Ex Cassio libri
Ex libro XI
Dig. 4,8,39Iavolenus libro undecimo ex Cassio. Non ex omnibus causis, ex quibus arbitri paritum sententiae non est, poena ex compromisso committitur, sed ex his dumtaxat, quae ad solutionem pecuniae aut operam praebendam pertinent. idem. contumaciam litigatoris arbiter punire poterit pecuniam eum adversario dare iubendo: quo in numero haberi non oportet, si testium nomina ex sententia arbitri exhibita non sunt. 1Cum arbiter diem compromissi proferri iussit, cum hoc ei permissum est, alterius mora alteri ad poenam committendam prodest.
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book XI. It is not in all cases where the decision of the arbiter is not obeyed that liability for the penalty arising from the arbitration is incurred, but only in those which have reference to the payment of money, or the performance of some service. Javolenus also states that an arbiter can punish the contumacy of a litigant by ordering him to pay a sum of money to his adversary; but a party must not be included among contumacious persons where he did not give the names of his witnesses in accordance with the decision of the arbiter. 1If an arbiter orders the time fixed for arbitration to be extended, where he is allowed to do this, the default of either party will not allow the penalty to be collected by the other.
Dig. 41,1,58Iavolenus libro undecimo ex Cassio. Quaecumque res ex mari extracta est, non ante eius incipit esse qui extraxit, quam dominus eam pro derelicto habere coepit.
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book XI. Anything which is taken from the sea does not begin to be the property of him who obtains it until the owner of said property begins to consider it as abandoned.
Dig. 45,1,104Iavolenus libro undecimo ex Cassio. Cum servus pecuniam pro libertate pactus est et ob eam rem reum dedit: quamvis servus ab alio manumissus est, reus tamen recte obligabitur, quia non quaeritur, a quo manumittatur, sed ut manumittatur.
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book XI. Where a slave has agreed to pay a sum of money for his freedom, and has given a surety for that purpose, even though he may be manumitted by another person, the surety will, nevertheless, legally be bound, for the reason that the inquiry was not made to ascertain by whom he was manumitted, but merely to learn whether he has been manumitted.
Dig. 46,3,78Iavolenus libro undecimo ex Cassio. Si alieni nummi inscio vel invito domino soluti sunt, manent eius cuius fuerunt: si mixti essent, ita ut discerni non possent, eius fieri qui accepit in libris Gaii scriptum est, ita ut actio domino cum eo, qui dedisset, furti competeret.
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book XI. When money belonging to another is paid without the knowledge or consent of the owner, it still continues to be his property. If it is mixed with other money, so that it cannot be separated, it is stated in the Books of Gaius that it will belong to the person who receives it; so that an action of theft will lie in favor of the owner against him who paid the money.
Dig. 50,16,112Idem libro undecimo ex Cassio. Litus publicum est eatenus, qua maxime fluctus exaestuat. idemque iuris est in lacu, nisi is totus privatus est.
The Same, On Cassius, Book XI. The shore of the sea is public as far as high-water mark. The same rule of law applies to a lake, unless it is all private property.