Ad legem Iuliam et Papiam libri
Ex libro V
Dig. 33,1,8Gaius libro quinto ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. In singulos annos relictum legatum simile est usui fructui, cum morte finiatur. sane capitis deminutione non finitur, cum usus fructus finiatur: et usus fructus ita legari potest: ‘Titio usum fructum fundi lego et quotiensque capite minutus erit, eundem usum fructum ei do’. illud certe amplius est in hoc legato, quod in ingressu cuiuslibet anni si decesserit legatarius, eius anni legatum heredi suo relinquit: quod in usu fructu non ita est, cum fructuarius, etiamsi maturis fructibus, nondum tamen perceptis decesserit, heredi suo eos fructus non relinquet.
Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book V. Where a legacy payable annually is bequeathed, it resembles an usufruct, as it is terminated by the death of the legatee. It is not, however, terminated by the loss of civil rights, as is the case of an usufruct, which can be bequeathed as follows: “I bequeath to Titius the usufruct of such-and-such a tract of land, and every time that he loses his civil rights, I bequeath to him the same usufruct.” The legacy is, in this respect, certainly more beneficial, because if the legatee should die at the beginning of any year, he leaves the legacy for that year to his heir. This does not apply to an usufruct, for if the usufructuary should die at the time that the crops are ripe, but before they have been gathered, he will not leave them to his heir.
Dig. 34,5,23Gaius libro quinto ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Si mulier cum filio impubere naufragio periit, priorem filium necatum esse intellegitur.
Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book V. Ad Dig. 34,5,23 pr.ROHGE, Bd. 11 (1874), Nr. 27, S. 69: Natur der Judicatsklage, unveränderter Charakter des Anspruchs.Where a woman perishes in a shipwreck, at the same time with her son who is under the age of puberty, the son is understood to have lost his life first.