Iuris epitomatorum libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 21,3,3Hermogenianus libro sexto iuris epitomatorum. Exceptio rei venditae et traditae non tantum ei cui res tradita est, sed successoribus etiam eius et emptori secundo, etsi res ei non fuerit tradita, proderit: interest enim emptoris primi secundo rem non evinci. 1Pari ratione venditoris etiam successoribus nocebit, sive in universum ius sive in eam dumtaxat rem successerint.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book VI. Ad Dig. 21,3,3 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 186, Note 16.The exception on the ground of property sold and delivered is available, not only by him to whom it was delivered, but also by his successors, as well as by a second purchaser, even if it was not delivered to him, for it is to the interest of the first purchaser that the second should not be deprived of the property by eviction. 1On the same principle, the successors of a vendor can be barred, whether they have succeeded to all his rights, or merely to that which has reference to the property involved.
Dig. 39,5,33Hermogenianus libro sexto iuris epitomarum. Qui id, quod ex causa donationis stipulanti spoponderat, solvi constituit, actione constitutae pecuniae non in solidum, sed in quantum facere potest convenitur: causam enim et originem constitutae pecuniae, non iudicii potestatem praevalere placuit. sed et condemnatus ex causa donationis in actione iudicati non frustra desiderat in quantum facere potest conveniri. 1Ea lege donationis causa pecunia Titio numerata, ut statim donatori mutuo detur, non impeditur dominii translatio: ac propterea isdem nummis donatori creditis novum dominium in his quaeritur. 2Mutus et surdus donare non prohibentur. 3Si, cum Primus tibi donare vellet et tu donandi Secundo voluntatem haberes, Primus Secundo ex voluntate tua stipulanti promiserit, perficitur donatio et, quia nihil Primus Secundo, a quo convenitur, donavit, et quidem in solidum, non in id quod facere potest condemnatur. idque custoditur et si delegante eo, qui donationem erat accepturus, creditori eius donator promiserit: et hoc enim casu creditor suum negotium gerit.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book VI. Anyone who has made a new promise to pay, after having entered into an agreement to make a donation, can be sued in an action based on the promise, not for the entire amount, but only for what he is able to pay; for it has been settled that the cause and origin of the promise to make payment, and not the authority of the judge, must be considered. He, however, who has had judgment rendered against him on account of a donation, and an action is brought against him to enforce the judgment, can very properly ask that he only be sued to the extent of his pecuniary resources. 1Where money has been paid to Titius as a donation, under the condition that he will immediately lend it to the donor, the transfer of ownership is not prevented; and for this reason where the same money is lent to the donor, a new ownership of it is acquired. 2Persons who are dumb and deaf are not prohibited from making donations. 3When anyone desires to make a donation to you, and you intend to donate the same article to another, the donation will be perfected if the first promises, with your consent, to give it to the second; and because the first gave nothing to the second, by whom he can be sued, he can have judgment rendered against him for the entire amount, and not for as much as he is able to pay. The same rule is observed where he who is to receive the donation has delegated the donor to his creditor; for, in this instance, the creditor is merely transacting his own business.
Dig. 40,15,3Hermogenianus libro sexto iuris epitomarum. Ante quinquennium defuncto status honestior, quam mortis tempore fuisse existimabatur, vindicari non prohibetur. idcirco et si quis in servitute moriatur, post quinquennium liber decessisse probari potest.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book VI. The condition of a person who died more than five years previously is considered to be more honorable than at the time of his death, and no one will be prevented from claiming this for him. Therefore, even if he died in slavery, he can be proved to have been free at his decease, even after the lapse of five years.
Dig. 41,1,61Hermogenianus libro sexto iuris epitomarum. Hereditas in multis partibus iuris pro domino habetur adeoque hereditati quoque ut domino per servum hereditarium adquiritur. in his sane, in quibus factum personae operaeve substantia desideratur, nihil hereditati quaeri per servum potest. ac propterea quamvis servus hereditarius heres institui possit, tamen quia adire iubentis domini persona desideratur, heres exspectandus est. 1Usus fructus, qui sine persona constitui non potest, hereditati per servum non adquiritur.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book VI. An estate is often considered in law as an owner, and therefore anything that is acquired by a slave forming part of the same is considered to be acquired by it as his master. It is clear that, in matters in which the act or labor of a person is essential, nothing can be obtained for the estate by the agency of a slave; and therefore, although a slave belonging to the estate can be appointed an heir, still, as the personal order of his master is necessary to enable him to enter upon the same, we must wait until an heir appears. 1As an usufruct cannot be created without someone to enjoy it, so it cannot be acquired for an estate through the medium of a slave.
Dig. 43,30,2Hermogenianus libro sexto iuris epitomarum. Immo magis de uxore exhibenda ac ducenda pater, etiam qui filiam in potestate habet, a marito recte convenitur.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book VI. On the other hand, the father can, with much more propriety, be compelled by the husband of his daughter to produce her, and permit him to recover her, even if she is under paternal control.
Dig. 44,1,24Hermogenianus libro sexto iuris epitomarum. Filius familias exceptionem iurisiurandi patri quaerit, si eum dare non oportere iuraverit.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book VII. A son under paternal control can acquire for his father an exception on the ground of an oath having been taken, if he swears in court that his father does not owe anything.
Dig. 44,3,13Hermogenianus libro sexto iuris epitomarum. In omnibus fisci quaestionibus exceptis causis, in quibus minora tempora servari specialiter constitutum est, viginti annorum praescriptio custoditur. 1Rei publicae rationes subscriptae et expunctae adversus eum quidem, qui administravit, ultra viginti, adversus heredem vero ultra decem annos retractari non possunt.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book VI. In all matters in which the Treasury is interested, prescription for twenty years is available, except in cases where a shorter time has been expressly provided by the Imperial Constitutions. 1Any accounts which have been duly assigned and cancelled cannot be produced against the person responsible for them, after twenty years, or against his heir after ten years have elapsed.
Dig. 44,4,16Hermogenianus libro sexto iuris epitomarum. Si debitor a furioso delegatus creditori eius solvat, quem compotem mentis esse existimabat, et ita cum eo agatur: exceptione doli in id, quod in rem furiosi processit, defenditur.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book VI. If a debtor delegated by an insane person whom he supposed to be of sound mind should pay the creditor of the latter, and for this reason suit should be brought against him, he can protect himself by an exception based on fraud, on the ground that the insane person profited by the transaction.
Dig. 46,1,65Idem libro sexto iuris epitomarum. Sicut reus principalis non alias, quam si de sua persona promittat, obligatur, ita fideiussores non alias tenentur, quam si se quid daturos vel facturos promittant: nam reum principalem daturum vel facturum aliquid frustra promittunt, quia factum alienum inutiliter promittitur.
The Same, Epitomes of Law, Book VI. Just as the principal debtor is not liable unless he makes a personal promise, so likewise sureties are not bound unless they themselves agree to pay something or perform some act; for they promise without effect when they contract for the principal debtor to pay, or do something, because to promise the act of another is void.
Dig. 46,8,11Hermogenianus libro sexto iuris epitomarum. Vel paciscitur vel quodlibet aliud nomine absentis gerit:
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book VI. Or he enters into a contract, or transacts any business whatsoever, in the name of a person who is absent.
Dig. 48,2,10Hermogenianus libro sexto iuris epitomarum. nonnulli propter paupertatem, ut sunt qui minus quam quinquaginta aureos habent.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book VI. Some cannot bring an accusation on. account of their poverty, such as those who have less than fifty aurei.
Dig. 48,4,10Idem libro sexto iuris epitomarum. Maiestatis crimine accusari potest, cuius ope consilio dolo malo provincia vel civitas hostibus prodita est.
The Same, Epitomes of Law, Book VI. He can be accused of lese majesty by whose aid, advice, or malicious contrivance a province or a city has been delivered to the enemy.
Dig. 48,10,20Hermogenianus libro sexto iuris epitomarum. Falsi poena coercentur et qui ad litem instruendam advocatione testibus pecuniam acceperunt, obligationem pactionem fecerunt, societatem inierunt, ut aliquid eorum fieret curaverunt.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book VI. Those also are punished with the penalty of forgery of wills who have accepted money for the purpose of causing litigation by means of legal assistance, or the production of witnesses; or have caused obligations to be contracted, or agreements to be made; or have formed an association; or have taken any measures to enable this to be done.
Dig. 49,14,46Hermogenianus libro sexto iuris epitomarum. Aufertur ei quasi indigno successio, qui, cum heres institutus esset ut filius, post mortem eius, qui pater dicebatur, suppositus declaratus est. 1Qui aliquid sciens in fraudem fisci suscepit, non solum rem, in qua fraudis ministerium suscepit, sed alterum tantum restituere cogitur. 2Quod a praeside seu procuratore vel quolibet alio in ea provincia, in qua administrat, licet per suppositam personam comparatum est, infirmato contractu vindicatur et aestimatio eius fisco infertur: nam et navem in eadem provincia, in qua quis administrat, aedificare prohibetur. 3Fiscus semper habet ius pignoris. 4Qui compensationem opponit fisco, intra duos menses debitum sibi docere debet. 5Ut debitoribus fisci quod fiscus debet compensetur, saepe constitutum est: excepta causa tributoria et stipendiorum, item pretio rei a fisco emptae et quod ex causa annonaria debetur. 6In reatu constitutus bona sua administrare potest, eique debitor recte bona fide solvit. 7Actores, qui aliquod officium gerunt, in bonis quae distrahunt procuratores venundare inconsultis principibus prohibentur, et, si veneant, venditio nullas vires habebit. 8Servus Caesaris si iussu procuratoris adiit hereditatem, Caesari volenti adquirit. 9Si multi fisco fraudem fecerint, non ut in actione furti singuli solidum, sed omnes semel quadrupli poenam pro virili portione debent. sane pro non idoneis qui sunt idonei conveniuntur.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book VI. He will be deprived of the succession as being unworthy, who, having been appointed an heir, as a son, is declared to be supposititious, after the death of the person who is said to have been his father. 1He who knowingly attempts to defraud the Treasury is obliged to return not only the property which he acquired by fraud, but as much more. 2When anything is purchased by a Governor, a Manager of the Imperial Revenue, or anyone else in a province in which he holds office, even though this has been accomplished by the agency of some other person, he shall be punished by the annulment of the contracts, and the appraised value of the property shall be paid into the Treasury. For anyone who has charge of the affairs of a province is even forbidden to build a ship therein. 3The Treasury has always the right of pledge. 4Ad Dig. 49,14,46,4Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 350, Note 15.Anyone who pleads a set off against the Treasury must show within two months what is due to him. 5It has frequently been decided that what the Treasury owes can be set off against what is due from debtors to it, except in the case of tribute and taxes and payments for property purchased from the Treasury, as well as what is due on account of subsistence. 6He who has been accused of an offence can administer his property, and his debtor can pay him in good faith. 7Agents holding any official employment and Managers of the Imperial Revenues are forbidden to sell property without first consulting the Emperor, and if they do so, the sale will be invalid. 8A slave of the Emperor, who enters upon an estate by the order of a Manager of the Imperial Revenues, acquires the estate for the benefit of the Emperor, if the latter consents. 9Where several persons have defrauded the Treasury, it does not follow that each of them is liable in full, as in the action of theft; but all will owe a penalty of fourfold the amount, each in proportion to his individual share. It is clear that those who are solvent will be liable for those who are not.