Ad edictum provinciale libri
Ex libro XXIII
Dig. 28,8,6Gaius libro vicesimo tertio ad edictum provinciale. Igitur si quidem in hereditate sit vinum oleum frumentum numerata pecunia, inde fieri debebunt impendia: si minus, a debitoribus hereditariis exigenda pecunia. quod si nulli sunt debitores aut iudicem provocent, venire debent res supervacuae.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XXIII. Hence, where wine, oil, wheat, or money constitutes part of the estate, it should be used to pay the debts. If there are none of these articles, money must be collected from the debtors of the estate, and if there are no debtors, or they contest the claims against them, any superfluous property should be sold.
Dig. 29,2,57Gaius libro vicesimo tertio ad edictum provinciale. Necessariis heredibus non solum impuberibus, sed etiam puberibus abstinendi se ab hereditate proconsul potestatem facit, ut, quamvis creditoribus hereditariis iure civili teneantur, tamen in eos actio non detur, si velint derelinquere hereditatem. sed impuberibus quidem, etiamsi se immiscuerint hereditati, praestat abstinendi facultatem, puberibus autem ita, si se non immiscuerint. 1Sed tamen et puberibus minoribus viginti quinque annis, si temere damnosam hereditatem parentis appetierint, ex generali edicto quod est de minoribus viginti quinque annis succurrit, cum et si extranei damnosam hereditatem adierint, ex ea parte edicti in integrum eos restituit. 2Servis autem necessariis heredibus, sive puberes sive impuberes sint, hoc non permittitur.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XXIII. The Proconsul gives necessary heirs—not only those who are under the age of puberty but also all over that age—the power to reject an estate; so that although they are liable to the creditors of the same under the Civil Law, still, an action is not granted against them if they wish to relinquish the estate. And, indeed, he grants this privilege to those under the age of puberty, even if they have busied themselves with the affairs of the estate, but he also grants it to those over that age, where they have not done so. 1Nevertheless, where minors under the age of twenty-five years have rashly interfered with the affairs of the insolvent estate of their father, relief can be granted them by the general terms of the Edict, with reference to minors who are under that age; for if, being strangers, they should enter upon an insolvent estate, complete restitution can be granted them in compliance with the Edict. 2This privilege, however, is not conferred upon slaves who are necessary heirs, whether they are over, or under, the age of puberty.
Dig. 42,5,1Gaius libro vicesimo tertio ad edictum provinciale. Venire bona ibi oportet, ubi quisque defendi debet, id est
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XXV. The property of a debtor must be sold in the place where he should defend the action; that is to say,
Dig. 42,5,3Gaius libro vicesimo tertio ad edictum provinciale. aut ubi quisque contraxerit. contractum autem non utique eo loco intellegitur, quo negotium gestum sit, sed quo solvenda est pecunia.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XXIII. Or where he made the contract. The contract, however, is understood not to have been made in the place where the transaction was concluded, but where the money should be paid.
Dig. 42,5,7Gaius libro vicesimo tertio ad edictum provinciale. Hereditarium aes alienum intellegitur etiam id, de quo cum defuncto agi non potuit, veluti quod is cum moreretur daturum se promisisset, item quod is, qui pro defuncto fideiussit, post mortem eius solvit.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XXIII. The indebtedness of an estate is also understood to be that for which suit can not be brought against the deceased, as, for instance, where he promised to pay at the time of his death; as well as where someone who had become surety for the deceased paid the debt after he died.
Dig. 42,5,13Gaius libro vicesimo tertio ad edictum provinciale. Quamvis possessa non sint bona, quia forte nihil fuerit, quod possideatur, aut sine controversia non possideatur creditor qui in possessionem missus est, perinde habetur, ac si etiam possessa bona fuissent.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XXIII. Although there may not be actual possession of the property, for the reason that there is nothing of which possession can be obtained, or because it cannot be acquired without a controversy, the creditor who has been placed in possession will be considered to be in the same position as if it had been obtained by him.
Dig. 50,16,51Gaius libro vicensimo tertio ad edictum provinciale. Appellatione ‘parentis’ non tantum pater, sed etiam avus et proavus et deinceps omnes superiores continentur: sed et mater et avia et proavia.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XXIII. Under the term “parent” is not only included the father, but also the grandfather, the great-grandfather, and others in the male ascending line, as well as the mother, the grandmother, and the great-grandmother.