Iuris epitomatorum libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 23,3,74Hermogenianus libro quinto epitomarum. Si sponsa dotem dederit nec nupserit vel minor duodecim annis ut uxor habeatur, exemplo dotis condictioni favoris ratione privilegium, quod inter personales actiones vertitur, tribui placuit.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book V. Where a betrothed woman gives a dowry, and does not marry, or where a girl, in order to become a wife, gives it before she reaches the age of twelve years; it is held that the privilege which applies to personal actions should, by way of favor, as in the case of a regular dowry, be extended to include a personal action for recovery.
Dig. 27,3,25Hermogenianus libro quinto iuris epitomarum. Non solum tutelae privilegium datur in bonis tutoris, sed etiam eius, qui pro tutela negotium gessit: vel ex curatione pupilli pupillaeve furiosi furiosaeve debebitur, si eo nomine cautum non sit.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book V. Not only is the privilege of guardianship granted in favor of a ward against the property of a guardian, but also against that of one who has acted in his stead, as well as in the case of the curatorship of a male or female ward, or an insane man or woman, where security has not been furnished on this account.
Dig. 39,4,10Hermogenianus libro quinto epitomarum. Vectigalia sine imperatorum praecepto neque praesidi neque curatori neque curiae constituere nec praecedentia reformare et his vel addere vel deminuere licet. 1Non solutis vectigalium pensionibus pellere conductores necdum etiam tempore conductionis completo vel ab his usuras ex mora exigere permittitur.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes, Book V. Neither the Governors of provinces, the agents of municipalities, nor assemblies of the people are permitted to impose taxes, or to modify, add to, or diminish those already imposed, without the authority of the Emperor. 1Where farmers of the revenue have not paid what they owe to the Treasury, they cannot be discharged, even if the terms of their leases have expired; but interest can be collected from them when they are in default.
Dig. 40,12,40Hermogenianus libro quinto iuris epitomarum. Cum pacto partitionis pretii maior viginti annis venalem se praebuit, nec post manumissionem ad libertatem proclamare potest.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book V. Where a minor of twenty years of age permits himself to be sold under an agreement to share his price, he cannot, after his manumission, demand that he be declared freeborn.
Dig. 40,16,5Hermogenianus libro quinto iuris epitomarum. Sententiam pro ingenuitate dictam collusionis praetextu semel retractare permittitur. 1Si plures ad collusionem detegendam pariter accedant, causa cognita quis debeat admitti, comparatis omnium moribus et aetatibus et cuius magis interest, statui oportet.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book V. It is only permitted, under the pretext of collusion, to review a judgment rendered with reference to the right of free birth but once. 1Where several persons appear at the same time for the purpose of proving the collusion, when proper cause is shown, a decision must be rendered after taking into account the morals and the ages of all the parties concerned; and especially should it be ascertained which one of them has the greatest interest in exposing the collusion.
Dig. 41,2,50Hermogenianus libro quinto iuris epitomarum. Per eum, quem iusto ductus errore filium meum et in mea potestate esse existimo, neque possessio neque dominium nec quicquam aliud ex re mea mihi quaeritur. 1Per servum in fuga agentem, si neque ab alio possideatur neque se liberum esse credat, possessio nobis adquiritur.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book V. Neither possession nor ownership, nor anything else whatsoever, can be acquired through the use of my property by one whom I have been induced to erroneously consider my son under my control. 1Possession can be acquired for us by a runaway slave, if he has not been taken possession of by another, and does not think that he is free.
Dig. 41,3,46Hermogenianus libro quinto iuris epitomarum. Pro soluto usucapit, qui rem debiti causa recipit: et non tantum quod debetur, sed et quodlibet pro debito solutum hoc titulo usucapi potest.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book V. Property which has been received in payment is subject to usucaption where it has been obtained in the discharge of a debt. Not only what is due, but also whatever is given in discharge of the debt is subject to usucaption.
Dig. 41,8,9Hermogenianus libro quinto iuris epitomarum. Pro legato usucapit, cui recte legatum relictum est: sed et si non iure legatum relinquatur vel legatum ademptum est, pro legato usucapi post magnas varietates optinuit.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book V. A person to whom a legacy has been legally bequeathed acquires property by usucaption, as a legatee. If, however, it has not been left in conformity to law, or the legacy has been taken away, it has been decided, after much controversy, that the property can be acquired by usucaption on account of the legacy.
Dig. 47,10,45Hermogenianus libro quinto epitomarum. De iniuria nunc extra ordinem ex causa et persona statui solet. et servi quidem flagellis caesi dominis restituuntur, liberi vero humilioris quidem loci fustibus subiciuntur, ceteri autem vel exilio temporali vel interdictione certae rei coercentur.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes, Book V. So far as injuries are concerned, it is customary at present to pass sentence arbitrarily, according to the circumstances and the person. Slaves who have been scourged are restored to their masters; freemen of inferior ranks are whipped with rods; and others are punished either with temporary exile, or by the interdiction of certain property.
Dig. 48,4,9Hermogenianus libro quinto iuris epitomarum. Eorum, qui maiestatis crimine damnati sunt, libertorum bona liberis damnatorum conservari divus Severus decrevit et tunc demum fisco vindicari, si nemo damnati liberorum existat.
Hermogenianus, The Law, Book V. The Divine Severus decided that the property of freedmen who have been convicted of the crime of lese majesty shall be preserved for their children, and shall be confiscated to the Treasury if no child of the convicted person should appear.
Dig. 48,15,7Hermogenianus libro quinto iuris epitomarum. Poena pecuniaria statuta lege Fabia in usu esse desiit: nam in hoc crimine detecti pro delicti modo coercentur et plerumque in metallum damnantur.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book VI. The pecuniary penalty prescribed by the Favian Law has now ceased to be imposed; for those who are convicted of this crime are punished in proportion to its gravity, and are usually sentenced to the mines.
Dig. 49,1,27Idem libro quinto iuris epitomarum. Tutor si in negotio pupilli provocaverit vel curator in adulti, heres eius, antequam reddat rationes, appellationis causam persequi debet: nam post redditas rationes nec ipse tutor nec curator appellationis merita probare cogitur.
The Same, Epitomes of Laiv, Book V. Where a guardian takes an appeal in a matter concerning his ward, or a curator does so in the case of an adult, he can prosecute the appeal before the heir of either renders his accounts; for after the accounts have been rendered, neither the guardian nor the curator will be compelled to sustain the merits of the appeal.
Dig. 49,10,2Hermogenianus libro quinto iuris epitomarum. Tutor vel curator retentus si provocaverit et ante causam actam moriatur, propter periculum medii temporis successores eius causas appellationis necesse habent reddere.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book V. When a guardian or a curator is retained in office, and appeals, and dies before a decision has been rendered, his successors will be required to state the grounds of appeal, on account of the responsibility attaching to the intermediate time.