Ad edictum provinciale libri
Ex libro XVII
Dig. 2,15,6Gaius libro septimo decimo ad edictum provinciale. De his controversiis, quae ex testamento proficiscuntur, neque transigi neque exquiri veritas aliter potest quam inspectis cognitisque verbis testamenti.
Ad Dig. 2,15,6Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 414, Note 12.Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XVII. In controversies arising out of a will no compromise can take place, nor can the truth of the facts be inquired into, unless an examination and interpretation of the words of the will is made.
Dig. 7,1,56Gaius libro septimo decimo ad edictum provinciale. An usus fructus nomine actio municipibus dari debeat, quaesitum est: periculum enim esse videbatur, ne perpetuus fieret, quia neque morte nec facile capitis deminutione periturus est, qua ratione proprietas inutilis esset futura semper abscedente usu fructu. sed tamen placuit dandam esse actionem. unde sequens dubitatio est, quousque tuendi essent in eo usu fructu municipes: et placuit centum annos tuendos esse municipes, quia is finis vitae longaevi hominis est.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XVII. The question has been raised whether an action on account of an usufruct should be granted a municipality? In this instance there seems to be danger that the usufruct may become perpetual, because it could not be lost by death, nor easily by change of civil condition; for which reason the ownership would be worthless, as the usufruct would always be separate from it. It, nevertheless, has been established that an action should be granted. Whence another doubt arises, that is to say, how long a municipality should be protected in the enjoyment of an usufruct? It has been settled that it will be protected for a hundred years, because this is the term of the longest life of man.
Dig. 28,1,6Gaius libro septimo decimo ad edictum provinciale. Qui in potestate parentis est, testamenti faciendi ius non habet, adeo ut, quamvis pater ei permittat, nihilo magis tamen iure testari possit. 1Surdus mutus testamentum facere non possunt: sed si quis post testamentum factum valetudine aut quolibet alio casu mutus aut surdus esse coeperit, ratum nihilo minus permanet testamentum.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book LXX. Where an individual is under the control of his father, he has no right to make a will; and to such an extent is this true that even if the father should grant him permission, he, nevertheless, cannot legally execute a will. 1Persons who are deaf and dumb cannot make a will, but where anyone becomes dumb or deaf through illness, or any other accident, after the will has been executed, it will still be valid.
Dig. 28,1,8Gaius libro septimo decimo ad edictum provinciale. Eius qui apud hostes est testamentum quod ibi fecit non valet, quamvis redierit. 1Si cui aqua et igni interdictum sit, eius nec illud testamentum valet quod ante fecit nec id quod postea fecerit: bona quoque, quae tunc habuit cum damnaretur, publicabuntur aut, si non videantur lucrosa, creditoribus concedentur. 2In insulam deportati in eadem causa sunt: 3Sed relegati in insulam et quibus terra Italica et sua provincia interdicitur testamenti faciendi ius retinent. 4Hi vero, qui ad ferrum aut ad bestias aut in metallum damnantur, libertatem perdunt bonaque eorum publicantur: unde apparet amittere eos testamenti factionem.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book VII. A will executed by a person while in the power of the enemy is not valid, even though he should return. 1Where fire and water have been forbidden to anyone, no will which he made previously or subsequently will be valid, and whatever property he was possessed of at the time of his condemnation shall be confiscated; or, if it does not seem to be sufficiently valuable for this to be done it shall be abandoned to his creditors. 2Persons who have been deported to an island are in the same condition. 3Those, however, who have been relegated to an island, and such as have been forbidden to remain in Italy or in their own province, retain the right to make a will. 4Moreover, those who have been sentenced to fight in the arena, or to be thrown to wild beasts, or to work in the mines, forfeit their liberty, and their property is confiscated; from whence it is evident that they lose the right to make a will.
Dig. 28,2,30Gaius libro septimo decimo ad edictum provinciale. Inter cetera, quae ad ordinanda testamenta necessario desiderantur, principale ius est de liberis heredibus instituendis vel exheredandis, ne praeteritis istis rumpatur testamentum: namque filio qui in potestate est praeterito inutile est testamentum.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XVII. Among other things which are necessarily provided for in the execution of wills, one of the most important has reference to the appointment or disinheritance of children as heirs; lest, they having been passed over, the will may be broken; for a will is void where a son who is under paternal control is passed over.
Dig. 28,5,31Gaius libro septimo decimo ad edictum provinciale. Non minus servos quam liberos heredes instituere possumus, si modo eorum scilicet servi sint, quos ipsos heredes instituere possumus, cum testamenti factio cum servis ex persona dominorum introducta est. 1Hereditarium servum ante aditam hereditatem ideo placuit heredem institui posse, quia creditum est hereditatem dominam esse defuncti locum optinere.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XVII. We can appoint as heirs not only slaves but freemen, provided that the slaves belong to parties whom themselves we can appoint, since the making of a will with reference to slaves is a right derived from the authority of their masters. 1The power to appoint a slave who forms part of an estate before the estate has been entered upon is based upon the principle that the estate is considered to be the owner of the slave, and to occupy the place of the deceased.
Dig. 29,3,1Gaius libro septimo decimo ad edictum provinciale. Omnibus, quicumque desiderant tabulas testamenti inspicere vel etiam describere, inspiciendi describendique potestatem facturum se praetor pollicetur: quod vel suo vel alieno nomine desideranti tribuere eum manifestum est. 1Ratio autem huius edicti manifesta est: neque enim sine iudice transigi neque apud iudicem exquiri veritas de his controversiis, quae ex testamento proficiscerentur, aliter potest quam inspectis cognitisque verbis testamenti. 2Si quis neget sigillum suum agnoscere, non ideo quidem minus aperiuntur tabulae, sed alias suspectae fiunt.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XVII. The Prætor promises that he will grant the privilege of examining and copying a will to all who desire to inspect one or copy it. It is plain that he will grant this permission to anyone who desires it either in his own name or in that of another. 1Ad Dig. 29,3,1,1Windscheid: Lehrbuch des Pandektenrechts, 7. Aufl. 1891, Bd. II, § 414, Note 12.The reason for the adoption of this Edict is plain; for one cannot, without judicial authority, carry out the provisions of a will, nor can the truth be ascertained by the court in those controversies which arise out of the interpretations of wills, except by the examination and investigation of the language contained therein. 2Where anyone refuses to acknowledge his seal, this does not prevent the opening of a will, but it becomes suspicious for this reason.
Dig. 29,3,3Gaius libro septimo decimo ad edictum provinciale. Ipsi tamen heredi vindicatio tabularum sicut ceterarum hereditariarum rerum competit et ob id ad exhibendum quoque agere potest.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XVII. The heir is, nevertheless, entitled to an action for the recovery of the will, just as for property belonging to the estate, and on this account he can bring an action to compel the production of the will.
Dig. 29,4,13Gaius libro septimo decimo ad edictum provinciale. Etsi non totam aliquis hereditatem partemve eius, ex qua heres institutus est, ab intestato possideat, sed vel minimam portiunculam vel etiam unam aliquam rem, tenetur hoc edicto,
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XVII. Even if the heir should not come into possession of the entire estate, or a large portion of the same on the ground of intestacy, but only of a very small part of that for which he was appointed, and also where he only holds a single article belonging to it, he will be liable under this Edict.
Dig. 29,4,15Idem libro septimo decimo ad edictum provinciale. Nec id iniquum est, cum ex suo quisque vitio hoc incommodo adficiatur.
The Same, On the Provincial Edict, Book XVII. For this is not unjust, since the person suffers this inconvenience through his own fault,
Dig. 29,4,17Idem libro septimo decimo ad edictum provinciale. Si quis omissa causa testamenti omnino eam hereditatem non possideat, excluduntur legatarii: nam liberum cuique esse debet etiam lucrosam hereditatem omittere, licet eo modo legata libertatesque intercidunt. sed in fideicommissariis hereditatibus id provisum est, ut, si scriptus heres nollet adire hereditatem, iussu praetoris adeat et restituat: quod beneficium his, quibus singulae res per fideicommissum relictae sint, non magis tributum est quam legatariis.
The Same, On the Provincial Edict, Book XVII. If anyone, having relinquished his rights under the will, should not be in possession of the entire estate, the legatees are excluded; for everyone should be free to reject even a profitable inheritance, even though in this way legacies and grants of freedom may be annulled. It has been provided, however, with reference to estates bequeathed in trust, that if the appointed heir should decline to accept the estate, he can be compelled to do so by order of the Prætor, and to surrender it to the beneficiaries of the trust; but this advantage is not enjoyed by those to whom separate articles have been bequeathed by way of trust, any more than it is by legatees.
Dig. 29,4,19Idem libro septimo decimo ad edictum provinciale. Praeterea patrono quoque qui ex asse heres institutus est si ab intestato possederit hereditatem, commodum partis debitae, quod habiturus foret, si ex testamento adisset hereditatem, salvum ei debet esse.
The Same, On the Provincial Edict, Book XVII. Moreover, where a patron has been appointed heir to the whole estate, and by renouncing his rights under the will obtains possession ab intestato, he should always be entitled to the benefit of the share which is due to him, and which he would have obtained if he had entered upon the estate by virtue of the will.
Dig. 29,5,9Gaius libro septimo decimo ad edictum provinciale. Cum fisco caduca bona defuncti addicantur propter inultam mortem, in eum legatorum actio datur: et libertates ratae sunt eorum scilicet, qui senatus consulto excipiuntur.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XVII. When the property of a deceased person is confiscated by the Treasury because his death was unavenged, an action is granted against it in favor of the legatees, and all grants of freedom to slaves shall be perfected; that is to say, of such as are excepted from the provisions of the Decree of the Senate.
Dig. 29,5,25Gaius libro septimo decimo ad edictum provinciale. Lege Cornelia cavetur de praemio accusatoris, qui requisivit et renuntiavit eos servos, qui ex ea familia ante quaestionem fugerint, ut in singulos servos quos convicerit quinque aureos ex bonis occisi aut, si inde redigi ea quantitas non possit, ex publico accipiat. quod praemium non in omnes servos, qui sub eodem tecto locove fuerint, sed in eos solos, qui caedem admisissent, accusatori tribuitur. 1Praeterea cavetur, ut de his, qui ante quaestionem habitam fugerint, si aperto testamento liberi scripti inveniantur, lege de sicariis iudicium fiat ita, ut ex vinculis causam dicant et convicti perinde ac servi puniantur et ei qui convicerit deni aurei praemii nomine darentur ex bonis damnati. 2Ex hoc edicto actio proficiscitur contra eum, qui adversus edictum praetoris tabulas testamenti aperuisse dicetur vel si quid aliud fecisse dicetur: nam ut ex supra dictis apparet, plura sunt, propter quae poena edicti constituta est. palam est autem popularem actionem esse, cuius poena in centum aureos ex bonis damnati extenditur: et inde partem dimidiam ei, cuius opera convictus erit, praemii nomine se daturum praetor pollicetur, partem in publicum redacturum.
Gaius, On the Provincial Edict, Book XVII. It is provided by the Cornelian Law with reference to the reward to which an accuser is entitled who seeks out and gives information of the whereabouts of slaves who have fled before torture was applied, that he shall receive five aurei out of the estate of the deceased for each slave that he convicts, or if this sum can not be obtained from that source, it shall be paid out of the Public Treasury. This reward shall not be given for the apprehension and conviction of every slave who was under the same roof and in the same place with the deceased, but only for those who are found guilty of the murder. 1It is also provided with reference to those slaves who fled before torture was applied, that if, after the will has been opened, it should be found that they were granted their freedom thereby, judgment shall be rendered in accordance with the law relating to assassins: so that they cannot defend themselves after having been imprisoned, and that if they are convicted, they shall be punished just like slaves, and ten aurei shall be taken out of the estate, by way of reward, and given to the party who convicted them. 2Proceedings are instituted under this Edict against a person who, contrary to the provisions of the Edict of the Prætor, is said to have opened the will, or to have committed some other act, in violation of them; for (as in evident from what has been previously stated) there are many things on account of which the penalty prescribed by the Edict can be imposed. It is clear that this action is a popular one, and its penalty is a hundred aurei to be taken from the property of the person who is convicted; and the Prætor promises that half of said sum shall be given by way of reward to him by whose efforts the criminal was found guilty, and the other half shall be turned into the Public Treasury.