Epistularum libri
Ex libro XI
Dig. 18,1,65Idem libro undecimo epistularum. Convenit mihi tecum, ut certum numerum tegularum mihi dares certo pretio quod ut faceres: utrum emptio sit an locatio? respondit, si ex meo fundo tegulas tibi factas ut darem convenit, emptionem puto esse, non conductionem: totiens enim conductio alicuius rei est, quotiens materia, in qua aliquid praestatur, in eodem statu eiusdem manet: quotiens vero et immutatur et alienatur, emptio magis quam locatio intellegi debet.
The Same, Epistles, Book XI. An agreement was made between you and myself that you would sell me a certain number of tiles at a special price. What would you do in a case of this kind, would you consider it to be a sale or a lease? The answer was that, if it was agreed I should furnish you with the material for the tiles to be made on my land, I think it would be a purchase, and not a lease; for a lease only exists where the material of which anything is made always remains the property of the same party, but whenever it is changed and alienated, the transaction should be understood to be rather a purchase than a lease.
Dig. 19,2,21Iavolenus libro undecimo epistularum. Cum venderem fundum, convenit, ut, donec pecunia omnis persolveretur, certa mercede emptor fundum conductum haberet: an soluta pecunia merces accepta fieri debeat? respondit: bona fides exigit, ut quod convenit fiat: sed non amplius praestat is venditori, quam pro portione eius temporis, quo pecunia numerata non esset.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book XI. When I sold a tract of land, the agreement was that, until the entire amount was paid, the purchaser should lease it for a certain rent. When the money is paid, should a receipt be given for the rent? The answer was that good faith requires that what was agreed upon should be done, but that the purchaser should not be responsible to the vendor for a larger sum than the rent of the property would amount to during the time when the money was not paid.
Dig. 19,2,51Iavolenus libro undecimo epistularum. Ea lege fundum locavi, ut, si non ex lege coleretur, relocare eum mihi liceret et quo minoris locassem, hoc mihi praestaretur, nec convenit, ut, si pluris locassem, hoc tibi praestaretur, et cum nemo fundum colebat, pluris tamen locavi: quaero, an hoc ipsum praestare debeam. respondit: in huiusmodi obligationibus id maxime spectare debemus, quod inter utramque partem convenit: videtur autem in hac specie id silentio convenisse, ne quid praestaretur, si ampliore pecunia fundus esset locatus, id est ut haec conventio pro locatore tantummodo interponeretur. 1Locavi opus faciendum ita, ut pro opere redemptori certam mercedem in dies singulos darem: opus vitiosum factum est: an ex locato agere possim? respondit: si ita opus locasti, ut bonitas eius tibi a conductore adprobaretur, tametsi convenit, ut in singulas operas certa pecunia daretur, praestari tamen tibi a conductore debet, si id opus vitiosum factum est: non enim quicquam interest, utrum uno pretio opus an in singulas operas collocatur, si modo universitas consummationis ad conductorem pertinuit. poterit itaque ex locato cum eo agi, qui vitiosum opus fecerit. nisi si ideo in operas singulas merces constituta erit, ut arbitrio domini opus efficeretur: tum enim nihil conductor praestare domino de bonitate operis videtur.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book XI. I leased a tract of land under the condition that, if it was not cultivated in compliance with the terms of the lease, I should have the right to lease it again to another, and that the tenant should indemnify me for any loss which I might sustain. In this instance, it was not agreed that, if I rented the land for more money, the excess should be paid to you; and, as no one was cultivating the land, I, nevertheless, leased it for more. I ask whether I should give the amount of the excess to the first lessee. The answer was that, in obligations of this kind, we should pay particular attention to what was agreed upon between the parties. It is held, however, that in this instance, it was tacitly agreed that nothing should be paid if the land was rented for more money; that is to say, this provision was inserted in the agreement only for the benefit of the lessor. 1Ad Dig. 19,2,51,1ROHGE, Bd. 11 (1874), Nr. 51, S. 158: Merkmal des Werkverdingungsvertrages.I hired work to be done under the condition of paying a certain amount every day for said work to the party employed. The work being badly done, can I bring an action against him on the lease? The answer was, if you hired this work to be done on condition that the party employed to do it should be liable to you for its being properly performed, even though it was agreed upon that a certain sum of money should be paid for each piece of work, the contractor will still be responsible to you if the work was badly done. For, indeed, it makes no difference whether the work is performed for one price, or whether payment is made for each portion of the same, provided the whole of it must be performed by the contractor. Therefore, an action on lease can be brought against him who performed the work badly, unless payment was arranged for separate portions of it, so that it might be performed according to the approval of the owner; for then the contractor is not considered to guarantee to the owner the excellence of the entire work.
Dig. 24,1,20Iavolenus libro undecimo epistularum. Si is servus, qui uxori mortis causa donatus est, prius quam vir decederet stipulatus est, in pendenti puto esse causam obligationis, donec vir aut moriatur aut suspicione mortis, propter quam donavit, liberetur: quidquid autem eorum inciderit, quod donationem aut peremat aut confirmet, id quoque causam stipulationis aut confirmabit aut resolvet.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book XI. If a slave, who is given mortis causa to a wife before her husband dies, should enter into some stipulation, I think that the effect of the obligation would remain in abeyance until the husband is either dead, or is free from the danger of death on account of which he made the donation, and if either of these events takes place by which the donation is annulled or confirmed, this also will either confirm or annul the stipulation.
Dig. 31,42Idem libro undecimo epistularum. Cum ei, qui partem capiebat, legatum esset, ut alii restitueret, placuit solidum capere posse.
Dig. 35,1,67Iavolenus libro undecimo epistularum. Cum sub hac condicione fundus alicui legatus esset ‘si servum non manumiserit’ et, si manumiserit, legatum fundi ad Maevium translatum esset, legatarius de non liberando satisdedit et legatum accepit et postea liberavit: quaero, an aliquid Maevio detur. respondit, si cui ita legatum erit ‘si servum non manumiserit’, satisdatione interposita accipere ab herede legatum poterit et, si postea servum manumiserit, commissa stipulatione heredi vel fundum vel quanti ea res est restituet eoque casu heres ei, cui ex sequenti condicione legatum debuerit, restituet.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book VII. Where land was devised to a certain person under the following condition, “If he should not manumit his slave,” and, if he did manumit him, that the devise of the land should pass to Mævius, the legatee furnished security not to free the slave, received the bequest, and afterwards emancipated him. I ask whether anything is due to Mævius. The answer was that if the bequest had been as follows, “If he should not manumit his slave,” and security was furnished, the party could receive the legacy from the heir, and if he afterwards manumitted the slave, the agreement, having become operative, he must either deliver the land to the heir, or pay him its value, and in this instance the heir must give it to him to whom the legacy was due under this condition.
Dig. 36,1,48Iavolenus libro undecimo epistularum. Seius Saturninus archigubernus ex classe Britannica testamento fiduciarium reliquit heredem Valerium Maximum trierarchum, a quo petit, ut filio suo Seio Oceano, cum ad annos sedecim pervenisset, hereditatem restitueret. Seius Oceanus antequam impleret annos, defunctus est: nunc Mallius Seneca, qui se avunculum Seii Oceani dicit, proximitatis nomine haec bona petit, Maximus autem trierarchus sibi ea vindicat ideo, quia defunctus est is cui restituere iussus erat. quaero ergo utrum haec bona ad Valerium Maximum trierarchum heredem fiduciarium pertineant an ad Mallium Senecam, qui se pueri defuncti avunculum esse dicit. respondi: si Seius Oceanus, cui fideicommissa hereditas ex testamento Seii Saturnini, cum annos sedecim haberet, a Valerio Maximo fiduciario herede restitui debeat, priusquam praefinitum tempus aetatis impleret, decessit, fiduciaria hereditas ad eum pertinet, ad quem cetera bona Oceani pertinuerint, quoniam dies fideicommissi vivo Oceano cessit, scilicet si prorogando tempus solutionis tutelam magis heredi fiducario permississe, quam incertum diem fideicommissi constituisse videatur.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book XI. Seius Saturninus, Admiral of the Britannic Fleet, by his will appointed Valerius Maximus, captain of a trireme, his fiduciary heir, and charged him to transfer his estate to his son Seius Oceanus, when the latter arrived at the age of sixteen years. Seius Oceanus died before reaching that age. Then Malleus Seneca, who alleged that he was the uncle of Seius Oceanus, claimed his property on the ground of his being the-next of kin. Maximus, the captain of the trireme, also claimed the estate, because the person to whom he had been ordered to transfer it was dead. I ask to which of these persons the estate belongs, to Valerius Maximus, the captain of the trireme, the fiduciary heir, or to Mallius Seneca, who asserts that he is the uncle of the deceased boy? I answered that, if Seius Oceanus, to whom the estate was bequeathed in trust by the will of Seius Saterninus, when he attained the age of sixteen years, was to be transferred by Valerius Maximus, the fiduciary heir, should have died before reaching the prescribed age, the estate left in trust would pass to him who was entitled to the other property of Oceanus, because the time for the execution of the trust arrived during the lifetime of Oceanus; that is to say, provided that, by prolonging the time of delivery, the testator was considered to have intended to commit the guardianship of his son to the fiduciary heir, rather than to have appointed an uncertain time for the execution of the trust.
Dig. 46,1,44Iavolenus libro undecimo epistularum. Stipulatus es opus arbitratu tuo ante certam diem fieri, quod si effectum non esset, quanti ut efficiatur opus locasses, tanti fideiussores cepisti: et quia opus effectum non erat, alii locasti et, cum posterior conductor satis non daret, ipse opus fecisti: quaero, an fideiussor teneatur. respondit: secundum ea verba stipulationis, quae a te proposita sunt, fideiussores non tenentur. non enim id fecisti, quod in stipulatione convenerat, id est opus alii non locasti, tametsi postea locasti: ea enim locatio, quam secutus es, perinde est, ac si interposita non esset et si statim tu opus facere coepisses.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book XI. You stipulated that certain work should be done to your satisfaction before a certain date, and you received sureties who, if it should not be done within the prescribed time, agreed to be liable for the amount that you would have paid for having it done; and because the work was not performed, you gave it to a contractor, and as the latter did not furnish security, you did the work yourself. I ask whether the sureties will be liable. The answer was, that according to the terms of the stipulation mentioned by you, the sureties will not be liable, for you do not do what was agreed upon in the stipulation, that is to say, you did not contract for the work to be performed, although you did so afterwards; for the contract which was subsequently made was just the same as if it had not been entered into, since you immediately began to do the work yourself.
Dig. 50,17,202Idem libro undecimo epistularum. Omnis definitio in iure civili periculosa est: parum est enim, ut non subverti posset.