Epistularum libri
Ex libro XIII
Dig. 1,4,3Iavolenus epistularum libro tertio decimo. Beneficium imperatoris, quod a divina scilicet eius indulgentia proficiscitur, quam plenissime interpretari debemus.
Dig. 19,5,10Iavolenus libro tertio decimo epistularum. Partis tertiae usum fructum legavit: heredis bona ab eius creditoribus distracta sunt et pecuniam, quae ex aestimatione partis tertiae fiebat, mulier accepit fruendi causa et per ignorantiam stipulatio praetermissa est. quaero, an ab herede mulieris pecunia, quae fruendi causa data est, repeti possit, et qua actione. respondi in factum actionem dari debere.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book XIII. A certain man bequeathed the usufruct of a third of his estate. The property of his heir was sold by his creditors, and the woman to whom the bequest was made received, in the place of the usufruct, the amount of the appraisement of the third part of the estate, and, through ignorance, the ordinary stipulation was omitted. I ask whether suit can be brought by the heir of the woman for the money which was given her, instead of the enjoyment of the usufruct, and if so, what kind of a suit? I answered that an action in factum should be granted.
Dig. 24,1,50Iavolenus libro tertio decimo epistularum. Si, cum mulier viginti servum emisset, in eam emptionem vir quinque venditori dedit, divortio facto omnimodo vir eam summam exiget neque ad rem pertinet, an is servus deterior factus sit: nam et si mortuus esset, quinque exactio ei competeret. quaeritur enim, an mulier ex viri patrimonio locupletior sit eo tempore, quo de dote agebatur: facta autem intellegitur, quae aere alieno suo interventu viri liberata est, quod potuisset adhuc debere, si vir pecuniam non solvisset: neque enim interest, ex qua causa mulier pecuniam debuit, utrum creditam an eam quam ex emptione praestare debeat. 1Quod si mulier non emerat servum, sed ut emeret, a viro pecuniam accepit, tum vel mortuo vel deteriore facto servo damnum ad virum pertinebit: quia quod aliter emptura non fuit, nisi pecuniam a viro accepisset, hoc consumptum ei perit qui donavit, si modo in rerum natura esse desiit: nec videtur mulier locupletior esse, quae neque a creditore suo liberata est neque id possidet quod ex pecunia viri emerat.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book XIII. Ad Dig. 24,1,50 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 365, Note 5.Where a woman buys a slave for twenty aurei, and her husband pays five to the vendor at the time of the purchase, if a divorce takes place, he can certainly recover this sum. It makes no difference whether the slave has become deteriorated in value, or even if he should be dead, the husband will still be entitled to demand the five aurei; for the question arises, as to whether the woman has become enriched by the property of her husband, at the time when the question as to the return of the dowry arose. She is, in this instance, understood to have been pecuniarily benefited by having been released by the intervention of her husband from liability for a debt, which she would still have owed, if her husband had not paid the money. Nor does it make any difference for what reason the woman owed the money, that is to say, whether it was borrowed, or whether she owed it on account of some purchase. 1Ad Dig. 24,1,50,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 365, Note 14.Where the woman did not buy the slave, but received the money from her husband in order to buy him, then, in case the slave should die, or become depreciated in value, the loss must be borne by her husband, because, as she would not have purchased the slave if she had not received the money from her husband, he who gave it must bear the loss, provided the slave died; nor is the woman considered to have become enriched who was not released by her creditor, and is not in possession of what she purchased with her husband’s money.
Dig. 35,1,55Idem libro tertio decimo epistularum. Maevius, cui fundus legatus est, si Callimacho, cum quo testamenti factionem non habebat, ducenta dedisset: condicioni parere debet et ducenta dare, ut ad eum legatus fundus pertineat, licet nummos non faciat accipientis: quid enim interest, utrum tali personae dare iubeatur an aliquo loco ponere vel in mare deicere? neque enim illud, quod ad talem personam perventurum est, testamenti nomine, sed mortis causa capitur.
The Same, Epistles, Book XIII. An estate was left to Mævius if he paid two hundred aurei to Callimacus, who could not take anything under a will, and the legatee was, nevertheless, obliged to comply with the condition and to pay the two hundred aurei, in order to become entitled to the land which was devised to him, even though he did not transfer the ownership of the said sum to the person who received it. For what difference does it make whether anyone is directed to pay the money to such a person, or to deposit it in some place, or to throw it into the sea? Money cannot come into the hands of an individual of this kind under the terms of a will, but he can acquire it as a donation mortis causa.
Dig. 46,1,20Iavolenus libro tertio decimo epistularum. Sed et si servi dominus pecuniam solverit, repetere eam non ab eo pro quo fideiussit, sed ab eo cui numeravit poterit, cum servus fideiussionis nomine obligari non possit. sequitur ergo, ut ab eo, pro quo fideiusserat, repeti non possit, cum ipse aere alieno obligatus sit nec solutione liberari eius pecuniae nomine potuerit, cuius obligatio ad servum non pertinuit.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book XIII. But where the owner of the slave paid the money, he cannot recover it from him for whom he became surety, but he can do so from the person to whom he paid it, since a slave cannot become liable as surety. Hence it follows that he cannot recover it from him for whom he became surety, as he himself is liable for the debt, and will not be released by the payment of money due under an obligation for which the slave was not responsible.