Corpus iurisprudentiae Romanae

Repertorium zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts

Digesta Iustiniani Augusti

Recognovit Mommsen (1870) et retractavit Krüger (1968)
Convertit in Anglica lingua Scott (1932)
Gai.l. Iul. Pap.
Gai. Ad legem Iuliam et Papiam lib.Gaii Ad legem Iuliam et Papiam libri

Ad legem Iuliam et Papiam libri


Ex libro I

Dig. 23,1,17Gaius libro primo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Saepe iustae ac necessariae causae non solum annum vel biennium, sed etiam triennium et quadriennium et ulterius trahunt sponsalia, veluti valetudo sponsi sponsaeve vel mortes parentium aut capitalia crimina aut longiores peregrinationes quae ex necessitate fiunt.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book I. Just and necessary reasons often exist for protracting a betrothal, for one, two, three, or four years, and even for a longer time; as, for instance, the illness of either of the parties, the death of their parents, accusations of capital crimes, or long journeys made through necessity.

Dig. 48,19,29Gaius libro primo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Qui ultimo supplicio damnantur, statim et civitatem et libertatem perdunt. itaque praeoccupat hic casus mortem et nonnumquam longum tempus occupat: quod accidit in personis eorum, qui ad bestias damnantur. saepe etiam ideo servari solent post damnationem, ut ex his in alios quaestio habeatur.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book I. Those who have been sentenced to death immediately lose both their citizenship and their freedom. Therefore, this condition attaches to them while living, and sometimes affects them for a long time; which happens to those who are condemned to be thrown to wild beasts, for they are frequently kept after having been sentenced, in order that they may be tortured to obtain evidence against others.

Ex libro II

Dig. 23,2,30Gaius libro secundo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Simulatae nuptiae nullius momenti sunt.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book II. A pretended marriage is of no force or effect.

Ex libro III

Dig. 28,6,5Gaius libro tertio ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Si in testamento heredes scripti ita alicui substituti fuerint, ut, si is heres non esset, quisquis sibi heres esset is in parte quoque deficientis esset heres: pro qua parte quisque heres exstitisset, pro ea parte eum in portione quoque deficientis vocari placet neque interesse, iure institutionis quisque ex maiore parte heres factus esset an quod per legem alteram partem alicuius vindicasset.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book III. Where several heirs mentioned in a will were substituted for someone, as follows: “If he should not be my heir, let whoever will be inherit his share of my estate”, it is settled that each heir will be called to the share of the heir of him who is lacking; and it does not make any difference whether he who becomes heir to the larger portion of the estate does so by virtue of his appointment, or whether he has obtained it through some law by which he was granted the share of another.

Dig. 35,1,63Gaius libro tertio ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Cum ita legatum sit ‘si Titio non nubserit’ vel ita ‘si neque Titio neque Seio neque Maevio nubserit’ et denique si plures personae comprehensae fuerint, magis placuit, cuilibet eorum si nubserit, amissuram legatum, nec videri tali condicione viduitatem iniunctam, cum alii cuilibet satis commode possit nubere. 1Videamus et si ita legatum sit ‘si Titio nubserit’. et quidem si honeste Titio possit nubere, dubium non erit, quin, nisi paruerit condicioni, excludatur a legato: si vero indignus sit nuptiis eius iste Titius, dicendum est posse eam beneficio legis cuilibet nubere. quae enim Titio nubere iubetur, ceteris omnibus nubere prohibetur: itaque si Titius indignus sit, tale est, quale si generaliter scriptum esset ‘si non nubserit’. immo si verum amamus, durior haec condicio est quam illa ‘si non nubserit’: nam et ceteris omnibus nubere prohibetur et Titio, cui inhoneste nuptura sit, nubere iubetur.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book II. Where a legacy was bequeathed as follows, “If she should not marry Titius,” or, “If she should marry neither Titius, Seius, nor Mævius,” and finally a large number of persons were included in the prohibition, it was held to be the better opinion that the woman would lose her legacy if she married any one of them; for it does not appear that widowhood was imposed by such a condition, because she could very easily marry someone else. 1Let us see what would be the case if a legacy was bequeathed to a woman under the condition that she married Titius. And, indeed, if she could marry Titius honorably, there can be no doubt that she would be excluded from the legacy, unless she complied with the condition. If, however, the said Titius was unworthy of contracting marriage with her, it must be said that she can marry anyone that she pleases, by the beneficent provision of the law. For when she was ordered to marry Titius, she was forbidden to marry anyone else, and therefore, if Titius is unworthy of her, the provision is the same as if it had been stated in general terms, “If she should not marry.” And, moreover, if she entertains a genuine affection, this condition is harder than the one, “If she should not marry,” for she is forbidden to marry anyone else but Titius, with whom her marriage would be dishonorable.

Ex libro IV

Dig. 22,5,5Gaius libro quarto ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. In legibus, quibus excipitur, ne gener aut socer invitus testimonium dicere cogeretur, generi appellatione sponsum quoque filiae contineri placet: item soceri sponsae patrem.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book IV. In the laws where the exception is made that neither a son-in-law nor a father-in-law, if unwilling, can be compelled to give testimony; it is held that the betrothed of the daughter is included in the term “son-in-law,” and also that the father of the betrothed woman is included in the term “father-in-law.”

Ex libro V

Dig. 33,1,8Gaius libro quinto ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. In singulos annos relictum legatum simile est usui fructui, cum morte finiatur. sane capitis deminutione non finitur, cum usus fructus finiatur: et usus fructus ita legari potest: ‘Titio usum fructum fundi lego et quotiensque capite minutus erit, eundem usum fructum ei do’. illud certe amplius est in hoc legato, quod in ingressu cuiuslibet anni si decesserit legatarius, eius anni legatum heredi suo relinquit: quod in usu fructu non ita est, cum fructuarius, etiamsi maturis fructibus, nondum tamen perceptis decesserit, heredi suo eos fructus non relinquet.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book V. Where a legacy payable annually is bequeathed, it resembles an usufruct, as it is terminated by the death of the legatee. It is not, however, terminated by the loss of civil rights, as is the case of an usufruct, which can be bequeathed as follows: “I bequeath to Titius the usufruct of such-and-such a tract of land, and every time that he loses his civil rights, I bequeath to him the same usufruct.” The legacy is, in this respect, certainly more beneficial, because if the legatee should die at the beginning of any year, he leaves the legacy for that year to his heir. This does not apply to an usufruct, for if the usufructuary should die at the time that the crops are ripe, but before they have been gathered, he will not leave them to his heir.

Dig. 34,5,23Gaius libro quinto ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Si mulier cum filio impubere naufragio periit, priorem filium necatum esse intellegitur.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book V. Ad Dig. 34,5,23 pr.ROHGE, Bd. 11 (1874), Nr. 27, S. 69: Natur der Judicatsklage, unveränderter Charakter des Anspruchs.Where a woman perishes in a shipwreck, at the same time with her son who is under the age of puberty, the son is understood to have lost his life first.

Ex libro VI

Dig. 50,15,7Gaius libro sexto ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Iuris Italici sunt Troas Berytus DyrrachiumaaDie Großausgabe liest Τρωάς Βήρυτος Δυρράχιον statt Troas Berytus Dyrrachium..

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book VI. The following cities enjoy the privileges of those of Italy, namely Troy, Berytus, and Dyrrachium.

Ex libro VIII

Dig. 23,2,46Gaius libro octavo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Illud dubitationis est, an et qui communem libertam uxorem duxerit ad hoc ius admittatur. Iavolenus negavit, quia non proprie videtur eius liberta, quae etiam alterius sit: aliis contra visum est, quia libertam eius esse negari non potest, licet alterius quoque sit liberta: quam sententiam plerique recte probaverunt.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book VIII. Can it be doubted whether this law will apply where a patron marries a freedwoman in whom another party jointly has rights? Javolenus denies that it does apply, because she is not properly held to be the freedwoman of one man who also is that of another. On the contrary, others hold that it cannot be denied that she is the freedwoman of one man, because she is also the freedwoman of another; and this opinion the majority of jurists have approved as correct.

Dig. 37,1,4Gaius libro octavo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. veluti quod spreverunt ius suum aut tempore bonorum possessionis finito exclusi sunt aut ante mortui sunt quam petierunt bonorum possessionem,

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book VIII. (For instance, where they have relinquished their right, or have been excluded from prætorian possession by lapse of time, or have died before demanding possession):

Dig. 50,16,148Gaius libro octavo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Non est sine liberis, cui vel unus filius unave filia est: haec enim enuntiatio ‘habet liberos’ ‘non habet liberos’ semper plurativo numero profertur, sicut et pugillares et codicilli:

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book VIII. A man who has only one son or one daughter is not without children; for the expression, “He has children,” or “he has not children,” is always used in the plural number, just as writing tablets and codicils are.

Ex libro IX

Dig. 50,16,150Idem libro nono ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Si ita a te stipulatus fuero: ‘quanto minus a Titio consecutus fuero, tantum dare spondes?’, non solet dubitari, quin, si nihil a Titio fuero consecutus, totum debeas quod Titius debuerit.

The Same, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book IX. If I stipulate with you as follows: “Do you promise to pay me whatever I may fail to collect from Titius?” there is no doubt that if I should not collect anything from Titius you will be indebted to me for all that he owed me.

Ex libro X

Dig. 38,16,13Gaius libro decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Nulla femina aut habet suos heredes aut desinere habere potest propter capitis deminutionem.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book X. No woman either has proper heirs, or can cease to have them, on account of her loss of civil rights.

Dig. 50,16,149Idem libro decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. nam quem sine liberis esse dicere non possumus, hunc necesse est dicamus liberos habere.

The Same, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book X. For we cannot say of such a person that he is childless, and we must necessarily say that he has children.

Dig. 50,16,152Gaius libro decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. ‘Hominis’ appellatione tam feminam quam masculum contineri non dubitatur.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book X. There is no doubt that both males and females are included under the term “man.”

Ex libro XI

Dig. 29,3,11Gaius libro undecimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Sicut codicilli pars intelleguntur testamenti, ita secundae tabulae principalium tabularum partem optinere videntur.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XI. Just as a codicil is considered to be part of a will, so a pupillary substitution is also held to constitute a part of the same.

Dig. 49,14,14Gaius libro undecimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Dicitur, ex asse hereditates ex Silaniano cum fiscus vindicasset, ut nec libertates nec legata tueatur. quod aperte nullam habet rationem, cum ex quibuslibet aliis causis fisco vindicatis hereditatibus et libertates et legata maneant.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XI. It is said that when, under the terms of the Silanian Decree of the Senate, the Treasury claims the entire estate, neither grants of freedom nor legacies are protected; which is plainly contrary to reason, when, in all other cases where estates are claimed by the Treasury, the rights to grants of freedom and legacies continue to exist unimpaired.

Ex libro XII

Dig. 31,55Gaius libro duodecimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Si Titio et mihi eadem res legata fuerit et is die cedente legati decesserit me herede relicto et vel ex mea propria causa vel ex hereditaria legatum repudiavero, magis placere video partem defecisse. 1Si eo herede instituto, qui vel nihil vel non totum capere potest, servo hereditario legatum fuerit, tractantibus nobis de capacitate videndum est, utrum heredis an defuncti persona an neutrius spectari debeat. et post multas varietates placet, ut, quia nullus est dominus, in cuius persona de capacitate quaeri possit, sine ullo impedimento adquiratur legatum hereditati atque ob id omnimodo ad eum pertineat, quicumque postea heres exstiterit, secundum quod accipere potest: reliqua autem pars ad eos, qui iure vocantur, venit.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XII. Where the same property was bequeathed to Titius and myself, and the testator died on the very day that the legacy began to vest, and he appointed his heir, and I reject the legacy, either on my own account, or as the heir to the estate, I see that the opinion generally prevails that the legacy is partially extinguished. 1Ad Dig. 31,55,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 531, Note 11.Where a person has been appointed heir who cannot receive any of the estate, or only a portion of the same, and he leaves it to a slave belonging to the estate, in the discussion of his capacity to do this it must be determined whether the person of the heir or that of the deceased should be taken into consideration, or whether neither should be. It was settled after many conflicting decisions that, for the reason that there is no master with reference to whose person the question of capacity could arise, the legacy will be acquired by the estate without any impediment whatever; and, on this account, it will certainly belong to him who afterwards becomes the heir, in proportion to the share of the estate which he is entitled to receive, and the remaining portion shall go to those who are called by law to the succession.

Dig. 40,1,18Gaius libro duodecimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Eum qui venierit venditor et promissor quem promiserit manumittere possunt.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XII. The vendor can manumit a slave whom he has agreed to sell, and the promisor one whom he has contracted to deliver.

Ex libro XIII

Dig. 28,5,74Gaius libro tertio decimoaaDie Großausgabe liest duodecimo statt tertio decimo. ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Sub condicione herede instituto si substituamus, nisi eandem condicionem repetemus, pure eum heredem substituere intellegimur.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XIII. Where an heir is appointed under a condition, and we substitute another for him, unless, when doing so, we repeat the same condition, the substitution of the heir will be understood to be absolute.

Dig. 35,1,69Gaius libro tertio decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Si ita expressum erit: ‘Titio, si voluerit, do lego’, apud Labeonem Proculus notat non aliter ad heredem legatarii pertinere, quam si ipse legatarius voluerit ad se pertinere, quia condicio personae iniuncta videtur.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XIII. If the testator expressed himself as follows, “I give and bequeath to Titius such-and-such property, if he is willing,” Proculus, on Labeo, remarks that the legacy will not belong to the heir of the legatee, unless the legatee himself desired him to have it, because the condition appears to be attached to the person.

Dig. 38,16,14Idem libro tertio decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. In suis heredibus aditio non est necessaria, quia statim ipso iure heredes existunt.

The Same, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XIII. Formal acceptance is not necessary for proper heirs, because they immediately become heirs by operation of law.

Dig. 40,7,31Gaius libro tertio decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Si servo sub condicione rationum editarum legatum sit, per eam condicionem eum iussum esse legatum accipere, ut pecuniam reliquorum reddat, non dubitatur. 1Et ideo cum quaesitum est ‘Stichus cum rationes dederit, cum contubernali sua liber esto’ an mortuo Sticho ante condicionem contubernalis eius libera esse possit: Iulianus dixit quaestionem esse in hac specie, quae et in legatis agitatur ‘illi cum illo do’, an altero deficiente alter ad legatum admittatur: quod magis sibi placere, perinde ac si ita scriptum esset ‘illi et illi’. aliam etiam esse quaestionem, an contubernali quoque condicio iuncta sit: quod magis esset. itaque si nulla reliqua Stichus habuerit, statim eam liberam esse, si habuerit reliqua, debere eam numerare pecuniam: nec tamen liciturum ex suo peculio dare, quia id illis permissum sit, qui principaliter pro sua libertate pecuniam dare iubentur.

Gaius, On tine Lex Julia et Papia, Book XIII. If a legacy is bequeathed to a slave on the condition of his rendering his accounts, there is no doubt that, under the condition by which he is directed to receive the legacy, he must pay over any balance remaining in his hands. 1Therefore, when inquiry was made with reference to the following clause, “Let Stichus, together with his female companion, be free, after he has rendered his accounts,” and Stichus should die before the condition is complied with, will his companion be free? Julianus says that there is a point in this case which also arises with respect to legacies, as where a testator says, “I give to So-and-So together with So-and-So,” and one of the parties is lacking, the other is permitted to take the legacy; because the better opinion is that the case is just as if the testator had said, “I give to So-and-So and So-and-So.” It is also said that there is another question, namely, whether the condition is also imposed upon the female companion. It is held that this is the case; hence, if Stichus has no balance in his hands, the woman will immediately become free; but if a balance remained in his hands, she must pay the money, nor will it be lawful for her to take it out of the peculium, because this is only permitted to those who are directed to make payment in their own names, in consideration of the freedom which is granted them.

Ex libro XIV

Dig. 29,2,53Gaius libro quarto decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Qui ex duabus partibus heres institutus fuerit, ex alia pure, ex alia sub condicione, et ex pura institutione adierit et decesserit posteaque condicio exstiterit, ea quoque pars ad heredem eius pertinet. 1Qui semel aliqua ex parte heres exstitit, deficientium partes etiam invitus excipit, id est tacite ei deficientium partes etiam invito adcrescunt.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XIV. Ad Dig. 29,2,53 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. III, § 601, Note 5.Where an heir has been appointed to two shares of an estate, to one absolutely, and to the other conditionally, and accepts the share left to him absolutely, and then dies, and the condition is subsequently fulfilled, that share of the estate dependent upon it will also belong to his heir. 1Where anyone becomes the heir to one share of an estate, he will also even without his consent, acquire the shares of his co-heirs who refuse to accept them; that is to say, their shares will tacitly accrue to him, even contrary to his will.

Dig. 31,56Idem libro quarto decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Quod principi relictum est, qui ante, quam dies legati cedat, ab hominibus ereptus est, ex constitutione divi Antonini successori eius debetur.

The Same, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XIV. Where a legacy is bequeathed to the Emperor, and he dies before the day when it becomes due, it will belong to his successor, according to a Constitution of the Divine Antoninus.

Dig. 31,58Gaius libro quarto decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. Si cui res legata fuerit et omnino aliqua ex parte voluerit suam esse, totam adquirit.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XIV. When a party to whom a legacy was bequeathed wishes only to obtain a portion of it, he will acquire it all.

Ex libro XV

Dig. 34,9,10Gaius libro quinto decimo ad legem Iuliam et Papiam. In fraudem iuris fidem accommodat, qui vel id quod relinquitur vel aliud tacite promittit restituturum se personae quae legibus ex testamento capere prohibetur, sive chirographum eo nomine dederit sive nuda pollicitatione repromiserit. 1Si quis ei qui capere possit rogatus fuerit restituere et is mortis tempore prohibetur legibus hoc capere, non dubito quin, etsi deficit fideicommissum, apud eum tamen, qui rogatus est restituere, manere debet, quia nulla fraus eius intervenisse videtur, nisi si in futurum casum fidem accommodavit, id est ut, licet capere legibus prohiberi coeperit, restituat. 2Recte dictum est, si pater filii, quem in potestate habebat, tacitam fidem interposuerit, non debere id filio nocere, quia parendi necessitatem habuerit.

Gaius, On the Lex Julia et Papia, Book XV. He is guilty of a fraud against the law who tacitly agrees to deliver what is left to him, or anything else, to a person who is legally prohibited from taking under the will, whether he gives a written instrument to this effect, or undertakes to do so by a mere promise. 1Where anyone was charged to deliver certain property to someone who can take under a will, and who, at the time of death, has been forbidden to do so, I have no doubt that although the trust is extinguished, it should still remain with him who was asked to deliver the property, because no fraud is held to have been committed by him, unless he bound himself with reference to what he knew would occur; that is to say, that he would deliver the property to the beneficiary even though he might be legally incapacitated from receiving it. 2It has very properly been held that if the father of a son who is under his control makes a tacit agreement, this should not prejudice the son, because he is obliged to obey his father.