Ad edictum provinciale libri
Ex libro IX
Dig. 13,3,4Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Si merx aliqua, quae certo die dari debebat, petita sit, veluti vinum oleum frumentum, tanti litem aestimandam Cassius ait, quanti fuisset eo die, quo dari debuit: si de die nihil convenit, quanti tunc, cum iudicium acciperetur. idemque iuris in loco esse, ut primum aestimatio sumatur eius loci, quo dari debuit, si de loco nihil convenit, is locus spectetur, quo peteretur. quod et de ceteris rebus iuris est.
Ad Dig. 13,3,4Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 258, Note 7.Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. Where an action is brought for some kind of merchandise which should have been delivered on a certain day, for instance, wine, oil, or grain; Cassius says that the damages should be appraised in accordance with what the property would have been worth on the day when it should have been delivered, or if the day was not agreed upon, then, according to its value when issue was joined. The same rule applies with reference to place, so that the valuation should first be made with reference to the place where the property should have been delivered, but where there was nothing agreed upon with reference to place, then the place where the action was brought should be taken into consideration. This law also applies to other matters.
Dig. 13,4,1Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Alio loco, quam in quem sibi dari quisque stipulatus esset, non videbatur agendi facultas competere. sed quia iniquum erat, si promissor ad eum locum, in quem daturum se promississet, numquam accederet (quod vel data opera faceret vel quia aliis locis necessario distringeretur), non posse stipulatorem ad suum pervenire, ideo visum est utilem actionem in eam rem comparare.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. It was formerly held that a party did not have the power to bring suit in any other place than that where he had stipulated that the property which was the subject of the action should have been delivered; but, because this would be unjust, if the promisor never came to the place where, according to what he promised the property was to be delivered, (either because he failed to do so purposely, or for the reason that he was unavoidably detained elsewhere) and hence the stipulator could not obtain what belonged to him; it, therefore, seemed proper that an equitable action should be provided for this purpose.
Dig. 13,4,3Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Ideo in arbitrium iudicis refertur haec actio, quia scimus, quam varia sint pretia rerum per singulas civitates regionisque, maxime vini olei frumenti: pecuniarum quoque licet videatur una et eadem potestas ubique esse, tamem aliis locis facilius et levibus usuris inveniuntur, aliis difficilius et gravibus usuris.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. This action is submitted to the decision of the judge for the reason that the prices of articles vary in different cities and provinces, and especially those of wine, oil, and grain; and so far as money is concerned, although it might seem to have one and the same power everywhere, still, in certain localities it is more easily obtained and at a lower rate of interest than in others, where it is harder to get and the rate of interest is heavy.
Dig. 13,6,18Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. In rebus commodatis talis diligentia praestanda est, qualem quisque diligentissimus pater familias suis rebus adhibet, ita ut tantum eos casus non praestet, quibus resisti non possit, veluti mortes servorum quae sine dolo et culpa eius accidunt, latronum hostiumve incursus, piratarum insidias, naufragium, incendium, fugas servorum qui custodiri non solent. quod autem de latronibus et piratis et naufragio diximus, ita scilicet accipiemus, si in hoc commodata sit alicui res, ut eam rem peregre secum ferat: alioquin si cui ideo argentum commodaverim, quod is amicos ad cenam invitaturum se diceret, et id peregre secum portaverit, sine ulla dubitatione etiam piratarum et latronum et naufragii casum praestare debet. haec ita, si dumtaxat accipientis gratia commodata sit res, at si utriusque, veluti si communem amicum ad cenam invitaverimus tuque eius rei curam suscepisses et ego tibi argentum commodaverim, scriptum quidem apud quosdam invenio, quasi dolum tantum praestare debeas: sed videndum est, ne et culpa praestanda sit, ut ita culpae fiat aestimatio, sicut in rebus pignori datis et dotalibus aestimari solet. 1Sive autem pignus sive commodata res sive deposita deterior ab eo qui acceperit facta sit, non solum istae sunt actiones, de quibus loquimur, verum etiam legis Aquiliae: sed si qua earum actum fuerit, aliae tolluntur. 2Possunt iustae causae intervenire, ex quibus cum eo qui commodasset agi deberet: veluti de impensis in valetudinem servi factis quaeve post fugam requirendi reducendique eius causa factae essent: nam cibariorum impensae naturali scilicet ratione ad eum pertinent, qui utendum accepisset. sed et id, quod de impensis valetudinis aut fugae diximus, ad maiores impensas pertinere debet: modica enim impendia verius est, ut sicuti cibariorum ad eundem pertineant. 3Item qui sciens vasa vitiosa commodavit, si ibi infusum vinum vel oleum corruptum effusumve est, condemnandus eo nomine est. 4Quod autem contrario iudicio consequi quisque potest, id etiam recto iudicio, quo cum eo agitur, potest salvum habere iure pensationis. sed fieri potest, ut amplius esset, quod invicem aliquem consequi oporteat, aut iudex pensationis rationem non habeat, aut ideo de restituenda re cum eo non agatur, quia ea res casu intercidit aut sine iudice restituta est: dicemus necessariam esse contrariam actionem.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. Ad Dig. 13,6,18 pr.Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 375, Note 8.Where property is lent, the same diligence must be exercised as any very careful head of a household employs with reference to his own property, so that he is not responsible for an accident, except those that cannot be resisted; as, for instance, the deaths of slaves which occur without malice or negligence on his part, attacks by robbers and enemies, the stratagems of pirates, shipwrecks, fires, and the escape of slaves whom it is not usual to keep under guard. With reference to what we have stated concerning robbers, pirates, and shipwreck, we must understand this to mean that where property has been lent to a man in such a way that he can take it with him on a journey; if, however, I should lend silver plate to anyone because he said that he was going to invite some friends to supper, and he takes it out of the country with him, there is no doubt that he will be responsible for anything that happens through the acts of pirates and robbers, or by reason of shipwreck. This is the case where the property was lent only as a favor to the borrower, but if it was done for the benefit of both parties, for example, where we invited a common friend to supper, and you take it upon yourself to manage the affair, and I lend you the plate; I am aware that certain authorities hold that you are only responsible for bad faith, but it should be considered whether you are not also liable for negligence, for the determination of negligence is ordinarily made on the same principle as where property is given in pledge or as dowry. 1Where property is pledged, loaned, or deposited, and it is deteriorated by the act of the party who received it, not only the actions which we have mentioned will lie, but also that under the Lex Aquilia; but where any one of these is brought, the right to the others will be extinguished. 2There may be good cause for an action to be brought against the person who lends the property; as, for instance, where this is done for expenses incurred, on account of the health of the slave, or for seeking him and bringing him back after he has run away; but the expenses of his maintenance must be borne by the party who received him in order to use him in accordance with natural law. But with reference to what we have stated concerning any expenses incurred on account of the health or the flight of the slave, this only applies to expenses which are larger in amount; for the better opinion is that moderate expenses, as, for instance, those of his support, must be borne by the same individual. 3Moreover, where anyone lends vessels which are defective, and the wine or oil which is put into them is spoiled, or runs out, judgment must be rendered against him on this account. 4Ad Dig. 13,6,18,4Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 350, Note 10.Again, wherever a man can recover anything by a counter action he can retain it by the right of set-off, even when the direct action is brought against him. It may happen that what a party can recover on his part is of greater amount; or the judge may refuse to take the set-off into consideration; or proceedings are not instituted against him to obtain restitution of the article lent, because it has been destroyed by accident, or has been returned without judicial proceedings; so we say that a counter action is necessary.
Dig. 13,7,10Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Quod si non solvere, sed alia ratione satisfacere paratus est, forte si expromissorem dare vult, nihil ei prodest.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. But if he is ready not to pay but to give satisfaction in some other way, for instance, if he wishes to give another debtor in his stead, this will be of no advantage to him.
Dig. 13,7,12Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. vel universorum bonorum administratio ei permissa est ab eo, qui sub pignoribus solebat mutuas pecunias accipere.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. Or if the management of the entire property or the party who was accustomed to borrow money on pledges has been entrusted to him.
Dig. 14,1,2Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. ne in plures adversarios distringatur qui cum uno contraxerit:
Ad Dig. 14,1,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 407, Note 7.Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. In order that a person who contracted with one may not be obliged to divide his claim among several adversaries,
Dig. 14,3,2Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Eo nomine, quo institor contraxit, si modo aliter rem suam servare non potest.
Ad Dig. 14,3,2Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 330, Note 12.Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. In the same form in which the agent made the contract, provided he cannot protect himself in any other way.
Dig. 14,3,8Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Nam et plerique pueros puellasque tabernis praeponunt.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. For many persons appoint boys and girls for the management of shops.
Dig. 14,3,10Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Eatenus tamen dabitur in eum actio, quatenus ex ea re locupletior est.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. An action will, nevertheless, be granted against him to the extent that he has pecuniarily profited by the transaction.
Dig. 14,4,11Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Aliquando etiam agentibus expedit potius de peculio agere quam tributoria: nam in hac actione de qua loquimur hoc solum in divisionem venit, quod in mercibus est quibus negotiatur quodque eo nomine receptum est: at in actione de peculio totius peculii quantitas spectatur, in quo et merces continentur. et fieri potest, ut dimidia forte parte peculii aut tertia vel etiam minore negotietur: fieri praeterea potest, ut patri dominove nihil debeat.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. It is sometimes more expedient for parties to bring suit by the action De peculio than by the Tributorian Action, for in the one of which we are treating that alone is subject to division which forms part of the merchandise with which the business is transacted, and whatever has been received on account of the same; but, in the action De peculio the entire amount of the peculium (in which also the merchandise is included) must be taken into consideration, and it may happen that the business is being conducted perhaps with a half, or a third, or even a smaller portion of the peculium; and it also may happen that nothing is owing by the party to his father or owner.
Dig. 14,5,1Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Omnia proconsul agit, ut qui contraxit cum eo, qui in aliena potestate sit, etiamsi deficient superiores actiones, id est exercitoria institoria tributoriave, nihilo minus tamen in quantum ex bono et aequo res patitur suum consequatur. sive enim iussu eius, cuius in potestate sit, negotium gestum fuerit, in solidum eo nomine iudicium pollicetur: sive non iussu, sed tamen in rem eius versum fuerit, eatenus introducit actionem, quatenus in rem eius versum fuerit: sive neutrum eorum sit, de peculio actionem constituit.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. The Proconsul takes every precaution to enable one party who has contracted with another that is under the control of a third, where the above mentioned actions (that is to say the exercitorian, the institorian, and the tributorian) do not apply, to still obtain his rights, so far as circumstances permit, on the grounds of equity and justice. For if the business was transacted by the order of the party under whose control the person in question is, he promises an action for the entire amount with reference to the same; but if this did not take place under his direction, but he, nevertheless, profited by it, the Proconsul introduces an action to the extent to which this has been done, and if neither of these conditions exist, he establishes an action for the amount of the peculium.
Dig. 14,6,13Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Si quod alii mutuum dedimus a filio familias novandi causa stipulemur, non esse impedimento senatus consultum Iulianus scribit.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. If we enter into a stipulation with a son under paternal control, for the payment of a loan made to a third party for the purpose of renewal, Julianus says that the Decree of the Senate will be no impediment.
Dig. 15,1,10Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Si vero adhuc in suspenso est prius iudicium de peculio et ex posteriore iudicio res iudicaretur, nullo modo debet prioris iudicii ratio haberi in posteriore condemnatione, quia in actione de peculio occupantis melior est condicio, occupare autem videtur non qui prior litem contestatus est, sed qui prior ad sententiam iudicis pervenit.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. If, however, the first action on the peculium is still in suspense, and judgment is rendered in the subsequent action, no account of the first action should be taken in any way in the decision of the second; because the position of the first creditor in an action on the peculium is the better one, for, not he who first joined issue, but he who first obtained a decision of the court, is held to be entitled to the preference.
Dig. 15,1,27Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Et ancillarum nomine et filiarum familias in peculio actio datur: maxime si qua sarcinatrix aut textrix erit aut aliquod artificium vulgare exerceat, datur propter eam actio. depositi quoque et commodati actionem dandam earum nomine Iulianus ait: sed et tributoriam actionem, si peculiari merce sciente patre dominove negotientur, dandam esse. longe magis non dubitatur, et si in rem versum est, quod iussu patris dominive contractum sit. 1Constat heredem domini id quoque deducere debere, quod servus, cuius nomine cum eo de peculio ageretur, ante aditam hereditatem ex bonis hereditariis amovisset consumpsisset corrupisset. 2Si servus alienatus sit, quamvis in eum, qui alienaverit, intra annum praetor de peculio actionem polliceatur, tamen nihilo minus et in novum dominum actio datur, et nihil interest, aliud apud eum adquisierit peculium an quod pariter cum eo emerit vel ex donatione acceperit eidem concesserit. 3Illud quoque placuit, quod et Iulianus probat, omnimodo permittendum creditoribus vel in partes cum singulis agere vel cum uno in solidum. 4Sed ipsi, qui vendiderit servum, non putat Iulianus de eo, quod ante venditionem crediderit, cum emptore de peculio agere permittendum. 5Sed et si alieno credidero eumque redemero, deinde alienavero, aeque non putat mihi in emptorem dari debere iudicium. 6In venditorem autem dumtaxat intra annum post redemptionem numerandum de eo, quod adhuc alieno crediderim, dandam esse mihi actionem existimat deducto eo, quod apud me peculii servus habebit. 7Sicut autem de eo, quod ipse crediderim servo meo, non putat Iulianus in emptorem alienato eo actionem mihi dari debere, ita et de eo, quod servus meus servo meo crediderit, si is, cui creditum fuerit, alienatus sit, negat permitti mihi debere cum emptore experiri. 8Si quis cum servo duorum pluriumve contraxerit, permittendum est ei cum quo velit dominorum in solidum experiri: est enim iniquum in plures adversarios distringi eum, qui cum uno contraxerit: nec huius dumtaxat peculii ratio haberi debet, quod apud eum cum quo agitur is servus haberet, sed et eius quod apud alterum. nec tamen res damnosa futura est ei qui condemnatur, cum possit rursus ipse iudicio societatis vel communi dividundo quod amplius sua portione solverit a socio sociisve suis consequi. quod Iulianus ita locum habere ait, si apud alterum quoque fuit peculium, quia eo casu solvendo quisque etiam socium aere alieno liberare videtur: at si nullum sit apud alterum peculium, contra esse, quia nec liberare ullo modo aere alieno eum intellegitur.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. The action on the peculium is granted on account of both female slaves, and daughters under paternal control, and especially where the woman is a tailoress or a weaver, or conducts any ordinary trade, this action can be brought against her. Julianus says that the action on deposit, and also that on loan for use, should be granted with reference to them, and that the contributory action should be granted if they have transacted business with merchandise belonging to the peculium to the knowledge of the father or the master. This is still more certain where property has been employed for the benefit of the father or master, and the contract was made under his direction. 1It is established that the heir of the master should also deduct such property belonging to the estate as the slave, on whose account suit on the peculium is brought against him, had either removed, consumed, or damaged before the estate was entered upon. 2Where a slave has been alienated, although the Prætor promises an action on the peculium within a year, against the party who alienated him, still, an action is granted against the new master; and it makes no difference whether he has acquired another peculium with him, or whether he has granted to the same slave what he bought or received as a gift along with him at the time. 3It has also been decided (and Julianus approves of it) that creditors are, in any event, to be allowed to bring suit either for shares against individuals, or against any one party for the entire amount. 4Julianus, however, does not think that the party who sold the slave should be permitted to bring an action on the peculium against the purchaser with reference to what he lent to the slave before the sale. 5Moreover, if I make a loan to the slave of another, and buy him, and then sell him, he also does not think that an action should be granted me against the purchaser. 6He holds, however, that an action should be granted to me against the vendor, but only within a year to be computed from the day of the purchase, for the amount which I loaned him while he still belonged to another, that being deducted from what the slave has, as peculium, with reference to me. 7But as Julianus does not think that when he has been alienated, an action should be granted to me against the purchaser, with reference to what I myself have lent to my own slave; so also he denies that I should be allowed to institute proceedings against the purchaser on account of what my own slave has lent to another of my own slaves, if he to whom the loan was made has been alienated. 8Ad Dig. 15,1,27,8Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 482, Note 16.Where anyone has contracted with a slave belonging to two or more persons, he should be allowed to bring suit for the entire amount against anyone of the owners he wishes; for it is unjust that he who contracted with one should be obliged to divide up his action against several adversaries, and an account should be taken not only of the peculium which the said slave has with reference to the party against whom proceedings are instituted, but also of that in which the other owner or owners are interested. No loss, however, will result from this to the party against whom judgment was rendered, as he can himself recover from his partner or partners by the action of partnership, or by that for the division of common property, whatever he has paid over and above his share. Julianus says that this will apply where the other owner was entitled to any peculium, for, in this instance, each one, by paying, will be held to have released his partner from debt; but where there is no peculium in which the other is interested, the contrary rule applies, because he is not understood to release him from debt in any way.
Dig. 15,1,29Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Si quis servum testamento liberum esse iusserit relictis heredibus his, qui cum servo contraxerunt, possunt inter se coheredes vel de peculio agere, quia de eo quisque peculio, quod apud eum esset, quolibet alio agente teneatur. 1Etiamsi prohibuerit contrahi cum servo dominus, erit in eum de peculio actio.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. Where anyone has, by will, ordered that a slave shall be free, and has left as heirs persons who have contracted with said slave, the coheirs may proceed against one another by the action De peculio, for each one is liable to anyone else who brings suit for the amount of the peculium to which he is entitled. 1Even though a master prohibits a contract to be made with a slave, an action on the peculium will lie against him.
Dig. 15,3,4Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Sed dicendum est occupantis meliorem condicionem esse debere: nam utrisque condemnari dominum de in rem verso iniquum est.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. But it must be said that the position of the more diligent party should be the better one, for it is unjust that the master should have judgment rendered against him in favor of both on the ground of the employment of property for his benefit.
Dig. 15,3,12Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Si fundum patri dominove emit servus vel filius familias, versum quidem esse videtur, ita tamen, ut, sive minoris sit, quam est emptus, tantum videatur in rem versum quanti dignus sit, sive pluris sit, non plus videatur in rem versum quam emptus est.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. If a son under paternal control or a slave purchases land for his father or master, this will be held to have been employed in his affairs; but in this way, that, if it was worth less than the sum for which it was purchased, it would be held to have been employed in his business to the amount of what it is worth; if, however, it is worth more, no greater sum will be held to have been employed for that purpose than that for which it was purchased.
Dig. 16,1,5Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Nec interest, pecuniam solvendi causa numeret an quamlibet suam rem in solutum det: nam et si vendiderit rem suam, sive pretium acceptum pro alio solvit sive emptorem delegavit creditori alieno, non puto senatus consulto locum esse.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. It makes no difference whether the woman has paid the money for the purpose of discharging the debt, or has given in payment any of her property whatsoever, for even if she had sold her property and either paid the price received for the same in behalf of another, or substituted the purchaser to another creditor, I do not think that the Decree of the Senate will be operative, so far as the creditor of another party is concerned.
Dig. 16,1,13Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Aliquando, licet alienam obligationem suscipiat mulier, non adiuvatur hoc senatus consulto: quod tum accidit, cum prima facie quidem alienam, re vera autem suam obligationem suscipiat. ut ecce si ancilla ob pactionem libertatis expromissore dato post manumissionem id ipsum suscipiat quod expromissor debeat, aut si hereditatem emerit et aes alienum hereditarium in se transcribat, aut si pro fideiussore suo intercedat. 1De pignoribus prioris debitoris non est creditori nova actione opus, cum quasi Serviana (quae et hypothecaria vocatur) in his utilis sit: quia verum est convenisse de pignoribus nec solutam esse pecuniam. 2Si sub condicione vel in diem mulier pro alio intercesserit, etiam pendente condicione volenti creditori cum priore debitore experiri actio danda est restitutoria: quo enim bonum est exspectare condicionem vel diem, cum in ea causa sit prior iste debitor, ut omnimodo ipse debeat suscipere actionem?
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. Ad Dig. 16,1,13 pr.ROHGE, Bd. 25 (1880), Nr. 85, S. 358: Darlehn zur Bezahlung einer für den Ehemann übernommenen Schuld.Sometimes, although a woman may have assumed an obligation in behalf of another, she is not assisted by this Decree of the Senate, which happens when a woman assumes an obligation which, at first sight, appears indeed to be that of another, but is, in reality her own; as for instance, where a female slave has provided another debtor on account of an agreement connected with her freedom, and, after her manumission, assumes the very obligation which the debtor owes; or where a woman purchases an estate, and assumes the debts of the estate herself, or where she becomes the guarantor of her own surety. 1A creditor has no need of a new action with reference to the pledges of a former debtor, as the Servian Action (which is also designated the hypothecary action) is available in instances of this kind; since it is true that an agreement has been made with reference to pledges, and that the money has not been paid. 2If a woman appears as surety for another party under a certain condition, or with reference to a certain time; while the condition is pending, an action for restitution should be granted to the creditor against the former debtor, if he wishes it; for what advantage will it be to wait for the fulfillment of the condition, or for the expiration of the time, since the former debtor is in such a position that he must, by all means, defend the action brought against him?
Dig. 16,2,5Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Si quid a fideiussore petetur, aequissimum est eligere fideiussorem, quod ipsi an quod reo debetur, compensare malit: sed et si utrumque velit compensare, audiendus est.
Ad Dig. 16,2,5Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 349, Note 20.Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. Where a claim is demanded from a surety, it is perfectly just for the latter to choose whether he prefers to set off what is due to himself or what is due to the principal debtor. He should also be heard if he wishes to make a set-off against the claims of both,
Dig. 16,2,8Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. In compensationem etiam id deducitur, quo nomine cum actore lis contestata est, ne diligentior quisque deterioris condicionis habeatur, si compensatio ei denegetur.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. That also is included in a set-off for the recovery of which suit has already been brought against the plaintiff, in order to prevent the condition of the more diligent party from becoming worse if the set-off should be refused him.
Dig. 16,3,14Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Si plures heredes exstiterint ei qui deposuerit, dicitur, si maior pars adierit, restituendam rem praesentibus: maiorem autem partem non ex numero utique personarum, sed ex magnitudine portionum hereditariarum intellegendam: cautela idonea reddenda. 1Sive autem cum ipso apud quem deposita est actum fuerit sive cum herede eius et sua natura res ante rem iudicatam interciderit, veluti si homo mortuus fuerit, Sabinus et Cassius absolvi debere eum cum quo actum est dixerunt, quia aequum esset naturalem interitum ad actorem pertinere, utique cum interitura esset ea res et si restituta esset actori.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. Where there are several heirs of the party who made the deposit it is held that if the majority of them appear the property should be returned to those who are present. The majority should be understood to mean, not the larger number of persons, but the greater amount of the shares of the estate, and proper security must be furnished. 1Ad Dig. 16,3,14,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. I, § 124, Note 9.Whether proceedings are instituted against him with whom the property was deposited or against his heir, and the property naturally perished before a decision is rendered, for instance, if a slave whose ownership was in dispute should die; Sabinus and Cassius say that the party against whom the action was brought ought to be discharged, because it is only just that the natural loss of the property should be borne by the plaintiff, since it would have perished even if it had been returned to him.
Dig. 17,1,27Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Si quis alicui scripserit, ut debitorem suum liberet, seque eam pecuniam, quam is debuerit, soluturum, mandati actione tenetur. 1Si servum ea lege tibi tradidero, ut eum post mortem meam manumitteres, constitit obligatio: potest autem et in mea quoque persona agendi causa intervenire, veluti si paenitentia acta servum reciperare velim. 2Qui mandatum suscepit, si potest id explere, deserere promissum officium non debet, alioquin quanti mandatoris intersit damnabitur: si vero intellegit explere se id officium non posse, id ipsum cum primum poterit debet mandatori nuntiare, ut is si velit alterius opera utatur: quod si, cum possit nuntiare, cessaverit, quanti mandatoris intersit tenebitur: si aliqua ex causa non poterit nuntiare, securus erit. 3Morte quoque eius cui mandatum est, si is integro adhuc mandato decesserit, solvitur mandatum et ob id heres eius, licet exsecutus fuerit mandatum, non habet mandati actionem. 4Impendia mandati exsequendi gratia facta si bona fide facta sunt, restitui omnimodo debent, nec ad rem pertinet, quod is qui mandasset potuisset, si ipse negotium gereret, minus impendere. 5Si mandatu meo Titio credideris et mecum mandati egeris, non aliter condemnari debeo, quam si actiones tuas, quas adversus Titium habes, mihi praestiteris. sed si cum Titio egeris, ego quidem non liberabor, sed in id dumtaxat tibi obligatus ero, quod a Titio servare non potueris.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. If anyone should write to another to release his debtor, and that he himself will pay him the money which he owes him, he will be liable to an action on mandate. 1Ad Dig. 17,1,27,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 411, Note 5.If I have delivered to you a slave with the understanding that you will manumit him after my death, the obligation will be established. Moreover, I will, myself, be entitled to an action against you, if, having changed my mind, I should wish to recover the slave. 2Ad Dig. 17,1,27,2ROHGE, Bd. 16 (1875), Nr. 48, S. 172: Einseitiger Rücktritt vom Vertrage. Sorge für anderweite Vertretung.Where a party has undertaken the performance of a mandate, and can execute it, he should not fail to do what he has promised, otherwise, judgment will be rendered against him for the amount of the interest of the mandator. If, however, he is aware that he cannot perform the service, he should notify the mandator of that fact, as soon as he can, that the former may employ some one else if he should desire to do so. If he failed to notify him when he could have done so, he will be liable for the amount of interest of the mandator, but if, for some reason he was unable to notify him, he will be secure. 3A mandate is terminated by the death of the party to whom it was given, if he died without having, in any way, complied with it; and his heir, even though he may have executed the mandate, will not be entitled to an action on mandate on this account. 4The expenses incurred through the performance of the mandate, if they were incurred in good faith, should by all means be paid; and it makes no difference if he who gave the mandate would have paid less if he had been transacting the business himself. 5If you make a loan to Titius by my direction, and bring an action of mandate against me, I should not have judgment rendered against me, unless you assign to me the rights of action which you have against Titius. But if you should sue Titius, I myself will not be released, but I shall be liable to you only to the extent that you have not been able to recover from Titius.
Dig. 20,1,9Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Sed et quod ad eas res, quas eo tempore quo paciscebatur in bonis habuit, idem observari debet. 1Quod emptionem venditionemque recipit, etiam pignerationem recipere potest.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. This rule also should be observed with reference to property belonging to the debtor at the time when the agreement was made. 1Whatever is capable of purchase and sale can also be made the object of a pledge.
Dig. 20,6,2Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Si creditor Serviana actione pignus a possessore petierit et possessor litis aestimationem obtulerit et ab eo debitor rem vindicet, non aliter hoc facere concedetur, nisi prius ei debitum offerat.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. If a creditor should bring suit to recover a pledge from the possessor under the Servian Action, and the possessor should obtain an appraisement of the property in court, and the debtor brings an action against him for the recovery of the property; he will not be permitted to do this, unless he first pays what is owing to the creditor.
Dig. 27,10,5Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Curator ex senatus consulto constituitur, cum clara persona, veluti senatoris vel uxoris eius, in ea causa sit, ut eius bona venire debeant: nam ut honestius ex bonis eius quantum potest creditoribus solveretur, curator constituitur distrahendorum bonorum gratia vel a praetore vel in provinciis a praeside.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. A curator is appointed under the Decree of the Senate where the person is illustrious, as in the case of a Senator or his wife; and there is reason for their property to be sold in order that their creditors may be paid honestly out of it, as far as possible; and a curator is appointed either by the Prætor or by the Governor of the province for the purpose of disposing of the property.
Dig. 50,17,42Gaius libro nono ad edictum provinciale. Qui in alterius locum succedunt, iustam habent causam ignorantiae, an id quod peteretur deberetur. fideiussores quoque non minus quam heredes iustam ignorantiam possunt allegare. haec ita de herede dicta sunt, si cum eo agetur, non etiam si agat: nam plane qui agit, certus esse debet, cum sit in potestate eius, quando velit experiri, et ante debet rem diligenter explorare et tunc ad agendum procedere.
Ad Dig. 50,17,42ROHGE, Bd. 10 (1874), S. 263: Voraussetzung des Verzugs, wenn zur Erfüllung der Verpflichtung die Mitwirkung des Gläubigers nothwendig ist.ROHGE, Bd. 15 (1875), Nr. 102, S. 363, 371: Feststellung des Zeitpunkts des Verzugs mit Rücksicht auf die subjective Auffassung des Säumigen über die Sachlage.Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book IX. Those who succeed to another have good reason to plead ignorance as to whether what is demanded is due or not. Sureties, also, as well as heirs, can allege ignorance as an excuse. This, however, only applies to an heir when he is sued, and not when he brings the action; for it is clear that anyone who brings suit must be informed, for it is in his power to do so when he wishes, and he should, in the first place, carefully examine the claim, and then proceed to collect it.