De verborum obligationibus libri
Ex libro I
Dig. 13,6,4Gaius libro primo de verborum obligationibus. Saepe etiam ad hoc commodantur pecuniae, ut dicis gratia numerationis loco intercedant.
Gaius, On Verbal Obligations, Book I. Loans of money are frequently made for the purpose of enabling them to take the place of payment.
Dig. 46,1,70Gaius libro primo de verborum obligationibus. Si a reo sub condicione fuero stipulatus, potero fideiussorem et in hanc et in aliam condicionem obligare, si modo eas coniungam: nisi enim utraque exstiterit, non tenebitur, cum reus ex una condicione teneatur. quod si eas disiungam, durior fit condicio fideiussoris nec ob id obligatur: quippe sive communis utriusque condicio extiterit sive alterutra, videatur adprehendi, cum reus non aliter teneatur, quam si communis exstiterit: aut igitur nullo modo tenebitur fideiussor, aut, quod magis est, tenebitur, si prius extiterit communis. 1Sub diversis quoque condicionibus si fuerint interrogati, interest, utra eorum prior extiterit. si reo iniuncta, tenebitur etiam fideiussor, cum condicio eius exstiterit, tamquam si statim ab initio reus pure, fideiussor sub condicione acceptus esset. ex diverso autem, si fideiussoris condicio prior extiterit, non tenetur, perinde ac si statim ab initio pure acceptus esset reo sub condicione obligato. 2Si reo in fundum obligato fideiussor in usum fructum accipiatur, quaesitum est, utrum obligetur fideiussor quasi in minus, an non obligetur quasi in aliud. nobis in eo videtur dubitatio esse, usus fructus pars rei sit an proprium quiddam: sed cum usus fructus fundi ius est, incivile est fideiussorem ex sua promissione non teneri. 3Adeo a servo potest fideiussor accipi, ut ipse quoque dominus in id, quod sibi debetur, fideiussorem ab eo recte accipiat: quem fideiussorem etiam ab eo ipso servo interrogari nihil impedit. 4Si a furioso stipulatus fueris, non posse te fideiussorem accipere certum est, quia non solum ipsa stipulatio nulla intercessisset, sed ne negotium quidem ullum gestum intellegitur. quod si pro furioso iure obligato fideiussorem accepero, tenetur fideiussor. 5Id quod volgo dictum est maleficiorum fideiussorem accipi non posse non sic intellegi debet, ut in poenam furti is, cui furtum factum est, fideiussorem accipere non possit (nam poenas ob maleficia solvi magna ratio suadet), sed ita potius, ut qui cum alio cum quo furtum admisit, in partem, quam ex furto sibi restitui desiderat, fideiussorem obligare non possit, et qui alieno hortatu ad furtum faciendum provectus est, ne in furti poena ab eo qui hortatus est fideiussorem accipere possit. in quibus casibus illa ratio impedit fideiussorem obligari, quia scilicet in nullam rationem adhibetur fideiussor, cum flagitiosae rei societas coita nullam vim habet.
Gaius, On Oral Obligations, Book I. If I stipulate conditionally with a principal debtor, I can bind a surety for both this condition and another, provided I unite them; for, unless both of them should be fulfilled, he will not be liable, as the principal debtor is bound by one condition alone. If, however, I separate them, the condition of the surety will become more onerous, and on this account he will not be liable; because, whether a condition will affect both of the parties bound, or only one of them, it will be considered to hold him; while the principal debtor will not be liable unless the common condition is fulfilled. Therefore, either the surety will not be liable at all, or, which is the better opinion, he will be liable if the common condition is previously fulfilled. 1When sureties are interrogated under different conditions, it is a matter of importance to ascertain which one was first complied with. If it was the one imposed upon the principal debtor, the surety will also be liable when this condition is fulfilled, just as if from the very beginning the principal debtor had been absolutely bound, and the surety had been bound under a condition. On the other hand, however, if the condition of the surety should first be complied with, he will not be liable, just as if he had been absolutely bound from the beginning, and the principal debtor was only bound conditionally. 2When the principal debtor is liable for a tract of land, and the surety is accepted for the usufruct, the question arises whether the surety is liable to a less extent, or, indeed, whether he is liable at all, as having promised something else. It does seem to us to be doubtful whether the usufruct is a part of the property, or something which exists by itself. But as the usufruct is a right attaching to the land, it would be contrary to the Civil Law for the surety not to be bound by his promise. 3A surety can be accepted by a slave, just as his master, himself, can legally accept one for the amount due to him; and there is no reason why the surety should not be interrogated by the slave himself. 4If you should stipulate with an insane person, it is certain that you cannot take a surety; for not only is the stipulation itself void, but no business at all is understood to have been transacted. If, however, I should accept a surety for an insane person, who is liable by law, the surety will also be liable. 5When it is commonly asserted that a surety cannot be received for criminal offences, it should not be understood that anyone who has been robbed cannot take a surety for the payment of the penalty for theft, as there is a good reason that penalties incurred by crimes should be paid; but rather in the sense that a person cannot bind the surety for part of the proceeds of a theft, which he desires to be given to him by someone with whom he committed the offence; or where, by the advice of another, he was induced to perpetrate a theft, he cannot take a surety from him with reference to the penalty for the crime. In these instances, the surety does not become liable, because he is not furnished in a valid transaction, and partnership in an illegal act is of no force or effect.
Dig. 50,16,232Gaius libro primo de verborum obligationibus. Haec enuntiatio ‘quae sunt pluris aureorum triginta’ simul et quantitatis et aestimationis significativa est.
Gaius, On Verbal Obligations, Book I. The statement, “Which are worth more than thirty aurei,” has reference both to a sum of money, and the valuation of property.