Ex Cassio libri
Ex libro VII
Dig. 17,1,36Iavolenus libro septimo ex Cassio. ita ut omnes summas maiores et minores coacervet et ita portionem ei qui mandatum suscepit praestet. quod et plerique probant. 1Simili modo et in illa specie, ubi certo pretio tibi emere mandavi et aliarum partium nomine commode negotium gessisti et vilius emeris, pro tua parte tantum tibi praestatur, quanti interest tua, dummodo intra id pretium, quod mandato continetur. quid enim fiet, si exiguo pretio hi, cum quibus tibi communis fundus erat, rem abicere vel necessitate rei familiaris vel alia causa cogerentur? non etiam tu ad idem dispendium deduceris. sed nec lucrum tibi ex hac causa adquirere debes, cum mandatum gratuitum esse debet: neque enim tibi concedendum est propter hoc venditionem impedire, quod animosiorem eius rei emptorem esse quam tibi mandatum est cognoveris. 2Quod si fundum, qui per partes venit, emendum tibi mandassem, sed ita, ut non aliter mandato tenear, quam si totum fundum emeres: si totum emere non potueris, in partibus emendis tibi negotium gesseris (sive habueris in eo fundo partem sive non) et eveniet, ut is cui tale mandatum datum est periculo suo interim partes emat et, nisi totum emerit, ingratis eas retineat. nam propius est, ut cum huiusmodi incommodis mandatum suscipi possit praestarique officium et in partibus emendis perinde atque in toto debeat ab eo, qui tale mandatum sua sponte suscepit. 3Quod si mandassem tibi, ut fundum mihi emeres, non addito eo, ut non aliter mandato tenear, quam si totum emeres, et tu partem vel quasdam partes eius emeris, tum habebimus sine dubio invicem mandati actionem, quamvis reliquas partes emere non potuisses.
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book VII. A person of this kind should bring all the amounts, large and small, together, and in that way ascertain the share to be paid by the party who received the mandate. Many authorities adopt this rule. 1In like manner, in the following instance, where I directed you to purchase something for me at a certain price, and you transacted the business profitably with reference to the other joint-owners, and made the purchase at a low figure, you will have for your share the amount of your interest, provided it is within the sum contained in the mandate; but what if the parties who held the land in common with you were compelled to dispose of it at a low price, either on account of the bad condition of their affairs, or for some other reason? You should not make the same sacrifice, nor should you profit by this circumstance, as a mandate ought to be gratuitous, nor should you be permitted, on this account, to prevent the sale, because you knew that the purchaser was more anxious to obtain the property than he was at the time he directed you to purchase it. 2If I should direct you to purchase for me a tract of land, which is sold by certain parties, in such a way, however, that I shall not be bound by the mandate unless you purchase the entire tract, and you are unable to purchase it all; you will be transacting your own business with reference to the shares you have bought, whether you have an interest in the land or not. The result will also be that he to whom a mandate of this kind has been given, will, in the meantime, purchase the different shares at his own risk, and, unless he buys them all, they will remain in his hands, even though he does not want them. It is more probable that, since a party can undertake the execution of a mandate attended with such inconveniences, and has done so voluntarily, he should discharge his duty by purchasing the different shares, just as he ought to do in purchasing all of them together. 3If I direct you to purchase a tract of land for me, and do not add that I shall not be liable under the mandate unless you buy it all, and you purchase one, or several portions of the same; we will then undoubtedly be entitled to actions on mandate against one another reciprocally, even though you could not purchase the remaining portions of the land.
Dig. 18,1,63Iavolenus libro septimo ex Cassio. Cum servo dominus rem vendere certae personae iusserit, si alii vendidisset, quam cui iussus erat, venditio non valet: idem iuris in libera persona est: cum perfici venditio non potuit in eius persona, cui dominus venire eam noluit. 1Demonstratione fundi facta fines nominari supervacuum est: si nominentur, etiam ipsum venditorem nominare oportet, si forte alium agrum confinem possidet.
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book VII. Where a master orders his slave to sell property to a certain person, and he sells it to another, the sale will not be valid. The same rule applies to a person who is free, since a sale cannot be made to a party to whom the owner was unwilling that the property should be sold. 1Where the contents of a tract of land have been described, it is superfluous to mention the boundaries of the adjacent tracts. If they are mentioned, it is also necessary to state the names of the vendors of the same, if any of them should happen to have adjoining land.
Dig. 18,6,17Iavolenus libro septimo ex Cassio. Servi emptor si eum conductum rogavit, donec pretium solveret, nihil per eum servum adquirere poterit, quoniam non videtur traditus is, cuius possessio per locationem retinetur a venditore. periculum eius servi ad emptorem pertinet, quod tamen sine dolo venditoris intervenerit.
Ad Dig. 18,6,17ROHGE, Bd. 11 (1874), Nr. 97, S. 295: Folge des Annahmeverzuges des Frachtguts seitens des Empfängers. Befugnis des Frachtführers zum Verkaufe, nicht Verpflichtung.ROHGE, Bd. 13 (1874), Nr. 68, S. 207: Unterlassung von Schadensabwendungs-Maßregeln seitens des vertragstreuen Contrahenten.Javolenus, On Cassius, Book VII. Where the purchaser of a slave asks permission to hire him until he can pay his price, he will acquire nothing through the services of said slave, since he is not held to be delivered whose possession is retained by the vendor through hiring him. The purchaser will be responsible for the slave, where anything happens to him without the fraud of the vendor.
Dig. 19,1,18Iavolenus libro septimo ex Cassio. Granaria, quae ex tabulis fieri solent, ita aedium sunt, si stipites eorum in terra defossi sunt: quod si supra terram sunt, rutis et caesis cedunt. 1Tegulae, quae nondum aedificiis impositae sunt, quamvis tegendi gratia allatae sunt, in rutis et caesis habentur: aliud iuris est in his, quae detractae sunt ut reponerentur: aedibus enim accedunt.
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book VII. Granaries, which are usually made of boards, belong to the building, if their foundations are in the earth; but if they are above ground, they should be classed as movable property. 1Tiles which have not yet been placed upon buildings, although they have been brought there for that purpose, are included in the class of personal property. A different rule applies to those which have been removed with the intention of being replaced, for they are accessories to the house.
Dig. 41,2,21Iavolenus libro septimo ex Cassio. Interdum eius possessionem, cuius ipsi non habemus, alii tradere possumus, veluti cum is, qui pro herede rem possidebat, antequam dominus fieret, precario ab herede eam rogavit. 1Quod ex naufragio expulsum est, usucapi non potest, quoniam non est in derelicto, sed in deperdito. 2Idem iuris esse existimo in his rebus, quae iactae sunt: quoniam non potest videri id pro derelicto habitum, quod salutis causa interim dimissum est. 3Qui alienam rem precario rogavit, si eandem a domino conduxit, possessio ad dominum revertitur.
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book VII. We can sometimes deliver to another the possession of property which we ourselves do not hold; as, for instance, when he who possesses an article as heir, and, before becoming the owner of the same, claims it under a precarious title from the real heir. 1Property which has been thrown overboard in a shipwreck cannot be acquired by usucaption, since it has not been abandoned, but merely lost. 2I think that the same rule of law applies to property which has been thrown into the sea to lighten the ship, as that cannot be considered as abandoned which has been temporarily relinquished on account of safety. 3When anyone claims the property of another by a precarious title, and leases it from him, possession of the same will revert to the owner.
Dig. 41,8,5Iavolenus libro septimo ex Cassio. Ea res, quae legati nomine tradita est, quamvis dominus eius vivat, legatorum tamen nomine usucapietur,
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book VII. Property delivered as a legacy can be acquired by usucaption on this ground, even though the owner of it may be living,
Dig. 41,8,7Iavolenus libro septimo ex Cassio. Nemo potest legatorum nomine usucapere nisi is, cum quo testamenti factio est, quia ea possessio ex iure testamenti proficiscitur.
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book VII. No one can acquire property by usucaption on account of a legacy, unless he himself had a right to make a will for the benefit of the testator, because possession of this kind depends upon testamentary capacity.