Ex Cassio libri
Ex libro VIII
Dig. 3,5,27Iavolenus libro octavo ex Cassio. Si quis mandatu Titii negotia Seii gessit, Titio mandati tenetur lisque aestimari debet, quanto Seii et Titii interest: Titii autem interest, quantum is Seio praestare debet, cui vel mandati vel negotiorum gestorum nomine obligatus est. Titio autem actio competit cum eo, cui mandavit aliena negotia gerenda, et antequam ipse quicquam domino praestet, quia id ei abesse videtur in quo obligatus est.
Ad Dig. 3,5,27ROHGE, Bd. 17 (1875), Nr. 21, S. 78: Legitimation des Verkäufers, der den Speditionsvertrag in eigenem Namen geschlossen, den dem Käufer aus der Nichterfüllung entstandenen Schaden als seinen eigenen einzuklagen.ROHGE, Bd. 18 (1876), Nr. 22, S. 97: Begründung des Anspruchs des Postfiskus auf Ersatz aus dem Verluste eines Geldbriefbeutels. Berufung auf die Verbindlichkeit, dem Absender Ersatz zu leisten.Javolenus, On Cassius, Book VIII. Where anyone has transacted the business of Seius by the direction of Titius, he is liable to Titius in an action of mandate, and in the action the amount of the interest of both Seius and Titius should be taken into consideration; the interest of Titius, however, must be determined by the amount he has to pay Seius, to whom he is liable either on mandate, or for business transacted. Titius has a right of action also against the party whom he directed to attend to the affairs of another, before he himself pays anything to his principal; because he is held to have lost the amount for which he was liable.
Dig. 19,2,37Iavolenus libro octavo ex Cassio. Si, priusquam locatori opus probaretur, vi aliqua consumptum est, detrimentum ad locatorem ita pertinet, si tale opus fuit, ut probari deberet.
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book VIII. If a work is destroyed by superior force before it has been accepted by the employer, he must bear the loss, if the work was of such a character that he should have accepted it.