Whenever the law is opposed to sales, the surety is also released; and there is all the more reason for this, because the principal debtor can be reached by a proceeding of this kind.