Epistularum libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 34,3,6Iavolenus libro sexto epistularum. Post emancipationem vero filii eatenus pater actionem habebit, quatenus aliquid ex peculio aut in rem verso praestaturus est: id enim legatorum nomine ad patrem pertinebit, quod eius intererit. 1Illud quaeri potest, an eo quoque nomine pater ex testamento agere possit, ut etiam filius actione liberetur. quibusdam eo usque extendi actionem placebat, quia patris interesse videatur, si peculium filio post emancipationem concessisset, integrum ius eius permanere. ego contra sentio: nihil quicquam amplius patri praestandum ex eiusmodi scriptura testamenti puto, quam ut nihil ex eo, quod praestaturus heredi fuerit, praestet.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book VI. But, after the emancipation of the son, the father will only be entitled to an action to the extent of whatever forms part of the peculium of his son, or when the latter may have paid out anything for the benefit of his father; since the property which it is to the interest of the father to have, will belong to him by virtue of the legacy. 1The inquiry may be made, whether the father can bring suit under the will for this purpose, with the result that the son will also be released from liability to an action. It has been held by certain authorities that the proceeding has this effect, because it is considered that it is to the interest of the father that his rights should remain unimpaired, where he gives his son his peculium after his emancipation. I, however, hold the contrary opinion, and I think that nothing more should be granted to the father under the terms of the will, than that he should be required to pay only what could be collected by the heir.
Dig. 39,5,25Idem libro sexto epistularum. Si tibi dederim rem, ut Titio meo nomine donares, et tu tuo nomine eam ei dederis, an factam eius putes? respondit, si rem tibi dederim, ut Titio meo nomine donares eamque tu tuo nomine ei dederis, quantum ad iuris suptilitatem accipientis facta non est et tu furti obligaris: sed benignius est, si agam contra eum qui rem accepit, exceptione doli mali me summoveri.
The Same, Epistles, Book VI. If I give you something in order that you may donate it to Titius, in my name, and you give it to him in yours, do you think that it becomes his property? The answer was that if I give you something for you to give to Titius in my name, and you give it to him in your own name, so far as the technicality of the law is concerned, it does not become the property of the person who receives it, and you will be liable for theft; but the more liberal construction is that if I bring an action against the person who has received the property, I can be barred by an exception on the ground of fraud.
Dig. 41,3,21Idem libro sexto epistularum. Ei, a quo fundum pro herede diutius possidendo capturus eram, locavi eum: an ullius momenti eam locationem existimes, quaero: quod si nullius momenti existimas, an durare nihilo minus usucapionem eius fundi putes. item quaero, si eidem vendidero eum fundum, quid de his causis, de quibus supra quaesii, existimes. respondit: si is, qui pro herede fundum possidebat, domino eum locavit, nullius momenti locatio est, quia dominus suam rem conduxisset: sequitur ergo, ut ne possessionem quidem locator retinuerit, ideoque longi temporis praescriptio non duravit. in venditione idem iuris est, quod in locatione, ut emptio suae rei consistere non possit.
The Same, Epistles, Book VI. I rented land to a man against whom I was about to assert my claim, founded on prescription, as an heir. I ask whether you think that this lease has any force or effect. If you think that it has no effect, do you believe that the right of usucaption of said land will, nevertheless, continue to exist? I also ask, if I should sell the land, what is your opinion of the points which I have just raised? The answer was that if he who is in possession of the land, as heir, leased it to the owner of the same, the lease is void, because the owner rented his own land. Hence it follows that the lessor does not retain possession, and prescription based upon long occupancy will not continue to exist. The same rule of law applies to a sale, because, as in the case of a lease, the purchase of one’s own property is void.
Dig. 45,1,106Idem libro sexto epistularum. Qui ex pluribus fundis, quibus idem nomen impositum fuerat, unum fundum sine ulla nota demonstrationis stipuletur, incertum stipulatur, id est eum fundum stipulatur, quem promissor dare voluerit. tamdiu autem voluntas promissoris in pendenti est, quamdiu id quod promissum est solvatur.
The Same, Epistles, Book VI. When anyone stipulates for one of several tracts of land, which bear the same name, and the said tract has no specified designation, he stipulates for something which is uncertain; that is to say, he stipulates for the tract of land which the promisor may choose to give him. The will of the promisor, however, is in abeyance, until what has been promised is delivered.
Dig. 50,17,199Idem libro sexto epistularum. Non potest dolo carere, qui imperio magistratus non paruit.