Ex Plautio libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 12,6,46Idem libro quarto ex Plautio. Qui heredis nomine legata non debita ex nummis ipsius heredis solvit, ipse quidem repetere non potest: sed si ignorante herede nummos eius tradidit, dominus, ait, eos recte vindicabit. eadem causa rerum corporalium est.
The Same, On Plautius, Book IV. A party who pays in the name of the heir and with money belonging to the heir, legacies which are not due, cannot himself bring an action for the recovery of what he paid; but if he paid the money of the heir without the knowledge of the latter, then the owner of the money, it is held, can properly bring suit to recover it. The same rules apply to corporeal property of all kinds.
Dig. 41,3,16Iavolenus libro quarto ex Plautio. Servi nomine, qui pignori datus est, ad exhibendum cum creditore, non cum debitore agendum est, quia qui pignori dedit, ad usucapionem tantum possidet, quod ad reliquas omnes causas pertinet, qui accepit possidet, adeo ut adici possit et possessio eius qui pignori dedit.
Javolenus, On Plautius, Book IV. When suit is brought for the production of a slave who has been given in pledge, proceedings must be instituted against the creditor, and not against the debtor; for the reason that he who gave the slave in pledge only possesses him by the right of usucaption. In all other respects, however, he who receives property possesses it, and this is true to such an extent that the possession of him who gives property in pledge can also be included.