Iuris epitomatorum libri
Ex libro IV
Dig. 32,22Hermogenianus libro quarto iuris epitomarum. Si quis in principio testamenti adscripserit: ‘cui bis legavero, semel deberi volo’, postea eodem testamento vel codicillis sciens saepe eidem legaverit, suprema voluntas potior habetur: nemo enim eam sibi potest legem dicere, ut a priore ei recedere non liceat. sed hoc ita locum habebit, si specialiter dixerit prioris voluntatis sibi paenituisse et voluisse, ut legatarius plura legata accipiat. 1Miles in eum ex militari delicto capitali dicta sententia, permittente eo in ipsa sententia qui damnavit, sicut testamenti faciendi ita fideicommissi relinquendi potestatem consequitur. 2Mortis damnum per fideicommissum servi relicti, antequam mora fiat, fideicommissarius solus patitur, licet alienus relinquatur.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book IV. Where anyone in the beginning of his will expresses himself as follows, “I wish he to whom I have twice made the same bequest shall only be paid once,” and afterwards, by the same will or by a codicil, he knowingly bequeaths the same property several times to the same person, his last will should be held to prevail, for no one can say that a man is not permitted to revoke his first will. This, however, will only apply where he expressly states that he had changed his original intention, and desired that the legatee should receive several bequests. 1Where a soldier who has been sentenced to death for a capital crime is, by the terms of the sentence which condemned him, permitted to make a will, he is also authorized to leave property in trust. 2The beneficiary of a trust must alone sustain the loss caused by the death of a slave left to him under the same, before the heir is in default, even though a slave belonging to another is the subject of the legacy.
Dig. 35,1,95Idem libro quarto iuris epitomarum. Legatum sub condicione relictum et ad alium translatum, si non condicio personae cohaereat, sub eadem condicione translatum videtur.
The Same, Epitomes of Law, Book IV. Where a legacy bequeathed under a condition is transferred to another, it is considered to have been transferred under the same condition, if it was not personal.
Dig. 35,2,40Hermogenianus libro quarto iuris epitomarum. Ad veterani testamentum, sive pater familias sive filius familias sit, licet intra annum missionis decedat, lex Falcidia pertinet. 1Si cui, si decem dedisset, viginti fundus fuisset legatus, is in toto fundo legatarius habebitur.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book IV. The Falcidian Law applies to the will of a veteran, whether he be the head of a household or a son under paternal control, even if he should die within a year after his discharge. 1If a tract of land of the value of twenty aurei should be devised to anyone on condition of his paying ten, the devisee will be entitled to the entire tract of land.
Dig. 36,1,14Hermogenianus libro quarto iuris epitomarum. nam quod ad ius publicum attinet, non sequitur ius potestatis.
Hermogenianus, Trusts, Book XIV. For the right of paternal control does not apply to the duties of public office.
Dig. 36,4,11Hermogenianus libro quarto iuris epitomarum. Si fideicommissorum vel legatorum servandorum causa missus in possessionem eam rem teneas, quae mihi per fideicommissum relicta esset, aequius est me eam habere, cui ea ipsa relicta est, quam te, qui alterius fideicommissi nomine ingressus in eam esses. nam et si mihi sub condicione legatum est et tu medio tempore in possessionem eius factus fueris legatorum servandorum causa, deinde condicio impleta esset, non denegabitur mihi eius rei integra persecutio. sic enim et si statuliberum ex eadem causa possidere coepisset, impleta condicione iustam libertatem eius impedire non potest. 1Si rei servandae causa in possessionem missus esset proprius creditor heredis et rei per fideicommissum mihi relictae adeptus fuerit, nihil me per eum laedi oportere convenit, non magis quam si ab ipso herede eam rem pignori accepisset.
Hermogenianus, Epitomes of Law, Book IV. If, after having been placed in possession of the property of an estate, in order to provide for the payment of legacies, or the execution of trusts, you should hold some article which has been bequeathed to me in trust, it is more equitable that I should have the said article which has been bequeathed to me than that you should have it, for the reason that you are only in possession of the same in order to insure the execution of another trust. Where, however, a legacy is bequeathed to me under a condition, and, in the meantime, you are placed in possession of the property for the purpose of securing the payment of legacies, and the condition should subsequently be complied with, I will not be refused permission to demand the property. In like manner, if anyone should obtain possession of a slave who is to be free under a condition, and the condition should be fulfilled, the legatee cannot prevent the slave from obtaining the freedom to which he is entitled. 1If a creditor of the heir is placed in possession of property for the purpose of securing the payment of his claim, and he acquires possession of some article which has been left to me in trust, it is established that I will not be prejudiced on this account any more than if the creditor had received the said article in pledge from the heir himself.
Dig. 50,17,98Idem libro quarto iuris epitomarum. Quotiens utriusque causa lucri ratio vertitur, is praeferendus est, cuius in lucrum causa tempore praecedit.
The Same, Epitomes of Law, Book IV. Whenever property is claimed by two persons under a lucrative title, he whose title to the same is the more ancient should have the preference.