De manumissionibus libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 40,4,57Gaius libro tertio de manumissionibus. Si locuples egenti heres exstiterit, videamus, an ea res testamento datis libertatibus proficiat, ut creditores fraudari non videantur. et sane sunt quidam, qui, cum heres locuples existeret, tale esse crediderunt, quale, si ipse testator adauctis postea facultatibus decessisset. sed mihi traditum est hoc iure nos uti, ut ad rem non pertineat, locuples an egens heres extiterat, sed quarum facultatium testator decesserit. quam sententiam Iulianus adeo sequitur, ut existimet ne eum quidem libertatem consecuturum, quem is, qui solvendo non esset, ita liberum esse iussisset: ‘cum aes alienum solutum erit, Stichus liber esto’. sed non hoc est consequens Sabini et Cassii sententiae, quam et ipse sequi videtur, qui existimant consilium quemque manumittentis spectare debere: nam qui sub ea condicione servum suum liberum esse iubet, adeo sine fraudis consilio liberum esse iubet, ut apertissime curare videatur, ne creditores sui fraudarentur.
Gaius, On Manumissions, Book III. When a wealthy man becomes the heir of a person who is poor, let us see whether this will be of any advantage to the slaves who are granted their freedom by will, without the creditors of the estate being defrauded. And, indeed, there are certain authorities who hold that when a rich man appears as the heir, it is the same as if the testator had died after having increased his estate. But I have been informed (and this is our practice), that it makes no difference whether the heir is rich or poor, but the amount of the estate of which the testator died possessed must alone be taken into consideration. Julianus adopts this opinion to the extent that he holds that grants of freedom will not take effect where the testator was insolvent, and ordered the slave to be free, as follows, “Let Stichus be free when my debts are paid.” This opinion, however, does not coincide with that of Sabinus and Cassius, which Julianus himself appears to accept, as he thinks that the intention of the testator who manumitted the slave should be considered. For a person who orders his slave to be free under such a condition does so without any intention of committing a fraud, since he is held clearly to desire that his creditors shall not be cheated.