Ad edictum provinciale libri
Ex libro VIII
Dig. 38,10,1Gaius libro octavo ad edictum provinciale. Gradus cognationis alii superioris ordinis sunt, alii inferioris, alii ex transverso sive a latere. superioris ordinis sunt parentes. inferioris liberi. ex transverso sive a latere fratres et sorores liberique eorum. 1Sed superior quidem et inferior cognatio a primo gradu incipit, ex transverso sive a latere nullus est primus gradus et ideo incipit a secundo. itaque in primo gradu cognationis superioris quidem et inferioris ordinis cognati possunt concurrere, ex transverso vero numquam eo gradu quisquam concurrere potest. at in secundo et tertio et deinceps in ceteris possunt etiam ex transverso quidam concurrere et cum superioris ordinis cognatis. 2Sed admonendi sumus, si quando de hereditate vel bonorum possessione quaeramus, non semper eos, qui eiusdem gradus sint, concurrere. 3Primo gradu sunt supra pater mater. infra filius filia. 4Secundo gradu sunt supra avus avia. infra nepos neptis. ex transverso frater soror. 5Tertio gradu sunt supra proavus proavia. infra pronepos proneptis. ex transverso fratris sororisque filius filia: et convenienter patruus amita, avunculus matertera. 6Quarto gradu sunt supra abavus abavia. infra abnepos abneptis. ex transverso fratris sororisque nepos neptis: et convenienter patruus magnus amita magna (id est avi frater et soror), avunculus magnus matertera magna (id est aviae frater et soror): item fratres patrueles sorores patrueles (id est qui quaeve ex duobus fratribus progenerantur), item consobrini consobrinaeque (id est qui quaeve ex duabus sororibus nascuntur, quasi consororini), item amitini amitinae (id est qui quaeve ex fratre et sorore propagantur). sed fere vulgus omnes istos communi appellatione consobrinos vocant. 7Quinto gradu sunt supra atavus atavia. infra adnepos adneptis. ex transverso fratris et sororis pronepos proneptis: et convenienter propatruus et proamita (id est proavi frater et soror), proavunculus et promatertera (id est proaviae frater et soror): item fratris patruelis sororis patruelis filius filia, et similiter consobrini consobrinae, item amitini amitinae filius filia: propior sobrino propior sobrina (isti sunt patrui magni amitae magnae, avunculi magni materterae magnae filius filia),
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book VIII. The degrees of relationship are, some of them, in the ascending, and some of them in the descending line, or in the collateral line. Those in the direct ascending line are parents; those in the direct descending line are children; those in the collateral line are brothers and sisters and their children. 1Relationship in the direct ascending and descending lines begins with the first degree, but in the collateral line there is no first degree, and therefore it begins with the second. Hence cognates in the first degree of the direct ascending and descending lines can share equally with one another; but no one can do this in the collateral line in this degree, but in the second and third degrees, and in those which follow, the collateral heirs can share with one another, and sometimes even with those of a higher degree. 2We should, however, remember, whenever we consider the questions relating to inheritance or to the prætorian possession of an estate, that those who belong to the same degree do not always share equally with one another. 3Heirs who are first in the ascending line are the father and the mother; those first in the descending line are the son and the daughter. 4Those first in the second degree of the direct ascending line are the grandfather and the grandmother; those first in the direct descending line are the grandson and the grandfather; those first in the collateral line are the brother and the sister. 5Those first in the third degree in the direct ascending line are the great-grandfather and the great-grandmother; those first in the descending line are the great-grandson and the great-granddaughter; those first in the collateral line are the son and the daughter of the brother and the sister, and, next in order, the paternal uncle and the paternal aunt, the maternal uncle and the maternal aunt. 6In the fourth degree of the direct ascending line are the great-great-grandfather and the great-great-grandmother, in the direct descending line the great-great-grandson and the great-great-granddaughter; in the collateral line the grandson and the granddaughter of the brother and the sister, and, in their order, the great-paternal uncle and the great paternal aunt, that is to say, the brother and sister of the grandfather; the great maternal uncle and the great maternal aunt, that is to say, the brother and sister of the grandmother; likewise, the brothers and sisters of the great maternal uncle, that is to say, children both male and female descended from two brothers; also the children both male and female, born of two sisters; and children of both sexes, the issue of a brother and a sister. All of these are known under the common appellation of first cousins. 7In the fifth degree of the direct ascending line are the great-great-great-grandfather and the great-great-great-grandmother; in the direct descending line the great-great-great-grandson and the great-great-great-granddaughter; in the collateral line the great-grandson and the great-granddaughter of the brother and the sister; and, in the same order, the great-great paternal uncle and the great-great paternal aunt, that is to say, the brother and sister of the great-grandfather, and the great-great-maternal uncle and the great-great-maternal aunt, that is to say, the brother and sister of the great-grandmother; also the son and daughter of male cousins, and the son and daughter of female cousins, likewise other male and female cousins and the sons and daughters of the latter on both sides, and those of both sexes and are next to cousins in degree; these being the sons and daughters of the great paternal uncle and the great paternal aunt and the great maternal uncle and the great maternal aunt:
Dig. 38,10,3Gaius libro octavo ad edictum provinciale. Sexto gradu sunt supra triavus triavia. infra trinepos trineptis. ex transverso fratris et sororis abnepos abneptis: et convenienter abpatruus abamita (id est abavi frater et soror), abavunculus abmatertera (id est abaviae frater et soror): item patrui magni amitae magnae, avunculi magni materterae magnae nepos neptis: item fratris patruelis sororis patruelis, consobrini consobrinae, amitini amitinae nepos neptis: propatrui proamitae, proavunculi promaterterae filius filia. item qui ex fratribus patruelibus aut consobrinis aut amitinis undique propagantur, quae proprie sobrini vocantur. 1In septimo gradu quam multae esse possint personae, ex his quae diximus satis apparet. 2Admonendi tamen sumus parentium liberorumque personas semper duplari: avum enim et aviam tam maternos quam paternos intellegemus, item nepotes neptesque tam ex filio quam ex filia: quam rationem scilicet in omnibus deinceps gradibus supra infraque sequemur.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book VIII. In the sixth degree, in the direct ascending line, are the great-great-great-great-grandfather and the great-great-great-great-grandmother. In the direct descending line are the great-great-great-great-grandson and the great-great-great-great-granddaughter; and in the collateral line, the great-great-grandson and the great-great-granddaughter of the brother and sister; and in their order, the great-great-paternal uncle and the great-great-paternal aunt, that is to say, the brother and sister of the great-great-grandfather; and the great-great-maternal uncle and great-great-maternal aunt, that is to say, the brother and sister of the great-great-grandmother. Likewise, the grandson and the granddaughter of the great paternal uncle, and the great paternal aunt, and of the great maternal uncle and the great maternal aunt. Also, the grandson and the granddaughter of first cousins of both sexes, and the son and the daughter of the great-paternal uncle and the great-paternal aunt, and of the great-maternal uncle and the great maternal aunt; as well as the children of cousins on both sides who are properly called the issue of first cousins. 1It is sufficiently apparent, from what we have said, how many persons there can be in the seventh degree. 2We must also remember that the relatives in the ascending and descending lines must always be doubled; because we understand that there is a grandfather and a grandmother on the maternal as well as the paternal side, as well as grandchildren of both sexes, the children of sons as well as daughters; and this order must be followed in all degrees both ascending and descending.
Dig. 39,6,31Gaius libro octavo ad edictum provinciale. Mortis causa capitur, cum propter mortem alicuius capiendi occasio obvenit, exceptis his capiendi figuris quae proprio nomine appellantur. certe enim et qui hereditario aut legati aut fideicommissi iure capit, ex morte alterius nanciscitur capiendi occasionem, sed quia proprio nomine hae species capiendi appellantur, ideo ab hac definitione separantur. 1Iuliano placet, licet solvendo non sit debitor, cui acceptum latum sit, videri ei mortis causa donatum. 2Sine donatione autem capitur veluti pecunia, quam statuliber aut legatarius alicui condicionis implendae gratia numerat, sive extraneus sit qui accepit sive heres. eodem numero est pecunia, quam quis in hoc accipit, ut vel adeat hereditatem vel non adeat, quique in hoc accipit pecuniam, ut legatum omittat. sed et dos, quam quis in mortem mulieris a marito stipulatur, capitur sane mortis causa: cuius generis dotes recepticiae vocantur. rursus id, quod mortis causa donatur, aut in periculum mortis datur aut cogitationem mortalitatis, quod nos quandoque morituros intellegimus. 3Si iusseris mortis causa debitorem tuum mihi aut creditori meo expromittere decem, quid iuris esset quaeritur, si iste debitor solvendo non sit. et ait Iulianus, si ego stipulatus fuerim, tantam pecuniam videri me cepisse, in quantum debitor solvendo fuisset: nam et si convaluisset, inquit, donator, obligationem dumtaxat debitoris recipere deberet. si vero creditor meus stipulatus fuerit, tantam videri me pecuniam accepisse, in quantum a creditore meo liberatus essem. 4Per accepti quoque lationem egens debitor liberatus totam eam pecuniam, qua liberatus est, cepisse videtur.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book VIII. Property is acquired mortis causa when an occasion arises for obtaining it on account of the death of anyone, except in such instances as have a particular designation; for it is certain that anyone who acquires property by hereditary right, or as a legatee or the beneficiary of a trust acquires it, on account of the death of another, but for the reason that these methods of acquiring property are designated by specific names, they are distinguished from the one in question. 1It is held by Julianus that, although the debtor who has been released may not be solvent, the donation will still be considered to have been made mortis causa. 2Property can also be acquired without a donation; as, for instance, where a slave or a legatee pays a sum of money for the purpose of complying with some condition, whether the person who receives it is a stranger, or an heir. The case is similar where anyone receives money to accept or reject an estate, or to refuse a legacy which has been bequeathed to him. Even a dowry which has been stipulated for and will belong to the husband if his wife should die, is evidently acquired mortis causa, and dowries of this kind are designated as returnable. Again, anything which is donated mortis causa, or is given while in imminent danger of death, or with the expectation of mortality, for the reason that we understand that we will die sooner or later, is included in this category. 3If, with the intention of making a donation mortis causa, you should direct your debtor to make a new promise to my creditor to pay ten aurei, the question arises, what would be the rule of law if the debtor should not prove solvent? Julianus says that if I stipulate in this way, I shall be held to have obtained as much money as your debtor is able to pay; for he says if the donor recovers his health, he will only be entitled to obtain the new obligation of the debtor. If, however, my creditor should enter into the stipulation, I will be held to have received only as much money as I would have the right to be released from payment of to my creditor. 4When a debtor, who is poor, is released from his indebtedness by way of a donation, he is considered to have obtained all the money from the payment of which he was released.
Dig. 45,1,74Gaius libro octavo ad edictum provinciale. Stipulationum quaedam certae sunt, quaedam incertae. certum est, quod ex ipsa pronuntiatione apparet quid quale quantumque sit, ut ecce aurei decem, fundus Tusculanus, homo Stichus, tritici Africi optimi modii centum, vini Campani optimi amphorae centum.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book VIII. Some stipulations are certain, and others are uncertain. A stipulation is certain when, by its mere mention, its nature and its amount are predisclosed, as for instance, ten aurei, the Tusculan Estate, the slave Stichus, a hundred measures of the best African wheat, a hundred jars of the best Campanian wine.
Dig. 46,1,26Gaius libro octavo ad edictum provinciale. Inter fideiussores non ipso iure dividitur obligatio ex epistula divi Hadriani: et ideo si quis eorum ante exactam a se partem sine herede decesserit vel ad inopiam pervenerit, pars eius ad ceterorum onus respicit.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book VIII. According to a Rescript of the Divine Hadrian, an obligation is not divided among sureties by operation of law. Therefore, if any one of them should die, without having an heir, before paying his share of the indebtedness, or should become poor, his portion of the liability will be added to that of the others.
Dig. 50,17,133Idem libro octavo ad edictum provinciale. Melior condicio nostra per servos fieri potest, deterior fieri non potest.
The Same, On the Provincial Edict, Book VIII. Our condition can be improved by our slaves, but it cannot be rendered worse.