Epistularum libri
Ex libro XII
Dig. 28,5,66Idem libro duodecimo epistularum. Hereditas ad Statium Primum nullo iure pertinet, cum institutus heres non sit: nec quicquam ei prodest, quod ab eo aliquid legatum est aut libertus ei defuncti testamento commendatus est. ex quo si manumissus non est, servus est.
The Same, Epistles, Book XII. An estate cannot, under any circumstances, belong to Statius Primus, since he has not been appointed heir, and it would be of no benefit to him whatever if he were charged with the payment of a legacy, or if the freedman of the deceased was entrusted to his care by testamentary disposition; for he will remain a slave for all time, if he should not be manumitted.
Dig. 44,7,55Iavolenus libro duodecimo epistularum. In omnibus rebus, quae dominium transferunt, concurrat oportet affectus ex utraque parte contrahentium: nam sive ea venditio sive donatio sive conductio sive quaelibet alia causa contrahendi fuit, nisi animus utriusque consentit, perduci ad effectum id quod inchoatur non potest.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book XII. In all matters having reference to the transfer of ownership, the concurrence and the intention of both contracting parties must exist; for in sales, donations, leases, or any other kind of contracts, unless both parties agree, anything which has been begun will have no effect.