Ad legem duodecim tabularum libri
Ex libro III
Dig. 2,14,48Gaius libro tertio ad legem duodecim tabularum. In traditionibus rerum quodcumque pactum sit, id valere manifestissimum est.
Gaius, On the Law of the Twelve Tables, Book V. It is evident that every agreement made at the time of the delivery of property is valid.
Dig. 48,5,44Gaius libro tertio ad legem duodecim tabularum. Si ex lege repudium missum non sit et idcirco mulier adhuc nupta esse videatur, tamen si quis eam uxorem duxerit, adulter non erit. idque salvius Iulianus respondit, quia adulterium, inquit, sine dolo malo non committitur: quamquam dicendum, ne is, qui sciret eam ex lege repudiatam non esse, dolo malo committat.
Gaius, On the Law of the Twelve Tables, Book III. If the notice of repudiation was not served in accordance with law, and therefore the woman is still considered to be married; yet, if anyone takes her as his wife, he will not be an adulterer. Salvius Julianus was the author of this opinion; because, as he says, adultery cannot be committed without malicious contrivance. It should, however, be held that he is guilty of malicious contrivance who knew that she had not been legally repudiated.
Dig. 50,16,235Idem libro tertio ad legem duodecim tabularum. ‘Ferri’ proprie dicimus, quae quis suo corpore baiulat: ‘portari’ ea, quae quis iumento secum ducit: ‘agi’ ea, quae animalia sunt. 1‘Fabros tignarios’ dicimus non eos dumtaxat, qui tigna dolarent, sed omnes qui aedificarent.
The Same, On the Law of the Twelve Tables, Book III. We properly apply the term “to carry,” to what anyone conveys by means of his body; “to transport,” to whatever one conveys by means of a beast of burden; and “to drive” has reference to animals. 1We call workers in wood not only those who polish lumber, but also all those who build houses.