Ex Cassio libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 28,2,5Iavolenus libro primo ex Cassio. ideoque qui postumum heredem instituit si post testamentum factum mutavit matrimonium, is institutus videtur, qui ex posteriore matrimonio natus est.
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book I. Therefore, where a man has appointed a posthumous heir, and, after the execution of the will, marries again, he is held to have been appointed who is the issue of the subsequent marriage.
Dig. 28,5,14Iavolenus libro primo ex Cassio. Si quis heredes ita instituit: ‘Titius ex parte prima, Seius ex parte secunda, Maevius ex parte tertia, Sulpicius ex parte quarta heredes sunto’: aequae partes hereditatis ad institutos pertinebunt, quia testator appellatione numeris scripturae magis ordinem, quam modum partibus imposuisse videtur.
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book I. If anyone should appoint heirs as follows: “Let Titius be heir to the first share, Seius to the second, Mævius to the third, and Sulpicius to the fourth”, equal shares of the estate will belong to the parties appointed; for the reason that the testator is held to have named them rather to show the order of their designation, than to prescribe the method of dividing the estate into shares.
Dig. 28,5,64Iavolenus libro primo ex Cassio. Heredes sine partibus utrum coniunctim an separatim scribantur, hoc interest, quod, si quis ex coniunctis decessit, non ad omnes, sed ad reliquos qui coniuncti erant pertinet, sin autem ex separatis, ad omnes, qui testamento eodem scripti sunt heredes, portio eius pertinet.
Ad Dig. 28,5,64Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 604, Note 4.Javolenus, On Cassius, Book VI. Where heirs are appointed without the designation of their shares, it is important to ascertain whether they are appointed conjointly, or separately; because if any one of those appointed conjointly should die, his share will not belong to all the heirs, but only to the remaining ones who are appointed along with him; but where one of those appointed separately dies, his share will belong to all of the heirs appointed under the will.
Dig. 31,37Iavolenus libro primo ex Cassio. Qui testamento inutiliter manumissus est legari eodem testamento potest, quia totiens efficacior est libertas legato, quotiens utiliter data est.
Javolenus, On Cassius, Book I. Where a slave has been illegally manumitted by a will, he can be bequeathed by the same will, because freedom only takes precedence over a legacy where it was granted in accordance with law.