Ex Cassio libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 5,3,48Iavolenus libro tertio ex Cassio. In aestimationibus hereditatis ita venit pretium venditae hereditatis, ut id quoque accedat, quod plus fuit in hereditate, si ea negotiationis causa veniit: sin autem ex fideicommissi causa, nihil amplius quam quod bona fide accepit.
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book IV. In appraising the value of an estate, the purchase-money obtained for its sale must be included, as well as the addition of whatever else it was worth, if this was done on account of business; but where it is disposed of in compliance with the terms of a trust, nothing more will be included than what the party acquired in good faith.
Dig. 31,39Idem libro tertio ex Cassio. Si areae legatae post testamentum factum aedificium impositum est, utrumque debebitur et solum et superficium.
The Same, On Cassius, Book III. When land which is not built upon is devised, and, after the will was executed, a building is erected thereon, both the ground and the building must be delivered by the heir.
Dig. 38,2,34Iavolenus libro tertio ex Cassio. Si libertus, cum duos patronos haberet, alterum praeteriit, alterum ex semisse fecit heredem et alteri extraneo semissem dereliquit, scriptus quidem patronus debitam sibi partem immunem habet: de cetera autem parte patroni, quae supra debitum ei relicta est, et de semisse extraneo relicto alteri patrono pro rata portione satisfieri oportet.
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book III. When a freedman, who has two patrons, passes one of them over in his will, and appoints a stranger heir to half of his estate, the patron who is appointed heir can claim the share to which he is entitled without deduction; and out of the other share which was left over and above what was due to him, and out of the remaining half bequeathed to the stranger, an amount shall be taken pro rata to make up the share to which the other patron is entitled by law.