De verborum obligationibus libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 3,5,38Gaius libro tertio de verborum obligationibus. Solvendo quisque pro alio licet invito et ignorante liberat eum: quod autem alicui debetur, alius sine voluntate eius non potest iure exigere. naturalis enim simul et civilis ratio suasit alienam condicionem meliorem quidem etiam ignorantis et inviti nos facere posse, deteriorem non posse.
Ad Dig. 3,5,38ROHGE, Bd. 4 (1872), S. 217: Liberation eines Schuldners ohne dessen Wissen durch Zahlung bez. Angabe an Zahlungsstatt, Novation eines Dritten.Gaius, On Verbal Obligations, Book III. Where anyone pays a debt for another, even though the latter is unwilling, or ignorant of the fact, he discharges him from liability; but where money is owing to anyone, another cannot legally exact it without the consent of the former; for both natural reason and the law have established the rule that we may improve the condition of a man who is ignorant and unwilling, but we cannot make it worse.
Dig. 45,2,16Idem libro tertio de verborum obligationibus. Ex duobus reis stipulandi si semel unus egerit, alteri promissor offerendo pecuniam nihil agit.
The Same, On Oral Obligations, Book III. If only one of two joint-stipulator s institutes legal proceedings at a time, the promisor will not be released by tendering money to the other.
Dig. 45,3,28Gaius libro tertio de verborum obligationibus. Si ex re domini domino aut fructuario servus stipulatus fuerit, domino quidem adquiri obligationem Iulianus scripsit, solvi autem fructuario posse, quasi quolibet adiecto. 1Si servus communis ex re unius stipulatus erit, magis placuit utrique adquiri, sed eum, cuius ex re facta est stipulatio, cum socio communi dividundo aut societatis iudicium de parte reciperanda recte acturum: idemque esse dicendum et si ex operis suis alteri ex dominis servus adquirit. 2Si ipsi domini singuli eadem decem servo communi dari fuerint stipulati et semel responsum secutum fuerit, duo rei stipulandi erunt, cum placeat dominum servo dari stipulari posse. 3Sicuti uni nominatim stipulando ei soli adquirit, ita placet et si rem emat nomine unius ex dominis, ei soli servum adquirere. item si credat pecuniam, ut uni ex dominis solveretur, vel quodlibet aliud negotium gerat, posse eum nominatim exprimere, ut uni ex dominis restituatur aut solvatur. 4Illud quaesitum est, an heredi futuro servus hereditarius stipulari possit. Proculus negavit, quia is eo tempore extraneus est. Cassius respondit posse, quia qui postea heres extiterit, videretur ex mortis tempore defuncto successisse: quae ratio illo argumento commendatur, quod heredis familia ex mortis tempore funesta facta intellegitur, licet post aliquod tempus heres extiterit: manifestum igitur est servi stipulationem ei adquiri.
Gaius, On Oral Obligations, Book III. If a slave stipulates for his master, or for his usufructuary, with reference to property belonging to his master, Julianus says that he acquires the obligation for the benefit of his master, and that the usufructuary can be paid just as anyone who has been joined. 1If a slave owned in common should stipulate with reference to property belonging to one of his masters, the better opinion is that the stipulation is acquired for both of them; but he whose property was made use of in making the stipulation can properly avail himself of an action in partition, or the action on partnership, in order to recover his share. The same rule applies, if a slave acquires for one of his masters by means of his labor. 2If each one of his two masters stipulates that the same ten aurei shall be given to a slave, jointly owned by them, and but one answer was made, there will be two joint stipulators, as it is established that a master can stipulate for payment to his slave. 3Just as a slave acquires for one of his masters alone, if he stipulates for him by name, so it is decided that if he purchases property in the name of one of his masters, he will acquire it for him alone. In like manner, if he lends money to be paid to one of his masters, or transacts any other business whatever, he can expressly provide that the property shall be restored, or payment be made to one of them alone. 4The question arose whether a slave forming part of an estate can stipulate for the benefit of the future heir. Proculus says that he cannot, because at that time he was a stranger. Cassius is of the opinion that he can, as he who afterwards becomes the heir is held to have succeeded to the deceased at the time of his death. This reason is supported by the fact that the entire body of slaves is understood to represent the deceased at the time of his death, although the heir may not appear for some time. Hence it is clear that the benefit of the slave’s stipulation is acquired for the heir.
Dig. 46,1,72Gaius libro tertio de verborum obligationibus. Si fideiussori sub condicione obligato ‘si navis ex Asia venerit’, quem sub hoc modo accepi, ut usque ad tempus vitae suae dumtaxat obligaretur, pendente condicione acceptum latum fuerit et is fideiussor adhuc pendente condicione mortuus fuerit: confestim a reo petere possum, quia existens condicio neque obligationem in personam iam mortui efficere neque acceptilationem confirmare possit.
Gaius, On Oral Obligations, Book III. If a surety should bind himself under the condition that a ship will arrive from Asia, and I accept him with the understanding that the obligation will only render him liable during his lifetime, and while the condition is pending he receives a release from me, and the surety dies before the condition is fulfilled, I can immediately bring suit against the principal debtor, because even if the condition should be fulfilled, it could never establish an obligation against one who is already dead, and could not confirm the release which I had granted.
Dig. 46,2,34Gaius libro tertio de verborum obligationibus. Dubitari non debet, quin filius servusve, cui administratio peculii permissa est, novandi quoque peculiaria debita ius habeat, utique si ipsi stipulentur, maxime si etiam meliorem suam condicionem eo modo faciunt. nam si alium iubeant stipulari, interest, utrum donandi animo alium iubeant stipulari an ut ipsi filio servove negotium gerat: quo nomine etiam mandati actio peculio adquiritur. 1Adgnatum furiosi aut prodigi curatorem novandi ius habere minime dubitandum est, si hoc furioso vel prodigo expediat. 2In summa admonendi sumus nihil vetare una stipulatione plures obligationes novari, veluti si ita stipulemur: ‘quod Titium et Seium mihi dare oportet, id dari spondes?’ licet enim ex diversis causis singuli fuerant obligati, utrique tamen novationis iure liberantur, cum utriusque obligatio in huius personam, a quo nunc stipulemur, confluat.
Gaius, On Oral Obligations, Book III. It cannot be doubted that a son under paternal control or a slave who is permitted to manage his own peculium has also the right to make the debts of the peculium the subject of novation, if the parties stipulate; and this is by all means the case if his condition will be improved by doing so. For if he directs a third party to stipulate, it makes a difference whether this is done with the intention of making a donation, or in order that he may transact the business of the son or the slave, and on this ground the action on mandate with reference to the peculium is acquired by them. 1There is no doubt whatever that the relative of an insane person, or the curator of a spendthrift, has the right of novation, if this is to the advantage of the said insane person or spendthrift. 2In a word, we should remember that there is nothing to prevent the novation of several obligations by one agreement, as for instance, if we stipulate as follows, “Do you promise to pay what Titius and Seius are obliged to pay me?” for although they are liable for different reasons, still both are released by the right of novation, as the liability of both is united in the person of him with whom we now stipulate.
Dig. 46,4,22Gaius libro tertio de verborum obligationibus. Servus nec iussu domini acceptum facere potest.
Gaius, On Oral Obligations, Book III. A slave cannot give a release by the order of his master.