Epistularum libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 8,1,12Iavolenus libro quarto epistularum. Non dubito, quin fundo municipum per servum recte servitus adquiratur.
Dig. 28,3,15Iavolenus libro quarto epistularum. Qui uxorem praegnatem habebat, in hostium potestatem pervenit: quaero, filio nato quo tempore testamentum in civitate factum rumpatur? et si filius ante moriatur quam pater, an scripti heredes hereditatem habituri sint? respondi: non puto dubium esse, quin per legem Corneliam, quae de confirmandis eorum testamentis, qui in hostium potestate decessissent, lata est, nato filio continuo eius testamentum, qui in hostium potestate sit, rumpatur: sequitur ergo, ut ex eo testamento hereditas ad neminem perveniat.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book IV. A man whose wife was pregnant fell into the hands of the enemy. I ask where a son was born, at what time the will executed by the testator, who was there in the enjoyment of his civil rights, was broken, and if the son should die before the father, whether the testamentary heirs will be entitled to the estate. I answered that I did not think that there could be any doubt, in accordance with the Cornelian Law, which was enacted for the confirmation of the wills of those who died while in captivity, that, if a son was born, the will of a testator who was in the hands of the enemy would be broken. It follows, therefore, that the estate will belong to no one by this will.
Dig. 29,2,76Iavolenus libro quarto epistularum. Si tu ex parte sexta sub condicione institutus fuisses heres et omittente partem suam Titio, cui substitutus eras, ex substitutione adisses, deinde condicio iure sextantis exstitisset, quaero, an adire necesse habueris, ne sextans tuus intereat. respondit: nihil interest, utrum ex substitutione prius adierim an ex prima institutione, cum ab utraque causa una aditio sufficiat: sextans itaque, qui sub condicione datus mihi est, ad me solum pertinet. 1Item si tu sextantis, ex quo institutus esses heres, omiseris actionem, numquid dubitas, quin ex substitutione adeundo Titianae partis habiturus partem esses? respondit: non dubito, quin, si prima institutione adeundo heres esse possim, in potestate mea sit, quam partem hereditatis aut amittere velim aut vindicare.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book IV. If you have been appointed heir to one-sixth of an estate, under a certain condition, and Titius, to whom you were substituted, refuses to take his share, and you accept the estate by virtue of the substitution, and the condition under which you were entitled to a sixth is fulfilled, I ask whether it will be necessary for you to enter upon the estate in order to avoid losing your sixth. The answer was, that it makes no difference whether the estate is entered upon by reason of the substitution, or on account of the first appointment; since in either instance a single acceptance will be sufficient. Hence the sixth part which was granted to me under a condition belongs to me alone. 1Ad Dig. 29,2,76,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 597, Note 11.Moreover, if you fail to accept the sixth of the estate to which you were appointed the heir, do you think that by accepting under the substitution you will be entitled to a part of the share of Titius? I do not doubt that if I can become the heir by accepting under the first appointment, it will be in my power either to reject, or claim any part of the estate which may be desired.
Dig. 35,2,61Idem libro quarto epistularum. Alienus fundus tibi legatus est: hunc heres cum emere nisi infinito pretio non posset, emit multo pluris, quam quanti erat, qua emptione effectum est, ut legatarii ad legem Falcidiam revocarentur. quaero, cum, si fundus tanti, quanti re vera, emptus esset, legata non fuerant excessura ius legis Falcidiae, an hoc ipso heres institutus partem revocandi a legatariis ius habeat, quod ex voluntate defuncti pluris emerit fundum, quam quanti erat. respondit: quod amplius heres quam pretium fundi legatario solvit, id lege Falcidia imputari non potest, quia neglegentia eius nocere legatariis non debet, utpote cum is confitendo veram aestimationem praestare poterat.
The Same, Epistles, Book IV. A tract of land belonging to another was bequeathed to you. As the heir could not obtain it, except at an unreasonable price, he bought it for a sum far above its actual value, and the result of the purchase was that a reduction of the legacies was required under the Falcidian Law. I ask if the land had been bought for what it was really worth, and the legacies had not been subject to diminution, whether, in this instance, the heir would have the right to reserve a part due to the legatees, because, in compliance with the will of the deceased, he had purchased the land for more than its value. The answer was that the heir could not, under the Falcidian Law, charge the other legacies with what he had paid to the legatee over and above the true price of the land, because his negligence ought not to prejudice the legatee, any more than he could release himself from liability by tendering the actual value of the property.
Dig. 41,3,20Idem libro quarto epistularum. Possessio testatoris ita heredi procedit, si medio tempore a nullo possessa est.
Dig. 47,2,75Idem libro quarto epistularum. Furtivam ancillam bona fide duorum aureorum emptam cum possiderem, subripuit mihi Attius, cum quo et ego et dominus furti agimus: quaero, quanta aestimatio pro utroque fieri debet. respondit: emptori duplo, quanti eius interest, aestimari debet, domino autem duplo, quanti ea mulier fuerit. nec nos movere debet, quod duobus poena furti praestabitur, quippe, cum eiusdem rei nomine praestetur, emptori eius possessionis, domino ipsius proprietatis causa praestanda est.
The Same, Epistles, Book IV. I possess, in good faith, a female slave who had been stolen, and whom I purchased for two aurei. Attius stole her from me, and her owner and myself brought suit against him for theft. I ask, what assessment of damages should be made for both parties? The answer was double the amount of his interest for the purchaser, and for the master double the value of the woman. The fact that the penalty for theft is paid to two persons should not cause any difficulty, because although this is done on account of the same property, it is paid to the purchaser by virtue of his possession, and to the owner on the ground of his ownership.
Dig. 50,16,115Idem libro quarto epistularum. Quaestio est, fundus a possessione vel agro vel praedio quid distet. ‘fundus’ est omne, quidquid solo tenetur. ‘ager’ est, si species fundi ad usum hominis comparatur. ‘possessio’ ab agro iuris proprietate distat: quidquid enim adprehendimus, cuius proprietas ad nos non pertinet aut nec potest pertinere, hoc possessionem appellamus: possessio ergo usus, ager proprietas loci est. ‘praedium’ utriusque supra scriptae generale nomen est: nam et ager et possessio huius appellationis species sunt.
The Same, Epistles, Book IV. There is a question as to what difference exists between the possession of a tract of land or of a field. A tract of land includes everything belonging to the soil; a field is a kind of a tract which is adapted to the use of man. Possession, in law, is distinct from the ownership of land; for we call possession everything which we hold, without the ownership of the property belonging to us, or where there is no possibility of its becoming ours. Therefore possession indicates use, and a field means the ownership of the property. A tract of land is the common name for both the things above mentioned; for a tract of land and possession are different forms of the same expression.