Ex Cassio libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 23,3,64Iavolenus libro quarto ex Cassio. Post divortium mulier si de dote maritus nihil cavit et, cum alii nupsisset, postea ad priorem virum rediit, tacite dos ei redintegratur.
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book IV. Where a husband made no subsequent provision with reference to a dowry, if, after a divorce has taken place, the woman should marry another man, and afterwards, having again been divorced, return to her first husband, the dowry will be tacitly restored to him unimpaired.
Dig. 23,4,1Iavolenus libro quarto ex Cassio. Pacisci post nuptias, etiamsi nihil ante convenerit, licet. 1Pacta quae de reddenda dote fiunt, inter omnes fieri oportet, qui repetere dotem et a quibus repeti potest, ne ei, qui non interfuit, apud arbitrum cognoscentem pactum non prosit.
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book IV. It is lawful for an agreement to be made after marriage, even if none has previously been, entered into. 1Agreements made for the purpose of returning a dowry should be entered into by all the parties who have either a right to recover the dowry, or from whom it can be recovered, in order that one of them, who is not a party to the proceedings, will not be able to obtain any advantage from the magistrate who may be called upon to enforce the agreement.