Ad legem duodecim tabularum libri
Ex libro VI
Dig. 22,1,19Gaius libro sexto ad legem duodecim tabularum. Videamus, an in omnibus rebus petitis in fructus quoque condemnatur possessor. quid enim si argentum aut vestimentum aliamve similem rem, quid praeterea si usum fructum aut nudam proprietatem, cum alienus usus fructus sit, petierit? neque enim nudae proprietatis, quod ad proprietatis nomen attinet, fructus ullus intellegi potest, neque usus fructus rursus fructus eleganter computabitur. quid igitur, si nuda proprietas petita sit? ex quo perdiderit fructuarius usum fructum, aestimabuntur in petitione fructus. item si usus fructus petitus sit, Proculus ait in fructus perceptos condemnari. praeterea Gallus Aelius putat, si vestimenta aut scyphus petita sint, in fructu haec numeranda esse, quod locata ea re mercedis nomine capi potuerit. 1Iter quoque et actus si petitus sit, vix est ut fructus ulli possint aestimari, nisi si quis commodum in fructibus numeraret, quod habiturus esset petitor, si statim eo tempore quo petisset ire agere non prohiberetur: quod admittendum est.
Gaius, On the Law of the Twelve Tables, Book VI. Let us see whether judgment will also be rendered against the possessor in every case where suit is brought for the profits. For what if he should bring an action for silver, clothing, or anything else of this kind, or for the usufruct, or for the mere ownership of the property where the usufruct belongs to another? For no profit, to which this term can rightly be applied, can be understood to be derived from the mere ownership; nor, on the other hand can the usufruct properly be considered as profit. But what if an action is brought to recover the mere property? The profits will be included in the claim from the day that the usufructuary lost his usufruct. Moreover, if suit is brought for the usufruct, Proculus says that the defendant will have judgment rendered against him for all the profits which have been collected. Again, Gallus Ælius holds that if suit is brought for clothing, or a cup, whatever could be collected by way of rent, if the articles were leased, should be classed as profit. 1Where suit is brought to recover a right of way, it will be difficult for any profits resulting therefrom to be estimated, unless some advantage which the plaintiff could have enjoyed from the servitude should be classed as profits, if he was not prevented from doing so at the time that he brought the action; and this should be admitted as correct.
Dig. 44,6,3Gaius libro sexto ad legem duodecim tabularum. Rem de qua controversia est prohibemur in sacrum dedicare: alioquin dupli poenam patimur, nec immerito, ne liceat eo modo duriorem adversarii condicionem facere. sed duplum utrum fisco an adversario praestandum sit, nihil exprimitur: fortassis autem magis adversario, ut id veluti solacium habeat pro eo, quod potentiori adversario traditus est.
Gaius, On the Law of the Twelve Tables, Book VI. We forbid property which is in litigation to be dedicated to sacred purposes, otherwise a double penalty will be incurred, and this is not unreasonable, as in this way the condition of an adversary is prevented from becoming more oppressive. It is, however, not stated whether the double penalty should be paid to the Treasury, or to the adverse party. Perhaps it should be paid to the latter, in order to console him for being delivered over to a more powerful opponent.
Dig. 50,16,238Idem libro sexto ad legem duodecim tabularum. ‘Plebs’ est ceteri cives sine senatoribus. 1‘Detestatum’ est testatione denuntiatum. 2‘Pignus’ appellatum a pugno, quia res, quae pignori dantur, manu traduntur. unde etiam videri potest verum esse, quod quidam putant, pignus proprie rei mobilis constitui. 3‘Noxiae’ appellatione omne delictum continetur.
The Same, On the Law of the Twelve Tables, Book VI. The term “plebeian” applies to all citizens except Senators. 1To “call to witness,” is to give evidence. 2The word “pledge” is derived from the fist, because everything which is given by way of pledge is transferred by the hand. Wherefore some authorities hold, and it may be true, that a pledge, properly speaking, can only consist of movable property. 3All offences are embraced in the term “noxia.”