Ex Cassio libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 26,2,24Iavolenus libro quinto ex Cassio. Si plures tutores sint, a praetore curatorem posci litis causa supervacuum est, quia altero auctore cum altero agi potest.
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book V. Where there are several guardians, it is superfluous to petition the Prætor to appoint a curator for the purpose of conducting a lawsuit against one of them, because the ward can begin the action with the authority of another guardian.
Dig. 34,5,22Iavolenus libro quinto ex Cassio. Cum pubere filio mater naufragio periit: cum explorari non possit, uter prior exstinctus sit, humanius est credere filium diutius vixisse.
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book V. A mother lost her life in a shipwreck at the same time as her son who had reached the age of puberty. If it cannot be ascertained which of them died first, it is more natural to suppose that the son lived the longer.