Epistularum libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 12,1,36Iavolenus libro primo epistularum. Pecuniam, quam mihi sine condicione debebas, iussu meo promisisti Attio sub condicione: cum pendente condicione in eo statu sit obligatio tua adversus me, tamquam sub contrariam condicionem eam mihi spopondisti, si pendente condicione petam, an nihil acturus sum? respondit: non dubito, quin mea pecunia, quam ipse sine condicione stipulatus sum, etiam si condicio in persona atii, qui ex mea voluntate eandem pecuniam sub condicione stipulatus est, non extiterit, credita esse permaneat (perinde est enim, ac si nulla stipulatio intervenisset): pendente autem causa condicionis idem petere non possum, quoniam, cum incertum sit, an ex ea stipulatione deberi possit, ante tempus petere videor.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book I. You owed me a sum of money without any condition, and by my direction you promised Attius to pay said sum of money under a condition. While this condition is pending, your obligation toward me is just the same as if you had promised me the money on the contrary condition; if, while the condition is pending, I bring suit, will this be of no effect? The answer was: I have no doubt that the money with reference to which I stipulated with you absolutely will remain as a loan to you, even if the condition relating to Attius—who, with my consent, stipulated for the payment of said money under a condition—is not fulfilled: for the legal position is the same as if no stipulation had been made by him, and, while the fulfilment of the condition is pending, I cannot bring an action for the money, because it is uncertain whether it may not be due under the stipulation, and I will be held to have brought my action too soon.
Dig. 17,1,52Idem libro primo epistularum. Fideiussorem, si sine adiectione bonitatis tritici pro altero triticum spopondit, quodlibet triticum dando reum liberare posse existimo: a reo autem non aliud triticum repetere poterit, quam quo pessimo tritico liberare se a stipulatore licuit. itaque si paratus fuerit reus, quod dando ipse creditori liberari potuit, fideiussori dare et fideiussor id quod dederit, id est melius triticum condicet, exceptione eum doli mali summoveri existimo.
The Same, Epistles, Book I. Where a party has become surety for another for a certain quantity of wheat, without any reference to its quality; I think that he will release the principal debtor by furnishing any kind of wheat whatsoever, but he cannot recover any other kind of wheat from the principal debtor, except that of the most inferior quality, by the delivery of which he could have released himself from the claim of the stipulator. Therefore, if the principal debtor is prepared to give to the surety the same kind of wheat, by giving which to the creditor, he himself could have been released, and the surety brings an action for the same kind of wheat which he furnished, that is to say, grain of superior quality, I think that he can be barred by an exception on the ground of fraud.
Dig. 31,40Idem libro primo epistularum. Si duobus servis meis eadem res legata est et alterius servi nomine ad me eam pertinere nolo, totum ad me pertinebit, quia partem alterius servi per alterum servum adquiro, perinde ac si meo et alterius servo esset legatum.
The Same, Epistles, Book I. Where the same property is bequeathed to two of my slaves, and I am unwilling to accept the legacy left to one of them, the whole of it will belong to me, for the reason that I acquire through one of these slaves the share of the other, just as if the legacy had been bequeathed to my slave and one belonging to another person.
Dig. 41,2,23Idem libro primo epistularum. Cum heredes institui sumus, adita hereditate omnia quidem iura ad nos transeunt, possessio tamen nisi naturaliter comprehensa ad nos non pertinet. 1In his, qui in hostium potestatem pervenerunt, in retinendo iura rerum suarum singulare ius est: corporaliter tamen possessionem amittunt: neque enim possunt videri aliquid possidere, cum ipsi ab alio possideantur: sequitur ergo, ut reversis his nova possessione opus sit, etiamsi nemo medio tempore res eorum possederit. 2Item quaero, si vinxero liberum hominem ita, ut eum possideam, an omnia, quae is possidebat, ego possideam per illum. respondit: si vinxeris hominem liberum, eum te possidere non puto: quod cum ita se habeat, multo minus per illum res eius a te possidebuntur: neque enim rerum natura recipit, ut per eum aliquid possidere possimus, quem civiliter in mea potestate non habeo.
The Same, Epistles, Book I. When we are appointed heirs, and the estate has been accepted, all rights to it pass to us; but possession does not belong to us until it is taken naturally. 1So far as those who fall into the hands of the enemy are concerned, the law relating to their retention of the rights of property is a peculiar one, for they lose corporeal possession of the same, nor can they be held to possess anything when they themselves are possessed by others; therefore it follows that, when they return, a new acquisition of possession is required, even if no one had possession of their property in the meantime. 2I also ask, if I chain a freeman in order to possess him, whether I possess through him everything which he possesses. The answer is that if you claim a freeman, I do not think that you possess him; and, as this is the case, there is much less reason that his property should be possessed by you; nor does the nature of things admit that we can possess anything by the agency of one whom I do not legally have in my power.
Dig. 41,3,19Iavolenus libro primo epistularum. Si hominem emisti, ut, si aliqua condicio extitisset, inemptus fieret, et is tibi traditus est et postea condicio emptionem resolvit: tempus, quo apud emptorem fuit, accedere venditori debere existimo, quoniam eo genere retro acta venditio esset redhibitioni similis, in qua non dubito tempus eius qui redhibuerit venditori accessurum, quoniam ea venditio proprie dici non potest.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book I. If you purchase a slave with the understanding that, if some condition should be complied with, the sale will be void, and the slave is delivered to you, and fulfillment of the condition afterwards annuls the transaction, I think that the time during which the slave was in possession of the purchaser should benefit the vendor, because a sale of this kind is similar to the redhibitory clause for the return of property, which is introduced into contracts for sales; and, in a case of this kind, I have no doubt that the time that the purchaser held the property will benefit the vendor, as properly speaking, no sale took place.
Dig. 42,5,28Iavolenus libro primo epistularum. Pater familias impuberi filio, si ante pubertatem decessisset, substituit heredem: is filius paterna hereditate se abstinuit ideoque bona patris venierunt: postea filio hereditas obvenit, qua adita decessit. quaero, cum praetor in ipsum pupillum, quamvis postea hereditas obvenisset, creditoribus tamen patris actionem non daret, an in substitutum creditoribus patris danda sit actio, cum ex bonis paternis, quae scilicet ad creditores missos in bona pertinent, nihil adquirat et cum creditores nihil iuris in bonis pupilli habuerint eorumque nihil interfuerit, adiretur necne pupilli hereditas, cum ea bona omissa a substituto hereditate ad creditores non pertinebant. me illud maxime movet, quod praeceptoribus tuis placet unum esse testamentum. respondit: quod praetor filio, qui a paterna hereditate se abstinet, praestat, ne bonis patris eius venditis in eum actio detur, tametsi postea ei hereditas obvenit, creditoribus non reddat, idem in substituto filio herede servandum non est, quoniam filii pudori parcitur, ut potius patris quam eius bona veneant, itaque in id, quod postea ei obvenit, actio creditoribus denegatur, quia id ex adventicio adquisitum est, non per patrem ad eum pervenit. at cum substitutus filio hereditatem adiit, postquam pupillus se paternae miscuerit hereditati, tunc hereditas et patris et filii una est et in omni aere alieno, quod aut patris aut filii fuerit, etiam invitus heres obligatur: et quemadmodum liberum ei non est obligationem, ut non omnimodo, si non defenditur, ipsius bona veneant, ita ne separare quidem aes alienum patris et filii poterit: quo casu efficietur, ut creditoribus in eum actio dari debeat. quod si substitutus heres hereditatem non adierit, creditoribus patris in id, quod pupillus reliquit, actio dari non debet, quoniam neque pupilli bona venire debent propter aes alienum patris neque in bonis patris est quod pupillus adquisiit.
Ad Dig. 42,5,28Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 559, Note 11; Bd. III, § 559, Note 25.Javolenus, Epistles, Book I. The head of a household substituted an heir for his son, who was under the age of puberty, in case the latter should die before reaching that age. The son rejected the estate of his father, and therefore the property of the deceased was sold by the creditors. An estate subsequently came to the son, who died after having accepted it. I ask whether the Prætor should not grant an action to the creditors of the father against the said minor, although he obtained the estate afterwards, or should an action be granted to the creditors of the father against the substitute, who obtained nothing from the father’s estate which, of course, went into the hands of the creditors, and as the latter had no right to the property of the minor, it was no concern of the heirs whether his estate was entered upon or not, as the property found by the substitute in the estate of the son did not belong to his father’s creditors. This opinion perplexes me exceedingly, because it was decided by your preceptors that there was only one will. The answer was that the Prætor benefited the son, who did not accept the estate of his father, by not allowing an action to be granted against him, after the sale of his father’s property (although he subsequently obtained an estate), to compel him to pay the creditors; but the same rule should not be observed with reference to the heir who was substituted for the son, as allowance was made for the honor of the latter, by causing the property of his father to be sold, rather than his own. Therefore an action will be refused the creditors, as far as the property Which was afterwards acquired by the son is concerned, for the reason that it came to him from another than his father. But if the substitute for the son had entered upon the father’s estate, after the minor had taken some action with reference to it, then the estates of the father and the son became identical, and the heir, even if unwilling, would be liable for all debts incurred by either the father or the son; and, as, after an obligation had been contracted, he could, by no means, prevent his own property from being sold, if no defence was made; so in like manner, the indebtedness of the father and the son could not be separated, in which case the result would be that an action must be granted to the creditors against him. If, however, the substituted heir should not enter upon the estate, an action ought not to be granted to the creditors of the father with reference to the estate left by the minor, as neither the property of the latter should be sold to discharge the debts of the father, nor should the estate which the minor acquired be included in that of his father.
Ex libro II
Dig. 7,1,53Iavolenus libro secundo epistularum. Si cui insulae usus fructus legatus est, quamdiu quaelibet portio eius insulae remanet, totius soli usum fructum retinet.
Dig. 8,4,5Idem libro secundo epistularum. Proprium solum vendendo an servitutem talem iniungere possim, ut mihi et vicino serviat? similiter si commune solum vendo, ut mihi et socio serviat, an consequi possim? respondi: servitutem recipere nisi sibi nemo potest: adiectio itaque vicini pro supervacuo habenda est, ita ut tota servitus ad eum, qui receperit, pertineat. solum autem commune vendendo ut mihi et socio serviat, efficere non possum, quia per unum socium communi solo servitus adquiri non potest.
The Same, Epistles, Book II. I sell land which belongs to me alone; can I impose a servitude upon it to the effect that it shall be servient to myself and my neighbor? In like manner, if I sell property which I own in common with another, can I provide that it shall be subject to a servitude for the benefit of myself and my joint-owner? I answered that no one can stipulate for a servitude for the benefit of anyone but myself; and therefore the addition of the neighbor must be considered superfluous, as the entire servitude will belong to him who stipulated for it. Again, when the land held in common is sold, I cannot subject it to the servitude for the benefit of myself and my joint-owner, for the reason that a servitude cannot, through the act of one of the joint owners be acquired for the benefit of land held in common.
Dig. 8,5,12Iavolenus libro secundo epistularum. Egi ius illi non esse tigna in parietem meum immissa habere: an et de futuris non immittendis cavendum est? respondi: iudicis officio contineri puto, ut de futuro quoque opere caveri debeat.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book III. I alleged in an action that the defendant had no right to have his timbers inserted into my wall; must he also give security that he will not insert any into it hereafter? I answered that I think it is part of the fluty of the judge to compel him to give security with reference to future work as well.
Dig. 8,6,15Idem libro secundo epistularum. Si, cum servitus mihi per plures fundos deberetur, medium fundum adquisivi, manere servitutem puto, quia totiens servitus confunditur, quotiens uti ea is ad quem pertineat non potest: medio autem fundo adquisito potest consistere, ut per primum et ultimum iter debeatur.
The Same, Epistles, Book II. Where I am entitled to a servitude over several tracts of land, and I acquire one of the tracts situated between two others, I think that the servitude remains, for a servitude is merged only when the party to whom it belongs cannot make use of it; but where he has acquired land between two other tracts, it may be held that he is entitled to a right of way through the first and last of these.
Dig. 10,3,18Iavolenus libro secundo epistularum. Ut fundus hereditarius fundo non hereditario serviat, arbiter disponere non potest, quia ultra id quod in iudicium deductum est excedere potestas iudicis non potest.
Dig. 16,2,15Idem libro secundo epistularum. Pecuniam certo loco Titio dari stipulatus sum: is petit a me quam ei debeo pecuniam: quaero, an hoc quoque pensandum sit, quanti mea interfuit certo loco dari. respondit: si Titius petit, eam quoque pecuniam, quam certo loco promisit, in compensationem deduci oportet, sed cum sua causa, id est ut ratio habeatur, quanti Titii interfuerit eo loco quo convenerit pecuniam dari.
The Same, Epistles, Book II. I stipulated for a certain sum of money to be paid by Titius at a certain place, he demands of me a sum of money which I owe him; I ask whether the interest I had in having the amount paid to me in a certain place, as aforesaid, should be included in the set-off? The answer was, that if Titius makes the demand, the sum also which he promised to pay in a certain place must be included in the set-off; but this must be done with reference to his case also, that is to say, the interest Titius had in having the sum of money owing to him paid in a place agreed upon must be taken into consideration.
Dig. 18,1,64Idem libro secundo epistularum. Fundus ille est mihi et Titio emptus: quaero, utrum in partem an in totum venditio consistat an nihil actum sit. respondi personam Titii supervacuo accipiendam puto ideoque totius fundi emptionem ad me pertinere.
The Same, Epistles, Book II. “The tract of land is purchased for myself and Titius.” I ask whether the sale includes a portion of said land, or the whole of it, or whether it is void? I answered: I think that the mention of Titius is superfluous, and therefore that the purchase of the entire tract is mine.
Dig. 33,5,15Idem libro secundo epistularum. Servo sine libertate legavi, deinde optionem servorum Maevio dedi: is eundem servum optavit: quaero, an id quoque quod legatum est ei deberetur. respondit: non puto legatum huius servi nomine ad dominum pertinere.
The Same, Epistles, Book II. I made a bequest to a slave without granting him his freedom, and I then bequeathed to Mævius his choice of my slaves. He selected the same slave, and I ask whether what was bequeathed to the latter is also due to him. The answer was, I do not think that the legacy left to the said slave will belong to his master.
Dig. 45,1,105Idem libro secundo epistularum. Stipulatus sum Damam aut Erotem servum dari: cum Damam dares, ego quo minus acciperem, in mora fui: mortuus est Dama: an putes me ex stipulatu actionem habere? respondit: secundum Massurii Sabini opinionem puto te ex stipulatu agere non posse: nam is recte existimabat, si per debitorem mora non esset, quo minus id quod debebat solveret, continuo eum debito liberari.
The Same, Epistles, Book II. I stipulated that either Damas or Eros should be given to me. When you gave me Damas, I was in default in receiving him. Damas is dead. Do you think that I am entitled to an action under the stipulation? The answer was, that according to the opinion of Massurius Sabinus, I think that you cannot bring suit under the stipulation; for he very properly held that if the debtor was not in default in paying what he owed, he would immediately be released from liability.
Ex libro III
Dig. 7,1,54Idem libro tertio epistularum. Sub condicione usus fructus fundi a te herede Titio legatus est: tu fundum mihi vendidisti et tradidisti detracto usu fructu: quaero, si non extiterit condicio, aut extiterit et interiit usus fructus, ad quem pertineat. respondit: intellego te de usu fructu quaerere qui legatus est: itaque si condicio eius legati extiterit, dubium non est, quin ad legatarium is usus fructus pertineat et si aliquo casu ab eo amissus fuerit, ad proprietatem fundi revertatur: quod si condicio non extiterit, usus fructus ad heredem pertinebit, ita ut in eius persona omnia eadem serventur, quae ad amittendum usum fructum pertinent et servari solent. ceterum in eiusmodi venditione spectandum id erit, quod inter ementem vendentemque convenerit, ut, si apparuerit legati causa eum usum fructum exceptum esse, etiamsi condicio non extiterit, restitui a venditore emptori debeat.
The Same, Epistles, Book III. The usufruct of certain land was conditionally bequeathed to Titius, you being charged with the same as heir, and you sold and delivered the said land to me after reserving the usufruct. I ask, if the condition was not fulfilled, or if it should be and the usufruct should terminate, to whom would it belong? The answer was, I understand, that your question has reference to the usufruct which was bequeathed; and therefore, if the condition on which the legacy was dependent was fulfilled, there is no doubt that the usufruct will belong to the legatee; and if, by any accident, it should be lost to him, it will revert to the ownership of the estate. Where, however, the condition is not fulfilled, the usufruct will belong to the heir, for all the rules which have relation to the heir are carried out, just as those that pertain to the loss of an usufruct are ordinarily observed. But, in a sale of this kind, what has been agreed upon between the purchaser and the vendor must be considered; so that if it is apparent that the usufruct was reserved on account of the legacy, even though the condition was not fulfilled, it should be restored by the vendor to the purchaser.
Dig. 38,2,35Idem libro tertio epistularum. A liberto suo herede Seius usum fructum fundi Maevio legavit: is libertus Maevio herede relicto decessit: quaero, cum contra tabulas testamenti petierit filius Seii adversus Maevium, utrum deducto usu fructu pars debita ei fundi restituenda sit an solida, quia eorum bonorum acceperit possessionem, quae liberti cum moreretur fuerunt. respondit: usum fructum in causam pristinam restituendum puto. optimum itaque erit arbitrum postulare, ut arbitrio eius usus fructus in integrum restituatur.
The Same, Epistles, Book III. Seius, having appointed his freedman his heir, charged him with a legacy to Mævius of the usufruct of a tract of land. The freedman died, leaving Mævius his heir. I ask if the son of Seius should demand prætorian possession of the estate of the freedman against Mævius, whether the share of the land which was due to him, after deducting the usufruct, shall be transferred to him; or whether all of it ought to be transferred, because he had obtained possession of the property which belonged to the freedman at the time of his death. The answer was, I think that the usufruct should be restored to its original condition; therefore it would be best to demand an arbiter, in order that, by his decision, the usufruct may be transferred in its entirety.
Dig. 38,5,12Iavolenus libro tertio epistularum. Libertus cum fraudandi patroni causa fundum Seio tradere vellet, Seius Titio mandavit, ut eum accipiat, ita ut inter Seium et Titium mandatum contrahatur. quaero, post mortem liberti patronus utrum cum Seio dumtaxat qui mandavit actionem habet, an cum Titio qui fundum retinet, an cum quo velit agere possit? respondit: in eum, cui donatio quaesita est, ita tamen si ad illum res pervenerit, actio datur, cum omne negotium, quod eius voluntate gestum sit, in condemnationem eius conferatur. nec potest videri id praestaturus quod alius possidet, cum actione mandati consequi rem possit, ita ut aut ipse patrono restituat aut eum cum quo mandatum contraxit restituere cogat. quid enim dicemus, si is, qui in re interpositus est, nihil dolo fecit? non dubitabimus, quin omnimodo cum eo agi non possit. quid enim non potest videri dolo fecisse, qui fidem suam amico commodavit quam alii quam sibi ex liberti fraude adquisiit.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book III. A freedman who desired to transfer a tract of land to Seius for the purpose of defrauding his patron took the following course. Seius directed Titius to receive the land in such a way that an obligation of mandate was contracted between Seius and Titius. I ask whether after the death of the freedman, the patron will only be entitled to an action against Seius, who gave the mandate, or against Titius who holds the property, or whether he can proceed against either of them whom he may select. The answer was that the action will be granted against the person who obtained the donation, provided the property came into his hands, since the entire transaction which was carried on with his consent should be embraced in the decision rendered against him. It cannot be held that he should be forced to deliver property of which another has possession, as he can recover it by an action on mandate, so that he can either himself restore it to the patron, or he can compel him with whom he contracted the mandate to do so. But what shall we say if the party who intervened was in no way guilty of fraud? We entertain no doubt that an action cannot be brought against him. For he must not be considered guilty of fraud who did a favor for his friend, by which he made an acquisition for another than himself, through the fraudulent act of the freedman.
Ex libro IV
Dig. 8,1,12Iavolenus libro quarto epistularum. Non dubito, quin fundo municipum per servum recte servitus adquiratur.
Dig. 28,3,15Iavolenus libro quarto epistularum. Qui uxorem praegnatem habebat, in hostium potestatem pervenit: quaero, filio nato quo tempore testamentum in civitate factum rumpatur? et si filius ante moriatur quam pater, an scripti heredes hereditatem habituri sint? respondi: non puto dubium esse, quin per legem Corneliam, quae de confirmandis eorum testamentis, qui in hostium potestate decessissent, lata est, nato filio continuo eius testamentum, qui in hostium potestate sit, rumpatur: sequitur ergo, ut ex eo testamento hereditas ad neminem perveniat.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book IV. A man whose wife was pregnant fell into the hands of the enemy. I ask where a son was born, at what time the will executed by the testator, who was there in the enjoyment of his civil rights, was broken, and if the son should die before the father, whether the testamentary heirs will be entitled to the estate. I answered that I did not think that there could be any doubt, in accordance with the Cornelian Law, which was enacted for the confirmation of the wills of those who died while in captivity, that, if a son was born, the will of a testator who was in the hands of the enemy would be broken. It follows, therefore, that the estate will belong to no one by this will.
Dig. 29,2,76Iavolenus libro quarto epistularum. Si tu ex parte sexta sub condicione institutus fuisses heres et omittente partem suam Titio, cui substitutus eras, ex substitutione adisses, deinde condicio iure sextantis exstitisset, quaero, an adire necesse habueris, ne sextans tuus intereat. respondit: nihil interest, utrum ex substitutione prius adierim an ex prima institutione, cum ab utraque causa una aditio sufficiat: sextans itaque, qui sub condicione datus mihi est, ad me solum pertinet. 1Item si tu sextantis, ex quo institutus esses heres, omiseris actionem, numquid dubitas, quin ex substitutione adeundo Titianae partis habiturus partem esses? respondit: non dubito, quin, si prima institutione adeundo heres esse possim, in potestate mea sit, quam partem hereditatis aut amittere velim aut vindicare.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book IV. If you have been appointed heir to one-sixth of an estate, under a certain condition, and Titius, to whom you were substituted, refuses to take his share, and you accept the estate by virtue of the substitution, and the condition under which you were entitled to a sixth is fulfilled, I ask whether it will be necessary for you to enter upon the estate in order to avoid losing your sixth. The answer was, that it makes no difference whether the estate is entered upon by reason of the substitution, or on account of the first appointment; since in either instance a single acceptance will be sufficient. Hence the sixth part which was granted to me under a condition belongs to me alone. 1Ad Dig. 29,2,76,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 597, Note 11.Moreover, if you fail to accept the sixth of the estate to which you were appointed the heir, do you think that by accepting under the substitution you will be entitled to a part of the share of Titius? I do not doubt that if I can become the heir by accepting under the first appointment, it will be in my power either to reject, or claim any part of the estate which may be desired.
Dig. 35,2,61Idem libro quarto epistularum. Alienus fundus tibi legatus est: hunc heres cum emere nisi infinito pretio non posset, emit multo pluris, quam quanti erat, qua emptione effectum est, ut legatarii ad legem Falcidiam revocarentur. quaero, cum, si fundus tanti, quanti re vera, emptus esset, legata non fuerant excessura ius legis Falcidiae, an hoc ipso heres institutus partem revocandi a legatariis ius habeat, quod ex voluntate defuncti pluris emerit fundum, quam quanti erat. respondit: quod amplius heres quam pretium fundi legatario solvit, id lege Falcidia imputari non potest, quia neglegentia eius nocere legatariis non debet, utpote cum is confitendo veram aestimationem praestare poterat.
The Same, Epistles, Book IV. A tract of land belonging to another was bequeathed to you. As the heir could not obtain it, except at an unreasonable price, he bought it for a sum far above its actual value, and the result of the purchase was that a reduction of the legacies was required under the Falcidian Law. I ask if the land had been bought for what it was really worth, and the legacies had not been subject to diminution, whether, in this instance, the heir would have the right to reserve a part due to the legatees, because, in compliance with the will of the deceased, he had purchased the land for more than its value. The answer was that the heir could not, under the Falcidian Law, charge the other legacies with what he had paid to the legatee over and above the true price of the land, because his negligence ought not to prejudice the legatee, any more than he could release himself from liability by tendering the actual value of the property.
Dig. 41,3,20Idem libro quarto epistularum. Possessio testatoris ita heredi procedit, si medio tempore a nullo possessa est.
Dig. 47,2,75Idem libro quarto epistularum. Furtivam ancillam bona fide duorum aureorum emptam cum possiderem, subripuit mihi Attius, cum quo et ego et dominus furti agimus: quaero, quanta aestimatio pro utroque fieri debet. respondit: emptori duplo, quanti eius interest, aestimari debet, domino autem duplo, quanti ea mulier fuerit. nec nos movere debet, quod duobus poena furti praestabitur, quippe, cum eiusdem rei nomine praestetur, emptori eius possessionis, domino ipsius proprietatis causa praestanda est.
The Same, Epistles, Book IV. I possess, in good faith, a female slave who had been stolen, and whom I purchased for two aurei. Attius stole her from me, and her owner and myself brought suit against him for theft. I ask, what assessment of damages should be made for both parties? The answer was double the amount of his interest for the purchaser, and for the master double the value of the woman. The fact that the penalty for theft is paid to two persons should not cause any difficulty, because although this is done on account of the same property, it is paid to the purchaser by virtue of his possession, and to the owner on the ground of his ownership.
Dig. 50,16,115Idem libro quarto epistularum. Quaestio est, fundus a possessione vel agro vel praedio quid distet. ‘fundus’ est omne, quidquid solo tenetur. ‘ager’ est, si species fundi ad usum hominis comparatur. ‘possessio’ ab agro iuris proprietate distat: quidquid enim adprehendimus, cuius proprietas ad nos non pertinet aut nec potest pertinere, hoc possessionem appellamus: possessio ergo usus, ager proprietas loci est. ‘praedium’ utriusque supra scriptae generale nomen est: nam et ager et possessio huius appellationis species sunt.
The Same, Epistles, Book IV. There is a question as to what difference exists between the possession of a tract of land or of a field. A tract of land includes everything belonging to the soil; a field is a kind of a tract which is adapted to the use of man. Possession, in law, is distinct from the ownership of land; for we call possession everything which we hold, without the ownership of the property belonging to us, or where there is no possibility of its becoming ours. Therefore possession indicates use, and a field means the ownership of the property. A tract of land is the common name for both the things above mentioned; for a tract of land and possession are different forms of the same expression.
Ex libro V
Dig. 27,5,3Iavolenus libro quinto epistularum. Quaero, an is qui, cum tutor testamento datus esset et id ipsum ignoraret, pro tutore negotia pupilli gesserit, quasi tutor an quasi pro tutore negotia gesserit, teneatur. respondit: non puto teneri quasi tutorem, quia scire quoque se tutorem esse debet, ut eo affectu negotia gerat, quo tutor gerere debeat.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book V. I ask whether he who has been appointed a guardian by will, but is ignorant of the fact, can be held liable for attending to the business of the ward as an actual guardian, or for transacting said business as one acting in the capacity of a guardian. I answered that I do not think that he can be held liable as an actual guardian, because he must know that he is the guardian, in order to discharge the duties of the office with the same spirit with which a guardian should act.
Ex libro VI
Dig. 34,3,6Iavolenus libro sexto epistularum. Post emancipationem vero filii eatenus pater actionem habebit, quatenus aliquid ex peculio aut in rem verso praestaturus est: id enim legatorum nomine ad patrem pertinebit, quod eius intererit. 1Illud quaeri potest, an eo quoque nomine pater ex testamento agere possit, ut etiam filius actione liberetur. quibusdam eo usque extendi actionem placebat, quia patris interesse videatur, si peculium filio post emancipationem concessisset, integrum ius eius permanere. ego contra sentio: nihil quicquam amplius patri praestandum ex eiusmodi scriptura testamenti puto, quam ut nihil ex eo, quod praestaturus heredi fuerit, praestet.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book VI. But, after the emancipation of the son, the father will only be entitled to an action to the extent of whatever forms part of the peculium of his son, or when the latter may have paid out anything for the benefit of his father; since the property which it is to the interest of the father to have, will belong to him by virtue of the legacy. 1The inquiry may be made, whether the father can bring suit under the will for this purpose, with the result that the son will also be released from liability to an action. It has been held by certain authorities that the proceeding has this effect, because it is considered that it is to the interest of the father that his rights should remain unimpaired, where he gives his son his peculium after his emancipation. I, however, hold the contrary opinion, and I think that nothing more should be granted to the father under the terms of the will, than that he should be required to pay only what could be collected by the heir.
Dig. 39,5,25Idem libro sexto epistularum. Si tibi dederim rem, ut Titio meo nomine donares, et tu tuo nomine eam ei dederis, an factam eius putes? respondit, si rem tibi dederim, ut Titio meo nomine donares eamque tu tuo nomine ei dederis, quantum ad iuris suptilitatem accipientis facta non est et tu furti obligaris: sed benignius est, si agam contra eum qui rem accepit, exceptione doli mali me summoveri.
The Same, Epistles, Book VI. If I give you something in order that you may donate it to Titius, in my name, and you give it to him in yours, do you think that it becomes his property? The answer was that if I give you something for you to give to Titius in my name, and you give it to him in your own name, so far as the technicality of the law is concerned, it does not become the property of the person who receives it, and you will be liable for theft; but the more liberal construction is that if I bring an action against the person who has received the property, I can be barred by an exception on the ground of fraud.
Dig. 41,3,21Idem libro sexto epistularum. Ei, a quo fundum pro herede diutius possidendo capturus eram, locavi eum: an ullius momenti eam locationem existimes, quaero: quod si nullius momenti existimas, an durare nihilo minus usucapionem eius fundi putes. item quaero, si eidem vendidero eum fundum, quid de his causis, de quibus supra quaesii, existimes. respondit: si is, qui pro herede fundum possidebat, domino eum locavit, nullius momenti locatio est, quia dominus suam rem conduxisset: sequitur ergo, ut ne possessionem quidem locator retinuerit, ideoque longi temporis praescriptio non duravit. in venditione idem iuris est, quod in locatione, ut emptio suae rei consistere non possit.
The Same, Epistles, Book VI. I rented land to a man against whom I was about to assert my claim, founded on prescription, as an heir. I ask whether you think that this lease has any force or effect. If you think that it has no effect, do you believe that the right of usucaption of said land will, nevertheless, continue to exist? I also ask, if I should sell the land, what is your opinion of the points which I have just raised? The answer was that if he who is in possession of the land, as heir, leased it to the owner of the same, the lease is void, because the owner rented his own land. Hence it follows that the lessor does not retain possession, and prescription based upon long occupancy will not continue to exist. The same rule of law applies to a sale, because, as in the case of a lease, the purchase of one’s own property is void.
Dig. 45,1,106Idem libro sexto epistularum. Qui ex pluribus fundis, quibus idem nomen impositum fuerat, unum fundum sine ulla nota demonstrationis stipuletur, incertum stipulatur, id est eum fundum stipulatur, quem promissor dare voluerit. tamdiu autem voluntas promissoris in pendenti est, quamdiu id quod promissum est solvatur.
The Same, Epistles, Book VI. When anyone stipulates for one of several tracts of land, which bear the same name, and the said tract has no specified designation, he stipulates for something which is uncertain; that is to say, he stipulates for the tract of land which the promisor may choose to give him. The will of the promisor, however, is in abeyance, until what has been promised is delivered.
Dig. 50,17,199Idem libro sexto epistularum. Non potest dolo carere, qui imperio magistratus non paruit.
Ex libro VII
Dig. 28,5,11Iavolenus libro septimo epistularum. ‘Attius fundi Corneliani heres esto mihi, duo Titii illius insulae heredes sunto’. habebunt duo Titii semissem, Attius semissem idque Proculo placet: quid tibi videtur? respondit: vera est Proculi opinio.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book VII. “Let Attius be my heir to the Cornelian Estate, and let the two persons named Titius be my heirs to such-and-such a house.” The persons named Titius will be entitled to half of the estate, and Attius to the remaining half. This opinion is held by Proculus; what do you think of it? The answer is that the opinion of Proculus is correct.
Dig. 28,5,65Idem libro septimo epistularum. Eius servum, qui post mortem meam natus erit, heredem institui posse Labeo frequenter scribit idque verum esse manifesto argumento comprobat: quia servus hereditarius, priusquam adeatur hereditas, institui heres potest, quamvis is testamenti facti tempore nullius sit.
The Same, Epistles, Book VII. Labeo has frequently stated that the slave of a person born after my death can be appointed my heir. The truth of this is readily established, for the reason that a slave forming part of an estate can be appointed an heir before the estate is entered upon, even though at the time of the execution of the will he did not belong to anyone.
Dig. 29,4,11Iavolenus libro septimo epistularum. Si ab instituto et substituto eadem res mihi legata sit et omissa causa testamenti hereditatem possideant lege, etiamsi ab utroque solidum mihi debetur, tamen ab uno legatum consecutus ab altero petere non potero: eligere itaque reum potero.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book VII. Where the same property has been bequeathed to me to be delivered by both the appointed and the substituted heirs, and they, having relinquished their rights under the will, have possession of the estate by operation of law, the entire legacy is due to me from both of them; still, if I have obtained it from one, I cannot collect it from the other, hence I can proceed against whichever one of them I choose.
Dig. 31,41Idem libro septimo epistularum. ‘Maevio fundi partem dimidiam, Seio partem dimidiam lego: eundem fundum Titio lego’. si Seius decesserit, pars eius utrique adcrescit, quia cum separatim et partes fundi et totus legatus sit, necesse est, ut ea pars quae cessat pro portione legati cuique eorum, quibus fundus separatim legatus est, adcrescat. 1A me herede uxori meae ita legatum est: ‘quidquid propter Titiam ad Seium dotis nomine pervenit, tantam pecuniam Seius heres meus Titiae det’: quaero, an deductiones inpensarum fieri possint, quae fierent, si de dote ageretur. respondit: non dubito, quin uxori suae quod ita legatum est: ‘a te heres peto, quidquid ad te pervenisset, ut tantum ei dares’, tota dos sine ratione deductionis impensarum mulieri debeatur. non autem idem ius servari debet ex testamento extranei, quod servatur in testamento viri, qui dotem uxori relegavit. haec enim taxationis loco habenda est ‘quidquid ad te pervenit’: illic autem, ubi vir uxori relegat, id videtur legare, quod in iudicio dotis mulier consecutura fuerit.
The Same, Epistles, Book VII. “I devise to Mævius half of such-and-such a tract of land, I devise to Seius the other half, and I devise the same land to Titius.” If Seius should die, his share will accrue to the other legatees, because the land, having been left separately and by shares, as well as altogether, it is necessary that the part which is without an owner should accrue proportionally to each of the legatees to whom the bequest was separately made. 1An heir having been appointed by me, I charged him with a legacy for the benefit of his wife, as follows, “Let Seius, my heir, pay Titia a sum equal to whatever comes into the hands of Seius, by way of dowry, through Titia.” I ask whether the expenses incurred through legal proceedings instituted with reference to the dowry can be deducted. The answer was there is no doubt, where a bequest was made to a wife as follows: “I charge you, my heir, to give to her an amount equal to what comes into your hands,” that the entire dowry will be due to the woman, without any deduction of expenses. But the same rule that applies to the will of a husband who returns her dowry to his wife should not be observed with reference to the will of a stranger; for the words, “What comes into your hands,” are to be interpreted as a limiting clause; but where a man leaves property in this way to his wife, he is considered to bequeath what his wife could recover by an action on dowry.
Dig. 39,1,23Iavolenus libro septimo epistularum. Is, cui opus novum nuntiatum erat, vendidit praedium: emptor aedificavit: emptorem an venditorem teneri putas, quod adversus edictum factum sit? respondit: cum operis novi nuntiatio facta est, si quid aedificatum est, emptor, id est dominus praediorum tenetur, quia nuntiatio operis non personae fit et is demum obligatus est, qui eum locum possidet, in quem opus novum nuntiatum est.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book VII. A certain man who had been notified to discontinue the construction of a new building sold the land, and the purchaser continued the work; do you think that either the purchaser or the vendor is liable for having violated the Edict? The answer was that if, after notice had been served, the construction of the building was continued, the purchaser, that is to say, the owner of the land, would be liable; because a notice for discontinuance is not personal, and he only is liable who is in possession of the property on which the notice to discontinue the work was served.
Dig. 41,3,22Idem libro septimo epistularum. Heres et hereditas tametsi duas appellationes recipiunt, unius personae tamen vice funguntur.
Dig. 44,3,4Iavolenus libro septimo epistularum. Si servus hereditarius aut eius, qui in hostium potestate sit, satis acceperit, continuo dies satisdationis cedere incipiet: intueri enim debemus, an experiundi potestas fuerit adversus eum, qui obligatus est, non an is agere potuerit, qui rem in obligationem deduxerit: alioquin erit iniquissimum ex condicione actorum obligationes reorum extendi, per quos nihil factum erit, quo minus cum his agi possit.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book VII. If a slave belonging to an estate, or to anyone who is in the hands of the enemy, should receive security for the payment of a debt, the time prescribed for said security begins to run immediately; for we must ascertain not whether he who placed a lien on the property can bring an action, but whether the person in whose favor it was encumbered has a right to do so against the former. Otherwise, it would be extremely unjust if, on account of the rank of the plaintiffs, the obligations of the defendants should be prolonged, since nothing can be done by them to prevent suit from being brought against them.
Dig. 50,16,116Idem libro septimo epistularum. ‘Quisquis mihi alius filii filiusve heres sit’: Labeo non videri filiam contineri, Proculus contra. mihi Labeo videtur verborum figuram sequi, Proculus mentem testantis. respondit: non dubito, quin Labeonis sententia vera non sit.
The Same, Epistles, Book VII. Labeo says that the clause, “Let any son born to my son, be my heir,” does not seem to include a daughter. Proculus is of the opposite opinion. Labeo appears to me to have followed the form of the words; Proculus the intention of the testator. I have no doubt that the opinion of Labeo is not correct.
Dig. 50,17,200Idem libro septimo epistularum. Quotiens nihil sine captione investigari potest, eligendum est quod minimum habeat iniquitatis.
Ex libro VIII
Dig. 38,2,36Idem libro octavo epistularum. Libertus, qui solvendo non erat, praeterito patrono extrarios relinquit heredes: quaero, an possit patronus petere contra tabulas bonorum possessionem. respondit: cum a scriptis heredibus adita est hereditas, patronus contra tabulas bonorum possessionem petere potest, quia solvendo hereditas est, quae inveniat heredem. et sane absurdum est ius patroni in petenda bonorum possessione contra tabulas aliorum computatione, non iudicio ipsius patroni aestimari auferrique patrono, quod modicum vindicaturus est. multi enim casus intervenire possunt, quibus expediat patrono petere bonorum possessionem, quamvis aeris alieni magnitudo, quam libertus reliquerit, facultates patrimonii eius excedat, veluti si praedia sunt aliqua ex bonis liberti, in quibus maiorum patroni sepulchra sint et magni aestimat patronus bonorum possessione iura pro parte ea ad se pertinere, vel aliquid mancipium, quod non pretio, sed affectu sit aestimandum. non ergo ideo minus habere debet ius petendae bonorum possessionis, qui animo potius quam aliorum computatione bona liberti aestimat, cum eo ipso sufficere patrimonium videri possit, quod et heredem habeat et bonorum possessorem.
The Same, Epistles, Book VIII. A freedman who died insolvent, having passed oyer his patron, left his estate to foreign heirs. I ask whether the patron can demand prætorian possession contrary to the provisions of the will. The answer was that, as the estate had been entered upon by the appointed heirs, the patron can demand prætorian possession, because an estate is considered to be solvent whenever an heir is found to accept it: And, indeed, it is absurd that the right of the patron to demand prætorian possession of an estate should be based on the estimate of others, and not on the wishes of the patron himself; and that the little that the latter can claim in a case of this kind should be taken from him. For many reasons may arise for which it might be expedient for the patron to demand prætorian possession, even if the amount of the indebtedness which the freedman left behind him exceeds the assets of the estate; for instance, if certain lands are included in the estate of the freedman in which are situated the burial places of the ancestors of the patron, and the latter takes advantage of his rights to obtain prætorian possession, in order that the said burial places may be obtained by him as his share, he considering this right to be of great importance to him; or, for example, where a slave whom the patron values, not from the price which he might bring but for the affection which he entertains for him, forms part of the estate. Therefore, the patron should be none the less entitled to claim possession of the estate, who forms an estimate of the value of the property of the freedman, rather by his own opinion, than by the computation of others; for an estate should be considered to be solvent both because an heir is found for it, and for the reason that prætorian possession of the same is demanded.
Dig. 45,1,107Idem libro octavo epistularum. Utrum turpem talem stipulationem putes an non, quaero. pater naturalis filium, quem Titius habebat in adoptionem, heredem instituit, si patria potestate liberatus esset: pater eum adoptivus non alias emancipare voluit, quam si ei dedisset, a quo stipularetur certam summam, si eum manumisisset: post emancipationem adiit heres filius: petit nunc pecuniam pater ex stipulatione supra relata. respondit: non puto turpem esse causam stipulationis, utpote cum aliter filium emancipaturus non fuerit: nec potest videri iniusta causa stipulationis, si aliquid adoptivus pater habere voluerit, propter quod a filio post emancipationem magis curaretur.
The Same, Epistles, Book VIII. I ask whether you think the following stipulation is dishonorable, or not. A natural father appointed, as his heir, his son, whom Titius had adopted under the condition that he should be released from paternal control. His adoptive father refused to emancipate him, unless he was willing to stipulate for the payment of a sum of money by a third party in consideration of his manumission. After his emancipation, the son entered upon the estate, and then the father, under the terms of the stipulation above mentioned, demanded the money. The answer was, I do not think that the ground of this stipulation is dishonorable, as otherwise he would not have emancipated his son. Nor can the terms of the stipulation be considered unjust, if the adoptive father desired to obtain some advantage, on account of which his son would have more esteem for him after his emancipation.
Ex libro IX
Dig. 9,2,38Idem libro nono epistularum. Si eo tempore, quo tibi meus servus quem bona fide emisti serviebat, ipse a servo tuo vulneratus est, placuit omnimodo me tecum recte lege Aquilia experiri.
Dig. 33,3,4Iavolenus libro nono epistularum. Si is qui duas aedes habebat unas mihi, alteras tibi legavit et medius paries, qui utrasque aedes distinguat, intervenit, eo iure eum communem nobis esse existimo, quo, si paries tantum duobus nobis communiter esset legatus, ideoque neque me neque te agere posse ius non esse alteri ita immissas habere: nam quod communiter socius habet, et in iure eum habere constitit: itaque de ea re arbiter communi dividundo sumendus est.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book IX. Where a man who had two houses left one of them to me and the other to you, and there was a party-wall which separated the buildings, I think that the said wall will belong to us in common, just as if it had been left to us both jointly, and therefore neither you nor I will have any right to prevent the other from inserting a beam into said wall; for it has been established that whenever a joint-owner holds any property he is entitled to all the rights appurtenant to the same. Therefore, in a case of this kind an arbiter must be appointed for the purpose of dividing the common property, if this should become necessary.
Dig. 41,3,23Idem libro nono epistularum. Eum, qui aedes mercatus est, non puto aliud quam ipsas aedes possidere: nam si singulas res possidere intellegetur, ipsas non possidebit: separatis enim corporibus, ex quibus aedes constant, universitas aedium intellegi non poterit. accedit eo, quod, si quis singulas res possidere dixerit, necesse erit dicat possessione superficiei tempori de mobilibus statuto locum esse, solum se capturum esse ampliori: quod absurdum et minime iuri civili conveniens est, ut una res diversis temporibus capiatur, ut puta cum aedes ex duabus rebus constant, ex solo et superficie, et universitas earum possessionem temporis immobilium rerum omnium mutet. 1Si autem columna evicta fuerit, puto te ex empto cum venditore recte acturum et eo genere rem salvam habiturum. 2Si autem demolita domus est, ex integro res mobiles possidendae sunt, ut tempore, quod in usucapione rerum mobilium constitutum est, usucapiantur. et non potes recte uti eo tempore, quo in aedificio fuerunt: nam quemadmodum eas solas et separatas ab aedificio non possedisti, sic nec penes te singulae aut separatae fuerunt et cohaerentibus his in aedificio, depositis aedibus, quae hoc quoque ipsum continent. neque enim recipi potest, ut eadem res et ut res soli et tamquam mobilis sit possessa.
The Same, Epistles, Book IX. Ad Dig. 41,3,23 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 152, Note 3.I do not think that he who has purchased a house possesses anything but the house itself. For if he is considered to possess the different things of which the house is built, he does not possess the house itself; as, after the materials of which it is composed are separated, they cannot be understood to represent the entire house. Add to this, if anyone should say that the separate materials of which the house was composed are possessed, it will be necessary to hold that there will be ground for the prescription of the movable property composing the house, during the time fixed for that purpose, and that a longer time will be necessary to acquire by usucaption the soil on which it stands. This is absurd, and it is by no means in conformity to the Civil Law that the same thing should be obtained by usucaption at different times; as, for example, since a house is composed of two different things, the soil, and what is erected upon it, that they united should change the time established for the usucaption of all immovable property by long-continued possession. 1If you should be judicially deprived of a column forming part of your house, I think that you will be entitled to an action on purchase against the vendor, and, in that way, can hold the entire property. 2If, however, the house has been demolished, in order that the movable property may be entirely acquired by usucaption, where it has been in possession for the term prescribed for that purpose, the time during which it composed the building cannot be legally reckoned; for, as you were not in possession of the materials alone and apart from the building, so, the house having been demolished, you cannot separately and distinctly possess the materials of which it was constructed; nor can it be held that the same property was possessed at the same time as both real estate and personalty.
Dig. 47,10,21Iavolenus libro nono epistularum. Iniuriarum aestimatio non ad id tempus, quo iudicatur, sed ad id, quo facta est, referri debet.
Dig. 49,14,11Iavolenus libro nono epistularum. Non possunt ulla bona ad fiscum pertinere, nisi quae creditoribus superfutura sunt: id enim bonorum cuiusque esse intellegitur, quod aeri alieno superest.
Ad Dig. 49,14,11Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 622, Note 3.Javolenus, Epistles, Book IX. No property can be claimed by the Treasury, except that which remains after the creditors have been satisfied; for that only is considered to belong to anyone which remains after the indebtedness has been paid.
Dig. 50,16,117Idem libro nono epistularum. Non potest videri ‘minus solvisse’ is, in quem amplioris summae actio non competit.
Ex libro X
Dig. 5,1,35Idem libro decimo epistularum. Non quemadmodum fideiussoris obligatio in pendenti potest esse et vel in futurum concipi, ita iudicium in pendenti potest esse vel de his rebus quae postea in obligationem adventurae sunt. nam neminem puto dubitaturum, quin fideiussor ante obligationem rei accipi possit: iudicium vero, antequam aliquid debeatur, non posse.
Ad Dig. 5,1,35ROHGE, Bd. 9 (1873), S. 33: Zulässigkeit der Klagen auf Feststellung eines obligatorischen Verhältnisses.The Same, Epistles, Book X. It is not true that, as the obligation of a surety can be left dependent upon circumstances or contracted for at some future time, so also a suit may be contingent, or in such terms that an obligation may be subsequently incurred; for I do not think that anyone would doubt that a surety can be accepted before the obligation of the principal debtor is incurred, but issue cannot be joined before some indebtedness arises.
Dig. 45,1,108Idem libro decimo epistularum. A Titio ita stipulatus sum: ‘si qua mihi nupserit, decem dotis eius nomine dare spondes?’ quaerebatur, an consistat talis stipulatio. respondit: si stipulanti mihi dos ita promissa est: ‘quamcumque uxorem duxero, dotis eius nomine decem dare spondes?’, nihil in causa est, quare ea pecunia condicione expleta non debeatur: nam cum condicio etiam ex incertae personae facto parere obligationem possit, veluti ‘si quis in Capitolium ascenderit, decem dare spondes?’ ‘si quis a me decem petierit, tot dare spondes?’, cur non idem et in dote promissa respondeatur, ratio reddi non potest. 1Nulla promissio potest consistere, quae ex voluntate promittentis statum capit.
The Same, Epistles, Book X. I stipulated with Titius as follows, “If some woman marries me, do you promise to give me ten aurei by way of dowry?” The question arose whether such a stipulation was valid. The answer was that if the dowry was promised to me, stipulating as follows: “Do you promise to pay me ten aurei by way of dowry, no matter what woman I marry?” there is no reason why the money should not be due, if the condition was complied with. For when a condition dependent upon the act of some person who is uncertain can create an obligation, as, for instance, “Do you promise to pay ten aurei if anyone ascends to the Capitol?” or, “If anyone demands ten aurei of me, do you promise to pay as many?” there is no reason why the same answer should not be given as in the case where a dowry was promised. 1Ad Dig. 45,1,108,1ROHGE, Bd. 16 (1875), Nr. 109, S. 427, 429: Ergänzung unbestimmt gelassener Vereinbarungen. Arbitrium boni viri.No promise is valid which depends upon the will of the person who makes it.
Dig. 46,1,42Iavolenus libro decimo epistularum. Si ita fideiussorem accepero: ‘quod ego decem credidi, de ea pecunia mille modios tritici fide tua esse iubes?’, non obligatur fideiussor, quia in aliam rem, quam quae credita est, fideiussor obligari non potest, quia non, ut aestimatio rerum quae mercis numero habentur in pecunia numerata fieri potest, ita pecunia quoque merce aestimanda est.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book X. If I accept a surety under the following terms, “Do you agree to be responsible for the delivery of a thousand measures of wheat, to be paid for with your money, as security for the ten aurei which I have lent?” the surety will not be liable, because he cannot become responsible for something different from what has been lent, because the estimate of the value of the property which is considered as merchandise can be made in money; just as a sum of money can be estimated in merchandise.
Dig. 46,3,79Idem libro decimo epistularum. Pecuniam, quam mihi debes, aut aliam rem si in conspectu meo ponere te iubeam, efficitur, ut et tu statim libereris et mea esse incipiat: nam tum, quod a nullo corporaliter eius rei possessio detinetur, adquisita mihi et quodammodo manu longa tradita existimanda est.
The Same, Epistles, Book X. The money which you owe me, or any other property which I direct you to produce in my presence, when this is done, causes you immediately to be released, and the property to belong to me. For as the possession of the said property is not actually held by anyone, it is acquired by me, and is, as it were, considered to be delivered to me manu longa.
Dig. 50,17,201Idem libro decimo epistularum. Omnia, quae ex testamento proficiscuntur, ita statum eventus capiunt, si initium quoque sine vitio ceperint.
Ex libro XI
Dig. 18,1,65Idem libro undecimo epistularum. Convenit mihi tecum, ut certum numerum tegularum mihi dares certo pretio quod ut faceres: utrum emptio sit an locatio? respondit, si ex meo fundo tegulas tibi factas ut darem convenit, emptionem puto esse, non conductionem: totiens enim conductio alicuius rei est, quotiens materia, in qua aliquid praestatur, in eodem statu eiusdem manet: quotiens vero et immutatur et alienatur, emptio magis quam locatio intellegi debet.
The Same, Epistles, Book XI. An agreement was made between you and myself that you would sell me a certain number of tiles at a special price. What would you do in a case of this kind, would you consider it to be a sale or a lease? The answer was that, if it was agreed I should furnish you with the material for the tiles to be made on my land, I think it would be a purchase, and not a lease; for a lease only exists where the material of which anything is made always remains the property of the same party, but whenever it is changed and alienated, the transaction should be understood to be rather a purchase than a lease.
Dig. 19,2,21Iavolenus libro undecimo epistularum. Cum venderem fundum, convenit, ut, donec pecunia omnis persolveretur, certa mercede emptor fundum conductum haberet: an soluta pecunia merces accepta fieri debeat? respondit: bona fides exigit, ut quod convenit fiat: sed non amplius praestat is venditori, quam pro portione eius temporis, quo pecunia numerata non esset.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book XI. When I sold a tract of land, the agreement was that, until the entire amount was paid, the purchaser should lease it for a certain rent. When the money is paid, should a receipt be given for the rent? The answer was that good faith requires that what was agreed upon should be done, but that the purchaser should not be responsible to the vendor for a larger sum than the rent of the property would amount to during the time when the money was not paid.
Dig. 19,2,51Iavolenus libro undecimo epistularum. Ea lege fundum locavi, ut, si non ex lege coleretur, relocare eum mihi liceret et quo minoris locassem, hoc mihi praestaretur, nec convenit, ut, si pluris locassem, hoc tibi praestaretur, et cum nemo fundum colebat, pluris tamen locavi: quaero, an hoc ipsum praestare debeam. respondit: in huiusmodi obligationibus id maxime spectare debemus, quod inter utramque partem convenit: videtur autem in hac specie id silentio convenisse, ne quid praestaretur, si ampliore pecunia fundus esset locatus, id est ut haec conventio pro locatore tantummodo interponeretur. 1Locavi opus faciendum ita, ut pro opere redemptori certam mercedem in dies singulos darem: opus vitiosum factum est: an ex locato agere possim? respondit: si ita opus locasti, ut bonitas eius tibi a conductore adprobaretur, tametsi convenit, ut in singulas operas certa pecunia daretur, praestari tamen tibi a conductore debet, si id opus vitiosum factum est: non enim quicquam interest, utrum uno pretio opus an in singulas operas collocatur, si modo universitas consummationis ad conductorem pertinuit. poterit itaque ex locato cum eo agi, qui vitiosum opus fecerit. nisi si ideo in operas singulas merces constituta erit, ut arbitrio domini opus efficeretur: tum enim nihil conductor praestare domino de bonitate operis videtur.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book XI. I leased a tract of land under the condition that, if it was not cultivated in compliance with the terms of the lease, I should have the right to lease it again to another, and that the tenant should indemnify me for any loss which I might sustain. In this instance, it was not agreed that, if I rented the land for more money, the excess should be paid to you; and, as no one was cultivating the land, I, nevertheless, leased it for more. I ask whether I should give the amount of the excess to the first lessee. The answer was that, in obligations of this kind, we should pay particular attention to what was agreed upon between the parties. It is held, however, that in this instance, it was tacitly agreed that nothing should be paid if the land was rented for more money; that is to say, this provision was inserted in the agreement only for the benefit of the lessor. 1Ad Dig. 19,2,51,1ROHGE, Bd. 11 (1874), Nr. 51, S. 158: Merkmal des Werkverdingungsvertrages.I hired work to be done under the condition of paying a certain amount every day for said work to the party employed. The work being badly done, can I bring an action against him on the lease? The answer was, if you hired this work to be done on condition that the party employed to do it should be liable to you for its being properly performed, even though it was agreed upon that a certain sum of money should be paid for each piece of work, the contractor will still be responsible to you if the work was badly done. For, indeed, it makes no difference whether the work is performed for one price, or whether payment is made for each portion of the same, provided the whole of it must be performed by the contractor. Therefore, an action on lease can be brought against him who performed the work badly, unless payment was arranged for separate portions of it, so that it might be performed according to the approval of the owner; for then the contractor is not considered to guarantee to the owner the excellence of the entire work.
Dig. 24,1,20Iavolenus libro undecimo epistularum. Si is servus, qui uxori mortis causa donatus est, prius quam vir decederet stipulatus est, in pendenti puto esse causam obligationis, donec vir aut moriatur aut suspicione mortis, propter quam donavit, liberetur: quidquid autem eorum inciderit, quod donationem aut peremat aut confirmet, id quoque causam stipulationis aut confirmabit aut resolvet.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book XI. If a slave, who is given mortis causa to a wife before her husband dies, should enter into some stipulation, I think that the effect of the obligation would remain in abeyance until the husband is either dead, or is free from the danger of death on account of which he made the donation, and if either of these events takes place by which the donation is annulled or confirmed, this also will either confirm or annul the stipulation.
Dig. 31,42Idem libro undecimo epistularum. Cum ei, qui partem capiebat, legatum esset, ut alii restitueret, placuit solidum capere posse.
Dig. 35,1,67Iavolenus libro undecimo epistularum. Cum sub hac condicione fundus alicui legatus esset ‘si servum non manumiserit’ et, si manumiserit, legatum fundi ad Maevium translatum esset, legatarius de non liberando satisdedit et legatum accepit et postea liberavit: quaero, an aliquid Maevio detur. respondit, si cui ita legatum erit ‘si servum non manumiserit’, satisdatione interposita accipere ab herede legatum poterit et, si postea servum manumiserit, commissa stipulatione heredi vel fundum vel quanti ea res est restituet eoque casu heres ei, cui ex sequenti condicione legatum debuerit, restituet.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book VII. Where land was devised to a certain person under the following condition, “If he should not manumit his slave,” and, if he did manumit him, that the devise of the land should pass to Mævius, the legatee furnished security not to free the slave, received the bequest, and afterwards emancipated him. I ask whether anything is due to Mævius. The answer was that if the bequest had been as follows, “If he should not manumit his slave,” and security was furnished, the party could receive the legacy from the heir, and if he afterwards manumitted the slave, the agreement, having become operative, he must either deliver the land to the heir, or pay him its value, and in this instance the heir must give it to him to whom the legacy was due under this condition.
Dig. 36,1,48Iavolenus libro undecimo epistularum. Seius Saturninus archigubernus ex classe Britannica testamento fiduciarium reliquit heredem Valerium Maximum trierarchum, a quo petit, ut filio suo Seio Oceano, cum ad annos sedecim pervenisset, hereditatem restitueret. Seius Oceanus antequam impleret annos, defunctus est: nunc Mallius Seneca, qui se avunculum Seii Oceani dicit, proximitatis nomine haec bona petit, Maximus autem trierarchus sibi ea vindicat ideo, quia defunctus est is cui restituere iussus erat. quaero ergo utrum haec bona ad Valerium Maximum trierarchum heredem fiduciarium pertineant an ad Mallium Senecam, qui se pueri defuncti avunculum esse dicit. respondi: si Seius Oceanus, cui fideicommissa hereditas ex testamento Seii Saturnini, cum annos sedecim haberet, a Valerio Maximo fiduciario herede restitui debeat, priusquam praefinitum tempus aetatis impleret, decessit, fiduciaria hereditas ad eum pertinet, ad quem cetera bona Oceani pertinuerint, quoniam dies fideicommissi vivo Oceano cessit, scilicet si prorogando tempus solutionis tutelam magis heredi fiducario permississe, quam incertum diem fideicommissi constituisse videatur.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book XI. Seius Saturninus, Admiral of the Britannic Fleet, by his will appointed Valerius Maximus, captain of a trireme, his fiduciary heir, and charged him to transfer his estate to his son Seius Oceanus, when the latter arrived at the age of sixteen years. Seius Oceanus died before reaching that age. Then Malleus Seneca, who alleged that he was the uncle of Seius Oceanus, claimed his property on the ground of his being the-next of kin. Maximus, the captain of the trireme, also claimed the estate, because the person to whom he had been ordered to transfer it was dead. I ask to which of these persons the estate belongs, to Valerius Maximus, the captain of the trireme, the fiduciary heir, or to Mallius Seneca, who asserts that he is the uncle of the deceased boy? I answered that, if Seius Oceanus, to whom the estate was bequeathed in trust by the will of Seius Saterninus, when he attained the age of sixteen years, was to be transferred by Valerius Maximus, the fiduciary heir, should have died before reaching the prescribed age, the estate left in trust would pass to him who was entitled to the other property of Oceanus, because the time for the execution of the trust arrived during the lifetime of Oceanus; that is to say, provided that, by prolonging the time of delivery, the testator was considered to have intended to commit the guardianship of his son to the fiduciary heir, rather than to have appointed an uncertain time for the execution of the trust.
Dig. 46,1,44Iavolenus libro undecimo epistularum. Stipulatus es opus arbitratu tuo ante certam diem fieri, quod si effectum non esset, quanti ut efficiatur opus locasses, tanti fideiussores cepisti: et quia opus effectum non erat, alii locasti et, cum posterior conductor satis non daret, ipse opus fecisti: quaero, an fideiussor teneatur. respondit: secundum ea verba stipulationis, quae a te proposita sunt, fideiussores non tenentur. non enim id fecisti, quod in stipulatione convenerat, id est opus alii non locasti, tametsi postea locasti: ea enim locatio, quam secutus es, perinde est, ac si interposita non esset et si statim tu opus facere coepisses.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book XI. You stipulated that certain work should be done to your satisfaction before a certain date, and you received sureties who, if it should not be done within the prescribed time, agreed to be liable for the amount that you would have paid for having it done; and because the work was not performed, you gave it to a contractor, and as the latter did not furnish security, you did the work yourself. I ask whether the sureties will be liable. The answer was, that according to the terms of the stipulation mentioned by you, the sureties will not be liable, for you do not do what was agreed upon in the stipulation, that is to say, you did not contract for the work to be performed, although you did so afterwards; for the contract which was subsequently made was just the same as if it had not been entered into, since you immediately began to do the work yourself.
Dig. 50,17,202Idem libro undecimo epistularum. Omnis definitio in iure civili periculosa est: parum est enim, ut non subverti posset.
Ex libro XII
Dig. 28,5,66Idem libro duodecimo epistularum. Hereditas ad Statium Primum nullo iure pertinet, cum institutus heres non sit: nec quicquam ei prodest, quod ab eo aliquid legatum est aut libertus ei defuncti testamento commendatus est. ex quo si manumissus non est, servus est.
The Same, Epistles, Book XII. An estate cannot, under any circumstances, belong to Statius Primus, since he has not been appointed heir, and it would be of no benefit to him whatever if he were charged with the payment of a legacy, or if the freedman of the deceased was entrusted to his care by testamentary disposition; for he will remain a slave for all time, if he should not be manumitted.
Dig. 44,7,55Iavolenus libro duodecimo epistularum. In omnibus rebus, quae dominium transferunt, concurrat oportet affectus ex utraque parte contrahentium: nam sive ea venditio sive donatio sive conductio sive quaelibet alia causa contrahendi fuit, nisi animus utriusque consentit, perduci ad effectum id quod inchoatur non potest.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book XII. In all matters having reference to the transfer of ownership, the concurrence and the intention of both contracting parties must exist; for in sales, donations, leases, or any other kind of contracts, unless both parties agree, anything which has been begun will have no effect.
Ex libro XIII
Dig. 1,4,3Iavolenus epistularum libro tertio decimo. Beneficium imperatoris, quod a divina scilicet eius indulgentia proficiscitur, quam plenissime interpretari debemus.
Dig. 19,5,10Iavolenus libro tertio decimo epistularum. Partis tertiae usum fructum legavit: heredis bona ab eius creditoribus distracta sunt et pecuniam, quae ex aestimatione partis tertiae fiebat, mulier accepit fruendi causa et per ignorantiam stipulatio praetermissa est. quaero, an ab herede mulieris pecunia, quae fruendi causa data est, repeti possit, et qua actione. respondi in factum actionem dari debere.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book XIII. A certain man bequeathed the usufruct of a third of his estate. The property of his heir was sold by his creditors, and the woman to whom the bequest was made received, in the place of the usufruct, the amount of the appraisement of the third part of the estate, and, through ignorance, the ordinary stipulation was omitted. I ask whether suit can be brought by the heir of the woman for the money which was given her, instead of the enjoyment of the usufruct, and if so, what kind of a suit? I answered that an action in factum should be granted.
Dig. 24,1,50Iavolenus libro tertio decimo epistularum. Si, cum mulier viginti servum emisset, in eam emptionem vir quinque venditori dedit, divortio facto omnimodo vir eam summam exiget neque ad rem pertinet, an is servus deterior factus sit: nam et si mortuus esset, quinque exactio ei competeret. quaeritur enim, an mulier ex viri patrimonio locupletior sit eo tempore, quo de dote agebatur: facta autem intellegitur, quae aere alieno suo interventu viri liberata est, quod potuisset adhuc debere, si vir pecuniam non solvisset: neque enim interest, ex qua causa mulier pecuniam debuit, utrum creditam an eam quam ex emptione praestare debeat. 1Quod si mulier non emerat servum, sed ut emeret, a viro pecuniam accepit, tum vel mortuo vel deteriore facto servo damnum ad virum pertinebit: quia quod aliter emptura non fuit, nisi pecuniam a viro accepisset, hoc consumptum ei perit qui donavit, si modo in rerum natura esse desiit: nec videtur mulier locupletior esse, quae neque a creditore suo liberata est neque id possidet quod ex pecunia viri emerat.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book XIII. Ad Dig. 24,1,50 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 365, Note 5.Where a woman buys a slave for twenty aurei, and her husband pays five to the vendor at the time of the purchase, if a divorce takes place, he can certainly recover this sum. It makes no difference whether the slave has become deteriorated in value, or even if he should be dead, the husband will still be entitled to demand the five aurei; for the question arises, as to whether the woman has become enriched by the property of her husband, at the time when the question as to the return of the dowry arose. She is, in this instance, understood to have been pecuniarily benefited by having been released by the intervention of her husband from liability for a debt, which she would still have owed, if her husband had not paid the money. Nor does it make any difference for what reason the woman owed the money, that is to say, whether it was borrowed, or whether she owed it on account of some purchase. 1Ad Dig. 24,1,50,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 365, Note 14.Where the woman did not buy the slave, but received the money from her husband in order to buy him, then, in case the slave should die, or become depreciated in value, the loss must be borne by her husband, because, as she would not have purchased the slave if she had not received the money from her husband, he who gave it must bear the loss, provided the slave died; nor is the woman considered to have become enriched who was not released by her creditor, and is not in possession of what she purchased with her husband’s money.
Dig. 35,1,55Idem libro tertio decimo epistularum. Maevius, cui fundus legatus est, si Callimacho, cum quo testamenti factionem non habebat, ducenta dedisset: condicioni parere debet et ducenta dare, ut ad eum legatus fundus pertineat, licet nummos non faciat accipientis: quid enim interest, utrum tali personae dare iubeatur an aliquo loco ponere vel in mare deicere? neque enim illud, quod ad talem personam perventurum est, testamenti nomine, sed mortis causa capitur.
The Same, Epistles, Book XIII. An estate was left to Mævius if he paid two hundred aurei to Callimacus, who could not take anything under a will, and the legatee was, nevertheless, obliged to comply with the condition and to pay the two hundred aurei, in order to become entitled to the land which was devised to him, even though he did not transfer the ownership of the said sum to the person who received it. For what difference does it make whether anyone is directed to pay the money to such a person, or to deposit it in some place, or to throw it into the sea? Money cannot come into the hands of an individual of this kind under the terms of a will, but he can acquire it as a donation mortis causa.
Dig. 46,1,20Iavolenus libro tertio decimo epistularum. Sed et si servi dominus pecuniam solverit, repetere eam non ab eo pro quo fideiussit, sed ab eo cui numeravit poterit, cum servus fideiussionis nomine obligari non possit. sequitur ergo, ut ab eo, pro quo fideiusserat, repeti non possit, cum ipse aere alieno obligatus sit nec solutione liberari eius pecuniae nomine potuerit, cuius obligatio ad servum non pertinuit.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book XIII. But where the owner of the slave paid the money, he cannot recover it from him for whom he became surety, but he can do so from the person to whom he paid it, since a slave cannot become liable as surety. Hence it follows that he cannot recover it from him for whom he became surety, as he himself is liable for the debt, and will not be released by the payment of money due under an obligation for which the slave was not responsible.
Ex libro XIV
Dig. 35,1,56Idem libro quarto decimo epistularum. Cui fundus legatus est, si decem dederit, partem fundi consequi non potest, nisi totam pecuniam numerasset. dissimilis est causa, cum duobus eadem res sub condicione legata est: in hac enim quaestione statim a testamento, quo pluribus condicio adposita est, divisa quoque in singulas personas videri potest, et ideo singuli pro sua parte et condicioni parere et legatum capere possunt: nam quamvis summa universe condicionis sit adscripta, enumeratione personarum potest videri esse divisa. in eo vero, quod uni sub condicione legatum est, scindi ex accidenti condicio non debet, et omnis numerus eorum, qui in locum eius substituuntur, pro singulari persona est habendus.
The Same, Epistles, Book XIV. Where an estate is left to anyone on condition of his paying ten aurei, the devisee cannot obtain any portion of the land without paying the entire amount. The case, however, is different where the identical property is left to two persons under the same condition, for in this instance, under the terms of the will, the condition imposed upon the different parties may appear to have been divided among them separately, and therefore they can, as individuals, comply with it in proportion to their respective shares, and receive the legacy. For although the entire sum, on the payment of which the legacy is dependent, seems to be divided by the enumeration of the different persons, the condition cannot be divided where some accidental occurrence takes place, in the case where the legacy is left to one person conditionally, and the entire number of those who are substituted for the legatee should be considered as constituting but one individual.
Dig. 41,2,24Idem libro quarto decimo epistularum. Quod servus tuus ignorante te vi possidet, id tu non possides, quoniam is, qui in tua potestate est, ignoranti tibi non corporalem possessionem, sed iustam potest adquirere: sicut id, quod ex peculio ad eum pervenerit, possidet. nam tum per servum dominus quoque possidere dicitur, summa scilicet cum ratione, quia, quod ex iusta causa corporaliter a servo tenetur, id in peculio servi est et peculium, quod servus civiliter quidem possidere non posset, sed naturaliter tenet, dominus creditur possidere. quod vero ex maleficiis adprehenditur, id ad domini possessionem ideo non pertinet, quia nec peculii causam adprehendit.
The Same, Epistles, Book XIV. Anything that your slave obtains possession of by violence, without your knowledge, you do not possess, because he who is under your control cannot acquire corporeal possession if you are not aware of it; but he can acquire legal possession, as, for instance, he possesses what comes into his hands as part of his peculium. For when a master is said to possess by his slave, there is an excellent reason for this, because what is held by the slave actually, and for a good reason belongs to his peculium, and the peculium which a slave cannot possess as a citizen, but holds naturally, his master is considered to possess. Anything, however, which the slave acquires by illegal acts, is not possessed by the master, because it is not included in the peculium of the slave.
Dig. 45,3,36Iavolenus libro quarto decimo epistularum. Quod servus stipulatus est, quem dominus pro derelicto habebat, nullius est momenti, quia qui pro derelicto rem habet, omnimodo a se reiecit nec potest eius operibus uti, quem eo iure ad se pertinere noluit. quod si ab alio adprehensus est, stipulatione ei adquirere poterit: nam et haec genere quodam donatio est. inter hereditarium enim servum et eum, qui pro derelicto habetur, plurimum interest, quoniam alter hereditatis iure retinetur, nec potest relictus videri qui universo hereditatis iure continetur, alter voluntate domini derelictus non potest videri ad usum eius pertinere, a quo relictus est.
Javolenus, Epistles, Book XIV. Where a slave, whom his master has considered as abandoned by him, stipulates for something, his act is void; because anyone who looks upon property as abandoned rejects it altogether, and cannot make use of the services of anyone whom he is unwilling shall belong to him. If, however, he has been seized by another, he can acquire for his benefit by means of a stipulation, for this is a kind of donation. A great difference exists between a slave forming a part of an estate and one who is considered as abandoned; for one of them is retained by hereditary right, and he cannot be considered as abandoned who is subject to the entire right of inheritance, while the other having been intentionally abandoned by his master, cannot be held to be available for the use of him by whom he was rejected.