Ad legem Iuliam et Papiam libri
Ex libro XII
Dig. 31,55Gaius libro duodecimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Si Titio et mihi eadem res legata fuerit et is die cedente legati decesserit me herede relicto et vel ex mea propria causa vel ex hereditaria legatum repudiavero, magis placere video partem defecisse. 1Si eo herede instituto, qui vel nihil vel non totum capere potest, servo hereditario legatum fuerit, tractantibus nobis de capacitate videndum est, utrum heredis an defuncti persona an neutrius spectari debeat. et post multas varietates placet, ut, quia nullus est dominus, in cuius persona de capacitate quaeri possit, sine ullo impedimento adquiratur legatum hereditati atque ob id omnimodo ad eum pertineat, quicumque postea heres exstiterit, secundum quod accipere potest: reliqua autem pars ad eos, qui iure vocantur, venit.
Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XII. Where the same property was bequeathed to Titius and myself, and the testator died on the very day that the legacy began to vest, and he appointed his heir, and I reject the legacy, either on my own account, or as the heir to the estate, I see that the opinion generally prevails that the legacy is partially extinguished. 1Ad Dig. 31,55,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 531, Note 11.Where a person has been appointed heir who cannot receive any of the estate, or only a portion of the same, and he leaves it to a slave belonging to the estate, in the discussion of his capacity to do this it must be determined whether the person of the heir or that of the deceased should be taken into consideration, or whether neither should be. It was settled after many conflicting decisions that, for the reason that there is no master with reference to whose person the question of capacity could arise, the legacy will be acquired by the estate without any impediment whatever; and, on this account, it will certainly belong to him who afterwards becomes the heir, in proportion to the share of the estate which he is entitled to receive, and the remaining portion shall go to those who are called by law to the succession.
Dig. 40,1,18Gaius libro duodecimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Eum qui venierit venditor et promissor quem promiserit manumittere possunt.
Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XII. The vendor can manumit a slave whom he has agreed to sell, and the promisor one whom he has contracted to deliver.