Ad edictum provinciale libri
Ex libro XXII
Dig. 3,3,50Gaius libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum provinciale. Quacumque ratione procurator tuus a me liberatus est, id tibi prodesse debet.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XXII. In whatever way your agent may be discharged from liability by me, it should benefit you.
Dig. 28,1,26Gaius libro vicesimo secundo ad edictum provinciale. Cum lege quis intestabilis iubetur esse, eo pertinet, ne eius testimonium recipiatur et eo amplius, ut quidam putant, neve ipsi dicatur testimonium.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XXII. Whenever anyone is declared by law to be incapable of becoming a witness, this means that his testimony cannot be received, and, moreover (as certain authorities hold), that no testimony can be introduced in his behalf.
Dig. 47,10,12Gaius libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum. Si quis de libertate aliquem in servitutem petat, quem sciat liberum esse, neque id propter evictionem, ut eam sibi conservet, faciat: iniuriarum actione tenetur.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XXII. When an action is brought to reduce anyone from freedom to servitude whom the plaintiff knows to be free, and he does not do this on account of eviction, in order to preserve it for himself; he will be liable to the action for injury.
Dig. 47,10,19Gaius libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum provinciale. Si creditor meus, cui paratus sum solvere, in iniuriam meam fideiussores meos interpellaverit, iniuriarum tenetur.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XXII. If my creditor, whom I am ready to pay, should attack my sureties for the purpose of injuring me, he will be liable to an action for injury.
Dig. 48,15,4Gaius libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum provinciale. Lege Fabia tenetur, qui sciens liberum hominem donaverit vel in dotem dederit, item qui ex earum qua causa sciens liberum esse acceperit, in eadem causa haberi debeat, qua venditor et emptor habetur. idem et si pro eo res permutata fuerit.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XXII. He is liable under the Favian Law who either donates, or gives by way of dowry, a man whom he knows to be free; likewise, anyone who, knowing a man to be free, accepts him under such circumstances, should be included in the same class to which a vendor and a purchaser belong. The same rule will apply where property is given in exchange for such a man.
Dig. 50,16,44Gaius libro vicensimo secundo ad edictum provinciale. et cetera, quibus tuendi curandive corporis nostri gratia utimur, ea appellatione significantur.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XXII. Everything else which we make use of for the protection and care of our bodies is included in this term.